Celebs and Plastic Surgery

I disagree. I've known plenty of men who had great work ethics. My ex-boyfriend was one of them. He could not STAND to not be working for even a week. It would drive him crazy. He was a very motivated individual, and there are plenty of other men out there who are the same. You two are describing boys, not men. These are "men" by age alone, but they are not yet mature.

Okay, but that's what I was talking about in the first place.

The vast majority of men in their younger years (late teens to late twenties/ early thirties) are primarily motivated by sex. In lieu of that, they're more than happy to make due with creature comforts.

That's why I prefer older men for the most part. :biggrin: I think that women preferring a man who has his shit together is completely different scenario than a man who is looking for big boobies, big asses, or "youthful beauty." Lol! Apples and oranges, I say!!! :lol:

Did you ever consider that what you think is wrong? You like older men, implying that he's dating a younger woman, you. Why isn't he picking a 50 year old woman instead?

You look about you and you see women preferring men who have their shit together but if you're looking around how come you're not seeing men who prefer woman for their youth and beauty? What's been the theme in this thread - female actresses and then all women trying to look more beautiful and youthful because men respond to that. Now you say it's completely different. That's funny.
No, he didn't do that for me. He did it for himself. I think that most adult men want to work, and HAVE to work in order to survive. Sure, some might be happy sitting around playing games all day for a while, but eventually they grow up and want to have a better and more productive life. Only children who still live at home can afford to not work for a living.

He did it, because he wanted the money, social status, and respect that come with being successful. It simply happens to be the case that, along with all of the above, also come women, because women are naturally drawn to all of those things in men.

It's a survival strategy like any other.

Hmmm. Well riddle me this, why are SO many men married to women who are "less than beautiful?" :biggrin:

In fact, I'm willing to bet that a LOT of the men who are SO critical about women's appearances are married to some not very attractive women. Lol! So . . . what does that mean, when a man's own wife is not a very attractive person, yet he feels okay with being so critical of another female's appearance.

Seriously, there are plenty of men who do this, and then you see their wives/girlfriends, and you are like . . . ???

Because most of those guys either aren't successful enough, or aren't attractive enough, to attain high status women, perhaps?

A lot of those women have likely aged poorly as well. They may have once been better looking than they are now.

Oh come on! There are plenty of unattractive women, overweight women, etc., who have boyfriends and/or are married. Let's face it, really attractive people are the minority.
I disagree. I've known plenty of men who had great work ethics. My ex-boyfriend was one of them. He could not STAND to not be working for even a week. It would drive him crazy. He was a very motivated individual, and there are plenty of other men out there who are the same. You two are describing boys, not men. These are "men" by age alone, but they are not yet mature.

Okay, but that's what I was talking about in the first place.

The vast majority of men in their younger years (late teens to late twenties/ early thirties) are primarily motivated by sex. In lieu of that, they're more than happy to make due with creature comforts.

That's why I prefer older men for the most part. :biggrin: I think that women preferring a man who has his shit together is completely different scenario than a man who is looking for big boobies, big asses, or "youthful beauty." Lol! Apples and oranges, I say!!! :lol:

Did you ever consider that what you think is wrong? You like older men, implying that he's dating a younger woman, you. Why isn't he picking a 50 year old woman instead?

You look about you and you see women preferring men who have their shit together but if you're looking around how come you're not seeing men who prefer woman for their youth and beauty? What's been the theme in this thread - female actresses and then all women trying to look more beautiful and youthful because men respond to that. Now you say it's completely different. That's funny.

So now you are implying that the only thing a woman has to offer is looks? Lol! :dig:
No, he didn't do that for me. He did it for himself. I think that most adult men want to work, and HAVE to work in order to survive. Sure, some might be happy sitting around playing games all day for a while, but eventually they grow up and want to have a better and more productive life. Only children who still live at home can afford to not work for a living.

He did it, because he wanted the money, social status, and respect that come with being successful. It simply happens to be the case that, along with all of the above, also come women, because women are naturally drawn to all of those things in men.

It's a survival strategy like any other.

If you dig through and analyze scientific achievements, they usually come from young, unmarried men. Creativity and achei
No, he didn't do that for me. He did it for himself. I think that most adult men want to work, and HAVE to work in order to survive. Sure, some might be happy sitting around playing games all day for a while, but eventually they grow up and want to have a better and more productive life. Only children who still live at home can afford to not work for a living.

He did it, because he wanted the money, social status, and respect that come with being successful. It simply happens to be the case that, along with all of the above, also come women, because women are naturally drawn to all of those things in men.

It's a survival strategy like any other.

Hmmm. Well riddle me this, why are SO many men married to women who are "less than beautiful?" :biggrin:

In fact, I'm willing to bet that a LOT of the men who are SO critical about women's appearances are married to some not very attractive women. Lol! So . . . what does that mean, when a man's own wife is not a very attractive person, yet he feels okay with being so critical of another female's appearance.

Seriously, there are plenty of men who do this, and then you see their wives/girlfriends, and you are like . . . ???

Because most of those guys either aren't successful enough, or aren't attractive enough, to attain high status women, perhaps?

A lot of those women have likely aged poorly as well. They may have once been better looking than they are now.

Oh come on! There are plenty of unattractive women, overweight women, etc., who have boyfriends and/or are married. Let's face it, really attractive people are the minority.

And billionaires, rock stars, pro athletes and hunky movie starts are also in the minority.

Everything is on a scale. There are only so many Justin Beibers for you girls to idolize.
No, he didn't do that for me. He did it for himself. I think that most adult men want to work, and HAVE to work in order to survive. Sure, some might be happy sitting around playing games all day for a while, but eventually they grow up and want to have a better and more productive life. Only children who still live at home can afford to not work for a living.

He did it, because he wanted the money, social status, and respect that come with being successful. It simply happens to be the case that, along with all of the above, also come women, because women are naturally drawn to all of those things in men.

It's a survival strategy like any other.

If you dig through and analyze scientific achievements, they usually come from young, unmarried men. Creativity and achei
No, he didn't do that for me. He did it for himself. I think that most adult men want to work, and HAVE to work in order to survive. Sure, some might be happy sitting around playing games all day for a while, but eventually they grow up and want to have a better and more productive life. Only children who still live at home can afford to not work for a living.

He did it, because he wanted the money, social status, and respect that come with being successful. It simply happens to be the case that, along with all of the above, also come women, because women are naturally drawn to all of those things in men.

It's a survival strategy like any other.

Hmmm. Well riddle me this, why are SO many men married to women who are "less than beautiful?" :biggrin:

In fact, I'm willing to bet that a LOT of the men who are SO critical about women's appearances are married to some not very attractive women. Lol! So . . . what does that mean, when a man's own wife is not a very attractive person, yet he feels okay with being so critical of another female's appearance.

Seriously, there are plenty of men who do this, and then you see their wives/girlfriends, and you are like . . . ???

Because most of those guys either aren't successful enough, or aren't attractive enough, to attain high status women, perhaps?

A lot of those women have likely aged poorly as well. They may have once been better looking than they are now.

Oh come on! There are plenty of unattractive women, overweight women, etc., who have boyfriends and/or are married. Let's face it, really attractive people are the minority.

And billionaires, rock stars, pro athletes and hunky movie starts are also in the minority.

Everything is on a scale. There are only so many Justin Beibers for you girls to idolize.

Justin Bieber! :lol: He is a child!

Anyways, looks are not the important thing to everyone. Like you yourself acknowledged, looks will eventually fade with age or whatever, so there are other more important qualities you should look for in a mate.
Compatibility, having things in common, getting along well and actually liking one another, having chemistry, all more important than looks when it comes to a relationship IMO.
Oh come on! There are plenty of unattractive women, overweight women, etc., who have boyfriends and/or are married. Let's face it, really attractive people are the minority.

Generally speaking, you'll find that like attracts like. Attractive people will be with other attractive people, and unattractive people will have partners on roughly the same level as themselves.

The only real exception to this is if an attractive person is sub-par in some other way, and so can only get an unattractive person to be with them, or if an unattractive person is highly successful and can therefore score a partner that is "out of their league."
Oh come on! There are plenty of unattractive women, overweight women, etc., who have boyfriends and/or are married. Let's face it, really attractive people are the minority.

Generally speaking, you'll find that like attracts like. Attractive people will be with other attractive people, and unattractive people will have partners on roughly the same level as themselves.

The only real exception to this is if an attractive person is sub-par in some other way, and so can only get an unattractive person to be with them, or if an unattractive person is highly successful and can therefore score a partner that is "out of their league."

That is so untrue. :lol:
That is so untrue. :lol:

Based on what, exactly?
That is so untrue. :lol:

Based on what, exactly?

There are plenty of unattractive/attractive couples out there! Lol!

Also, you are insinuating that if an attractive person can find something attractive about a person other than physical things, there is something wrong with them!!! :rolleyes-41: That is completely ridiculous and just shows immaturity.
Compatibility, having things in common, getting along well and actually liking one another, having chemistry, all more important than looks when it comes to a relationship IMO.

This is usually the opinion of older women. They sure don't think like this when they have what the market values. Even if we go deep on the relationship analysis, everything you claim is important falls far down the list when it comes to initial filtering even for those intent on finding a long term relationship.

Here's an in-depth lecture on the topic

There are plenty of unattractive/attractive couples out there! Lol!

Like who?

Outside of ugly rich guys and rock stars dating models, where are you going to see a 2 dating an 8, or even a 6, for that matter?

Also, you are insinuating that if an attractive person can find something attractive about a person other than physical things, there is something wrong with them!!! :rolleyes-41: That is completely ridiculous and just shows immaturity.

You would want to be in a relationship with someone who was unattractive?
Compatibility, having things in common, getting along well and actually liking one another, having chemistry, all more important than looks when it comes to a relationship IMO.

This is usually the opinion of older women. They sure don't think like this when they have what the market values. Even if we go deep on the relationship analysis, everything you claim is important falls far down the list when it comes to initial filtering even for those intent on finding a long term relationship.

Yes, I've already stated that I'm an "older" woman. I don't have any problems getting men either, even being an "old" lady. Lol!

I disagree. There are plenty of young smart women out there. You are just assuming that everyone is the same as what has been your own personal experiences.

Again, you never answered my question about your age. It doesn't have to be exact, just an approximate. I am curious given a lot of your immature views and what seems like disdain for older women. :biggrin:
There are plenty of unattractive/attractive couples out there! Lol!

Like who?

Outside of ugly rich guys and rock stars dating models, where are you going to see a 2 dating an 8, or even a 6, for that matter?

Also, you are insinuating that if an attractive person can find something attractive about a person other than physical things, there is something wrong with them!!! :rolleyes-41: That is completely ridiculous and just shows immaturity.

You would want to be in a relationship with someone who was unattractive?

I've seen it plenty of times. I've had many crushes on men based upon their personalities alone. Nothing at all to do with their looks, and I would consider myself to be a fairly attractive female.

Are you insinuating that there is something wrong with me? :biggrin: That, perhaps, I am "dysfunctional" in some way because I might prefer the guy who I have more in common with than the guy who has a six-pack?
Compatibility, having things in common, getting along well and actually liking one another, having chemistry, all more important than looks when it comes to a relationship IMO.

This is usually the opinion of older women. They sure don't think like this when they have what the market values. Even if we go deep on the relationship analysis, everything you claim is important falls far down the list when it comes to initial filtering even for those intent on finding a long term relationship.

Yes, I've already stated that I'm an "older" woman. I don't have any problems getting men either, even being an "old" lady. Lol!

I disagree. There are plenty of young smart women out there. You are just assuming that everyone is the same as what has been your own personal experiences.

Again, you never answered my question about your age. It doesn't have to be exact, just an approximate. I am curious given a lot of your immature views and what seems like disdain for older women. :biggrin:

I'm a few years younger than you. I don't have disdain for anyone except liberals. I'm simply not inclined to go along with pretty lies that inform how people see themselves.

You missed the video lecture I appended to that comment.
Compatibility, having things in common, getting along well and actually liking one another, having chemistry, all more important than looks when it comes to a relationship IMO.

This is usually the opinion of older women. They sure don't think like this when they have what the market values. Even if we go deep on the relationship analysis, everything you claim is important falls far down the list when it comes to initial filtering even for those intent on finding a long term relationship.

Yes, I've already stated that I'm an "older" woman. I don't have any problems getting men either, even being an "old" lady. Lol!

I disagree. There are plenty of young smart women out there. You are just assuming that everyone is the same as what has been your own personal experiences.

Again, you never answered my question about your age. It doesn't have to be exact, just an approximate. I am curious given a lot of your immature views and what seems like disdain for older women. :biggrin:

I'm a few years younger than you. I don't have disdain for anyone except liberals. I'm simply not inclined to go along with pretty lies that inform how people see themselves.

Sorry, I can't make any sense out of your last sentence. :dunno:
I've seen it plenty of times. I've had many crushes on men based upon their personalities alone. Nothing at all to do with their looks, and I would consider myself to be a fairly attractive female.

Are you insinuating that there is something wrong with me? :biggrin: That, perhaps, I am "dysfunctional" in some way because I might prefer the guy who I have more in common with than the guy who has a six-pack?

Give us an example of one of these "ugly" men you had crushes on.
I've seen it plenty of times. I've had many crushes on men based upon their personalities alone. Nothing at all to do with their looks, and I would consider myself to be a fairly attractive female.

Are you insinuating that there is something wrong with me? :biggrin: That, perhaps, I am "dysfunctional" in some way because I might prefer the guy who I have more in common with than the guy who has a six-pack?

Give us an example of one of these "ugly" men you had crushes on.

Why? You wouldn't know them, and I'm certainly not giving out names, so I don't know what you expect from this request. Do you think I'm lying or something? Well it's the truth. Okay, maybe "many" was a bit of an exaggeration, but a couple anyway.
Compatibility, having things in common, getting along well and actually liking one another, having chemistry, all more important than looks when it comes to a relationship IMO.

This is usually the opinion of older women. They sure don't think like this when they have what the market values. Even if we go deep on the relationship analysis, everything you claim is important falls far down the list when it comes to initial filtering even for those intent on finding a long term relationship.

Yes, I've already stated that I'm an "older" woman. I don't have any problems getting men either, even being an "old" lady. Lol!

I disagree. There are plenty of young smart women out there. You are just assuming that everyone is the same as what has been your own personal experiences.

Again, you never answered my question about your age. It doesn't have to be exact, just an approximate. I am curious given a lot of your immature views and what seems like disdain for older women. :biggrin:

I'm a few years younger than you. I don't have disdain for anyone except liberals. I'm simply not inclined to go along with pretty lies that inform how people see themselves.

Sorry, I can't make any sense out of your last sentence. :dunno:

Be sure to watch that video lecture I appended to my comment.

That last sentence. People talk themselves into believing things, both about themselves and the world, which are contradicted by how they act and how others act. I prefer to acknowledge how people act rather than affirm what they say.
I've seen it plenty of times. I've had many crushes on men based upon their personalities alone. Nothing at all to do with their looks, and I would consider myself to be a fairly attractive female.

Are you insinuating that there is something wrong with me? :biggrin: That, perhaps, I am "dysfunctional" in some way because I might prefer the guy who I have more in common with than the guy who has a six-pack?

Give us an example of one of these "ugly" men you had crushes on.

Why? You wouldn't know them, and I'm certainly not giving out names, so I don't know what you expect from this request. Do you think I'm lying or something? Well it's the truth. Okay, maybe "many" was a bit of an exaggeration, but a couple anyway.

A crush is meaningless. It's beyond meaningless in that the guy doesn't even get his ego flattered, never mind not getting any action or more.

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