CBS Poll: 84% of Democrats Want ObamaCare Changed or Repealed

Those numbers will go up

Political reality is setting in.

I think Avatar means that even more democrats will want Obamacare repealed.


My bad.

Clinton's numbers had peaks and did Reagan's.

It's absurd to think these reflect what will happen as ObamaCare is implemented.

Already, the CBO is making adjustments because ObamaCare is projected to save MORE money than initially thought.

But it's not like FOX or even the MSM is going to report that. :lol:
You are living in denial. I've known that for a while.

The evidence speaks for itself.

Hillarycare was the same fiasco as obamacare. The GOP did the right thing in opposing both of them.

And then proceeded to do NOTHING when possessing all the power.

That's the part you continually fail to see.

I agree that they should have made some changes. I do not agree that there was a healthcare crisis in the USA that demanded destroying the entire system.
Political reality is setting in.

I think Avatar means that even more democrats will want Obamacare repealed.


My bad.

Clinton's numbers had peaks and did Reagan's.

It's absurd to think these reflect what will happen as ObamaCare is implemented.

Already, the CBO is making adjustments because ObamaCare is projected to save MORE money than initially thought.

But it's not like FOX or even the MSM is going to report that. :lol:

got any proof of that claim?
CBS Poll: 84% of Democrats Want ObamaCare Changed or Repealed

CBS Poll: 84% of Democrats Want ObamaCare Changed or Repealed

I'm all for throwing out ObamaCare in place of a single payer system but that's never going to happen. ObamaCare is definitely better than the system we had before though.

Why exactly do you want single payer government controlled healthcare?
Do you think that means it would be FREE for you?
Do you think that the govt can manage anything efficiently?
Do you think its working in Canada and the UK? Its not.
What is the facination that you lefties have with socialized medicine?

-Because, if done right, healthcare will be for everyone including the poor.
-Not entirely, but there are different types of single payer systems
-Absolutely. They manage the military no problem. Why couldn't they healthcare?
-It is absolutely working in Canada despite what you cons like to believe. It is actually a privately funded program. 91% of Canadians prefer their healthcare system over the US's. They also believe in more public reform for their system than private. 70% of Canadians believe the system works "well" or "very well". Explain why it's not working.
-It insures fair healthcare for the poor.
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Hillarycare was the same fiasco as obamacare. The GOP did the right thing in opposing both of them.

And then proceeded to do NOTHING when possessing all the power.

That's the part you continually fail to see.

I agree that they should have made some changes. I do not agree that there was a healthcare crisis in the USA that demanded destroying the entire system.

I have never said the crisis warranted destroying the entire system. I utterly oppose ObamaCare.

But we did have a crisis that needed action. And the GOP is guilty of inaction when they had all the opportunity in the world to implement some free market solutions.

They are all the more guilty because the Democrats were plainly signaling what they would do if they got the chance, and still they did nothing.
Hillarycare was the same fiasco as obamacare. The GOP did the right thing in opposing both of them.

Then Obama picked up their healthcare plan then the repubs said "lol just kidding we don't like that plan either" :lol:

Heritage is NOT the GOP. The heritage plan was NOT a republican plan.

I know. That is because the GOP had no plan.

But the Heritage is a right wing organization. Even conservatives were recognzing as far back as 1989 that something needed to be done.
And then proceeded to do NOTHING when possessing all the power.

That's the part you continually fail to see.

I agree that they should have made some changes. I do not agree that there was a healthcare crisis in the USA that demanded destroying the entire system.

I have never said the crisis warranted destroying the entire system. I utterly oppose ObamaCare.

But we did have a crisis that needed action. And the GOP is guilty of inaction when they had all the opportunity in the world to implement some free market solutions.

They are all the more guilty because the Democrats were plainly signaling what they would do if they got the chance, and still they did nothing.

No, we didn't have a "crisis." That idea was a total fiction manufactured by the Democrat propaganda machine. A "crisis" is whatever happens to be on their agenda.
ObamaCare was sold to us as a plan to lower healthcare costs. All the hypesters kept pointing out we had the highest per capita spending on healthcare of all the developed nations.

ObamaCare will do nothing to change that. That's a simple fact we can observe by the effect RomneyCare has had on the cost of healthcare in Massachusetts. They still have the highest costs in the country.

I do not call that a solution. That is cost redistribution without actually solving the problem.

So it will be with ObamaCare.
CBS Poll: 84% of Democrats Want ObamaCare Changed or Repealed

A fascinating number in Wednesday's CBS poll is that only 7% of the American public want ObamaCare "kept in place."

A full 93% either believe that changes are needed to the law (48%) or want a full repeal (43%). This pits President Obama and Democrat lawmakers -- who thus far have refused to make any meaningful changes -- against 93% of the American people and 72% of Democrats.

Moreover, only 12% of Democrats want ObamaCare "kept as is." Another 12% want it repealed.

CBS Poll: 84% of Democrats Want ObamaCare Changed or Repealed


Almost all Democrats would rather see Single Payer.

How many Republicans would support that?


An excellent point but one sure to go past the head of most of the echo chamber.
And then proceeded to do NOTHING when possessing all the power.

That's the part you continually fail to see.

I agree that they should have made some changes. I do not agree that there was a healthcare crisis in the USA that demanded destroying the entire system.

I have never said the crisis warranted destroying the entire system. I utterly oppose ObamaCare.

But we did have a crisis that needed action. And the GOP is guilty of inaction when they had all the opportunity in the world to implement some free market solutions.

They are all the more guilty because the Democrats were plainly signaling what they would do if they got the chance, and still they did nothing.

The real problem here is that the ACA bill was passed on a strickly partisan basis with no bi-partisan discussion or debate, no public debate, nothing on c-span as obama promised. Passed in the dark of night on Christmas eve before anyone had a chance to read it.

It was written in a sealed room by dem staffers and is full of pork and taxes that have nothing to do with medicine.

It is a terrible law passed in a corrupt manner.
I agree that they should have made some changes. I do not agree that there was a healthcare crisis in the USA that demanded destroying the entire system.

I have never said the crisis warranted destroying the entire system. I utterly oppose ObamaCare.

But we did have a crisis that needed action. And the GOP is guilty of inaction when they had all the opportunity in the world to implement some free market solutions.

They are all the more guilty because the Democrats were plainly signaling what they would do if they got the chance, and still they did nothing.

No, we didn't have a "crisis." That idea was a total fiction manufactured by the Democrat propaganda machine. A "crisis" is whatever happens to be on their agenda.

Since when is the Heritage Foundation a Democrat [sic] propaganda machine?

Since when is cost rising faster than inflation not a problem?
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Then Obama picked up their healthcare plan then the repubs said "lol just kidding we don't like that plan either" :lol:

Heritage is NOT the GOP. The heritage plan was NOT a republican plan.

I know. That is because the GOP had no plan.

But the Heritage is a right wing organization. Even conservatives were recognzing as far back as 1989 that something needed to be done.

No, they recognized that if they didn't propose a "solution" then the Democrats would propose one. It was purely an issue of tactics, not one of any fundamental reality.
I have never said the crisis warranted destroying the entire system. I utterly oppose ObamaCare.

But we did have a crisis that needed action. And the GOP is guilty of inaction when they had all the opportunity in the world to implement some free market solutions.

They are all the more guilty because the Democrats were plainly signaling what they would do if they got the chance, and still they did nothing.

No, we didn't have a "crisis." That idea was a total fiction manufactured by the Democrat propaganda machine. A "crisis" is whatever happens to be on their agenda.

Since when is the Heritage Foundation a Democrat [sic] propaganda machine?

Heritage didn't manufacture the so-called "crisis." The Democrats and the media did.

[Since when is costs rising faster than inflation not a problem?

It doesn't appear to be a problem in the case of higher education.
We will not have single payer in this country because democrats really need the money and support of trial lawyers and you can't have single payer without ending the right to sue doctors. Just like single payer everywhere else.
No, we didn't have a "crisis." That idea was a total fiction manufactured by the Democrat propaganda machine. A "crisis" is whatever happens to be on their agenda.

Since when is the Heritage Foundation a Democrat [sic] propaganda machine?

Heritage didn't manufacture the so-called "crisis." The Democrats and the media did.

Heritage and conservatives openly admitted it was a problem. This was not propaganda. The problem actually exists. You are living in a serious delusion if you think the problem is imaginary.

Unfortunately, the GOP's response to this very real problem was that of a party which acted as though it were imaginary.

[Since when is costs rising faster than inflation not a problem?

It doesn't appear to be a problem in the case of higher education.

That, too, is a problem!

What's the GOP solution, more capitulation to the Democrats?
I agree that they should have made some changes. I do not agree that there was a healthcare crisis in the USA that demanded destroying the entire system.

I have never said the crisis warranted destroying the entire system. I utterly oppose ObamaCare.

But we did have a crisis that needed action. And the GOP is guilty of inaction when they had all the opportunity in the world to implement some free market solutions.

They are all the more guilty because the Democrats were plainly signaling what they would do if they got the chance, and still they did nothing.

The real problem here is that the ACA bill was passed on a strickly partisan basis with no bi-partisan discussion or debate, no public debate, nothing on c-span as obama promised. Passed in the dark of night on Christmas eve before anyone had a chance to read it.

It was written in a sealed room by dem staffers and is full of pork and taxes that have nothing to do with medicine.

It is a terrible law passed in a corrupt manner.

As usual, you're flat out wrong. But please, don't let that stop you.

LOL - "strickly"
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Massachusetts implemented RomneyCare in 2006. As a result, that state now has the highest per capita healthcare costs in the country.

Five years after its implementation, 60 percent of those polled said it needed fixes.

This all sounds like it would doom RomneyCare, and ObamaCare by extension.

Nevertheless, 74 percent said they wanted to keep RomneyCare around. This is the part that is ignored by, or unknown to, opponents.

So it will be with ObamaCare.

And a further point always ignored? The constituents in that state actually voted for Romneycare - they did not have it forced on them such as Obamacare was all Americans.
Massachusetts implemented RomneyCare in 2006. As a result, that state now has the highest per capita healthcare costs in the country.

Five years after its implementation, 60 percent of those polled said it needed fixes.

This all sounds like it would doom RomneyCare, and ObamaCare by extension.

Nevertheless, 74 percent said they wanted to keep RomneyCare around. This is the part that is ignored by, or unknown to, opponents.

So it will be with ObamaCare.

And a further point always ignored? The constituents in that state actually voted for Romneycare - they did not have it forced on them such as Obamacare was all Americans.

Romney ran on repealing the ACA, his defeat was the vote in support of the ACA.
I have never said the crisis warranted destroying the entire system. I utterly oppose ObamaCare.

But we did have a crisis that needed action. And the GOP is guilty of inaction when they had all the opportunity in the world to implement some free market solutions.

They are all the more guilty because the Democrats were plainly signaling what they would do if they got the chance, and still they did nothing.

The real problem here is that the ACA bill was passed on a strickly partisan basis with no bi-partisan discussion or debate, no public debate, nothing on c-span as obama promised. Passed in the dark of night on Christmas eve before anyone had a chance to read it.

It was written in a sealed room by dem staffers and is full of pork and taxes that have nothing to do with medicine.

It is a terrible law passed in a corrupt manner.

As usual, you're flat out wrong. But please, don't let that stop you.

LOL - "strickly"

please excuse my typo, idiot.

now, tell us when there was bi-partisan debate and discussion on the ACA bill--not the general topic of healthcare, the specific bill that was passed by the dems and signed by obama.

Can't can you?

No need to apologize, we know who and what you are.

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