As far as Obergefell goes, I disagreed with the decision because they are granting rights based on subjective circumstances such as actions and preferences. Gays were in no need of additional protections because all the rights of their gender were already available to them, there was no objective discrimination.

That said I was mostly referring to the ACA decision where the court decided explicit language used in various sections of the law to extend a series of carrots and sticks to the States was ambiguous and chose to become legislators in rewriting the law, a function they have no authority under the Constitution to do. They should have set aside the law and told the legislature to fix it or upheld it as written. Constitutionally there is no third choice.

So basically, you just want homosexuals to be "happy" with what YOU want them to have? Sorry buddy, they are tax paying American citizens. It doesn't matter how you "feel" about them. Like I've told you, you are free to discriminate and be a jerk in your personal life. When it comes to operating a business, you have to abide by the laws in your state. Discrimination is NOT a religious practice or custom. You people just make this stuff up because you are hateful human beings.

Fuck off maggot, I've never discriminated against anyone including gays when I had my business. Of course they never tried to force me to participate in their lifestyle activities, if they had I might of had a problem with that, not because of what they are but because I don't like being forced to do anything.

Now tell me where I got it wrong, did or did they not have every protection afforded to every other person of their gender?

Given your complete lack of understanding of the laws regarding business, I don't believe that you ever owned a business. You are much too ignorant.

All I can say about your tantrums is boo-effing-hoo. You sound like a toddler, seriously. Why don't you go stomp you feet and throw yourself on the floor too?

Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything, you dummy. Get a grip on yourself. If your religion prevents you from following the law, then you don't have a "right" to open a business and disobey the laws in your state. The states make the rules regarding business practice, not you.

Ok, now answer my question.
You didn't ask me to answer, but I don't think it was a matter of "protection." as much as freedom. The two girls wanted their products because they liked it, but the store owner refused to sell their product to them. Think about it as blacks and a white baker. Wouldn't it be denying the black couple their product and shutting down their freedom of buying it?

Blacks and gays have nothing in common here, blacks are black because of genetics, they have no choice in the matter, being gay is not genetic, it is lifestyle, actions and preferences. If you can ever prove gays are the way they are because of genetics, I'll be happy to revisit my opinion. But in the mean time, the rabbit hole our society has opened by granting rights on non-tangible, purely subjective standards is something I think we will live to regret.
So basically, you just want homosexuals to be "happy" with what YOU want them to have? Sorry buddy, they are tax paying American citizens. It doesn't matter how you "feel" about them. Like I've told you, you are free to discriminate and be a jerk in your personal life. When it comes to operating a business, you have to abide by the laws in your state. Discrimination is NOT a religious practice or custom. You people just make this stuff up because you are hateful human beings.

Fuck off maggot, I've never discriminated against anyone including gays when I had my business. Of course they never tried to force me to participate in their lifestyle activities, if they had I might of had a problem with that, not because of what they are but because I don't like being forced to do anything.

Now tell me where I got it wrong, did or did they not have every protection afforded to every other person of their gender?

Given your complete lack of understanding of the laws regarding business, I don't believe that you ever owned a business. You are much too ignorant.

All I can say about your tantrums is boo-effing-hoo. You sound like a toddler, seriously. Why don't you go stomp you feet and throw yourself on the floor too?

Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything, you dummy. Get a grip on yourself. If your religion prevents you from following the law, then you don't have a "right" to open a business and disobey the laws in your state. The states make the rules regarding business practice, not you.

Ok, now answer my question.
You didn't ask me to answer, but I don't think it was a matter of "protection." as much as freedom. The two girls wanted their products because they liked it, but the store owner refused to sell their product to them. Think about it as blacks and a white baker. Wouldn't it be denying the black couple their product and shutting down their freedom of buying it?

Blacks and gays have nothing in common here, blacks are black because of genetics, they have no choice in the matter, being gay is not genetic, it is lifestyle, actions and preferences. If you can ever prove gays are the way they are because of genetics, I'll be happy to revisit my opinion. But in the mean time, the rabbit hole our society has opened by granting rights on non-tangible, purely subjective standards is something I think we will live to regret.

You cannot open a business and discriminate against ANYONE. Your personal opinions have no bearing on the law, thank geebus.
So basically, you just want homosexuals to be "happy" with what YOU want them to have? Sorry buddy, they are tax paying American citizens. It doesn't matter how you "feel" about them. Like I've told you, you are free to discriminate and be a jerk in your personal life. When it comes to operating a business, you have to abide by the laws in your state. Discrimination is NOT a religious practice or custom. You people just make this stuff up because you are hateful human beings.

Fuck off maggot, I've never discriminated against anyone including gays when I had my business. Of course they never tried to force me to participate in their lifestyle activities, if they had I might of had a problem with that, not because of what they are but because I don't like being forced to do anything.

Now tell me where I got it wrong, did or did they not have every protection afforded to every other person of their gender?

Given your complete lack of understanding of the laws regarding business, I don't believe that you ever owned a business. You are much too ignorant.

All I can say about your tantrums is boo-effing-hoo. You sound like a toddler, seriously. Why don't you go stomp you feet and throw yourself on the floor too?

Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything, you dummy. Get a grip on yourself. If your religion prevents you from following the law, then you don't have a "right" to open a business and disobey the laws in your state. The states make the rules regarding business practice, not you.

Ok, now answer my question.
You didn't ask me to answer, but I don't think it was a matter of "protection." as much as freedom. The two girls wanted their products because they liked it, but the store owner refused to sell their product to them. Think about it as blacks and a white baker. Wouldn't it be denying the black couple their product and shutting down their freedom of buying it?

Blacks and gays have nothing in common here, blacks are black because of genetics, they have no choice in the matter, being gay is not genetic, it is lifestyle, actions and preferences. If you can ever prove gays are the way they are because of genetics, I'll be happy to revisit my opinion. But in the mean time, the rabbit hole our society has opened by granting rights on non-tangible, purely subjective standards is something I think we will live to regret.

People like you used the same arguments that you are using now to try to claim it was their religious "right" to discriminate against blacks too. It's been tried. It failed, just as it will this time. Sorry that you are so sick.
They can go somewhere else and I'm tired of the double standards.

Was this guy free to go to a rap concert?
Bystanders laugh at man beaten to a pulp in chilling video New York Post

That has absolutely nothing to do with a discrimination case....absolutely nothing.

That wasnt discrimination?
Seems to me that was way worse than having to find a different baker.

We are discussing discrimination and business law, not random acts of violence. Holy cow.

Discrimination is discrimination no matter what the venue.

I can agree with the sentiment, but do not understand its relationship to the discussion. Where are the double standards?

In both cases there are civil or criminal consequences for the perpetrators of the misconduct.

Is it possible you are saying the people in the same-sex relationship who were refused services should feel lucky they weren't beaten instead? Where are you going with this? Please use reason and logic and the rule of law. Thank you.

errr, uh, never mind. lol. You've got the patience of Job. :p
Given your complete lack of understanding of the laws regarding business, I don't believe that you ever owned a business. You are much too ignorant.

All I can say about your tantrums is boo-effing-hoo. You sound like a toddler, seriously. Why don't you go stomp you feet and throw yourself on the floor too?

Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything, you dummy. Get a grip on yourself. If your religion prevents you from following the law, then you don't have a "right" to open a business and disobey the laws in your state. The states make the rules regarding business practice, not you.

Ok, now answer my question.

They seem to lack understanding of freedom of religion.

Discrimination is not recognized as freedom of religion.

Accepting perverted behavior is hardly discrimination.
"Perverted behavior" is in your eyes, not everyone's. Just look as it as denying someone you don't like to buy your product. THAT is discrimination.

I dont give a fuck if I dont want to serve you because I dont like the color of your eyes.
It's my fucken business.
Ok, now answer my question.

They seem to lack understanding of freedom of religion.

Discrimination is not recognized as freedom of religion.

Accepting perverted behavior is hardly discrimination.
"Perverted behavior" is in your eyes, not everyone's. Just look as it as denying someone you don't like to buy your product. THAT is discrimination.

I dont give a fuck if I dont want to serve you because I dont like the color of your eyes.
It's my fucken business.

Too bad for you. You have to follow the laws in your state or don't open a business. I don't feel sorry for you one bit. I think you are quite a pathetic insecure and sad little person actually. However, even though I don't like you, I would still bake you a stupid cake because I am an adult.
So basically, you just want homosexuals to be "happy" with what YOU want them to have? Sorry buddy, they are tax paying American citizens. It doesn't matter how you "feel" about them. Like I've told you, you are free to discriminate and be a jerk in your personal life. When it comes to operating a business, you have to abide by the laws in your state. Discrimination is NOT a religious practice or custom. You people just make this stuff up because you are hateful human beings.

Fuck off maggot, I've never discriminated against anyone including gays when I had my business. Of course they never tried to force me to participate in their lifestyle activities, if they had I might of had a problem with that, not because of what they are but because I don't like being forced to do anything.

Now tell me where I got it wrong, did or did they not have every protection afforded to every other person of their gender?

Given your complete lack of understanding of the laws regarding business, I don't believe that you ever owned a business. You are much too ignorant.

All I can say about your tantrums is boo-effing-hoo. You sound like a toddler, seriously. Why don't you go stomp you feet and throw yourself on the floor too?

Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything, you dummy. Get a grip on yourself. If your religion prevents you from following the law, then you don't have a "right" to open a business and disobey the laws in your state. The states make the rules regarding business practice, not you.

Ok, now answer my question.

I think your question doesn't make any sense. Want to elaborate?

I'm sorry you lack the ability to follow along, so never mind, I'm sure you would do nothing but come up with more personal attacks and deflection. Your not worth the effort.

I hate Texas, There the people think they are better than anyone else. I have a deli store that sells condiments and the usual variety of things. You came in to buy my special barbecue sauce wearing your cowboy hat. I asked where you were from and you said from the Great State Of Texas. I told you to go back there and buy your lousy sauce. Wouldn't you feel I was discriminating against you personally?
So basically, you just want homosexuals to be "happy" with what YOU want them to have? Sorry buddy, they are tax paying American citizens. It doesn't matter how you "feel" about them. Like I've told you, you are free to discriminate and be a jerk in your personal life. When it comes to operating a business, you have to abide by the laws in your state. Discrimination is NOT a religious practice or custom. You people just make this stuff up because you are hateful human beings.

Fuck off maggot, I've never discriminated against anyone including gays when I had my business. Of course they never tried to force me to participate in their lifestyle activities, if they had I might of had a problem with that, not because of what they are but because I don't like being forced to do anything.

Now tell me where I got it wrong, did or did they not have every protection afforded to every other person of their gender?

Given your complete lack of understanding of the laws regarding business, I don't believe that you ever owned a business. You are much too ignorant.

All I can say about your tantrums is boo-effing-hoo. You sound like a toddler, seriously. Why don't you go stomp you feet and throw yourself on the floor too?

Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything, you dummy. Get a grip on yourself. If your religion prevents you from following the law, then you don't have a "right" to open a business and disobey the laws in your state. The states make the rules regarding business practice, not you.

Ok, now answer my question.
You didn't ask me to answer, but I don't think it was a matter of "protection." as much as freedom. The two girls wanted their products because they liked it, but the store owner refused to sell their product to them. Think about it as blacks and a white baker. Wouldn't it be denying the black couple their product and shutting down their freedom of buying it?

Blacks and gays have nothing in common here, blacks are black because of genetics, they have no choice in the matter, being gay is not genetic, it is lifestyle, actions and preferences. If you can ever prove gays are the way they are because of genetics, I'll be happy to revisit my opinion. But in the mean time, the rabbit hole our society has opened by granting rights on non-tangible, purely subjective standards is something I think we will live to regret.

Actually, many people think that wires got crossed at birth with gays. Some people have even been born with both genitalia. Neither you nor I know for sure.
Fuck off maggot, I've never discriminated against anyone including gays when I had my business. Of course they never tried to force me to participate in their lifestyle activities, if they had I might of had a problem with that, not because of what they are but because I don't like being forced to do anything.

Now tell me where I got it wrong, did or did they not have every protection afforded to every other person of their gender?

Given your complete lack of understanding of the laws regarding business, I don't believe that you ever owned a business. You are much too ignorant.

All I can say about your tantrums is boo-effing-hoo. You sound like a toddler, seriously. Why don't you go stomp you feet and throw yourself on the floor too?

Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything, you dummy. Get a grip on yourself. If your religion prevents you from following the law, then you don't have a "right" to open a business and disobey the laws in your state. The states make the rules regarding business practice, not you.

Ok, now answer my question.
You didn't ask me to answer, but I don't think it was a matter of "protection." as much as freedom. The two girls wanted their products because they liked it, but the store owner refused to sell their product to them. Think about it as blacks and a white baker. Wouldn't it be denying the black couple their product and shutting down their freedom of buying it?

Blacks and gays have nothing in common here, blacks are black because of genetics, they have no choice in the matter, being gay is not genetic, it is lifestyle, actions and preferences. If you can ever prove gays are the way they are because of genetics, I'll be happy to revisit my opinion. But in the mean time, the rabbit hole our society has opened by granting rights on non-tangible, purely subjective standards is something I think we will live to regret.

People like you used the same arguments that you are using now to try to claim it was their religious "right" to discriminate against blacks too. It's been tried. It failed, just as it will this time. Sorry that you are so sick.

Keep talking your shit while not addressing what I actually said, carry on.
They seem to lack understanding of freedom of religion.

Discrimination is not recognized as freedom of religion.

Accepting perverted behavior is hardly discrimination.
"Perverted behavior" is in your eyes, not everyone's. Just look as it as denying someone you don't like to buy your product. THAT is discrimination.

I dont give a fuck if I dont want to serve you because I dont like the color of your eyes.
It's my fucken business.

Too bad for you. You have to follow the laws in your state or don't open a business. I don't feel sorry for you one bit. I think you are quite a pathetic insecure and sad little person actually. However, even though I don't like you, I would still bake you a stupid cake because I am an adult.

Oh shut the hell up you stupid bimbo.
My net worth is more than you would realize in ten of your worthless lifetimes.
People like you are like dog shit on my shoe...something to wipe off in disgust.
Fuck off maggot, I've never discriminated against anyone including gays when I had my business. Of course they never tried to force me to participate in their lifestyle activities, if they had I might of had a problem with that, not because of what they are but because I don't like being forced to do anything.

Now tell me where I got it wrong, did or did they not have every protection afforded to every other person of their gender?

Given your complete lack of understanding of the laws regarding business, I don't believe that you ever owned a business. You are much too ignorant.

All I can say about your tantrums is boo-effing-hoo. You sound like a toddler, seriously. Why don't you go stomp you feet and throw yourself on the floor too?

Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything, you dummy. Get a grip on yourself. If your religion prevents you from following the law, then you don't have a "right" to open a business and disobey the laws in your state. The states make the rules regarding business practice, not you.

Ok, now answer my question.

I think your question doesn't make any sense. Want to elaborate?

I'm sorry you lack the ability to follow along, so never mind, I'm sure you would do nothing but come up with more personal attacks and deflection. Your not worth the effort.

I hate Texas, There the people think they are better than anyone else. I have a deli store that sells condiments and the usual variety of things. You came in to buy my special barbecue sauce wearing your cowboy hat. I asked where you were from and you said from the Great State Of Texas. I told you to go back there and buy your lousy sauce. Wouldn't you feel I was discriminating against you personally?

I think we already know what they are going to say. Lol! "Oh, I would go somewhere else. I wouldn't mind being treated like crap at all!" :lol:

I feel sorry for the gay person who just goes to work and lives his/her life and tries to go to the local store to buy something and is turned away because he or she is "gay." That is just shitty to me. Anyone who would turn a person away like that is a shitty person, IMO. :rolleyes-41:
Ok, now answer my question.

They seem to lack understanding of freedom of religion.

Discrimination is not recognized as freedom of religion.

Accepting perverted behavior is hardly discrimination.
"Perverted behavior" is in your eyes, not everyone's. Just look as it as denying someone you don't like to buy your product. THAT is discrimination.

I dont give a fuck if I dont want to serve you because I dont like the color of your eyes.
It's my fucken business.
But if the law in that state says it is discriminating, you are wrong...legally. Morally you can think what ever you want. But if I were you, I wouldn't get into a business.
Discrimination is not recognized as freedom of religion.

Accepting perverted behavior is hardly discrimination.
"Perverted behavior" is in your eyes, not everyone's. Just look as it as denying someone you don't like to buy your product. THAT is discrimination.

I dont give a fuck if I dont want to serve you because I dont like the color of your eyes.
It's my fucken business.

Too bad for you. You have to follow the laws in your state or don't open a business. I don't feel sorry for you one bit. I think you are quite a pathetic insecure and sad little person actually. However, even though I don't like you, I would still bake you a stupid cake because I am an adult.

Oh shut the hell up you stupid bimbo.
My net worth is more than you would realize in ten of your worthless lifetimes.
People like you are like dog shit on my shoe...something to wipe off in disgust.

Yeah sure. :lol: You here all day bitching about gay people. If you had any semblance of a life, you would be too busy to worry about it.
Fuck off maggot, I've never discriminated against anyone including gays when I had my business. Of course they never tried to force me to participate in their lifestyle activities, if they had I might of had a problem with that, not because of what they are but because I don't like being forced to do anything.

Now tell me where I got it wrong, did or did they not have every protection afforded to every other person of their gender?

Given your complete lack of understanding of the laws regarding business, I don't believe that you ever owned a business. You are much too ignorant.

All I can say about your tantrums is boo-effing-hoo. You sound like a toddler, seriously. Why don't you go stomp you feet and throw yourself on the floor too?

Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything, you dummy. Get a grip on yourself. If your religion prevents you from following the law, then you don't have a "right" to open a business and disobey the laws in your state. The states make the rules regarding business practice, not you.

Ok, now answer my question.

I think your question doesn't make any sense. Want to elaborate?

I'm sorry you lack the ability to follow along, so never mind, I'm sure you would do nothing but come up with more personal attacks and deflection. Your not worth the effort.

I hate Texas, There the people think they are better than anyone else. I have a deli store that sells condiments and the usual variety of things. You came in to buy my special barbecue sauce wearing your cowboy hat. I asked where you were from and you said from the Great State Of Texas. I told you to go back there and buy your lousy sauce. Wouldn't you feel I was discriminating against you personally?

Actually I would thank you for your opinion and take my money elsewhere. That's what grownups do.
Given your complete lack of understanding of the laws regarding business, I don't believe that you ever owned a business. You are much too ignorant.

All I can say about your tantrums is boo-effing-hoo. You sound like a toddler, seriously. Why don't you go stomp you feet and throw yourself on the floor too?

Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything, you dummy. Get a grip on yourself. If your religion prevents you from following the law, then you don't have a "right" to open a business and disobey the laws in your state. The states make the rules regarding business practice, not you.

Ok, now answer my question.
You didn't ask me to answer, but I don't think it was a matter of "protection." as much as freedom. The two girls wanted their products because they liked it, but the store owner refused to sell their product to them. Think about it as blacks and a white baker. Wouldn't it be denying the black couple their product and shutting down their freedom of buying it?

Blacks and gays have nothing in common here, blacks are black because of genetics, they have no choice in the matter, being gay is not genetic, it is lifestyle, actions and preferences. If you can ever prove gays are the way they are because of genetics, I'll be happy to revisit my opinion. But in the mean time, the rabbit hole our society has opened by granting rights on non-tangible, purely subjective standards is something I think we will live to regret.

People like you used the same arguments that you are using now to try to claim it was their religious "right" to discriminate against blacks too. It's been tried. It failed, just as it will this time. Sorry that you are so sick.

Keep talking your shit while not addressing what I actually said, carry on.

What I said is true. These arguments have been argued in court by bigots like you and have failed. You lose. :D
Discrimination is not recognized as freedom of religion.

Accepting perverted behavior is hardly discrimination.
"Perverted behavior" is in your eyes, not everyone's. Just look as it as denying someone you don't like to buy your product. THAT is discrimination.

I dont give a fuck if I dont want to serve you because I dont like the color of your eyes.
It's my fucken business.

Too bad for you. You have to follow the laws in your state or don't open a business. I don't feel sorry for you one bit. I think you are quite a pathetic insecure and sad little person actually. However, even though I don't like you, I would still bake you a stupid cake because I am an adult.

Oh shut the hell up you stupid bimbo.
My net worth is more than you would realize in ten of your worthless lifetimes.
People like you are like dog shit on my shoe...something to wipe off in disgust.
So, this is how you end a debate when you lose? LOL! My car is bigger than your nanananana!
Given your complete lack of understanding of the laws regarding business, I don't believe that you ever owned a business. You are much too ignorant.

All I can say about your tantrums is boo-effing-hoo. You sound like a toddler, seriously. Why don't you go stomp you feet and throw yourself on the floor too?

Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything, you dummy. Get a grip on yourself. If your religion prevents you from following the law, then you don't have a "right" to open a business and disobey the laws in your state. The states make the rules regarding business practice, not you.

Ok, now answer my question.

I think your question doesn't make any sense. Want to elaborate?

I'm sorry you lack the ability to follow along, so never mind, I'm sure you would do nothing but come up with more personal attacks and deflection. Your not worth the effort.

I hate Texas, There the people think they are better than anyone else. I have a deli store that sells condiments and the usual variety of things. You came in to buy my special barbecue sauce wearing your cowboy hat. I asked where you were from and you said from the Great State Of Texas. I told you to go back there and buy your lousy sauce. Wouldn't you feel I was discriminating against you personally?

Actually I would thank you for your opinion and take my money elsewhere. That's what grownups do.
I'll accept that, but if you wanted a bundle, you could sue if you are in the right state. Thank you for not being juvenile in your response.
Accepting perverted behavior is hardly discrimination.
"Perverted behavior" is in your eyes, not everyone's. Just look as it as denying someone you don't like to buy your product. THAT is discrimination.

I dont give a fuck if I dont want to serve you because I dont like the color of your eyes.
It's my fucken business.

Too bad for you. You have to follow the laws in your state or don't open a business. I don't feel sorry for you one bit. I think you are quite a pathetic insecure and sad little person actually. However, even though I don't like you, I would still bake you a stupid cake because I am an adult.

Oh shut the hell up you stupid bimbo.
My net worth is more than you would realize in ten of your worthless lifetimes.
People like you are like dog shit on my shoe...something to wipe off in disgust.
So, this is how you end a debate when you lose? LOL! My car is bigger than your nanananana!

Childish and insecure.
Given your complete lack of understanding of the laws regarding business, I don't believe that you ever owned a business. You are much too ignorant.

All I can say about your tantrums is boo-effing-hoo. You sound like a toddler, seriously. Why don't you go stomp you feet and throw yourself on the floor too?

Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything, you dummy. Get a grip on yourself. If your religion prevents you from following the law, then you don't have a "right" to open a business and disobey the laws in your state. The states make the rules regarding business practice, not you.

Ok, now answer my question.

I think your question doesn't make any sense. Want to elaborate?

I'm sorry you lack the ability to follow along, so never mind, I'm sure you would do nothing but come up with more personal attacks and deflection. Your not worth the effort.

I hate Texas, There the people think they are better than anyone else. I have a deli store that sells condiments and the usual variety of things. You came in to buy my special barbecue sauce wearing your cowboy hat. I asked where you were from and you said from the Great State Of Texas. I told you to go back there and buy your lousy sauce. Wouldn't you feel I was discriminating against you personally?

I think we already know what they are going to say. Lol! "Oh, I would go somewhere else. I wouldn't mind being treated like crap at all!" :lol:

I feel sorry for the gay person who just goes to work and lives his/her life and tries to go to the local store to buy something and is turned away because he or she is "gay." That is just shitty to me. Anyone who would turn a person away like that is a shitty person, IMO. :rolleyes-41:

Well, like the old saying goes, opinion are like assholes, everyone has one and most all of them stink.

Also, you are correct, I would go somewhere else because I learned many years ago not to sweat the small shit.

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