Celebs and Plastic Surgery

Compatibility, having things in common, getting along well and actually liking one another, having chemistry, all more important than looks when it comes to a relationship IMO.

This is usually the opinion of older women. They sure don't think like this when they have what the market values. Even if we go deep on the relationship analysis, everything you claim is important falls far down the list when it comes to initial filtering even for those intent on finding a long term relationship.

Yes, I've already stated that I'm an "older" woman. I don't have any problems getting men either, even being an "old" lady. Lol!

I disagree. There are plenty of young smart women out there. You are just assuming that everyone is the same as what has been your own personal experiences.

Again, you never answered my question about your age. It doesn't have to be exact, just an approximate. I am curious given a lot of your immature views and what seems like disdain for older women. :biggrin:

I'm a few years younger than you. I don't have disdain for anyone except liberals. I'm simply not inclined to go along with pretty lies that inform how people see themselves.

Sorry, I can't make any sense out of your last sentence. :dunno:

Be sure to watch that video lecture I appended to my comment.

That last sentence. People talk themselves into believing things, both about themselves and the world, which are contradicted by how they act and how others act. I prefer to acknowledge how people act rather than affirm what they say.

TBH, I'm not in the mood to watch a boring video right now, so probably won't watch it. Lol!

The last sentence: It sounds like you are making assumptions about the world based upon your own feelings. This is what we call "projection." :)

So . . . how many "10s" have YOU dated? Hmmm? :D
Why? You wouldn't know them, and I'm certainly not giving out names, so I don't know what you expect from this request. Do you think I'm lying or something? Well it's the truth. Okay, maybe "many" was a bit of an exaggeration, but a couple anyway.

I highly doubt that he looked anything like this.


Or even this.


Just sayin'...
I've seen it plenty of times. I've had many crushes on men based upon their personalities alone. Nothing at all to do with their looks, and I would consider myself to be a fairly attractive female.

Are you insinuating that there is something wrong with me? :biggrin: That, perhaps, I am "dysfunctional" in some way because I might prefer the guy who I have more in common with than the guy who has a six-pack?

Give us an example of one of these "ugly" men you had crushes on.

Why? You wouldn't know them, and I'm certainly not giving out names, so I don't know what you expect from this request. Do you think I'm lying or something? Well it's the truth. Okay, maybe "many" was a bit of an exaggeration, but a couple anyway.

A crush is meaningless. It's beyond meaningless in that the guy doesn't even get his ego flattered, never mind not getting any action or more.

I don't know what you're getting at here, but my point is that attractive people are not always attracted to other people that are the of the same level of attractiveness. Sorry, but that's just the truth.

For instance, if I was talking to two different men, and one of them was super attractive but boring as heck, had no sense of humor, etc., I would not be attracted to him at ALL.

However, if the guy was less than attractive but was interesting, funny, excited me, and piqued my curiosity, I find that to be MUCH more stimulating. I would definitely choose this guy to go on a date with rather than the attractive boring dude any day.
Compatibility, having things in common, getting along well and actually liking one another, having chemistry, all more important than looks when it comes to a relationship IMO.

This is usually the opinion of older women. They sure don't think like this when they have what the market values. Even if we go deep on the relationship analysis, everything you claim is important falls far down the list when it comes to initial filtering even for those intent on finding a long term relationship.

Yes, I've already stated that I'm an "older" woman. I don't have any problems getting men either, even being an "old" lady. Lol!

I disagree. There are plenty of young smart women out there. You are just assuming that everyone is the same as what has been your own personal experiences.

Again, you never answered my question about your age. It doesn't have to be exact, just an approximate. I am curious given a lot of your immature views and what seems like disdain for older women. :biggrin:

I'm a few years younger than you. I don't have disdain for anyone except liberals. I'm simply not inclined to go along with pretty lies that inform how people see themselves.

Sorry, I can't make any sense out of your last sentence. :dunno:

Be sure to watch that video lecture I appended to my comment.

That last sentence. People talk themselves into believing things, both about themselves and the world, which are contradicted by how they act and how others act. I prefer to acknowledge how people act rather than affirm what they say.

TBH, I'm not in the mood to watch a boring video right now, so probably won't watch it. Lol!

The last sentence: It sounds like you are making assumptions about the world based upon your own feelings. This is what we call "projection." :)

So . . . how many "10s" have YOU dated? Hmmm? :D

My feelings are irrelevant. Evidence before my eyes is what counts. Never dated a 10, married an 8 though.
I don't know what you're getting at here, but my point is that attractive people are not always attracted to other people that are the of the same level of attractiveness. Sorry, but that's just the truth.

For instance, if I was talking to two different men, and one of them was super attractive but boring as heck, had no sense of humor, etc., I would not be attracted to him at ALL.

However, if the guy was less than attractive but was interesting, funny, excited me, and piqued my curiosity, I find that to be MUCH more stimulating. I would definitely choose this guy to go on a date with rather than the attractive boring dude any day.

And if he was overweight, perpetually sweaty, and didn't have a job?
Why? You wouldn't know them, and I'm certainly not giving out names, so I don't know what you expect from this request. Do you think I'm lying or something? Well it's the truth. Okay, maybe "many" was a bit of an exaggeration, but a couple anyway.

I highly doubt that he looked anything like this.


Or even this.


Just sayin'...

Okay, the guy I had a crush on was NOT a nerd. He just wasn't attractive. I'm not very attracted to the "nerd" personality in most instances.
Compatibility, having things in common, getting along well and actually liking one another, having chemistry, all more important than looks when it comes to a relationship IMO.

This is usually the opinion of older women. They sure don't think like this when they have what the market values. Even if we go deep on the relationship analysis, everything you claim is important falls far down the list when it comes to initial filtering even for those intent on finding a long term relationship.

Yes, I've already stated that I'm an "older" woman. I don't have any problems getting men either, even being an "old" lady. Lol!

I disagree. There are plenty of young smart women out there. You are just assuming that everyone is the same as what has been your own personal experiences.

Again, you never answered my question about your age. It doesn't have to be exact, just an approximate. I am curious given a lot of your immature views and what seems like disdain for older women. :biggrin:

I'm a few years younger than you. I don't have disdain for anyone except liberals. I'm simply not inclined to go along with pretty lies that inform how people see themselves.

Sorry, I can't make any sense out of your last sentence. :dunno:

Be sure to watch that video lecture I appended to my comment.

That last sentence. People talk themselves into believing things, both about themselves and the world, which are contradicted by how they act and how others act. I prefer to acknowledge how people act rather than affirm what they say.

TBH, I'm not in the mood to watch a boring video right now, so probably won't watch it. Lol!

The last sentence: It sounds like you are making assumptions about the world based upon your own feelings. This is what we call "projection." :)

So . . . how many "10s" have YOU dated? Hmmm? :D

My feelings are irrelevant. Evidence before my eyes is what counts. Never dated a 10, married an 8 though.

So . . . when she hits 40, are you going to trade her in for a newer model?
Looks are often what initially attracts men, generally speaking. Often, it is initially what attracts women as well. If it is not looks, there's usually some hook: money, status, celebrity, family influence. That's just the hook, though. As we mature, we realize we need much more to sustain the relationship, as neither depends on the other for survival and we are living longer lives. We are still animals and still are wired to mate with one who gives a better chance of healthy, attractive/strong offspring who will be able to provide for and support our children. Survival instinct in us is strong.

These days of less hunting/gathering and more intellectual occupations, just look at how suddenly popular geek guys and gals are becoming! Cave women would want nothing to do with many of our "choice" men these days and would opt to be the second partner to a real cave man.
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I've seen it plenty of times. I've had many crushes on men based upon their personalities alone. Nothing at all to do with their looks, and I would consider myself to be a fairly attractive female.

Are you insinuating that there is something wrong with me? :biggrin: That, perhaps, I am "dysfunctional" in some way because I might prefer the guy who I have more in common with than the guy who has a six-pack?

Give us an example of one of these "ugly" men you had crushes on.

Why? You wouldn't know them, and I'm certainly not giving out names, so I don't know what you expect from this request. Do you think I'm lying or something? Well it's the truth. Okay, maybe "many" was a bit of an exaggeration, but a couple anyway.

A crush is meaningless. It's beyond meaningless in that the guy doesn't even get his ego flattered, never mind not getting any action or more.

I don't know what you're getting at here, but my point is that attractive people are not always attracted to other people that are the of the same level of attractiveness. Sorry, but that's just the truth.

For instance, if I was talking to two different men, and one of them was super attractive but boring as heck, had no sense of humor, etc., I would not be attracted to him at ALL.

However, if the guy was less than attractive but was interesting, funny, excited me, and piqued my curiosity, I find that to be MUCH more stimulating. I would definitely choose this guy to go on a date with rather than the attractive boring dude any day.

What I'm getting at is you keep putting up crushes and now imaginary scenarios rather than recounting your attraction to the fabulous personality of a guy like this, you're not putting any skin in the game. You're convincing yourself of your POV by appealing to events which happen only in your imagination, not you being involved in a 2 year romance with the dude below:

I don't know what you're getting at here, but my point is that attractive people are not always attracted to other people that are the of the same level of attractiveness. Sorry, but that's just the truth.

For instance, if I was talking to two different men, and one of them was super attractive but boring as heck, had no sense of humor, etc., I would not be attracted to him at ALL.

However, if the guy was less than attractive but was interesting, funny, excited me, and piqued my curiosity, I find that to be MUCH more stimulating. I would definitely choose this guy to go on a date with rather than the attractive boring dude any day.

And if he was overweight, perpetually sweaty, and didn't have a job?

I can deal with overweight. Lol! Didn't have a job is something ENTIRELY different. I would never date a supposed "man" who didn't have a job. That means he is not a man, but a child. That means he doesn't have the type of personality that I am interested in. I'm not into video gaming kids. That is entirely different Sgt_Gath.
Okay, the guy I had a crush on was NOT a nerd. He just wasn't attractive. I'm not very attracted to the "nerd" personality in most instances.

Which means what, exactly? That he was a probably a mid range 6?

He wasn't actually ugly. He just wasn't on precisely your level. That's what I'm getting at.

(Even then, it's worth noting that you didn't actually date the guy.)

Legitimately ugly people tend to not even be on attractive people's radar, most of the time.
Okay, the guy I had a crush on was NOT a nerd. He just wasn't attractive. I'm not very attracted to the "nerd" personality in most instances.

Which means what, exactly? That he was a probably a mid range 6?

He wasn't actually ugly. He just wasn't on precisely your level. That's what I'm getting at.

(Even then, you didn't actually date the guy.)

Legitimately ugly people tend to not even be on attractive people's radar, most of the time.

We've had this discussion before Gath. I've told you that, while I may not approach an unattractive man with the purposes of "starting a relationship," if I liked a guy who was not very attractive but had the personality type that attracts me, then I wouldn't have a problem with dating him, certain extenuating circumstances aside.
Compatibility, having things in common, getting along well and actually liking one another, having chemistry, all more important than looks when it comes to a relationship IMO.

This is usually the opinion of older women. They sure don't think like this when they have what the market values. Even if we go deep on the relationship analysis, everything you claim is important falls far down the list when it comes to initial filtering even for those intent on finding a long term relationship.

Yes, I've already stated that I'm an "older" woman. I don't have any problems getting men either, even being an "old" lady. Lol!

I disagree. There are plenty of young smart women out there. You are just assuming that everyone is the same as what has been your own personal experiences.

Again, you never answered my question about your age. It doesn't have to be exact, just an approximate. I am curious given a lot of your immature views and what seems like disdain for older women. :biggrin:

I'm a few years younger than you. I don't have disdain for anyone except liberals. I'm simply not inclined to go along with pretty lies that inform how people see themselves.

Sorry, I can't make any sense out of your last sentence. :dunno:

Be sure to watch that video lecture I appended to my comment.

That last sentence. People talk themselves into believing things, both about themselves and the world, which are contradicted by how they act and how others act. I prefer to acknowledge how people act rather than affirm what they say.

TBH, I'm not in the mood to watch a boring video right now, so probably won't watch it. Lol!

The last sentence: It sounds like you are making assumptions about the world based upon your own feelings. This is what we call "projection." :)

So . . . how many "10s" have YOU dated? Hmmm? :D

My feelings are irrelevant. Evidence before my eyes is what counts. Never dated a 10, married an 8 though.

So . . . when she hits 40, are you going to trade her in for a newer model?

That depends on how strongly I believe in the vows I took, my own market value when I get to that age, how much I value my well being over the well being of my children.

I didn't marry my wife for her looks, but boy oh boy I've never thought that there was any negative associated with her looking so fine. Her looks were also the very first thing I noticed about her and her appearance motivated me to win her over. After I got to know her better her other qualities became important, more important than her appearance.

So the flipside here is that dude who lacks ambition, smokes pot all day, etc that girls completely overlook could be a fabulous caring guy that you would be happy with, but women can't get past his visible attributes, just like guys can't get past that a woman may look like a land whale and thus never get the chance to see her big heart, pleasant personality, pleasing intellect, etc.
I can deal with overweight. Lol! Didn't have a job is something ENTIRELY different. I would never date a supposed "man" who didn't have a job. That means he is not a man, but a child. That means he doesn't have the type of personality that I am interested in. I'm not into video gaming kids. That is entirely different Sgt_Gath.

Even assuming this were strictly true (I have my doubts that you would actually become romantically involved with a legitimately 'ugly' person), all this demonstrates is that you are primarily selecting your sexual partners on the basis of their perceived social status. Frankly, that's exactly what we said women were prone to do in the first place.

There's nothing wrong with it, per se. It's what women are evolved to do.

All I'm saying is that trying to pretend like it doesn't happen is naive.

We've had this discussion before Gath. I've told you that, while I may not approach an unattractive man with the purposes of "starting a relationship," if I liked a guy who was not very attractive but had the personality type that attracts me, then I wouldn't have a problem with dating him, certain extenuating circumstances aside.

Yet, you've never done it...
Okay, the guy I had a crush on was NOT a nerd. He just wasn't attractive. I'm not very attracted to the "nerd" personality in most instances.

Which means what, exactly? That he was a probably a mid range 6?

He wasn't actually ugly. He just wasn't on precisely your level. That's what I'm getting at.

(Even then, you didn't actually date the guy.)

Legitimately ugly people tend to not even be on attractive people's radar, most of the time.

We've had this discussion before Gath. I've told you that, while I may not approach an unattractive man with the purposes of "starting a relationship," if I liked a guy who was not very attractive but had the personality type that attracts me, then I wouldn't have a problem with dating him, certain extenuating circumstances aside.

This is all in your mind, You're not recounting events in your life where you actually put skin in the game. You asked about what I meant by not playing along with people's pretty lies, well this is what I meant. I put more stock in your behavior, or anyone's behaviors, than what they say they would do.
Compatibility, having things in common, getting along well and actually liking one another, having chemistry, all more important than looks when it comes to a relationship IMO.

This is usually the opinion of older women. They sure don't think like this when they have what the market values. Even if we go deep on the relationship analysis, everything you claim is important falls far down the list when it comes to initial filtering even for those intent on finding a long term relationship.

Yes, I've already stated that I'm an "older" woman. I don't have any problems getting men either, even being an "old" lady. Lol!

I disagree. There are plenty of young smart women out there. You are just assuming that everyone is the same as what has been your own personal experiences.

Again, you never answered my question about your age. It doesn't have to be exact, just an approximate. I am curious given a lot of your immature views and what seems like disdain for older women. :biggrin:

I'm a few years younger than you. I don't have disdain for anyone except liberals. I'm simply not inclined to go along with pretty lies that inform how people see themselves.

Sorry, I can't make any sense out of your last sentence. :dunno:

Be sure to watch that video lecture I appended to my comment.

That last sentence. People talk themselves into believing things, both about themselves and the world, which are contradicted by how they act and how others act. I prefer to acknowledge how people act rather than affirm what they say.

TBH, I'm not in the mood to watch a boring video right now, so probably won't watch it. Lol!

The last sentence: It sounds like you are making assumptions about the world based upon your own feelings. This is what we call "projection." :)

So . . . how many "10s" have YOU dated? Hmmm? :D

My feelings are irrelevant. Evidence before my eyes is what counts. Never dated a 10, married an 8 though.

So . . . when she hits 40, are you going to trade her in for a newer model?

That depends on how strongly I believe in the vows I took, my own market value when I get to that age, how much I value my well being over the well being of my children.

I didn't marry my wife for her looks, but boy oh boy I've never thought that there was any negative associated with her looking so fine. Her looks were also the very first thing I noticed about her and her appearance motivated me to win her over. After I got to know her better her other qualities became important, more important than her appearance.

So the flipside here is that dude who lacks ambition, smokes pot all day, etc that girls completely overlook could be a fabulous caring guy that you would be happy with, but women can't get past his visible attributes, just like guys can't get past that a woman may look like a land whale and thus never get the chance to see her big heart, pleasant personality, pleasing intellect, etc.

Sorry, but I said "personality counts." Lol! A pot smoking loser isn't what most women have in mind. That says a LOT about a person's personality, and nobody wants a drug abuser. Good Lord! That's just :cuckoo:. What is wrong with you? I hope you were just kidding about that load of crapola. Guy has no looks AND a no good personality and qualities?? And you are comparing THAT to a woman who is overweight? Wow. That's kind of horrible.
I can deal with overweight. Lol! Didn't have a job is something ENTIRELY different. I would never date a supposed "man" who didn't have a job. That means he is not a man, but a child. That means he doesn't have the type of personality that I am interested in. I'm not into video gaming kids. That is entirely different Sgt_Gath.

Even assuming this were strictly true (I have my doubts that you would actually become romantically involved with a legitimately 'ugly' person), all this demonstrates is that you are primarily selecting your sexual partners on the basis of their perceived social status. Frankly, that's exactly what we said women were prone to do in the first place.

There's nothing wrong with it, per se. It's what women are evolved to do.

All I'm saying is that trying to pretend like it doesn't happen is naive.

We've had this discussion before Gath. I've told you that, while I may not approach an unattractive man with the purposes of "starting a relationship," if I liked a guy who was not very attractive but had the personality type that attracts me, then I wouldn't have a problem with dating him, certain extenuating circumstances aside.

Yet, you've never done it...

Well, the guy I had a crush on was QUITE a bit older than me, and he probably would have gone to jail if he dated me. Lol!
Okay, the guy I had a crush on was NOT a nerd. He just wasn't attractive. I'm not very attracted to the "nerd" personality in most instances.

Which means what, exactly? That he was a probably a mid range 6?

He wasn't actually ugly. He just wasn't on precisely your level. That's what I'm getting at.

(Even then, you didn't actually date the guy.)

Legitimately ugly people tend to not even be on attractive people's radar, most of the time.

We've had this discussion before Gath. I've told you that, while I may not approach an unattractive man with the purposes of "starting a relationship," if I liked a guy who was not very attractive but had the personality type that attracts me, then I wouldn't have a problem with dating him, certain extenuating circumstances aside.

This is all in your mind, You're not recounting events in your life where you actually put skin in the game. You asked about what I meant by not playing along with people's pretty lies, well this is what I meant. I put more stock in your behavior, or anyone's behaviors, than what they say they would do.

What? You don't know me, nor do you know about any of the personal details of my life. LOL!
I can deal with overweight. Lol! Didn't have a job is something ENTIRELY different. I would never date a supposed "man" who didn't have a job. That means he is not a man, but a child. That means he doesn't have the type of personality that I am interested in. I'm not into video gaming kids. That is entirely different Sgt_Gath.

Even assuming this were strictly true (I have my doubts that you would actually become romantically involved with a legitimately 'ugly' person), all this demonstrates is that you are primarily selecting your sexual partners on the basis of their perceived social status. Frankly, that's exactly what we said women were prone to do in the first place.

There's nothing wrong with it, per se. It's what women are evolved to do.

All I'm saying is that trying to pretend like it doesn't happen is naive.

We've had this discussion before Gath. I've told you that, while I may not approach an unattractive man with the purposes of "starting a relationship," if I liked a guy who was not very attractive but had the personality type that attracts me, then I wouldn't have a problem with dating him, certain extenuating circumstances aside.

Yet, you've never done it...

Well, the guy I had a crush on was QUITE a bit older than me, and he probably would have gone to jail if he dated me. Lol!

So you have to go all the way back to your teenage years to find an example of you being attracted to a man who had low status and even here, to a young girl a man who pays attention to her does make the man somewhat more attractive. Young girls have crushes on older men who they wouldn't even look at when they grow up and enter into the real mating market.
I can deal with overweight. Lol! Didn't have a job is something ENTIRELY different. I would never date a supposed "man" who didn't have a job. That means he is not a man, but a child. That means he doesn't have the type of personality that I am interested in. I'm not into video gaming kids. That is entirely different Sgt_Gath.

Even assuming this were strictly true (I have my doubts that you would actually become romantically involved with a legitimately 'ugly' person), all this demonstrates is that you are primarily selecting your sexual partners on the basis of their perceived social status. Frankly, that's exactly what we said women were prone to do in the first place.

There's nothing wrong with it, per se. It's what women are evolved to do.

All I'm saying is that trying to pretend like it doesn't happen is naive.

We've had this discussion before Gath. I've told you that, while I may not approach an unattractive man with the purposes of "starting a relationship," if I liked a guy who was not very attractive but had the personality type that attracts me, then I wouldn't have a problem with dating him, certain extenuating circumstances aside.

Yet, you've never done it...

Well, the guy I had a crush on was QUITE a bit older than me, and he probably would have gone to jail if he dated me. Lol!

So you have to go all the way back to your teenage years to find an example of you being attracted to a man who had low status and even here, to a young girl a man who pays attention to her does make the man somewhat more attractive. Young girls have crushes on older men who they wouldn't even look at when they grow up and enter into the real mating market.

I already told you. I would choose the guy who was more interesting over the guy who was better looking, ANY day. Whether you choose to believe me or not is completely up to you, but that is the truth. Looks are NOT the most important thing to me.

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