CBS Reviewing "Witness To Bengahzi Attack" Due To Questions.


I am very suspicious about CBS' explanation

Jennifer Robinson
, a spokeswoman for the book’s publisher, Threshold Editions, which is part of the Simon and Schuster unit of CBS, said, “Although we have not seen the F.B.I. report, in light of these revelations we will review the book and take appropriate action with regard to its publication status.”


Why are you suspicious about CBS' explanation and not about the witness who has given a false account of his story?

Why are you claiming that the witness gave a false account if you have not seen the FBI report?


Why would YOU support it having not seen it yourself? The source distancing itself from what it understood to be factual information, is good reason to believe that there was some sort of discrepancy.

I tend to believe in things only if I have good cause ... be it absolute proof or at least the words of a credible witness. In the absence of the retracted story, I would tend not to believe what he was saying.
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You are either phenomenally stupid or..... That's about it.

People die every day in the Service of our Country. It happens.

We can't have the Marines everywhere all the time. It can't be done.

But what we have here is a scumbag piece of fucking shit that is so incredibly dishonest and cynical, so consumed with the acquisition of power, so paranoid, so sick, so depraved, so fucked in the head...

That Hitlery Clinton had Military forces stand down. They didn't even TRY to save those men. Odds are good that nothing could have saved them but -- We'll never know because NOTHING is what the scumbag motherfuckers in the dimocrap regime did.

An F-18 at Mach 2 in full afterburner from Sigonella could have been there in minutes. And let me tell you something, a flyover from an aircraft that big, at Mach II and at about 1,000 feet will rattle your teeth.

They didn't even try.

Not only that, they try selling a load of shit that it was a fucking video that got our resident ragheads worked up.

You are not clever, you are not smart. You are not witty or entertaining.

You're just another scumbag dimocrap erecting strawmen.

IOW, a lying sack of shit.

Or phenomenally stupid

Hillary had forces "stand down?"

No, NO ONE had anyone stand down. That has been refuted numerous times.

A claim pushed dozens of times by Fox News that security forces were ordered to "stand down" during the September 11, 2012 Benghazi attacks on a U.S. diplomatic facility collapsed after the commander of those security forces testified that he received no such order.

More than a month after the attacks in Benghazi killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, Fox began airing accusations that security forces present in Libya at the time were ordered to "stand down" by the Obama administration. Fox's confused coverage over the months claimed that both a reaction force that was dispatched to Benghazi and suffered two casualties while trying to defend the facility, and a group of four special forces troops in Tripoli received "stand down" orders. This accusation was given new fuel after former Deputy Chief of Mission Gregory Hicks May 8 remarks made before a congressional committee appeared to confirm claims that Lt. Col. Gibson, who commanded a small team of special forces troops in Tripoli, was ordered to "stand down." Fox baselessly speculated that either President Obama or then-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta gave the alleged order.

A search of the Nexis database shows that the accusation that these security forces were ordered to "stand down" was made in 85 segments on the network's primetime shows by Fox hosts, contributors, guests, and in video accompanying news reports and commentary.

But now even Republicans are admitting that a "stand down" order was never given. According to The Associated Press, Gibson told a Republican-led congressional committee on June 26 that he was never ordered to "stand down."

The former commander of a four-member Army Special Forces unit in Tripoli, Libya, denied Wednesday that he was told to stand down during last year's deadly assault on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi.

In a closed-door session with the House Armed Services Committee, Lt. Col. S.E. Gibson said his commanders told him to remain in the capital of Tripoli to defend Americans in the event of additional attacks and to help survivors being evacuated from Benghazi.

"Contrary to news reports, Gibson was not ordered to 'stand down' by higher command authorities in response to his understandable desire to lead a group of three other special forces soldiers to Benghazi," the Republican-led committee said in a summary of its classified briefing with military officials, including Gibson.

Can you reply sans the swearing and personal cheap-shots which I have certainly not offered to you?
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The RW went bat crap over it.

OMMFG, there was an actual witness to murder of the U.S. Ambassador in Libya. He even went so far to be interviewed by Lara Logan for "60 Minutes".

Now, several weeks after the Benghazi Interview CBS is pulling that interview from it's news website.

?60 Minutes? will review Benghazi story after more questions surface about ?witness? | The Raw Story.

In the interview, widely loved by the RW, Dylan Davies (a.k.a. Morgan Jones) had said he was a witness to the attack on the U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi, Libya.

Only one pesky problem with that claim.

According to a story in the New York Times, Davies told the F.B.I. that he was not at the facility at the time of the attack. A report by Davies employer Blue Mountain confirms what Davies told the F.B.I.

Lying to Federal Investigators is against the law.

Either Davies lied to the F.B.I. (and facing jail time for doing so) or he lied to "60 Minutes".

Added to mix are unconfirmed reports that Davies has received monetary reward for previous interviews.

Leave it ConJobs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaTerrorists to cream in their jeans over a liar.

After all they did believe "Curve Ball" a lying, paranoid drunk about Iraq.

How does this release Barack Scum Obummer from responsibility? He likes killing Americans

How does this release Barack Scum Obummer from responsibility? He likes killing Americans


Maybe you can offer up some facts instead of regurgitated internet talking points?

Can you give a few examples?

Wait, I thought you were talking about Benghazi..

My bad


So, you don't have any thing to add?

Kind of figured that.

I am completely unimpressed when a poster makes a claim and then, quite predictably, refuses to make an effort to back it up.

It's a poor way to debate and speaks volumes about the lack of sincerity of your efforts to make a case for what you purport to believe.
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How bout the fact that they had plenty of warning and the State Department did nothing??

How many other warnings had the State Department received about ALL of our diplomatic missions in the Middle East? Did we have enough diplomatic security forces to cover every possible threat?

I bet you have no idea.
You are either phenomenally stupid or..... That's about it.

People die every day in the Service of our Country. It happens.

We can't have the Marines everywhere all the time. It can't be done.

But what we have here is a scumbag piece of fucking shit that is so incredibly dishonest and cynical, so consumed with the acquisition of power, so paranoid, so sick, so depraved, so fucked in the head...

That Hitlery Clinton had Military forces stand down. They didn't even TRY to save those men. Odds are good that nothing could have saved them but -- We'll never know because NOTHING is what the scumbag motherfuckers in the dimocrap regime did.

An F-18 at Mach 2 in full afterburner from Sigonella could have been there in minutes. And let me tell you something, a flyover from an aircraft that big, at Mach II and at about 1,000 feet will rattle your teeth.

They didn't even try.

Not only that, they try selling a load of shit that it was a fucking video that got our resident ragheads worked up.

You are not clever, you are not smart. You are not witty or entertaining.

You're just another scumbag dimocrap erecting strawmen.

IOW, a lying sack of shit.

Or phenomenally stupid

You want some cheese with that whine ? No one gives a shit about your GOP fake ass scandal , not when it happens & not now . :eusa_boohoo:

Not true. Plenty of people care and it may cost Ms. Hillary a career in the White House. At least I hope so.

You guys keep running crazy candidates , any one will be able to win against the GOP . If Hillary runs she will win . Benghazi went no where is going no where & will not affect Hillary if she runs .:eusa_shhh:
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How bout the fact that they had plenty of warning and the State Department did nothing??

How many other warnings had the State Department received about ALL of our diplomatic missions in the Middle East? Did we have enough diplomatic security forces to cover every possible threat?

I bet you have no idea.

I'll answer since no one else wants to tackle that one.

"You libs don't know jack - :eek: you're all scum, blah, blah, blah, commie, blah, blah, Hillary, blah..."

How's that?
I posted two weeks ago that the Lara Logan's 60 Minutes piece with Dylan Davies on Benghazi was too little, too late. Now we see what the wrath of Hussein is capable of.....they've APOLOGIZED FOR TELLING THE TRUTH! Not hard to imagine how the call to CBS president Les Moonves went:


WH aide: "Mr. Moonves, hold for the President".

Moonves: "We're not retracting the story Barrack".

Barrack: "Really, you Jew asshole? Okay, let's see you survive the next three years without any access to this administration!"

Moonves: "C'mon and I both know you let those folks be murdered and sent no help. All we did was tell what happened and we didn't mention you OR Hillary".

Barrack: "Goddamn right we did....I had an election to win Moonves, or are you forgetting our relationship with you and can forget about GE getting any more government contracts too, pal."

Moonves: "Alright have a dummy FBI report Davis supposedly gave right?"

Barrack: "You bet your ass we do. Holder is worth his weight in gold around here....He's going to look into your business practices and apply the fairness doctrine to you while we're at shouldn't have crosssed me you Jew prick!"

Moonves: "Holy shit....Barrack....PLEASE don't do that....we'll have Lara say she was duped and apologize for the story on Sunday night's broadcast...will that call your dogs off me"?

Barrack: "It's a start in the right direction....send the DNC a check for $5M while you're at it...this has to cost you some skin, Moonves."

Moonves: "Consider it done Barrack....can we try to forget all this and be friends again?"

Barrack: (click)
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This was after she was off from work drinking 4 quarts a day of Pepto Bismal?

She is a lying whore

The witness needs to be deposed in a congressional hearing, not by a friendly media personality who is in it for the money.
Well, anyone who has ever truly looked into the Benghazi scandal usually comes away with nothing more than embassies need better protection.

There was no cover up....

Sorry, I know that's not popular, but no one has ever come forward with anything even remotely credible except for "It happened on Hilary’s watch."

Well, so did thousands of other unfortunate incidents.

Guess 9/11 was Colin Powell's fault, eh?

You are either phenomenally stupid or..... That's about it.

People die every day in the Service of our Country. It happens.

We can't have the Marines everywhere all the time. It can't be done.

But what we have here is a scumbag piece of fucking shit that is so incredibly dishonest and cynical, so consumed with the acquisition of power, so paranoid, so sick, so depraved, so fucked in the head...

That Hitlery Clinton had Military forces stand down. They didn't even TRY to save those men. Odds are good that nothing could have saved them but -- We'll never know because NOTHING is what the scumbag motherfuckers in the dimocrap regime did.

An F-18 at Mach 2 in full afterburner from Sigonella could have been there in minutes. And let me tell you something, a flyover from an aircraft that big, at Mach II and at about 1,000 feet will rattle your teeth.

They didn't even try.

Not only that, they try selling a load of shit that it was a fucking video that got our resident ragheads worked up.

You are not clever, you are not smart. You are not witty or entertaining.

You're just another scumbag dimocrap erecting strawmen.

IOW, a lying sack of shit.

Or phenomenally stupid

I will tell you what was phenomenally stupid. The fact that it was the anniversary of the WTC attack on 911 and the Marines should have been on high alert all over the world. Only Hillary and Obama don't know that the radical Islamists are big on repeating terrorist acts on the same date to celebrate a former victory.
Funny how the nuts on the right loved this story, and CBS for airing it, until it turned out to be provably false.

Now all of the sudden it's a conspiracy. A conspiracy inside a conspiracy. lol classic rightwingerism.
Funny how the nuts on the right loved this story, and CBS for airing it, until it turned out to be provably false.

Now all of the sudden it's a conspiracy. A conspiracy inside a conspiracy. lol classic rightwingerism.

See, even CBS is fed up!!! wait ... the story can't be fake! How could CBS do this to us!!!

Funny how the nuts on the right loved this story, and CBS for airing it, until it turned out to be provably false.
Now all of the sudden it's a conspiracy. A conspiracy inside a conspiracy. lol classic rightwingerism.

According to who......the Susan Rice version....a video, a "spontaneous riot"? Keep eating Barry's turd burgers you idiot. :lol:

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