Ok, now answer my question.

I think your question doesn't make any sense. Want to elaborate?

I'm sorry you lack the ability to follow along, so never mind, I'm sure you would do nothing but come up with more personal attacks and deflection. Your not worth the effort.

I hate Texas, There the people think they are better than anyone else. I have a deli store that sells condiments and the usual variety of things. You came in to buy my special barbecue sauce wearing your cowboy hat. I asked where you were from and you said from the Great State Of Texas. I told you to go back there and buy your lousy sauce. Wouldn't you feel I was discriminating against you personally?

I think we already know what they are going to say. Lol! "Oh, I would go somewhere else. I wouldn't mind being treated like crap at all!" :lol:

I feel sorry for the gay person who just goes to work and lives his/her life and tries to go to the local store to buy something and is turned away because he or she is "gay." That is just shitty to me. Anyone who would turn a person away like that is a shitty person, IMO. :rolleyes-41:

Well, like the old saying goes, opinion are like assholes, everyone has one and most all of them stink.

Also, you are correct, I would go somewhere else because I learned many years ago not to sweat the small shit.

Just because it's small to YOU, a person who has not experienced being discriminated against and treated like crap, doesn't mean it is insignificant to another. Not everyone is the same.
Given your complete lack of understanding of the laws regarding business, I don't believe that you ever owned a business. You are much too ignorant.

All I can say about your tantrums is boo-effing-hoo. You sound like a toddler, seriously. Why don't you go stomp you feet and throw yourself on the floor too?

Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything, you dummy. Get a grip on yourself. If your religion prevents you from following the law, then you don't have a "right" to open a business and disobey the laws in your state. The states make the rules regarding business practice, not you.

Ok, now answer my question.

I think your question doesn't make any sense. Want to elaborate?

I'm sorry you lack the ability to follow along, so never mind, I'm sure you would do nothing but come up with more personal attacks and deflection. Your not worth the effort.

I hate Texas, There the people think they are better than anyone else. I have a deli store that sells condiments and the usual variety of things. You came in to buy my special barbecue sauce wearing your cowboy hat. I asked where you were from and you said from the Great State Of Texas. I told you to go back there and buy your lousy sauce. Wouldn't you feel I was discriminating against you personally?

I think we already know what they are going to say. Lol! "Oh, I would go somewhere else. I wouldn't mind being treated like crap at all!" :lol:

I feel sorry for the gay person who just goes to work and lives his/her life and tries to go to the local store to buy something and is turned away because he or she is "gay." That is just shitty to me. Anyone who would turn a person away like that is a shitty person, IMO. :rolleyes-41:

The interesting thing about this is it wasn't long ago that blacks could not buy things in stores run by whites and they couldn't sit at the soda fountain where whites were. Obviously laws were passed and it was found they were be discriminated against. Too bad they did not sue.
Ok, now answer my question.
You didn't ask me to answer, but I don't think it was a matter of "protection." as much as freedom. The two girls wanted their products because they liked it, but the store owner refused to sell their product to them. Think about it as blacks and a white baker. Wouldn't it be denying the black couple their product and shutting down their freedom of buying it?

Blacks and gays have nothing in common here, blacks are black because of genetics, they have no choice in the matter, being gay is not genetic, it is lifestyle, actions and preferences. If you can ever prove gays are the way they are because of genetics, I'll be happy to revisit my opinion. But in the mean time, the rabbit hole our society has opened by granting rights on non-tangible, purely subjective standards is something I think we will live to regret.

People like you used the same arguments that you are using now to try to claim it was their religious "right" to discriminate against blacks too. It's been tried. It failed, just as it will this time. Sorry that you are so sick.

Keep talking your shit while not addressing what I actually said, carry on.

What I said is true. These arguments have been argued in court by bigots like you and have failed. You lose. :D

Tell me, what medical test is used to prove someone is naturally gay? Oh right, there isn't one, we're expected to grant them special rights and protections because they say so. No way that could ever go wrong.
You didn't ask me to answer, but I don't think it was a matter of "protection." as much as freedom. The two girls wanted their products because they liked it, but the store owner refused to sell their product to them. Think about it as blacks and a white baker. Wouldn't it be denying the black couple their product and shutting down their freedom of buying it?

Blacks and gays have nothing in common here, blacks are black because of genetics, they have no choice in the matter, being gay is not genetic, it is lifestyle, actions and preferences. If you can ever prove gays are the way they are because of genetics, I'll be happy to revisit my opinion. But in the mean time, the rabbit hole our society has opened by granting rights on non-tangible, purely subjective standards is something I think we will live to regret.

People like you used the same arguments that you are using now to try to claim it was their religious "right" to discriminate against blacks too. It's been tried. It failed, just as it will this time. Sorry that you are so sick.

Keep talking your shit while not addressing what I actually said, carry on.

What I said is true. These arguments have been argued in court by bigots like you and have failed. You lose. :D

Tell me, what medical test is used to prove someone is naturally gay? Oh right, there isn't one, we're expected to grant them special rights and protections because they say so. No way that could ever go wrong.

What "special privileges" do gay people have that other people do not? Oh, that's right, none. They just want to be treated fairly and like anyone else. The law applies to EVERYONE.

Why are you so concerned with a gay person's sex life? It is retarded, really.
You didn't ask me to answer, but I don't think it was a matter of "protection." as much as freedom. The two girls wanted their products because they liked it, but the store owner refused to sell their product to them. Think about it as blacks and a white baker. Wouldn't it be denying the black couple their product and shutting down their freedom of buying it?

Blacks and gays have nothing in common here, blacks are black because of genetics, they have no choice in the matter, being gay is not genetic, it is lifestyle, actions and preferences. If you can ever prove gays are the way they are because of genetics, I'll be happy to revisit my opinion. But in the mean time, the rabbit hole our society has opened by granting rights on non-tangible, purely subjective standards is something I think we will live to regret.

People like you used the same arguments that you are using now to try to claim it was their religious "right" to discriminate against blacks too. It's been tried. It failed, just as it will this time. Sorry that you are so sick.

Keep talking your shit while not addressing what I actually said, carry on.

What I said is true. These arguments have been argued in court by bigots like you and have failed. You lose. :D

Tell me, what medical test is used to prove someone is naturally gay? Oh right, there isn't one, we're expected to grant them special rights and protections because they say so. No way that could ever go wrong.
You are going to carry this on, but I am about through. Some people may be naturally gay, I think. I have seen very young boys who seem to have feminine qualities. That is before they have a lick of sense about sexuality. What about "TOM BOYS " who turn out to be lesbians. Who knows...I really don't.
I think your question doesn't make any sense. Want to elaborate?

I'm sorry you lack the ability to follow along, so never mind, I'm sure you would do nothing but come up with more personal attacks and deflection. Your not worth the effort.

I hate Texas, There the people think they are better than anyone else. I have a deli store that sells condiments and the usual variety of things. You came in to buy my special barbecue sauce wearing your cowboy hat. I asked where you were from and you said from the Great State Of Texas. I told you to go back there and buy your lousy sauce. Wouldn't you feel I was discriminating against you personally?

I think we already know what they are going to say. Lol! "Oh, I would go somewhere else. I wouldn't mind being treated like crap at all!" :lol:

I feel sorry for the gay person who just goes to work and lives his/her life and tries to go to the local store to buy something and is turned away because he or she is "gay." That is just shitty to me. Anyone who would turn a person away like that is a shitty person, IMO. :rolleyes-41:

Well, like the old saying goes, opinion are like assholes, everyone has one and most all of them stink.

Also, you are correct, I would go somewhere else because I learned many years ago not to sweat the small shit.

Just because it's small to YOU, a person who has not experienced being discriminated against and treated like crap, doesn't mean it is insignificant to another. Not everyone is the same.

Right, you've been discriminating against me and treating me like crap for the last several posts, I only let my temper get the best of me once and I apologize for that.

Why are you so willing to accept the word of gays and not anyone else.
They seem to lack understanding of freedom of religion.

Discrimination is not recognized as freedom of religion.

Accepting perverted behavior is hardly discrimination.
"Perverted behavior" is in your eyes, not everyone's. Just look as it as denying someone you don't like to buy your product. THAT is discrimination.

I dont give a fuck if I dont want to serve you because I dont like the color of your eyes.
It's my fucken business.
But if the law in that state says it is discriminating, you are wrong...legally. Morally you can think what ever you want. But if I were you, I wouldn't get into a business.

Great! So you're going to run off Christian business.
Go right ahead,it'll fit right in with your 15 buck an hour min wage.
Discrimination is not recognized as freedom of religion.

Accepting perverted behavior is hardly discrimination.
"Perverted behavior" is in your eyes, not everyone's. Just look as it as denying someone you don't like to buy your product. THAT is discrimination.

I dont give a fuck if I dont want to serve you because I dont like the color of your eyes.
It's my fucken business.
But if the law in that state says it is discriminating, you are wrong...legally. Morally you can think what ever you want. But if I were you, I wouldn't get into a business.

Great! So you're going to run off Christian business.
Go right ahead,it'll fit right in with your 15 buck an hour min wage.

If I had a business, it would be owned by a Christian, for I am one. But I don't make judgments about people...God has that job.
Accepting perverted behavior is hardly discrimination.
"Perverted behavior" is in your eyes, not everyone's. Just look as it as denying someone you don't like to buy your product. THAT is discrimination.

I dont give a fuck if I dont want to serve you because I dont like the color of your eyes.
It's my fucken business.

Too bad for you. You have to follow the laws in your state or don't open a business. I don't feel sorry for you one bit. I think you are quite a pathetic insecure and sad little person actually. However, even though I don't like you, I would still bake you a stupid cake because I am an adult.

Oh shut the hell up you stupid bimbo.
My net worth is more than you would realize in ten of your worthless lifetimes.
People like you are like dog shit on my shoe...something to wipe off in disgust.

Yeah sure. :lol: You here all day bitching about gay people. If you had any semblance of a life, you would be too busy to worry about it.

Like i've said repeatedly.
You're type means nothing in the big scheme of things.
I'll hang up my spurs and bail to another country and live like you've never lived. As will anyone with a lick of sense and some money.
"Perverted behavior" is in your eyes, not everyone's. Just look as it as denying someone you don't like to buy your product. THAT is discrimination.

I dont give a fuck if I dont want to serve you because I dont like the color of your eyes.
It's my fucken business.

Too bad for you. You have to follow the laws in your state or don't open a business. I don't feel sorry for you one bit. I think you are quite a pathetic insecure and sad little person actually. However, even though I don't like you, I would still bake you a stupid cake because I am an adult.

Oh shut the hell up you stupid bimbo.
My net worth is more than you would realize in ten of your worthless lifetimes.
People like you are like dog shit on my shoe...something to wipe off in disgust.

Yeah sure. :lol: You here all day bitching about gay people. If you had any semblance of a life, you would be too busy to worry about it.

Like i've said repeatedly.
You're type means nothing in the big scheme of things.
I'll hang up my spurs and bail to another country and live like you've never lived. As will anyone with a lick of sense and some money.
Don't let the door....
Blacks and gays have nothing in common here, blacks are black because of genetics, they have no choice in the matter, being gay is not genetic, it is lifestyle, actions and preferences. If you can ever prove gays are the way they are because of genetics, I'll be happy to revisit my opinion. But in the mean time, the rabbit hole our society has opened by granting rights on non-tangible, purely subjective standards is something I think we will live to regret.

People like you used the same arguments that you are using now to try to claim it was their religious "right" to discriminate against blacks too. It's been tried. It failed, just as it will this time. Sorry that you are so sick.

Keep talking your shit while not addressing what I actually said, carry on.

What I said is true. These arguments have been argued in court by bigots like you and have failed. You lose. :D

Tell me, what medical test is used to prove someone is naturally gay? Oh right, there isn't one, we're expected to grant them special rights and protections because they say so. No way that could ever go wrong.

What "special privileges" do gay people have that other people do not? Oh, that's right, none. They just want to be treated fairly and like anyone else. The law applies to EVERYONE.

Why are you so concerned with a gay person's sex life? It is retarded, really.

Where did I use the word "privileges"? Also the only persons sex life I concern myself with is mine and I don't push it in anyone's face and demand they accept me for my preferences.
"Perverted behavior" is in your eyes, not everyone's. Just look as it as denying someone you don't like to buy your product. THAT is discrimination.

I dont give a fuck if I dont want to serve you because I dont like the color of your eyes.
It's my fucken business.

Too bad for you. You have to follow the laws in your state or don't open a business. I don't feel sorry for you one bit. I think you are quite a pathetic insecure and sad little person actually. However, even though I don't like you, I would still bake you a stupid cake because I am an adult.

Oh shut the hell up you stupid bimbo.
My net worth is more than you would realize in ten of your worthless lifetimes.
People like you are like dog shit on my shoe...something to wipe off in disgust.

Yeah sure. :lol: You here all day bitching about gay people. If you had any semblance of a life, you would be too busy to worry about it.

Like i've said repeatedly.
You're type means nothing in the big scheme of things.
I'll hang up my spurs and bail to another country and live like you've never lived. As will anyone with a lick of sense and some money.

:poke: Now, now, you can take your ball and go home. Don't forget to stomp your feet and throw yourself on the floor, wailing first.
Accepting perverted behavior is hardly discrimination.
"Perverted behavior" is in your eyes, not everyone's. Just look as it as denying someone you don't like to buy your product. THAT is discrimination.

I dont give a fuck if I dont want to serve you because I dont like the color of your eyes.
It's my fucken business.
But if the law in that state says it is discriminating, you are wrong...legally. Morally you can think what ever you want. But if I were you, I wouldn't get into a business.

Great! So you're going to run off Christian business.
Go right ahead,it'll fit right in with your 15 buck an hour min wage.

If I had a business, it would be owned by a Christian, for I am one. But I don't make judgments about people...God has that job.

If I still owned a business I wouldnt exclude gay people...but I also wouldnt tell people they had to serve them.
People like you used the same arguments that you are using now to try to claim it was their religious "right" to discriminate against blacks too. It's been tried. It failed, just as it will this time. Sorry that you are so sick.

Keep talking your shit while not addressing what I actually said, carry on.

What I said is true. These arguments have been argued in court by bigots like you and have failed. You lose. :D

Tell me, what medical test is used to prove someone is naturally gay? Oh right, there isn't one, we're expected to grant them special rights and protections because they say so. No way that could ever go wrong.

What "special privileges" do gay people have that other people do not? Oh, that's right, none. They just want to be treated fairly and like anyone else. The law applies to EVERYONE.

Why are you so concerned with a gay person's sex life? It is retarded, really.

Where did I use the word "privileges"? Also the only persons sex life I concern myself with is mine and I don't push it in anyone's face and demand they accept me for my preferences.

Okay, rights and "protections" then. Tell me, what "special rights and protections" does a gay person have that you do not?

Well apparently not. Lol.
I'm sorry you lack the ability to follow along, so never mind, I'm sure you would do nothing but come up with more personal attacks and deflection. Your not worth the effort.

I hate Texas, There the people think they are better than anyone else. I have a deli store that sells condiments and the usual variety of things. You came in to buy my special barbecue sauce wearing your cowboy hat. I asked where you were from and you said from the Great State Of Texas. I told you to go back there and buy your lousy sauce. Wouldn't you feel I was discriminating against you personally?

I think we already know what they are going to say. Lol! "Oh, I would go somewhere else. I wouldn't mind being treated like crap at all!" :lol:

I feel sorry for the gay person who just goes to work and lives his/her life and tries to go to the local store to buy something and is turned away because he or she is "gay." That is just shitty to me. Anyone who would turn a person away like that is a shitty person, IMO. :rolleyes-41:

Well, like the old saying goes, opinion are like assholes, everyone has one and most all of them stink.

Also, you are correct, I would go somewhere else because I learned many years ago not to sweat the small shit.

Just because it's small to YOU, a person who has not experienced being discriminated against and treated like crap, doesn't mean it is insignificant to another. Not everyone is the same.

Right, you've been discriminating against me and treating me like crap for the last several posts, I only let my temper get the best of me once and I apologize for that.

Why are you so willing to accept the word of gays and not anyone else.

I have to butt in here. She is not accepting the word of gays...she is following the law. Now if you want to talk about politics, religion in general, or baseball teams, we might have something in common. It isn't that she is enamoured with gays.
"Perverted behavior" is in your eyes, not everyone's. Just look as it as denying someone you don't like to buy your product. THAT is discrimination.

I dont give a fuck if I dont want to serve you because I dont like the color of your eyes.
It's my fucken business.
But if the law in that state says it is discriminating, you are wrong...legally. Morally you can think what ever you want. But if I were you, I wouldn't get into a business.

Great! So you're going to run off Christian business.
Go right ahead,it'll fit right in with your 15 buck an hour min wage.

If I had a business, it would be owned by a Christian, for I am one. But I don't make judgments about people...God has that job.

If I still owned a business I wouldnt exclude gay people...but I also wouldnt tell people they had to serve them.

Well you aren't in any position to do that, but the state of Oregon does.
I dont give a fuck if I dont want to serve you because I dont like the color of your eyes.
It's my fucken business.

Too bad for you. You have to follow the laws in your state or don't open a business. I don't feel sorry for you one bit. I think you are quite a pathetic insecure and sad little person actually. However, even though I don't like you, I would still bake you a stupid cake because I am an adult.

Oh shut the hell up you stupid bimbo.
My net worth is more than you would realize in ten of your worthless lifetimes.
People like you are like dog shit on my shoe...something to wipe off in disgust.

Yeah sure. :lol: You here all day bitching about gay people. If you had any semblance of a life, you would be too busy to worry about it.

Like i've said repeatedly.
You're type means nothing in the big scheme of things.
I'll hang up my spurs and bail to another country and live like you've never lived. As will anyone with a lick of sense and some money.
Don't let the door....

Oh I wont, neither will a lot of businesses that dont agree with the liberal mindset.
I hate Texas, There the people think they are better than anyone else. I have a deli store that sells condiments and the usual variety of things. You came in to buy my special barbecue sauce wearing your cowboy hat. I asked where you were from and you said from the Great State Of Texas. I told you to go back there and buy your lousy sauce. Wouldn't you feel I was discriminating against you personally?

I think we already know what they are going to say. Lol! "Oh, I would go somewhere else. I wouldn't mind being treated like crap at all!" :lol:

I feel sorry for the gay person who just goes to work and lives his/her life and tries to go to the local store to buy something and is turned away because he or she is "gay." That is just shitty to me. Anyone who would turn a person away like that is a shitty person, IMO. :rolleyes-41:

Well, like the old saying goes, opinion are like assholes, everyone has one and most all of them stink.

Also, you are correct, I would go somewhere else because I learned many years ago not to sweat the small shit.

Just because it's small to YOU, a person who has not experienced being discriminated against and treated like crap, doesn't mean it is insignificant to another. Not everyone is the same.

Right, you've been discriminating against me and treating me like crap for the last several posts, I only let my temper get the best of me once and I apologize for that.

Why are you so willing to accept the word of gays and not anyone else.

I have to butt in here. She is not accepting the word of gays...she is following the law. Now if you want to talk about politics, religion in general, or baseball teams, we might have something in common. It isn't that she is enamoured with gays.

My view is that every American tax paying citizen deserves and should expect to be treated equally.
Too bad for you. You have to follow the laws in your state or don't open a business. I don't feel sorry for you one bit. I think you are quite a pathetic insecure and sad little person actually. However, even though I don't like you, I would still bake you a stupid cake because I am an adult.

Oh shut the hell up you stupid bimbo.
My net worth is more than you would realize in ten of your worthless lifetimes.
People like you are like dog shit on my shoe...something to wipe off in disgust.

Yeah sure. :lol: You here all day bitching about gay people. If you had any semblance of a life, you would be too busy to worry about it.

Like i've said repeatedly.
You're type means nothing in the big scheme of things.
I'll hang up my spurs and bail to another country and live like you've never lived. As will anyone with a lick of sense and some money.
Don't let the door....

Oh I wont, neither will a lot of businesses that dont agree with the liberal mindset.

Yes well, since this little issue doesn't really come up too often, I would think the majority of business owners do not feel the same as you. Thankfully.
Too bad for you. You have to follow the laws in your state or don't open a business. I don't feel sorry for you one bit. I think you are quite a pathetic insecure and sad little person actually. However, even though I don't like you, I would still bake you a stupid cake because I am an adult.

Oh shut the hell up you stupid bimbo.
My net worth is more than you would realize in ten of your worthless lifetimes.
People like you are like dog shit on my shoe...something to wipe off in disgust.

Yeah sure. :lol: You here all day bitching about gay people. If you had any semblance of a life, you would be too busy to worry about it.

Like i've said repeatedly.
You're type means nothing in the big scheme of things.
I'll hang up my spurs and bail to another country and live like you've never lived. As will anyone with a lick of sense and some money.
Don't let the door....

Oh I wont, neither will a lot of businesses that dont agree with the liberal mindset.
I'm a conservative.

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