Center right needs to be Biden Republicans

If you claim to be a Christian, then why do you support a party that endorses sexual perversion, abortion, and other sin
You are kidding right? The leader of your party is a 3 time divorcee who commits adultly gluttony, sexual perversion, and probably all the sins except out right murder. The Republican Party practice no higher level of morality than democrats they just point it out more. Like the Pharisees of old.

Trump's personal failings at marriage, is a mar against his character.

BUT, he at least does not hold adultery forth as a policy to be supported and celebrated by his Party and/or society at large.

YOur confusion with the difference, is not credible.
The state has no business in whether you commit adultry or not. Your pastor does. Your president does not. You don’t get that distinction and want your president to push your morality on everyone. You’re in the wrong country for that Bub.

YOU brought up his adultery. I admitted it is mar against his character. I was agreeing with your point about it.

Your hostility is so utterly mindless that you can't accept me admitting when you have a valid point.

Ironically this supports my larger point, about your sides long term hostility towards people like me, and thus justifying our "fears" of you.
Look. Sleep with who you want to sleep with. Or don’t. We don’t care. Not one tiny bit. No one on the left wants to tell you what to do. Why you are hung up on how other people act is baffling. From abortion to marriage to fucking gender declaration. Come on. Mind your damn business The fact that you can’t impose your morality on others has you willing to support a despot. Really? That’s what you’ve been reduced to? I’ll grant you the sport issue, which is miniscual in the grand scheme of life, does affect other people and is a valid grip.

You are the one that brought it up. I was agreeing with your point about it.

You are so hateful and knee jerk in your hostility, that you cannot accept me admitting you have a point. Even when I draw your attention to it repeatedly.

This should be a red flag for you. For anyone.

What would you say about such behavior, if you saw it in someone else?
Hey I’m about love. It’s an internet board where you get zero points for being right and 10 points for snarky comebacks. I like to be right and snarky. If snarky bothers you I’ll just stick to being right.

There is snark and then there is being such a hatefilled zealot that you respond to an concession with incoherent hostility.

I asked you a serious question. If you saw someone else, so full of hate and hostility that they could not accept someone else conceding a point, what would you say about that person?
If you claim to be a Christian, then why do you support a party that endorses sexual perversion, abortion, and other sin
You are kidding right? The leader of your party is a 3 time divorcee who commits adultly gluttony, sexual perversion, and probably all the sins except out right murder. The Republican Party practice no higher level of morality than democrats they just point it out more. Like the Pharisees of old.

Trump's personal failings at marriage, is a mar against his character.

BUT, he at least does not hold adultery forth as a policy to be supported and celebrated by his Party and/or society at large.

YOur confusion with the difference, is not credible.
The state has no business in whether you commit adultry or not. Your pastor does. Your president does not. You don’t get that distinction and want your president to push your morality on everyone. You’re in the wrong country for that Bub.

YOU brought up his adultery. I admitted it is mar against his character. I was agreeing with your point about it.

Your hostility is so utterly mindless that you can't accept me admitting when you have a valid point.

Ironically this supports my larger point, about your sides long term hostility towards people like me, and thus justifying our "fears" of you.
Look. Sleep with who you want to sleep with. Or don’t. We don’t care. Not one tiny bit. No one on the left wants to tell you what to do. Why you are hung up on how other people act is baffling. From abortion to marriage to fucking gender declaration. Come on. Mind your damn business The fact that you can’t impose your morality on others has you willing to support a despot. Really? That’s what you’ve been reduced to? I’ll grant you the sport issue, which is miniscual in the grand scheme of life, does affect other people and is a valid grip.

You are the one that brought it up. I was agreeing with your point about it.

You are so hateful and knee jerk in your hostility, that you cannot accept me admitting you have a point. Even when I draw your attention to it repeatedly.

This should be a red flag for you. For anyone.

What would you say about such behavior, if you saw it in someone else?
Hey I’m about love. It’s an internet board where you get zero points for being right and 10 points for snarky comebacks. I like to be right and snarky. If snarky bothers you I’ll just stick to being right.

There is snark and then there is being such a hatefilled zealot that you respond to an concession with incoherent hostility.

I asked you a serious question. If you saw someone else, so full of hate and hostility that they could not accept someone else conceding a point, what would you say about that person?
I’d disagree with your premise but if you were offended I will apologize. I apologize.
K, I hope you can continue to enjoy it.

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." -- Samuel Adams
I have wealth, liberty, political freedom, religious freedom, and I am expressing my views and free speech unencumbered to you.
I never ceases to amaze me how people miss the obvious when they're thrown some crumbs from the table, your wealth is an illusion built upon a currency that isn't backed by anything but debt, your *views* are heavily manipulated by political machinery, media and advertisers and even the claim to religious freedom becomes questionable in the face of systemic religious bigotry.

As evidence one need look no further than your posting history here which indicates that when the Democrat Party machinery says "JUMP!" your response is most likely to be "HOW HIGH?", Democrat Angels-Republican Devils, the predictable programmed response of one captured in the orbit of one of the two Crime Families.
As long as we keep conservatives from trying to impose the Handmaiden’s Tale state control by continuing to concentrate all the nation’s wealth into the hands of a select few people we are going to be ok.
How's that working out so far? debt slavery in place of higher wages anyone?

I wish you well.
You’re wrong. Democrats are normal people who have a policy to help more people. Republicans have moved from a group of normal people who have a policy to help fewer people to now a freak show of culture warriors, bigots, religious nuts, and the wealthy who want to minimize their giveback.
Thanks for providing further evidence that my analysis regarding programmed partisan responses was correct.

I'm sure you're a fine caring person, it's just too bad you're oblivious to how thoroughly you've been manipulated.
I used to be a Republican.
I’m a white wealthy Christian son of a military father who grew up in the south. It’s not a stretch to think I like sec football and used to be an ignorant Republican who thought I could ignore the social war nonsense of the right so I could slide by with less taxes. I am now paying for being so selfish. I’d like some votes back.
If you claim to be a Christian, then why do you support a party that endorses sexual perversion, abortion, and other sin?
Seems to me Christians have been supporting those things for long time, look at the history of that religion; priests and young boys, systemic mass murder, torture and all sorts nefarious behavior that are no-no's according to the "good book", in fact i'm pretty certain that if Jesus were around today he'd want nothing to do with Christianity.
And in case you haven't noticed, there's a distinct difference between Roman Catholicism and true Christian faith. Real Born Again disciples would never commit atrocities like that.
OIC, so you wouldn't have something like a Protestant "Born Again" Commander in Chief ordering the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi's.... only the fake Christian Catholics would do something like that.

Apparently the "thou shalt not kill" commandment was completely optional. :rolleyes-41:
The proper translation is "You shall not murder". Not the same.
You know you're out of your depth when you attempt to characterize ordering the dropping of bombs on people's homes and businesses as anything but a violation of the Sixth Commandment.

... not to mention demonstrating the shakiness of one's faith in the All Mighty by attempting to lawyer around with what is purported to be his/her/its Holy Texts, are you trying to convince me or yourself?
Then there should have been no retaliation for Pearl Harbor, amirite? because to you it's "immoral". Or how about 9/11? You think we should have just taken Chamberlain's approach and appease these Islamofascist scumbags?
LOL, you have it backwards it's not according to me it's according to the religion you claim to belong to that it's immoral.

Or are you of the opinion that the All Mighty is going to "let 'em off on a technicality, because according to U.S. Law killing those people was legal"? Was there "except when..." clauses included with the Sixth Commandment? Or does Christianity preach that the Ten Commandments only need be obeyed when it's convenient?
If you claim to be a Christian, then why do you support a party that endorses sexual perversion, abortion, and other sin
You are kidding right? The leader of your party is a 3 time divorcee who commits adultly gluttony, sexual perversion, and probably all the sins except out right murder. The Republican Party practice no higher level of morality than democrats they just point it out more. Like the Pharisees of old.

Trump's personal failings at marriage, is a mar against his character.

BUT, he at least does not hold adultery forth as a policy to be supported and celebrated by his Party and/or society at large.

YOur confusion with the difference, is not credible.
The state has no business in whether you commit adultry or not. Your pastor does. Your president does not. You don’t get that distinction and want your president to push your morality on everyone. You’re in the wrong country for that Bub.

YOU brought up his adultery. I admitted it is mar against his character. I was agreeing with your point about it.

Your hostility is so utterly mindless that you can't accept me admitting when you have a valid point.

Ironically this supports my larger point, about your sides long term hostility towards people like me, and thus justifying our "fears" of you.
Look. Sleep with who you want to sleep with. Or don’t. We don’t care. Not one tiny bit. No one on the left wants to tell you what to do. Why you are hung up on how other people act is baffling. From abortion to marriage to fucking gender declaration. Come on. Mind your damn business The fact that you can’t impose your morality on others has you willing to support a despot. Really? That’s what you’ve been reduced to? I’ll grant you the sport issue, which is miniscual in the grand scheme of life, does affect other people and is a valid grip.

You are the one that brought it up. I was agreeing with your point about it.

You are so hateful and knee jerk in your hostility, that you cannot accept me admitting you have a point. Even when I draw your attention to it repeatedly.

This should be a red flag for you. For anyone.

What would you say about such behavior, if you saw it in someone else?
Hey I’m about love. It’s an internet board where you get zero points for being right and 10 points for snarky comebacks. I like to be right and snarky. If snarky bothers you I’ll just stick to being right.

There is snark and then there is being such a hatefilled zealot that you respond to an concession with incoherent hostility.

I asked you a serious question. If you saw someone else, so full of hate and hostility that they could not accept someone else conceding a point, what would you say about that person?
I’d disagree with your premise but if you were offended I will apologize. I apologize.

It is not about me being offended. It is about you being deeply hostile to us, to the point of irrationality.

I'm sorry that you cannot reflect on what that means about you.

However, your hostility certainly proves and validates my point. YOu people are hostile to us. Our "fears" are real, not us being "misled"

and they certainly predate Trump.

Anyone that says otherwise, is wrong or lying.
K, I hope you can continue to enjoy it.

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." -- Samuel Adams
I have wealth, liberty, political freedom, religious freedom, and I am expressing my views and free speech unencumbered to you.
I never ceases to amaze me how people miss the obvious when they're thrown some crumbs from the table, your wealth is an illusion built upon a currency that isn't backed by anything but debt, your *views* are heavily manipulated by political machinery, media and advertisers and even the claim to religious freedom becomes questionable in the face of systemic religious bigotry.

As evidence one need look no further than your posting history here which indicates that when the Democrat Party machinery says "JUMP!" your response is most likely to be "HOW HIGH?", Democrat Angels-Republican Devils, the predictable programmed response of one captured in the orbit of one of the two Crime Families.
As long as we keep conservatives from trying to impose the Handmaiden’s Tale state control by continuing to concentrate all the nation’s wealth into the hands of a select few people we are going to be ok.
How's that working out so far? debt slavery in place of higher wages anyone?

I wish you well.
You’re wrong. Democrats are normal people who have a policy to help more people. Republicans have moved from a group of normal people who have a policy to help fewer people to now a freak show of culture warriors, bigots, religious nuts, and the wealthy who want to minimize their giveback.
Thanks for providing further evidence that my analysis regarding programmed partisan responses was correct.

I'm sure you're a fine caring person, it's just too bad you're oblivious to how thoroughly you've been manipulated.
I used to be a Republican.
I’m a white wealthy Christian son of a military father who grew up in the south. It’s not a stretch to think I like sec football and used to be an ignorant Republican who thought I could ignore the social war nonsense of the right so I could slide by with less taxes. I am now paying for being so selfish. I’d like some votes back.
If you claim to be a Christian, then why do you support a party that endorses sexual perversion, abortion, and other sin?
Seems to me Christians have been supporting those things for long time, look at the history of that religion; priests and young boys, systemic mass murder, torture and all sorts nefarious behavior that are no-no's according to the "good book", in fact i'm pretty certain that if Jesus were around today he'd want nothing to do with Christianity.
And in case you haven't noticed, there's a distinct difference between Roman Catholicism and true Christian faith. Real Born Again disciples would never commit atrocities like that.
OIC, so you wouldn't have something like a Protestant "Born Again" Commander in Chief ordering the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi's.... only the fake Christian Catholics would do something like that.

Apparently the "thou shalt not kill" commandment was completely optional. :rolleyes-41:
The proper translation is "You shall not murder". Not the same.
You know you're out of your depth when you attempt to characterize ordering the dropping of bombs on people's homes and businesses as anything but a violation of the Sixth Commandment.

... not to mention demonstrating the shakiness of one's faith in the All Mighty by attempting to lawyer around with what is purported to be his/her/its Holy Texts, are you trying to convince me or yourself?
Then there should have been no retaliation for Pearl Harbor, amirite? because to you it's "immoral". Or how about 9/11? You think we should have just taken Chamberlain's approach and appease these Islamofascist scumbags?
LOL, you have it backwards it's not according to me it's according to the religion you claim to belong to that it's immoral.

Or are you of the opinion that the All Mighty is going to "let 'em off on a technicality, because according to U.S. Law killing those people was legal"? Was there "except when..." clauses included with the Sixth Commandment? Or does Christianity preach that the Ten Commandments only need be obeyed when it's convenient?
God Himself exacted violent judgement against people and nations.
K, I hope you can continue to enjoy it.

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." -- Samuel Adams
I have wealth, liberty, political freedom, religious freedom, and I am expressing my views and free speech unencumbered to you.
I never ceases to amaze me how people miss the obvious when they're thrown some crumbs from the table, your wealth is an illusion built upon a currency that isn't backed by anything but debt, your *views* are heavily manipulated by political machinery, media and advertisers and even the claim to religious freedom becomes questionable in the face of systemic religious bigotry.

As evidence one need look no further than your posting history here which indicates that when the Democrat Party machinery says "JUMP!" your response is most likely to be "HOW HIGH?", Democrat Angels-Republican Devils, the predictable programmed response of one captured in the orbit of one of the two Crime Families.
As long as we keep conservatives from trying to impose the Handmaiden’s Tale state control by continuing to concentrate all the nation’s wealth into the hands of a select few people we are going to be ok.
How's that working out so far? debt slavery in place of higher wages anyone?

I wish you well.
You’re wrong. Democrats are normal people who have a policy to help more people. Republicans have moved from a group of normal people who have a policy to help fewer people to now a freak show of culture warriors, bigots, religious nuts, and the wealthy who want to minimize their giveback.
Thanks for providing further evidence that my analysis regarding programmed partisan responses was correct.

I'm sure you're a fine caring person, it's just too bad you're oblivious to how thoroughly you've been manipulated.
I used to be a Republican.
I’m a white wealthy Christian son of a military father who grew up in the south. It’s not a stretch to think I like sec football and used to be an ignorant Republican who thought I could ignore the social war nonsense of the right so I could slide by with less taxes. I am now paying for being so selfish. I’d like some votes back.
If you claim to be a Christian, then why do you support a party that endorses sexual perversion, abortion, and other sin?
Seems to me Christians have been supporting those things for long time, look at the history of that religion; priests and young boys, systemic mass murder, torture and all sorts nefarious behavior that are no-no's according to the "good book", in fact i'm pretty certain that if Jesus were around today he'd want nothing to do with Christianity.
And in case you haven't noticed, there's a distinct difference between Roman Catholicism and true Christian faith. Real Born Again disciples would never commit atrocities like that.
OIC, so you wouldn't have something like a Protestant "Born Again" Commander in Chief ordering the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi's.... only the fake Christian Catholics would do something like that.

Apparently the "thou shalt not kill" commandment was completely optional. :rolleyes-41:
The proper translation is "You shall not murder". Not the same.
You know you're out of your depth when you attempt to characterize ordering the dropping of bombs on people's homes and businesses as anything but a violation of the Sixth Commandment.

... not to mention demonstrating the shakiness of one's faith in the All Mighty by attempting to lawyer around with what is purported to be his/her/its Holy Texts, are you trying to convince me or yourself?
Then there should have been no retaliation for Pearl Harbor, amirite? because to you it's "immoral". Or how about 9/11? You think we should have just taken Chamberlain's approach and appease these Islamofascist scumbags?
LOL, you have it backwards it's not according to me it's according to the religion you claim to belong to that it's immoral.

Or are you of the opinion that the All Mighty is going to "let 'em off on a technicality, because according to U.S. Law killing those people was legal"? Was there "except when..." clauses included with the Sixth Commandment? Or does Christianity preach that the Ten Commandments only need be obeyed when it's convenient?
God Himself exacted violent judgement against people and nations.
Yeah and? Since when does Christianity preach that God needs to follow his/her/its own commandments? Does your version of Christianity believe that intentionally killing other human beings is a sin or is the Sixth Commandment OPTIONAL?
K, I hope you can continue to enjoy it.

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." -- Samuel Adams
I have wealth, liberty, political freedom, religious freedom, and I am expressing my views and free speech unencumbered to you.
I never ceases to amaze me how people miss the obvious when they're thrown some crumbs from the table, your wealth is an illusion built upon a currency that isn't backed by anything but debt, your *views* are heavily manipulated by political machinery, media and advertisers and even the claim to religious freedom becomes questionable in the face of systemic religious bigotry.

As evidence one need look no further than your posting history here which indicates that when the Democrat Party machinery says "JUMP!" your response is most likely to be "HOW HIGH?", Democrat Angels-Republican Devils, the predictable programmed response of one captured in the orbit of one of the two Crime Families.
As long as we keep conservatives from trying to impose the Handmaiden’s Tale state control by continuing to concentrate all the nation’s wealth into the hands of a select few people we are going to be ok.
How's that working out so far? debt slavery in place of higher wages anyone?

I wish you well.
You’re wrong. Democrats are normal people who have a policy to help more people. Republicans have moved from a group of normal people who have a policy to help fewer people to now a freak show of culture warriors, bigots, religious nuts, and the wealthy who want to minimize their giveback.
Thanks for providing further evidence that my analysis regarding programmed partisan responses was correct.

I'm sure you're a fine caring person, it's just too bad you're oblivious to how thoroughly you've been manipulated.
I used to be a Republican.
I’m a white wealthy Christian son of a military father who grew up in the south. It’s not a stretch to think I like sec football and used to be an ignorant Republican who thought I could ignore the social war nonsense of the right so I could slide by with less taxes. I am now paying for being so selfish. I’d like some votes back.
If you claim to be a Christian, then why do you support a party that endorses sexual perversion, abortion, and other sin?
Seems to me Christians have been supporting those things for long time, look at the history of that religion; priests and young boys, systemic mass murder, torture and all sorts nefarious behavior that are no-no's according to the "good book", in fact i'm pretty certain that if Jesus were around today he'd want nothing to do with Christianity.
And in case you haven't noticed, there's a distinct difference between Roman Catholicism and true Christian faith. Real Born Again disciples would never commit atrocities like that.
OIC, so you wouldn't have something like a Protestant "Born Again" Commander in Chief ordering the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi's.... only the fake Christian Catholics would do something like that.

Apparently the "thou shalt not kill" commandment was completely optional. :rolleyes-41:
The proper translation is "You shall not murder". Not the same.
You know you're out of your depth when you attempt to characterize ordering the dropping of bombs on people's homes and businesses as anything but a violation of the Sixth Commandment.

... not to mention demonstrating the shakiness of one's faith in the All Mighty by attempting to lawyer around with what is purported to be his/her/its Holy Texts, are you trying to convince me or yourself?
Then there should have been no retaliation for Pearl Harbor, amirite? because to you it's "immoral". Or how about 9/11? You think we should have just taken Chamberlain's approach and appease these Islamofascist scumbags?
LOL, you have it backwards it's not according to me it's according to the religion you claim to belong to that it's immoral.

Or are you of the opinion that the All Mighty is going to "let 'em off on a technicality, because according to U.S. Law killing those people was legal"? Was there "except when..." clauses included with the Sixth Commandment? Or does Christianity preach that the Ten Commandments only need be obeyed when it's convenient?
God Himself exacted violent judgement against people and nations.
Yeah and? Since when does Christianity preach that God needs to follow his/her/its own commandments? Does your version of Christianity believe that intentionally killing other human beings is a sin or is the Sixth Commandment OPTIONAL?
If in the defense of another person, nation, or even self?
Once dumbfuckers get vaccinated we can move on with our lives.

Those of us who are not dumbfuckers are not waiting for permission from those if you who are, to live our lives.
Well... tell me how the latest Avengers movie is on Memorial Day. Oh... it’s not out. I said in an earlier post my life isn’t that different. The small things like movies are the things we can get back to if dumbfuckers get vaccinated.
Well... tell me how the latest Avengers movie is on Memorial Day. Oh... it’s not out.
The only real Avengers is that wonderful quirky old British TV show from the 1960s. Not one of the pathetic comic-book character pretenders to that name—nor all of them combined—is worthy to polish John Steed's shoes.
The only real Avengers is that wonderful quirky old British TV show from the 1960s. Not one of the pathetic comic-book character pretenders to that name—nor all of them combined—is worthy to polish John Steed's shoes
Fake news! No good TV came out of the 60’s. At least not until Star Trek in the late 60’s.
K, I hope you can continue to enjoy it.

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." -- Samuel Adams
I have wealth, liberty, political freedom, religious freedom, and I am expressing my views and free speech unencumbered to you.
I never ceases to amaze me how people miss the obvious when they're thrown some crumbs from the table, your wealth is an illusion built upon a currency that isn't backed by anything but debt, your *views* are heavily manipulated by political machinery, media and advertisers and even the claim to religious freedom becomes questionable in the face of systemic religious bigotry.

As evidence one need look no further than your posting history here which indicates that when the Democrat Party machinery says "JUMP!" your response is most likely to be "HOW HIGH?", Democrat Angels-Republican Devils, the predictable programmed response of one captured in the orbit of one of the two Crime Families.
As long as we keep conservatives from trying to impose the Handmaiden’s Tale state control by continuing to concentrate all the nation’s wealth into the hands of a select few people we are going to be ok.
How's that working out so far? debt slavery in place of higher wages anyone?

I wish you well.
You’re wrong. Democrats are normal people who have a policy to help more people. Republicans have moved from a group of normal people who have a policy to help fewer people to now a freak show of culture warriors, bigots, religious nuts, and the wealthy who want to minimize their giveback.
Thanks for providing further evidence that my analysis regarding programmed partisan responses was correct.

I'm sure you're a fine caring person, it's just too bad you're oblivious to how thoroughly you've been manipulated.
I used to be a Republican.
I’m a white wealthy Christian son of a military father who grew up in the south. It’s not a stretch to think I like sec football and used to be an ignorant Republican who thought I could ignore the social war nonsense of the right so I could slide by with less taxes. I am now paying for being so selfish. I’d like some votes back.
If you claim to be a Christian, then why do you support a party that endorses sexual perversion, abortion, and other sin?
Seems to me Christians have been supporting those things for long time, look at the history of that religion; priests and young boys, systemic mass murder, torture and all sorts nefarious behavior that are no-no's according to the "good book", in fact i'm pretty certain that if Jesus were around today he'd want nothing to do with Christianity.
And in case you haven't noticed, there's a distinct difference between Roman Catholicism and true Christian faith. Real Born Again disciples would never commit atrocities like that.
OIC, so you wouldn't have something like a Protestant "Born Again" Commander in Chief ordering the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi's.... only the fake Christian Catholics would do something like that.

Apparently the "thou shalt not kill" commandment was completely optional. :rolleyes-41:
The proper translation is "You shall not murder". Not the same.
You know you're out of your depth when you attempt to characterize ordering the dropping of bombs on people's homes and businesses as anything but a violation of the Sixth Commandment.

... not to mention demonstrating the shakiness of one's faith in the All Mighty by attempting to lawyer around with what is purported to be his/her/its Holy Texts, are you trying to convince me or yourself?
Then there should have been no retaliation for Pearl Harbor, amirite? because to you it's "immoral". Or how about 9/11? You think we should have just taken Chamberlain's approach and appease these Islamofascist scumbags?
LOL, you have it backwards it's not according to me it's according to the religion you claim to belong to that it's immoral.

Or are you of the opinion that the All Mighty is going to "let 'em off on a technicality, because according to U.S. Law killing those people was legal"? Was there "except when..." clauses included with the Sixth Commandment? Or does Christianity preach that the Ten Commandments only need be obeyed when it's convenient?
God Himself exacted violent judgement against people and nations.
Yeah and? Since when does Christianity preach that God needs to follow his/her/its own commandments? Does your version of Christianity believe that intentionally killing other human beings is a sin or is the Sixth Commandment OPTIONAL?
If in the defense of another person, nation, or even self?
You tell me, it's your religion not mine, though from what I've read the Sixth Commandment is straightforward and not subject to quibbling regarding intentions or circumstance, but who knows, I see Christians that say they believe one thing and then do the exact opposite all the time. If one didn't know any better one might confuse them with hypocrites.
Most Republicans don’t care that Trump locked up children, NOPE THAT WAS OBAMA THAT DID THAT, PROVEN WITH PICS, cozied up to white supremacists, NOPE THAT WAS BIDEN SEEN IN A PHOTO WITH ROBERT KKK BYRD, tear-gassed peaceful protesters NOPE, TEARGASSED WERE PEOPLE WHO REFUSED TO CLEAR OUT, benefited from Russian help in both of his campaigns, NOPE 25 MILLION DOLLARS LATER THIS WAS PROVEN FALSE IT WAS HILLARY WHO PAID FOR RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION ON TRUMP egregiously mishandled the pandemic NOPE, DID QUITE WELL. GOT 3 VACCINES OUT WITHIN A YEAR, incited a violent attack on the Capitol NOPE, HE TOLD PEOPLE TO ASSEMBLE PEACEFULLY and even faced fraud complaints from his own donors NEVER WENT ANYWHERE.

There, fixed that mess for you.
Most Republicans don’t care that Trump locked up children, NOPE THAT WAS OBAMA THAT DID THAT, PROVEN WITH PICS, cozied up to white supremacists, NOPE THAT WAS BIDEN SEEN IN A PHOTO WITH ROBERT KKK BYRD, tear-gassed peaceful protesters NOPE, TEARGASSED WERE PEOPLE WHO REFUSED TO CLEAR OUT, benefited from Russian help in both of his campaigns, NOPE 25 MILLION DOLLARS LATER THIS WAS PROVEN FALSE IT WAS HILLARY WHO PAID FOR RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION ON TRUMP egregiously mishandled the pandemic NOPE, DID QUITE WELL. GOT 3 VACCINES OUT WITHIN A YEAR, incited a violent attack on the Capitol NOPE, HE TOLD PEOPLE TO ASSEMBLE PEACEFULLY and even faced fraud complaints from his own donors NEVER WENT ANYWHERE.

There, fixed that mess for you.

Most Republicans don’t care that Trump locked up children, NOPE THAT WAS OBAMA THAT DID THAT, PROVEN WITH PICS, cozied up to white supremacists, NOPE THAT WAS BIDEN SEEN IN A PHOTO WITH ROBERT KKK BYRD, tear-gassed peaceful protesters NOPE, TEARGASSED WERE PEOPLE WHO REFUSED TO CLEAR OUT, benefited from Russian help in both of his campaigns, NOPE 25 MILLION DOLLARS LATER THIS WAS PROVEN FALSE IT WAS HILLARY WHO PAID FOR RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION ON TRUMP egregiously mishandled the pandemic NOPE, DID QUITE WELL. GOT 3 VACCINES OUT WITHIN A YEAR, incited a violent attack on the Capitol NOPE, HE TOLD PEOPLE TO ASSEMBLE PEACEFULLY and even faced fraud complaints from his own donors NEVER WENT ANYWHERE.

There, fixed that mess for you.
It’s against the rules to change someone’s quote. Id report you but you put too much work into it.

Everything you typed was wrong. Everything. One day you’ll be embarrassed for being duped and gaslighting for a con man.
There's certainly no place for those who used to be called Republicans in the crazy Party of Trump.

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