Charles Barkley Reveals The REAL Reason Blacks Will Never Be As Successful As Whites...& It's NOT 'Systemic Racism'

Just another thread that's meant to show that America is completely concerned with racism.

Is this America today or is it just the pure filth that has overtaken this forum?
It shows 'racism' is another divisive tactic being used by Liberals / Marxist Democrats who want to destroy the country, much like how they used the fear-mongering regarding COVID-19 and how the yare trying to use the 'Delta Variant' that science shows in 0,08% deadly to vaccinated Americans.
And right on cue. lol

" declare Liberals / Democrats have lowered the standards and expectations for blacks, of weaponizing PC & identity politics ... then throw in 'Another example is what we saw for four years with the former guy'...

when 'the other guy delivered the lowest minority / black unemployment in US history, one of the highest rate of blacks opening small businesses in decades, and millions of Americans / blacks escaping the 'liberal plantation' and policies of economic slavery by getting off of Food Stamps, Unemployment, etc...

...much / almost all of which Democrats reversed - wiping out 50% of all minority-owned small businesses and returning millions of Americans / minorities back on food stamps, unemployment, etc... - with their Constitutional and civil rights-violating COVID-19 fear-mongering-based lock downs."
Then it's much bigger than just this forum.
There's huge potential for Trump in being able to sway ordinary working class Americans over to his side. Republicans don't own a monopoly on racism. It crosses party lines completely and it currently stands as a contradiction against people being able to support the D party.

I would suggest that Biden couldn't have won if it wasn't for the distaste of Trump. That's not giving Biden much of a real chance of holding his supporters!

I would estimate upwards of 80 to 90% of Americans who want to choose the D party, as having to live in discomfort with their racism.
Are you included in that % dogma?
I'm not interested in debating your feelings with you, I'm only interested in hearing you proclaim that you're not just one of them.
Just another thread that's meant to show that America is completely concerned with racism.

Is this America today or is it just the pure filth that has overtaken this forum?
Well, imo, easy's just an idiot trolling poolboy.....
but in this instance he's actually linked an example of speaking truth to the dems. I doubt he'd be as open to a conservative speaking truth the Trumpbots failure to see Trump's duplicity in lying about vote challenges and how THAT detracts from supporting the rule of law .... but that's easy.

One might ask Barkley why "When you’re black [and trying to be successful] you have to deal with so much crap in your life, from other black people. It’s a dirty dark secret and I’m glad it’s coming out …”

I doubt Barkley would say there is no racism in America. But he might say that just because there is that's not an excuse to not try.
Funny, you claim I am a troll then point out how, once again, I make a great point by bringing up Barkley (and the link). It's not very often that snowflakes admit I post facts and relevant accurate points. hat must have hurt.

And right on cue. lol

" declare Liberals / Democrats have lowered the standards and expectations for blacks, of weaponizing PC & identity politics ... then throw in 'Another example is what we saw for four years with the former guy'...

when 'the other guy delivered the lowest minority / black unemployment in US history, one of the highest rate of blacks opening small businesses in decades, and millions of Americans / blacks escaping the 'liberal plantation' and policies of economic slavery by getting off of Food Stamps, Unemployment, etc...

...much / almost all of which Democrats reversed - wiping out 50% of all minority-owned small businesses and returning millions of Americans / minorities back on food stamps, unemployment, etc... - with their Constitutional and civil rights-violating COVID-19 fear-mongering-based lock downs."
Yeah, facts are a bitch, aren't they, dawg? :p

(BTW, you chose not to mention how it was not I who had the irresistible compulsion to throw in a shot at Trump when the thread is not about Trump....figures.)
Good for him...

He has finally revealed that all of the superior yet fragile white folks should stop panicking about losing their way of life and blah blah...

Blacks will never be all that successful.......relax

Blacks being successful isn't a threat to white people... its important for black people and their lives. I don't know where that always comes from.... seems to be a talking point of the left that whites are afraid of blacks being successful. Completely retarded.
I have to suspect that the hate, racism, and corruption is much wider than just this forum.

But I'll continue to try to confirm it's so.
Good for him...

He has finally revealed that all of the superior yet fragile white folks should stop panicking about losing their way of life and blah blah...

Blacks will never be all that successful.......relax
We do t worry about losing our way of life at all
We do tire of being blamed for blacks egregious and self destructive conduct.
You will be are superior -- I am sure you can deal with the faint cries of blame from the inferiors

At least there are a few good darkies who know their place and give you the praise you deserve.....keep your head up
Condescend and name call rather than acknowledge and correct the problem
Lib 101
Where would Dipshit Barkley be without basketball?


Where would you be without the things that got you ahead in life? Would you have found another way? This is a stupid question what if? what if? just because you don't like the person's view point.

It makes it easy to see who the dipshit around here is.
Good for him...

He has finally revealed that all of the superior yet fragile white folks should stop panicking about losing their way of life and blah blah...

Blacks will never be all that successful.......relax

Blacks being successful isn't a threat to white people... its important for black people and their lives. I don't know where that always comes from.... seems to be a talking point of the left that whites are afraid of blacks being successful. Completely retarded.
It’s because they don’t want success. They want freebies and sympathy via hoax guilt inducement
Doesn’t work on thinkers,
Where would Dipshit Barkley be without basketball?


Where would you be without the things that got you ahead in life? Would you have found another way? This is a stupid question what if? what if? just because you don't like the person's view point.

It makes it easy to see who the dipshit around here is.
He doesn't think Barkley would be successful without basketball because Barkley is BLACK.

He is so busy looking for racism that he fails to look at the one place where it is easiest to find - the mirror.
One might ask Barkley why "When you’re black [and trying to be successful] you have to deal with so much crap in your life, from other black people. It’s a dirty dark secret and I’m glad it’s coming out …”

Yes, one might. But you people are far too incurious for that. It's easier (and more fun) for you to just declare all white people evil racists, then go off to another riot.
Negroes should:

1. Stop committing so many crimes

2. Start taking care of their families

3. Start taking responsiblity for themselves and get off welfare

4. Stop thinking of themselves as victims and start thinking of themselves as Americans

5. Stop supporting Democrats that promise them everything but deliver absolutely nothing but poverty and racial hatred.
Interesting read / perspective....

View attachment 509480

“As I tell my white friends, we as black people [are] never going to be successful, not because of you white people, but because of other black people. When you’re black, you have to deal with so much crap in your life, from other black people. It’s a dirty dark secret and I’m glad it’s coming out …”

If you do well in school, you’re not “black enough.”

“When young black kids do well in school, the loser’s kid tell them, ‘Oh you’re acting white’ … One of the reasons we’re never going to be successful as a whole because of other black people … For some reason we are brainwashed to think, if you’re not a thug or an idiot, you’re not black enough. If you go to school, make good grades, speak intelligent, and don’t break the law, you’re not a good black person.”

Why many black sports players go broke.

“One of the reasons a lot of black players go broke, because when you’re successful you’re friends say, ‘Oh, you ain’t cool, you ain’t down with us anymore.’ And you end up giving up all your money to these damn losers and you end up broke again.”

Going to jail is a “good thing” in the black community.

“We’re the only ethnic group to say, ‘Hey if you go to jail, it gives you street cred. That’s just typical B.S. that goes on when you’re black, man.

- Black-on-Black Crime (Chicago, NY, etc...)
- High(er) rate of abortions
- High rate of fatherless / single-parent (mothers) homes

These are problems only BLACKS can solve for themselves. It comes down to personal choices.

So stop blaming 'slavery', 'systemic racism', whites, or anyone else....

Uncle Tom Barkley....

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