CBS Poll: 84% of Democrats Want ObamaCare Changed or Repealed

CBS Poll: 84% of Democrats Want ObamaCare Changed or Repealed

A fascinating number in Wednesday's CBS poll is that only 7% of the American public want ObamaCare "kept in place."

A full 93% either believe that changes are needed to the law (48%) or want a full repeal (43%). This pits President Obama and Democrat lawmakers -- who thus far have refused to make any meaningful changes -- against 93% of the American people and 72% of Democrats.

Moreover, only 12% of Democrats want ObamaCare "kept as is." Another 12% want it repealed.
CBS Poll: 84% of Democrats Want ObamaCare Changed or Repealed

I'm all for throwing out ObamaCare in place of a single payer system but that's never going to happen. ObamaCare is definitely better than the system we had before though.
You're right. Single payer is the fastest way to a civil war there is.
Talks about CBS news poll. Links to Breitbart.

Well done.

Oh and I followed your link anyway. Breitbart's link to this poll is mysteriously broken.

It's almost as if you people are incapable of being honest with anything.

If a broken link means dishonesty,
Good Lord, what does the Broken Website mean?​
massachusetts implemented romneycare in 2006. As a result, that state now has the highest per capita healthcare costs in the country.

Five years after its implementation, 60 percent of those polled said it needed fixes.

This all sounds like it would doom romneycare, and obamacare by extension.

Nevertheless, 74 percent said they wanted to keep romneycare around. This is the part that is ignored by, or unknown to, opponents.

so it will be with obamacare.

CBS Poll: 84% of Democrats Want ObamaCare Changed or Repealed

CBS Poll: 84% of Democrats Want ObamaCare Changed or Repealed

I'm all for throwing out ObamaCare in place of a single payer system but that's never going to happen. ObamaCare is definitely better than the system we had before though.
You're right. Single payer is the fastest way to a civil war there is.

All hail the King of Hyperbole and Delusion!
Massachusetts implemented RomneyCare in 2006. That state now has the highest per capita healthcare costs in the country.

Five years after its implementation, 60 percent of those polled said it needed fixes.

Nevertheless, 74 percent said they wanted to keep RomneyCare around. This is the part that is ignored by its opponents.

So it will be with ObamaCare.

Sure it will

You and Jake run with that

2014 will be one of the most challenging years for the US Economy on par with FDR massive fuck up in 1937

If an extinction event meteor were heading for the Earth, and I told you about it, how stupid would you have to be to believe that I was all for the meteor hitting the Earth just because I told you about it?

That's what you sound like right now.

Rather than attacking the messenger, you should be putting up a plan to stop the meteor.

The Republican Party had 12 years to come up with a plan and actually added to the problem.
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CBS Poll: 84% of Democrats Want ObamaCare Changed or Repealed

A fascinating number in Wednesday's CBS poll is that only 7% of the American public want ObamaCare "kept in place."

A full 93% either believe that changes are needed to the law (48%) or want a full repeal (43%). This pits President Obama and Democrat lawmakers -- who thus far have refused to make any meaningful changes -- against 93% of the American people and 72% of Democrats.

Moreover, only 12% of Democrats want ObamaCare "kept as is." Another 12% want it repealed.

CBS Poll: 84% of Democrats Want ObamaCare Changed or Repealed


Almost all Democrats would rather see Single Payer.

How many Republicans would support that?


Would all the far left support a true single payer system that does not involve total 100% government control?

Like from patient to doctor?
massachusetts implemented romneycare in 2006. As a result, that state now has the highest per capita healthcare costs in the country.

Five years after its implementation, 60 percent of those polled said it needed fixes.

This all sounds like it would doom romneycare, and obamacare by extension.

Nevertheless, 74 percent said they wanted to keep romneycare around. This is the part that is ignored by, or unknown to, opponents.

so it will be with obamacare.


Costs go up. More people are suffering because of it and you want to keep it still? Why?

This is just more evidence that we are going to be destroyed as a people if we dont change. We have lost all wisdom.
Massachusetts implemented RomneyCare in 2006. That state now has the highest per capita healthcare costs in the country.

Five years after its implementation, 60 percent of those polled said it needed fixes.

Nevertheless, 74 percent said they wanted to keep RomneyCare around. This is the part that is ignored by its opponents.

So it will be with ObamaCare.

Sure it will

You and Jake run with that

2014 will be one of the most challenging years for the US Economy on par with FDR massive fuck up in 1937

If an extinction event meteor were heading for the Earth, and I told you about it, how stupid would you have to be to believe that I was all for the meteor hitting the Earth just because I told you about it?

That's what you sound like right now.

Rather than attacking the messenger, you should be putting up a plan to stop the meteor.

The Republican Party had 12 years to come up with a plan and actually added to the problem.

Because the Republicans are as bad as the Democrats; neither is a fan of the Constitution or we the people
There's something you guys need to understand. The Republican Party sold us down the river. All these fireworks from the leadership is theater for the rubes.

Think about it. In 1989, the Heritage Foundation says healthcare costs are getting out of control and we better do something about it.


What was one of the first things Clinton tried to do when he assumed the Presidency? He tried to implement what became known as "HillaryCare". But the GOP managed to defeat HillaryCare.

Then the GOP took control of Congress in 1994, in large part because of the battle over HillaryCare. The GOP took over Congress with a "Contract with America" . Remember that?

NOT ONE WORD in that Contract addressed the healthcare problem in America.

Not. One. Word.

The GOP held control of the Congress for the next 12 years. Meanwhile, the GOP gains control of the White House for 8 years. All the while, the Democratic party has been telegraphing what it will do about reforming healthcare if it is given the chance. While the GOP controls both houses of Congress and the White House, what does it do to answer the Heritage Foundation's call to action so many years ago?


Instead, they implement a new trillion dollar Medicare entitlement program for seniors to get the senior vote in 2004. They even let PAYGO expire so they can get this budget busting legislation passed.

Don't ever let anyone convince you the GOP is about balanced budgets ever again. Just remind them of PAYGO and Medicare D.

Speaking of balanced budgets, you know that balanced budget the GOP Congress passed during Clinton? It was balanced by implementing cuts to Medicare over the following ten years. But guess what every GOP Congress (and Dem Congress) did every year after that? They repealed those cuts with "doc fixes".

Don't ever let anyone convince you the GOP is about balanced budgets ever again.

Meanwhile, the all powerful, hands on all the reins GOP manages to pass two big tax cuts, start three wars (Iraq, Afghanistan, Terror), create a gigantic new Cabinet level department, implement a massive new domestic spying program, and pretty much get whatever the hell they want for more than half a decade.

But they did NOTHING about healthcare reform.

So you see, the GOP decided to completely capitulate on this issue. They made a conscious decision to do nothing and let the Democrats take it and run with it.

All this noise they are throwing up through their piss pouring media puppets is designed to conceal this very simple truth from you.

You were sold into bondage by your own party, kids.
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CBS Poll: 84% of Democrats Want ObamaCare Changed or Repealed

A fascinating number in Wednesday's CBS poll is that only 7% of the American public want ObamaCare "kept in place."

A full 93% either believe that changes are needed to the law (48%) or want a full repeal (43%). This pits President Obama and Democrat lawmakers -- who thus far have refused to make any meaningful changes -- against 93% of the American people and 72% of Democrats.

Moreover, only 12% of Democrats want ObamaCare "kept as is." Another 12% want it repealed.

CBS Poll: 84% of Democrats Want ObamaCare Changed or Repealed

I'm all for throwing out ObamaCare in place of a single payer system but that's never going to happen. ObamaCare is definitely better than the system we had before though.

Why exactly do you want single payer government controlled healthcare?
Do you think that means it would be FREE for you?
Do you think that the govt can manage anything efficiently?
Do you think its working in Canada and the UK? Its not.
What is the facination that you lefties have with socialized medicine?
There's something you guys need to understand. The Republican Party sold us down the river. All these fireworks from the leadership is theater for the rubes.

Think about it. In 1989, the Heritage Foundation says healthcare costs are getting out of control and we better do something about it.


What was one of the first things Clinton tried to do when he assumed the Presidency? He tried to implement what became known as "HillaryCare". But the GOP managed to defeat HillaryCare.

Then the GOP took control of Congress in 1994, in large part because of the battle over HillaryCare. The GOP took over Congress with a "Contract with America" . Remember that?

NOT ONE WORD in that Contract addressed the healthcare problem in America.

Not. One. Word.

The GOP held control of the Congress for the next 12 years. Meanwhile, the GOP gains control of the White House for 8 years. All the while, the Democratic party has been telegraphing what it will do about reforming healthcare if it is given the chance. While the GOP controls both houses of Congress and the White House, what does it do to answer the Heritage Foundation's call to action so many years ago?


Instead, they implement a new trillion dollar Medicare entitlement program for seniors to get the senior vote in 2004. They even let PAYGO expire so they can get this budget busting legislation passed.

Don't ever let anyone convince you the GOP is about balanced budgets ever again. Just remind them of PAYGO and Medicare D.

Speaking of balanced budgets, you know that balanced budget the GOP Congress passed during Clinton? It was balanced by implementing cuts to Medicare over the following ten years. But guess what every GOP Congress (and Dem Congress) did every year after that? They essentially repealed those cuts with "doc fixes".

Don't ever let anyone convince you the GOP is about balanced budgets ever again.

Meanwhile, the all powerful, hands on all the reins GOP manages to pass two big tax cuts, start three wars (Iraq, Afghanistan, Terror), create a gigantic new Cabinet level department, implement a massive new domestic spying program, and pretty much get whatever the hell they want for more than half a decade.

But they did NOTHING about healthcare reform.

So you see, the GOP decided to completely capitulate on this issue. They made a conscious decision to let the Democrats take it and run with it.

All this noise they are throwing up through their piss pouring puppets is designed to conceal this very simple truth from you.

You were sold into bondage by your own party, kids.

:lol: thats some funny shit :lol::lol::lol: you should take your act to Letterman. :lol:
:lol: thats some funny shit :lol::lol::lol: you should take your act to Letterman. :lol:

You are living in denial. I've known that for a while.

The evidence speaks for itself. If you look in the window, the men and the pigs are smoking cigars together and are indistringuishable from one another.

"Two legs good, four legs bad."

You've been had, sucker.
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CBS Poll: 84% of Democrats Want ObamaCare Changed or Repealed

A fascinating number in Wednesday's CBS poll is that only 7% of the American public want ObamaCare "kept in place."

A full 93% either believe that changes are needed to the law (48%) or want a full repeal (43%). This pits President Obama and Democrat lawmakers -- who thus far have refused to make any meaningful changes -- against 93% of the American people and 72% of Democrats.

Moreover, only 12% of Democrats want ObamaCare "kept as is." Another 12% want it repealed.

CBS Poll: 84% of Democrats Want ObamaCare Changed or Repealed


Almost all Democrats would rather see Single Payer.

How many Republicans would support that?


Y'all can have ocare and single payer, just leave the rest of us out of your health care scams.
:lol: thats some funny shit :lol::lol::lol: you should take your act to Letterman. :lol:

You are living in denial. I've known that for a while.

The evidence speaks for itself.

Hillarycare was the same fiasco as obamacare. The GOP did the right thing in opposing both of them.

The GOp has made some sensible suggestions to fix the problems that we have with medicine, mainly that it has gotten too expensive. But the dems and libs are not really interested in fixing the problems with the current system, they are determined to ram socialized medicine up our butts even though a large majority of americans do not want it.
CBS Poll: 84% of Democrats Want ObamaCare Changed or Repealed

A fascinating number in Wednesday's CBS poll is that only 7% of the American public want ObamaCare "kept in place."

A full 93% either believe that changes are needed to the law (48%) or want a full repeal (43%). This pits President Obama and Democrat lawmakers -- who thus far have refused to make any meaningful changes -- against 93% of the American people and 72% of Democrats.

Moreover, only 12% of Democrats want ObamaCare "kept as is." Another 12% want it repealed.

CBS Poll: 84% of Democrats Want ObamaCare Changed or Repealed


Almost all Democrats would rather see Single Payer.

How many Republicans would support that?


Exactly and that's what the right wingers are trying to distort. The vast majority of americans think the ACA doesn't go far enough, that's why they want it changed and expanded.
:lol: thats some funny shit :lol::lol::lol: you should take your act to Letterman. :lol:

You are living in denial. I've known that for a while.

The evidence speaks for itself.

Hillarycare was the same fiasco as obamacare. The GOP did the right thing in opposing both of them.

And then proceeded to do NOTHING when possessing all the power.

That's the part you continually fail to see.
massachusetts implemented romneycare in 2006. As a result, that state now has the highest per capita healthcare costs in the country.

Five years after its implementation, 60 percent of those polled said it needed fixes.

This all sounds like it would doom romneycare, and obamacare by extension.

Nevertheless, 74 percent said they wanted to keep romneycare around. This is the part that is ignored by, or unknown to, opponents.

so it will be with obamacare.


Costs go up. More people are suffering because of it and you want to keep it still? Why?

This is just more evidence that we are going to be destroyed as a people if we dont change. We have lost all wisdom.

Unlike you I believe things will get better. Its going to be ugly starting out of course. But in the end everyone will like it like Romney Care and everyone will still want it tweaked like Romney care because nothing is perfect and people have opinions. Always have and always will but feel free to post every opinion and problem like it can never be fixed.

Its all you have apparently...Doom and Gloom
CBS Poll: 84% of Democrats Want ObamaCare Changed or Repealed

CBS Poll: 84% of Democrats Want ObamaCare Changed or Repealed

I'm all for throwing out ObamaCare in place of a single payer system but that's never going to happen. ObamaCare is definitely better than the system we had before though.

Exactly. This is the part that these idiots fail to acknowledge.

I think we've jumped the gun if we are calling a system not fully in place better than our old system. When I meet a new guy at work I give him six months before I really think I've got a handle on who he is and what he wants to accomplish at work.

I think we should give this law done time before we jump to conclusions, however comma I fundamentally disagree with the premise of this law. But if it ends up working out great (highly skeptical, sorry) then my hat's off to the left.
The GOP capitulated through inaction. As a result, single payer and 60 percent-plus tax brackets are inevitable.

We have ObamaCare because, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
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:lol: thats some funny shit :lol::lol::lol: you should take your act to Letterman. :lol:

You are living in denial. I've known that for a while.

The evidence speaks for itself.

Hillarycare was the same fiasco as obamacare. The GOP did the right thing in opposing both of them.

Then Obama picked up their healthcare plan then the repubs said "lol just kidding we don't like that plan either" :lol:

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