CBS news poll on impeachment shows media as liars !!

CBS News poll: Majority of Americans and Democrats approve of Trump impeachment inquiry

So many parts to this poll and so
Many lying liberal media trying to fool

53 % says democrats are simply trying to hurt trumps reelection

47% says democrats are trying to find justice

And when separated to the men .. That would be a strong majority of the men saying Demorats are trying to hurt trumps re election

These men's anger will keep rising and they will solve the crooked deep state once and for all

All these polls are total bullshit now.

First they won't disclose the demographics. Where the polling was done. Most likely in California. They target left leaning areas then try to pass it off as a fair cross section of the country.

Second they claim fairness by saying the sampling reflects the cross section of the country based on registered voters. Claiming more people are registered Democrats than Republicans and Independents.

It's all bullshit designed to sway public opinion. America proved this when all the polls showed Hillaryous winning.

Social media has backfired on the libtarded loons. They thought they had the propaganda machine all wrapped up but when Conservatives started destroying the libtardos they started censoring content.

And now the American men agrees as well as the military

The democrats have commited suicide !!
I can't believe CBS actually thinks this poll will be taken seriously. CBS thinks people are stupid enough to believe this BS poll. The whole MSM are the same way. That makes them all stupid for underestimating the intelligence of the American people.

The Sleeping Giant of the American public is beginning to waken.

The dems think they can get away with the crap they're pulling. They are wrong.
...Do you people really think Trump's supporters are going to stop supporting him because of that? :laughing0301:...
Yes. I saw Republicans run away from Tricky Dick in 1974 for far less, once the evidence became overwhelming.

Republicans: Americans who believed in The People and their Republic and its Constitution first, and party second.

The country is filled to the rafters with Republicans who believe in such things and who would rather lose an election than their country.

Every generation or two, a political party will pick-up a "stinker" whom they can't get rid of easily, but...

Sooner or later, the 'stinker' gets derailed, and our national political life comes off of life support and thrives again.

The latest de-railing process has begun. :21:

That's because Nixon was a vile POS.

These days it's the cabal of Dems and media who are the villains.
BTW... the Republican Men called while you were out... left a message ... "Stay off our side... please."

This did make me LOL. Every one of these threads eventually involves some mention of a "logic test"

Impeach the fucker

So what if they do? He's still going to be President for the next 5 years.

That's true, and their heads will explode when he appoints the next Supreme Court Justice or maybe even two. For Trump, having this Democratic House is like being married to the lowest form of hater and liar that exists. Give that man a Republican majority and watch this country become even greater. Keep the Democratic majority in the house and this country will be in the toilet, right next to your pension fund and job.
BTW... the Republican Men called while you were out... left a message ... "Stay off our side... please."

This did make me LOL. Every one of these threads eventually involves some mention of a "logic test"


That logic test understanding for voting is spreading fast

Women are fighting it

China and the whole world is stopping women’s vote quickly

China will trust America more if we have a logic test for voters and will then work with trump America

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