CBS Poll: 84% of Democrats Want ObamaCare Changed or Repealed

Great, but again that doesn't change what I said.

Well. except that you incorrectly linked Romneycare and Obamacare.. but nice try

Let me check again...nope I sure didn't. But then again, you've abandoned trying to show examples of a healthcare system being successful and free of government involvement. So I know you're desperate to find some other point to try and "win". You go sluggger!

(one that hopes that continuing to repeat a lie often enough others will fall for it)
Well. except that you incorrectly linked Romneycare and Obamacare.. but nice try

Let me check again...nope I sure didn't. But then again, you've abandoned trying to show examples of a healthcare system being successful and free of government involvement. So I know you're desperate to find some other point to try and "win". You go sluggger!

(one that hopes that continuing to repeat a lie often enough others will fall for it)

Right. I am on to your game plan. Provide no evidence of what you support and then disappear when asked for proof.
CBS Poll: 84% of Democrats Want ObamaCare Changed or Repealed

CBS Poll: 84% of Democrats Want ObamaCare Changed or Repealed

88% of dems, in other words, want ACA kept as is or reformed.

Only 12% want it repealed.
See, this is your problem, you only want to look at want Dems want, which is only half of this countries citizens. You take that 12% and add it to those of other citizens wants and more than half the country wants it repealed.

Unlike you and the other partisan dems and pubs, I look at the whole picture. I was helping Jackson with his analysis doing in reverse what he did with the numbers.

In other words, pubs don't like ACA and dems do.

Whole picture, sonny.
Great, but again that doesn't change what I said.

Well. except that you incorrectly linked Romneycare and Obamacare.. but nice try

Let me check again...nope I sure didn't. But then again, you've abandoned trying to show examples of a healthcare system being successful and free of government involvement. So I know you're desperate to find some other point to try and "win". You go sluggger!

No.. I correctly showed that the CARE is just fine (we have the finest doctors, facilities, procedures, etc in the world).. it is the system of required insurance, hidden parts of insurance, not knowing charges because of insurance, etc etc that is the issue... because of the very government interference you call for, you have the problems and high costs in the system.. and you call for more government in the mix.. priceless.. this has all come about by the 'cover all' mentality brought to you by the government itself...

Bring back competition and OPENNESS to the charges, etc... THEN is when it becomes affordable.. not when you have more and more government, more and more taxation, more and more levels, more and more unknowns in the system...

One doctor in this area (who we are now getting on board with if we can avoid the fucking Obamacare mandates) has stopped taking insurance for basic care and offering something they call concierge subscription or something along those lines.. instead charging a small monthly fee that covers most everything but CATASTROPHIC issues... our neighbor WITHOUT insurance has been with him for a while and his small monthly fee covered the setting and casting of his son's broken leg which we all know would have been a huge cost in the huge hidden insurance scheme.. thousands of dollars funneled everywhere.. yet this was not the case in this system.. and the difference is?? The government mandates, involvement and the huge bullshit system we have in place..

Government in your healthcare system, and government healthcare itself is your problem.. not your solution
Well. except that you incorrectly linked Romneycare and Obamacare.. but nice try

Let me check again...nope I sure didn't. But then again, you've abandoned trying to show examples of a healthcare system being successful and free of government involvement. So I know you're desperate to find some other point to try and "win". You go sluggger!

No.. I correctly showed that the CARE is just fine (we have the finest doctors, facilities, procedures, etc in the world).. it is the system of required insurance, hidden parts of insurance, not knowing charges because of insurance, etc etc that is the issue... because of the very government interference you call for, you have the problems and high costs in the system.. and you call for more government in the mix.. priceless.. this has all come about by the 'cover all' mentality brought to you by the government itself...

Bring back competition and OPENNESS to the charges, etc... THEN is when it becomes affordable.. not when you have more and more government, more and more taxation, more and more levels, more and more unknowns in the system...

One doctor in this area (who we are now getting on board with if we can avoid the fucking Obamacare mandates) has stopped taking insurance for basic care and offering something they call concierge subscription or something along those lines.. instead charging a small monthly fee that covers most everything but CATASTROPHIC issues... our neighbor WITHOUT insurance has been with him for a while and his small monthly fee covered the setting and casting of his son's broken leg which we all know would have been a huge cost in the huge hidden insurance scheme.. thousands of dollars funneled everywhere.. yet this was not the case in this system.. and the difference is?? The government mandates, involvement and the huge bullshit system we have in place..

Government in your healthcare system, and government healthcare itself is your problem.. not your solution

Repeating the same thing over again doesn't magically answer the question that you've avoided continually. Everything and I mean Everything you pretend to believe in is based on assumptions, because you have NO, not one, example of this being implemented and working in the real world.

This is why you refuse to point out a system that operates in a manner that you're suggesting. You're refusing, because you can't do it, because it doesn't exist.

Our current system is the closest to what you're suggesting and that's why we're nowhere near the best healthcare system in the world. Sure we're great if you have lots of money, but that only covers a portion of the population.

You're a broken record who has been exposed to be all about unrealistic ideas that wouldn't work in the real world. But that explains pretty much everything you believe in. Let me know when you're ready to join the real world.
CBS Poll: 84% of Democrats Want ObamaCare Changed or Repealed

A fascinating number in Wednesday's CBS poll is that only 7% of the American public want ObamaCare "kept in place."

A full 93% either believe that changes are needed to the law (48%) or want a full repeal (43%). This pits President Obama and Democrat lawmakers -- who thus far have refused to make any meaningful changes -- against 93% of the American people and 72% of Democrats.

Moreover, only 12% of Democrats want ObamaCare "kept as is." .

." Another 12% want it repealed.

CBS Poll: 84% of Democrats Want ObamaCare Changed or Repealed

Congress is listening to the people this year. Not too much to Obama. We could be talking about a veto proof Congress in a couple of months. Possibility...

How many thousands of dollars do you want to bet on that?
Nice misrepresentation of the poll.

Here's what it really said:

7% the law is working well.

48% There are some good things in the law, but some changes are needed to make it work better. in reality, most Americans want to keep the law, but most of them would like to see it improved.
Let me check again...nope I sure didn't. But then again, you've abandoned trying to show examples of a healthcare system being successful and free of government involvement. So I know you're desperate to find some other point to try and "win". You go sluggger!

(one that hopes that continuing to repeat a lie often enough others will fall for it)

Right. I am on to your game plan. Provide no evidence of what you support and then disappear when asked for proof.

what are you talking about? You make crap up about what we were even discussing. Once again trying to lie in hopes of taking the ownous off yourself.
88% of dems, in other words, want ACA kept as is or reformed.

Only 12% want it repealed.
See, this is your problem, you only want to look at want Dems want, which is only half of this countries citizens. You take that 12% and add it to those of other citizens wants and more than half the country wants it repealed.

Unlike you and the other partisan dems and pubs, I look at the whole picture. I was helping Jackson with his analysis doing in reverse what he did with the numbers.

In other words, pubs don't like ACA and dems do.

Whole picture, sonny.

whole picture, sonny -

Fifty-eight percent of independent voters trust Republicans more on health care, according to new polling data.

Independents are less likely to trust Obama, with only 8 percent reporting they are more likely, compared with 64 percent less. Their approval of the Affordable Care Act is also low, with 28 percent reporting favorable views compared with 63 percent disapproval.
Poll: Independents Identify More With Republicans on Obamacare -
Cute story, but also a lie. Look up how many negative stories were run on Romney ( most not dealing with his idea of repeal) versus Obama during the election campaign period.
Andd Obama ran on the lie that you could keep your insurance and doc if you like it/them as well as the lie the average family would save $2500 a year!

Where do you find that because you must have a chart somewhere that shows Negative stories. Or you're just whining. Pick one

Coverage of the Candidates by Media Sector and Cable Outlet | Pew Research Center's Journalism Project


A TONE Poll??! :lol:
Massachusetts implemented RomneyCare in 2006. As a result, that state now has the highest per capita healthcare costs in the country.

Five years after its implementation, 60 percent of those polled said it needed fixes.

This all sounds like it would doom RomneyCare, and ObamaCare by extension.

Nevertheless, 74 percent said they wanted to keep RomneyCare around. This is the part that is ignored by, or unknown to, opponents.

So it will be with ObamaCare.
"Five years after its (RomneyCare) implementation, 60 percent of those polled said it needed fixes."

"So it will be with ObamaCare."

Hehheheheheheh: Analysis | Even in Trump’s base, his path forward on health care is awfully unpopular

It’s still the case that three-quarters of the people who voted for him and three-quarters of Republicans overall want to see Obamacare repealed and replaced. The majority of Americans disagree, mind you, thanks to large majorities of Democrats and independents who think that it’s preferable to improve the existing law. Sixty-one percent of Americans overall hold that view.

CBS Poll: 84% of Democrats Want ObamaCare Changed or Repealed
There is a huge difference between "changed" (i.e. fixed) and "repealed".

At least 75% of Democrats want ObamaCare fixed, not repealed.

And a majority of all Americans, 61%, want it fixed.
CBS Poll: 84% of Democrats Want ObamaCare Changed or Repealed
There is a huge difference between "changed" (i.e. fixed) and "repealed".

At least 75% of Democrats want ObamaCare fixed, not repealed.

And a majority of all Americans, 61%, want it fixed.

All major bills passed by The Congress wanted to be a horse, and we ended up with a camel. It's how compromise works, no one gets what they wanted, and most of what we get needs fixing.

From the get-go the conservative opposition to health care reform was under attack, calling it Socialism and creating a hysterical response from easily led and basically ignorant people to oppose it. Then, the GOP made it their clarion call, no matter who it harmed or who might stand to profit.
From all information, left right middle. 80% want it fixed, take the Obama name off it, get both political party's to stop using it for political reasons, sit down and make it work. its here, some of it works well for the average American, some not. if no one has been able to come up with a better plan why not do the work to fix the plan we have..

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