CBS: You were basically handed the nomination. No primary process. No votes. That's not how our system was intended to work.

tbh I think there are ALL kinds of legal repercussions of that, not to mention all the political downsides. What I think they're doing instead is massaging the polls to make it look like she has momentum. If it's as bad for her a week before the election as I think it is, they will bail for the last time and try to save their dead reputations by putting out real polls.
She’s not helping herself by going on some silly talk shows and cackling away while dead bodies are still stuck under the mud in NC.

And the one serious show she did - the CBS interview - showed her to be an empty-headed DEI pick who couldn’t answer a single question.
What vapid babbling and crybabying.

How about you guys grow a spine and tell the orange rapist that no means no. America told him no, and here he is again.
You don’t even want to have a choice in who your nominee is… you’re told by your overlords. You have no spine, grow one and maybe we can talk man to man
No, he didn’t. His dad never built skyscrapers in Manhattan.

Retard, the Trump Organization was founded in 1927, before Lyin' Donald was even born. So how did he become president of his father's company if he didn't take it over??

You don't have to open so wide, Stormy said he's tiny.

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