CBS News' Major Garrett: Trump's Agenda of Helping Minority Communities Is a 'Policy Legacy'

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
CBS News' Major Garrett applauded President Donald Trump and his administration for making strides to help minority communities. According to Garrett, Trump's successes are a "legacy" that "almost any president would want to claim."

Garrett named a number of the administration's successes, including funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and the passage of the FIRST STEP Act, which focuses on helping inmates reenter society and slow the recidivism rate.

"It can be fairly said that this administration, because of President Trump's quiet prodding, has done quite a bit for funding of Historically Black Colleges and Universities. The FIRST STEP Act, which was a massive first step towards criminal justice reform..." Garrett explained. "Just a couple weeks ago in this newly-signed defense bill there is a law that says if you are seeking work for the federal government or any contractor, you don't have to be asked – and you can't be asked – about your criminal history until right toward the end. That's a significant change long sought by criminal justice advocates. Plus opportunities owned in the tax bill directed at communities of color."

"That is a legacy, on the agenda side, that almost any president after three years, would want to claim," Garrett concluded.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

More than a policy legacy, which I believe he really doesn't care about as his achievements speak for themselves. But looking back on his history he always helped the minorities....NOW he is showing just how LITTLE both parties cared about blacks over 7 plus decades!....That demonRAT FREE SHIT has made them dependent on the demonRAT PARTY.... The minority Italians, Asians, and Chinese did not have WELFARE to fall back on...either they succeeded on their own or THEY DIED!! A shame a good man has to be dragged through the dirt in order to show just how great he is!
In other news, Major Garrett is called a racist by the entire left, fired by CBS and is returning to Fox News..:21:
You can’t think for yourself in the corporate media world.

He didn’t mindlessly repeat the ORANGE MAN BAD mantra,

He will pay for his insubordination to the Dimms and the corporate media.
If Trump wins the black vote in 2020 major Garrett will commit suicide lol
It’s going to be fun to watch the left attack Garrett for DARING TO SPEAK THE TRUTH.

You want to piss off a conservative, you lie.

You want to piss off a liberal, you tell the truth.

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