CBS Reviewing "Witness To Bengahzi Attack" Due To Questions.


Dec 5, 2011
The RW went bat crap over it.

OMMFG, there was an actual witness to murder of the U.S. Ambassador in Libya. He even went so far to be interviewed by Lara Logan for "60 Minutes".

Now, several weeks after the Benghazi Interview CBS is pulling that interview from it's news website.

?60 Minutes? will review Benghazi story after more questions surface about ?witness? | The Raw Story.

In the interview, widely loved by the RW, Dylan Davies (a.k.a. Morgan Jones) had said he was a witness to the attack on the U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi, Libya.

Only one pesky problem with that claim.

According to a story in the New York Times, Davies told the F.B.I. that he was not at the facility at the time of the attack. A report by Davies employer Blue Mountain confirms what Davies told the F.B.I.

Lying to Federal Investigators is against the law.

Either Davies lied to the F.B.I. (and facing jail time for doing so) or he lied to "60 Minutes".

Added to mix are unconfirmed reports that Davies has received monetary reward for previous interviews.

Leave it ConJobs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaTerrorists to cream in their jeans over a liar.

After all they did believe "Curve Ball" a lying, paranoid drunk about Iraq.
Well, anyone who has ever truly looked into the Benghazi scandal usually comes away with nothing more than embassies need better protection.

There was no cover up....

Sorry, I know that's not popular, but no one has ever come forward with anything even remotely credible except for "It happened on Hilary’s watch."

Well, so did thousands of other unfortunate incidents.

Guess 9/11 was Colin Powell's fault, eh?
The RW went bat crap over it.

OMMFG, there was an actual witness to murder of the U.S. Ambassador in Libya. He even went so far to be interviewed by Lara Logan for "60 Minutes".


I am very suspicious about CBS' explanation

Jennifer Robinson
, a spokeswoman for the book’s publisher, Threshold Editions, which is part of the Simon and Schuster unit of CBS, said, “Although we have not seen the F.B.I. report, in light of these revelations we will review the book and take appropriate action with regard to its publication status.”

The RW went bat crap over it.

OMMFG, there was an actual witness to murder of the U.S. Ambassador in Libya. He even went so far to be interviewed by Lara Logan for "60 Minutes".


I am very suspicious about CBS' explanation

Jennifer Robinson
, a spokeswoman for the book’s publisher, Threshold Editions, which is part of the Simon and Schuster unit of CBS, said, “Although we have not seen the F.B.I. report, in light of these revelations we will review the book and take appropriate action with regard to its publication status.”


Why are you suspicious about CBS' explanation and not about the witness who has given a false account of his story?
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Well, anyone who has ever truly looked into the Benghazi scandal usually comes away with nothing more than embassies need better protection.

There was no cover up....

Sorry, I know that's not popular, but no one has ever come forward with anything even remotely credible except for "It happened on Hilary’s watch."

Well, so did thousands of other unfortunate incidents.

Guess 9/11 was Colin Powell's fault, eh?

Actually no.

There was a cover up.

The CIA had part of the consulate and was using it to interrogate prisoners.

That's a big no no.

But you won't see conservatives touching that one.

Not with a 1000 foot pole.
Well, anyone who has ever truly looked into the Benghazi scandal usually comes away with nothing more than embassies need better protection.

There was no cover up....

Sorry, I know that's not popular, but no one has ever come forward with anything even remotely credible except for "It happened on Hilary’s watch."

Well, so did thousands of other unfortunate incidents.

Guess 9/11 was Colin Powell's fault, eh?

Actually no.

There was a cover up.

The CIA had part of the consulate and was using it to interrogate prisoners.

That's a big no no.

But you won't see conservatives touching that one.

Not with a 1000 foot pole.

Never heard of that one ... link? I'm a bit lazy today.
Well, anyone who has ever truly looked into the Benghazi scandal usually comes away with nothing more than embassies need better protection.

There was no cover up....

Sorry, I know that's not popular, but no one has ever come forward with anything even remotely credible except for "It happened on Hilary’s watch."

Well, so did thousands of other unfortunate incidents.

Guess 9/11 was Colin Powell's fault, eh?

Actually no.

There was a cover up.

The CIA had part of the consulate and was using it to interrogate prisoners.

That's a big no no.

But you won't see conservatives touching that one.

Not with a 1000 foot pole.

The CIA routinely operates in consulates and Embassies around the world. As do Intelligence Services of Countries with Embassies and Consulates in OUR Country.

My understanding is that the CIA was using part of the consulate to 'rendition' captured al Qaeda and other idiot ragheads.

Our CIA has to obey our laws, some Countries that we use for rendition don't.

Some of them will roast a Tango over an open fire until he talks. After the Muslim Brotherhood killed Sadat, I know they used that method.... And made their buddies watch.

It works. Every time.

One thing we can be certain of, with the lyingest cocksucker in the history of the presidency in office, we will never know the real story of Benghazi
The Hillary supporters at CBS are busy!
Well, anyone who has ever truly looked into the Benghazi scandal usually comes away with nothing more than embassies need better protection.

There was no cover up....

Sorry, I know that's not popular, but no one has ever come forward with anything even remotely credible except for "It happened on Hilary’s watch."

Well, so did thousands of other unfortunate incidents.

Guess 9/11 was Colin Powell's fault, eh?

Actually no.

There was a cover up.

The CIA had part of the consulate and was using it to interrogate prisoners.

That's a big no no.

But you won't see conservatives touching that one.

Not with a 1000 foot pole.

Never heard of that one ... link? I'm a bit lazy today.

That was the "other" Petraeus scandal.

Didn't get much light. But if you are really looking for the reason they attacked.

There it is..

Did Petraeus' Mistress Reveal a Secret CIA Prison in Benghazi?
The RW went bat crap over it.

OMMFG, there was an actual witness to murder of the U.S. Ambassador in Libya. He even went so far to be interviewed by Lara Logan for "60 Minutes".


I am very suspicious about CBS' explanation

Jennifer Robinson
, a spokeswoman for the book’s publisher, Threshold Editions, which is part of the Simon and Schuster unit of CBS, said, “Although we have not seen the F.B.I. report, in light of these revelations we will review the book and take appropriate action with regard to its publication status.”


Why are you suspicious about CBS' explanation and not about the witness who has given a false account of his story?

Why are you claiming that the witness gave a false account if you have not seen the FBI report?

Well, anyone who has ever truly looked into the Benghazi scandal usually comes away with nothing more than embassies need better protection.

There was no cover up....

Sorry, I know that's not popular, but no one has ever come forward with anything even remotely credible except for "It happened on Hilary’s watch."

Well, so did thousands of other unfortunate incidents.

Guess 9/11 was Colin Powell's fault, eh?

You are either phenomenally stupid or..... That's about it.

People die every day in the Service of our Country. It happens.

We can't have the Marines everywhere all the time. It can't be done.

But what we have here is a scumbag piece of fucking shit that is so incredibly dishonest and cynical, so consumed with the acquisition of power, so paranoid, so sick, so depraved, so fucked in the head...

That Hitlery Clinton had Military forces stand down. They didn't even TRY to save those men. Odds are good that nothing could have saved them but -- We'll never know because NOTHING is what the scumbag motherfuckers in the dimocrap regime did.

An F-18 at Mach 2 in full afterburner from Sigonella could have been there in minutes. And let me tell you something, a flyover from an aircraft that big, at Mach II and at about 1,000 feet will rattle your teeth.

They didn't even try.

Not only that, they try selling a load of shit that it was a fucking video that got our resident ragheads worked up.

You are not clever, you are not smart. You are not witty or entertaining.

You're just another scumbag dimocrap erecting strawmen.

IOW, a lying sack of shit.

Or phenomenally stupid
Well, anyone who has ever truly looked into the Benghazi scandal usually comes away with nothing more than embassies need better protection.

There was no cover up....

Sorry, I know that's not popular, but no one has ever come forward with anything even remotely credible except for "It happened on Hilary’s watch."

Well, so did thousands of other unfortunate incidents.

Guess 9/11 was Colin Powell's fault, eh?

You are either phenomenally stupid or..... That's about it.

People die every day in the Service of our Country. It happens.

We can't have the Marines everywhere all the time. It can't be done.

But what we have here is a scumbag piece of fucking shit that is so incredibly dishonest and cynical, so consumed with the acquisition of power, so paranoid, so sick, so depraved, so fucked in the head...

That Hitlery Clinton had Military forces stand down. They didn't even TRY to save those men. Odds are good that nothing could have saved them but -- We'll never know because NOTHING is what the scumbag motherfuckers in the dimocrap regime did.

An F-18 at Mach 2 in full afterburner from Sigonella could have been there in minutes. And let me tell you something, a flyover from an aircraft that big, at Mach II and at about 1,000 feet will rattle your teeth.

They didn't even try.

Not only that, they try selling a load of shit that it was a fucking video that got our resident ragheads worked up.

You are not clever, you are not smart. You are not witty or entertaining.

You're just another scumbag dimocrap erecting strawmen.

IOW, a lying sack of shit.

Or phenomenally stupid

You want some cheese with that whine ? No one gives a shit about your GOP fake ass scandal , not when it happens & not now . :eusa_boohoo:
How bout the fact that they had plenty of warning and the State Department did nothing??

How bout the fact that the Brits and the Red Cross pulled out because of those same warnings??

Four good men died because of the incompetence of the Obama/Hilbat State Department.

No scandal there. Just plain stupidity.

Oh wait. You didn't have a relative that was killed or wounded and your an Obamabot so you could give shit one. Never mind.
Well, anyone who has ever truly looked into the Benghazi scandal usually comes away with nothing more than embassies need better protection.

There was no cover up....

Sorry, I know that's not popular, but no one has ever come forward with anything even remotely credible except for "It happened on Hilary’s watch."

Well, so did thousands of other unfortunate incidents.

Guess 9/11 was Colin Powell's fault, eh?

You are either phenomenally stupid or..... That's about it.

People die every day in the Service of our Country. It happens.

We can't have the Marines everywhere all the time. It can't be done.

But what we have here is a scumbag piece of fucking shit that is so incredibly dishonest and cynical, so consumed with the acquisition of power, so paranoid, so sick, so depraved, so fucked in the head...

That Hitlery Clinton had Military forces stand down. They didn't even TRY to save those men. Odds are good that nothing could have saved them but -- We'll never know because NOTHING is what the scumbag motherfuckers in the dimocrap regime did.

An F-18 at Mach 2 in full afterburner from Sigonella could have been there in minutes. And let me tell you something, a flyover from an aircraft that big, at Mach II and at about 1,000 feet will rattle your teeth.

They didn't even try.

Not only that, they try selling a load of shit that it was a fucking video that got our resident ragheads worked up.

You are not clever, you are not smart. You are not witty or entertaining.

You're just another scumbag dimocrap erecting strawmen.

IOW, a lying sack of shit.

Or phenomenally stupid

Just once, I wish you would write something without the editorializing with the cursing and insults so I could get to the point of what you are trying to say. Most of the time, I figure you have a valid point in there somewhere but it's not worth the effort of reading it again and again to get to the point.
Well, anyone who has ever truly looked into the Benghazi scandal usually comes away with nothing more than embassies need better protection.

There was no cover up....

Sorry, I know that's not popular, but no one has ever come forward with anything even remotely credible except for "It happened on Hilary’s watch."

Well, so did thousands of other unfortunate incidents.

Guess 9/11 was Colin Powell's fault, eh?

You are either phenomenally stupid or..... That's about it.

People die every day in the Service of our Country. It happens.

We can't have the Marines everywhere all the time. It can't be done.

But what we have here is a scumbag piece of fucking shit that is so incredibly dishonest and cynical, so consumed with the acquisition of power, so paranoid, so sick, so depraved, so fucked in the head...

That Hitlery Clinton had Military forces stand down. They didn't even TRY to save those men. Odds are good that nothing could have saved them but -- We'll never know because NOTHING is what the scumbag motherfuckers in the dimocrap regime did.

An F-18 at Mach 2 in full afterburner from Sigonella could have been there in minutes. And let me tell you something, a flyover from an aircraft that big, at Mach II and at about 1,000 feet will rattle your teeth.

They didn't even try.

Not only that, they try selling a load of shit that it was a fucking video that got our resident ragheads worked up.

You are not clever, you are not smart. You are not witty or entertaining.

You're just another scumbag dimocrap erecting strawmen.

IOW, a lying sack of shit.

Or phenomenally stupid

Just once, I wish you would write something without the editorializing with the cursing and insults so I could get to the point of what you are trying to say. Most of the time, I figure you have a valid point in there somewhere but it's not worth the effort of reading it again and again to get to the point.


People die every day in the Service of our Country. It happens.

We can't have the Marines everywhere all the time. It can't be done.

But what we have here is a person that is so incredibly dishonest and cynical, so consumed with the acquisition of power,

That Hitlery Clinton had Military forces stand down. They didn't even TRY to save those men. Odds are good that nothing could have saved them but -- We'll never know because NOTHING is what the Obama regime did.

An F-18 at Mach 2 in full afterburner from Sigonella could have been there in minutes. And let me tell you something, a flyover from an aircraft that big, at Mach II and at about 1,000 feet will rattle your teeth.

They didn't even try.

Not only that, they try selling a load of shit that it was a fucking video that got our Libyans worked up.

You are not clever, You're just another Democrat. Or phenomenally stupid

I agree. (whew)
Well, anyone who has ever truly looked into the Benghazi scandal usually comes away with nothing more than embassies need better protection.

There was no cover up....

Sorry, I know that's not popular, but no one has ever come forward with anything even remotely credible except for "It happened on Hilary’s watch."

Well, so did thousands of other unfortunate incidents.

Guess 9/11 was Colin Powell's fault, eh?

You are either phenomenally stupid or..... That's about it.

People die every day in the Service of our Country. It happens.

We can't have the Marines everywhere all the time. It can't be done.

But what we have here is a scumbag piece of fucking shit that is so incredibly dishonest and cynical, so consumed with the acquisition of power, so paranoid, so sick, so depraved, so fucked in the head...

That Hitlery Clinton had Military forces stand down. They didn't even TRY to save those men. Odds are good that nothing could have saved them but -- We'll never know because NOTHING is what the scumbag motherfuckers in the dimocrap regime did.

An F-18 at Mach 2 in full afterburner from Sigonella could have been there in minutes. And let me tell you something, a flyover from an aircraft that big, at Mach II and at about 1,000 feet will rattle your teeth.

They didn't even try.

Not only that, they try selling a load of shit that it was a fucking video that got our resident ragheads worked up.

You are not clever, you are not smart. You are not witty or entertaining.

You're just another scumbag dimocrap erecting strawmen.

IOW, a lying sack of shit.

Or phenomenally stupid

You want some cheese with that whine ? No one gives a shit about your GOP fake ass scandal , not when it happens & not now . :eusa_boohoo:

Not true. Plenty of people care and it may cost Ms. Hillary a career in the White House. At least I hope so.

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