CBS Poll: 84% of Democrats Want ObamaCare Changed or Repealed

The real problem here is that the ACA bill was passed on a strickly partisan basis with no bi-partisan discussion or debate, no public debate, nothing on c-span as obama promised. Passed in the dark of night on Christmas eve before anyone had a chance to read it.

It was written in a sealed room by dem staffers and is full of pork and taxes that have nothing to do with medicine.

It is a terrible law passed in a corrupt manner.

As usual, you're flat out wrong. But please, don't let that stop you.

LOL - "strickly"

please excuse my typo, idiot.

now, tell us when there was bi-partisan debate and discussion on the ACA bill--not the general topic of healthcare, the specific bill that was passed by the dems and signed by obama.

Can't can you?

No need to apologize, we know who and what you are.

The was a great deal of debate over the ACA. Remember Palin's "death panels". That was about a provision in the ACA. A provision that was withdrawn because of her retarded comment.

The GOP also offered up a lot of amendments to the bill.

Don't be rewriting recent history.
Massachusetts implemented RomneyCare in 2006. As a result, that state now has the highest per capita healthcare costs in the country.

Five years after its implementation, 60 percent of those polled said it needed fixes.

This all sounds like it would doom RomneyCare, and ObamaCare by extension.

Nevertheless, 74 percent said they wanted to keep RomneyCare around. This is the part that is ignored by, or unknown to, opponents.

So it will be with ObamaCare.

And a further point always ignored? The constituents in that state actually voted for Romneycare - they did not have it forced on them such as Obamacare was all Americans.

Romney ran on repealing the ACA, his defeat was the vote in support of the ACA.

total fantasy. Romney lost because the media slandered him, the dems ran a better campaign, and conservatives stayed home.

the 2012 election was NOT a referendum on ACA. If it was, Romney would have won because at that time 65% of americans did not support it.
I have never said the crisis warranted destroying the entire system. I utterly oppose ObamaCare.

But we did have a crisis that needed action. And the GOP is guilty of inaction when they had all the opportunity in the world to implement some free market solutions.

They are all the more guilty because the Democrats were plainly signaling what they would do if they got the chance, and still they did nothing.

The real problem here is that the ACA bill was passed on a strickly partisan basis with no bi-partisan discussion or debate, no public debate, nothing on c-span as obama promised. Passed in the dark of night on Christmas eve before anyone had a chance to read it.

It was written in a sealed room by dem staffers and is full of pork and taxes that have nothing to do with medicine.

It is a terrible law passed in a corrupt manner.

As usual, you're flat out wrong. But please, don't let that stop you.

LOL - "strickly"

who is flat out wrong? Think you might want to research the facts and apologize -
Instead, Democratic aides said the final compromise talks would essentially be a three-way negotiation involving top Democrats in the House and Senate and the White House, a structure that gives unusual latitude to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California.

Democrats plan to fast-track final health care bill to shut out GOP opponents - The Boston Globe
:lol: thats some funny shit :lol::lol::lol: you should take your act to Letterman. :lol:

You are living in denial. I've known that for a while.

The evidence speaks for itself.

Hillarycare was the same fiasco as obamacare. The GOP did the right thing in opposing both of them.

The GOp has made some sensible suggestions to fix the problems that we have with medicine, mainly that it has gotten too expensive. But the dems and libs are not really interested in fixing the problems with the current system, they are determined to ram socialized medicine up our butts even though a large majority of americans do not want it.

No..neither was the "fiasco".

The actual fiasco is thinking that the majority of Americans do not want socialized health care.

They do..and they keep sending people to Washington to make it happen.
And a further point always ignored? The constituents in that state actually voted for Romneycare - they did not have it forced on them such as Obamacare was all Americans.

Romney ran on repealing the ACA, his defeat was the vote in support of the ACA.

total fantasy. Romney lost because the media slandered him, the dems ran a better campaign, and conservatives stayed home.

the 2012 election was NOT a referendum on ACA. If it was, Romney would have won because at that time 65% of americans did not support it.

That is what Romney ran on. And Obama made the election a referendum on ObamaCare.

Which makes Obama's lies about it all that more pernicious.

Now we have the right claiming Romney would have won if those lies had been known. That is an admission the election was about ObamaCare.

Can't have it both ways.
As usual, you're flat out wrong. But please, don't let that stop you.

LOL - "strickly"

please excuse my typo, idiot.

now, tell us when there was bi-partisan debate and discussion on the ACA bill--not the general topic of healthcare, the specific bill that was passed by the dems and signed by obama.

Can't can you?

No need to apologize, we know who and what you are.

The was a great deal of debate over the ACA. Remember Palin's "death panels". That was about a provision in the ACA. A provision that was withdrawn because of her retarded comment.

The GOP also offered up a lot of amendments to the bill.

Don't be rewriting recent history.

There was no debate on the floor of the house or senate---NONE, ZERO. ZILCH. Pelosi and reid would not allow any republican amendments, did not allow any open debate, forced the vote on Christmas eve, and rammed it through before anyone, including them, knew what was in it.

You are the one attempting to rewrite history.
please excuse my typo, idiot.

now, tell us when there was bi-partisan debate and discussion on the ACA bill--not the general topic of healthcare, the specific bill that was passed by the dems and signed by obama.

Can't can you?

No need to apologize, we know who and what you are.

The was a great deal of debate over the ACA. Remember Palin's "death panels". That was about a provision in the ACA. A provision that was withdrawn because of her retarded comment.

The GOP also offered up a lot of amendments to the bill.

Don't be rewriting recent history.

There was no debate on the floor of the house or senate---NONE, ZERO. ZILCH. Pelosi and reid would not allow any republican amendments, did not allow any open debate, forced the vote on Christmas eve, and rammed it through before anyone, including them, knew what was in it.

You are the one attempting to rewrite history.

That was the final version. You are being disingenuos as hell. There were months of debates before the final version was passed.

Please tell us what was in the final version that was not available for debate prior to that evening. Please tell us what amendments the Republicans were not able to submit.
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You are living in denial. I've known that for a while.

The evidence speaks for itself.

Hillarycare was the same fiasco as obamacare. The GOP did the right thing in opposing both of them.

The GOp has made some sensible suggestions to fix the problems that we have with medicine, mainly that it has gotten too expensive. But the dems and libs are not really interested in fixing the problems with the current system, they are determined to ram socialized medicine up our butts even though a large majority of americans do not want it.

No..neither was the "fiasco".

The actual fiasco is thinking that the majority of Americans do not want socialized health care.

They do..and they keep sending people to Washington to make it happen.

do you have anything to back your foolish claim that a majority of americans want socialized medicine? If so, either post it or admit that you are lying once again.
The was a great deal of debate over the ACA. Remember Palin's "death panels". That was about a provision in the ACA. A provision that was withdrawn because of her retarded comment.

The GOP also offered up a lot of amendments to the bill.

Don't be rewriting recent history.

There was no debate on the floor of the house or senate---NONE, ZERO. ZILCH. Pelosi and reid would not allow any republican amendments, did not allow any open debate, forced the vote on Christmas eve, and rammed it through before anyone, including them, knew what was in it.

You are the one attempting to rewrite history.

That was the final version. You are being disingenuos as hell. There were months of debates before the final version was passed.

Please tell us what was in the final version that was not available for debate prior to that evening. Please tell us what amendments the Republicans were not able to submit.

It was NOT available, the piece of shit was not even completed until a couple of hours before the vote.
The was a great deal of debate over the ACA. Remember Palin's "death panels". That was about a provision in the ACA. A provision that was withdrawn because of her retarded comment.

The GOP also offered up a lot of amendments to the bill.

Don't be rewriting recent history.

There was no debate on the floor of the house or senate---NONE, ZERO. ZILCH. Pelosi and reid would not allow any republican amendments, did not allow any open debate, forced the vote on Christmas eve, and rammed it through before anyone, including them, knew what was in it.

You are the one attempting to rewrite history.

That was the final version. You are being disingenuos as hell. There were months of debates before the final version was passed.

Please tell us what was in the final version that was not available for debate prior to that evening. Please tell us what amendments the Republicans were not able to submit.

discussing a subject in general is not the same as discussing the merits of a specific bill.

nice try, but you failed once again
What if,

1. We spent as much on Health Care as we do on defense?

2. We put every health care provider who committed fraud into federal prison and made them pay the daily rate for their confinement?

3. We spent as much time discussing children's health and education as we do opposing abortion?

4. We provided age appropriate education on human sexuality in the pubic schools, as part of a comprehensive health curriculum? Including contraception tools and techniques, the types and nature of STD's and how to prevent them?

5. What if we told Karzai to go fuck himself and brought our service personnel home. Then hired those separated from active duty and so inclined, to work in law enforcement where they can actually protect us.

6. What if we stopped arguing about economic policy and actually put our people to work?
Here is the GOP's own list of amendments they submitted to the ACA:

No less than 101 amendments were submitted to the Rules Committee, and no less than 10 amendments were submitted to the Budget Committee.

Several GOP amendments were included in the final legislation.

This "shut out of the debates" bullshit is just that. We were all around at the time and well remember the debates and the haggling and arguing that took place over the course of a year over this legislation.
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But as I have pointed out time and again, the GOP was positioned to control the issue when it had all the power.

Whining about being the underdog after they passed up the opportunity to do something about it when they were on top is cheap grandstanding. It is theater for the rubes. They knew exactly was coming to them for doing nothing about the problem when they had the chance.

The GOP sold us all into bondage to the liberals of the Democratic Party.
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Here is the GOP's own list of amendments they submitted to the ACA:

No less than 101 amendments were submitted to the Rules Committee, and no less than 10 amendments were submitted to the Budget Committee.

Several GOP amendments were included in the final legislation.

This "shut out of the debates" bullshit is just that. We were all around at the time and well remember the debates and the haggling and arguing that took place over the course of a year over this legislation.

Yes, there was general discussion on the subject of healthcare.

The point is that there was no debate or discussion or amendments allowed on the bill that became law. The ACA bill was written and passed by dems only. It belongs to them and Obama, totally.
The real problem here is that the ACA bill was passed on a strickly partisan basis with no bi-partisan discussion or debate, no public debate, nothing on c-span as obama promised. Passed in the dark of night on Christmas eve before anyone had a chance to read it.

It was written in a sealed room by dem staffers and is full of pork and taxes that have nothing to do with medicine.

It is a terrible law passed in a corrupt manner.

As usual, you're flat out wrong. But please, don't let that stop you.

LOL - "strickly"

who is flat out wrong? Think you might want to research the facts and apologize -
Instead, Democratic aides said the final compromise talks would essentially be a three-way negotiation involving top Democrats in the House and Senate and the White House, a structure that gives unusual latitude to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California.

Democrats plan to fast-track final health care bill to shut out GOP opponents - The Boston Globe


He's not wrong.

Republicans wanted it to die in committee.

That's why Democrats "fast-tracked" it.
Here is the GOP's own list of amendments they submitted to the ACA:

No less than 101 amendments were submitted to the Rules Committee, and no less than 10 amendments were submitted to the Budget Committee.

Several GOP amendments were included in the final legislation.

This "shut out of the debates" bullshit is just that. We were all around at the time and well remember the debates and the haggling and arguing that took place over the course of a year over this legislation.

Yes, there was general discussion on the subject of healthcare.

The point is that there was no debate or discussion or amendments allowed on the bill that became law. The ACA bill was written and passed by dems only. It belongs to them and Obama, totally.

Republican ideas were all included in committee. The bill was a Republican idea to begin with. Then, when they saw it might be actually voted on, they tried to kill it. Just like they did with HillaryCare.

But Obama had the luxury of history.

And was able to suss that out.
Here is the GOP's own list of amendments they submitted to the ACA:

No less than 101 amendments were submitted to the Rules Committee, and no less than 10 amendments were submitted to the Budget Committee.

Several GOP amendments were included in the final legislation.

This "shut out of the debates" bullshit is just that. We were all around at the time and well remember the debates and the haggling and arguing that took place over the course of a year over this legislation.

Yes, there was general discussion on the subject of healthcare.

The point is that there was no debate or discussion or amendments allowed on the bill that became law. The ACA bill was written and passed by dems only.

With several GOP amendments.

The "shut out of the debates" meme is bullshit. Just because no Republicans voted for it does not mean they were shut out.

Like I said, that shit is theater for the rubes so they don't notice the GOP had the chance to be the top dog on health care reform and sold us all out instead.
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As usual, you're flat out wrong. But please, don't let that stop you.

LOL - "strickly"

who is flat out wrong? Think you might want to research the facts and apologize -
Instead, Democratic aides said the final compromise talks would essentially be a three-way negotiation involving top Democrats in the House and Senate and the White House, a structure that gives unusual latitude to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California.

Democrats plan to fast-track final health care bill to shut out GOP opponents - The Boston Globe


He's not wrong.

Republicans wanted it to die in committee.

That's why Democrats "fast-tracked" it.

Because it was, and is, bad law. we are just now finding out how bad. When 100 million lose their employer provided insurance, we will really find out what a piece of crap this law is.
Here is the GOP's own list of amendments they submitted to the ACA:

Several GOP amendments were included in the final legislation.

This "shut out of the debates" bullshit is just that. We were all around at the time and well remember the debates and the haggling and arguing that took place over the course of a year over this legislation.

Yes, there was general discussion on the subject of healthcare.

The point is that there was no debate or discussion or amendments allowed on the bill that became law. The ACA bill was written and passed by dems only.

With several GOP amendments.

The "shut out of the debates" meme is bullshit. Just because no Republicans voted for it does not mean they were shut out.

Like I said, that shit is theater for the rubes so they don't notice the GOP had the chance to be the top dog on health care reform and sold us all out instead.

Continuing to lie about it, does not change the facts.

The aCA bill was only completed a few hours before the vote. There was ZERO debate on the final version that became law. Even the dems who voted for it did not know what was in it. They too were victims of obama's lies that people could keep their policies and that average people would save $2500/year.
The dems were duped by their leader, and many of them will lose their seats next year because of it.
1989 Item: Health care costs are rising faster than inflation. More and more people are being priced out of the market.

1993 Democrat: I hereby offer up HillaryCare!

1993 Republican: Booooooo! Hissssss!

Item: GOP assumes control of Congress in January 1995.

1995 - 2000 Republican on health care: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

1995 - 2000 Democrats on health care: We need single payer. We need single payer. We need single payer.

Item: GOP assumes control of White House and continues control of Congress in 2001.

2001 - 2006 Republicans on health care: Zzzzzzzzzzzz...

2001 - 2006 Democrats on health care: We need single payer. We need single payer. We need single payer.

Item: Democrats in 2009 now control Congress and White House.

2009 Democrats: Here is our monster plan for a government takeover of healthcare.

2009 Republicans: Zzzzz...what? What did they just say? Uhhh...death panels!

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