Charles Koch: Clinton could be better president than a GOP pick

Unless the next President 'rules' through Executive Order, bypassing Congress as Obama liked to do, Congress will be able to control the next President's actions.

That leaves the decision of President down to your choice of:
- A scandalous, failed criminal / woman responsible for $6 billion missing in the State Dept, 4 Americans needlessly sacrificed/murdered, and our national security jeopardized, a woman who even Obama publicly stated should be in jail...

- An ancient socialist

- A loud-mouthed businessman / liberal in conservative guise
Unless the next President 'rules' through Executive Order, bypassing Congress as Obama liked to do, Congress will be able to control the next President's actions.

That leaves the decision of President down to your choice of:
- A scandalous, failed criminal / woman responsible for $6 billion missing in the State Dept, 4 Americans needlessly sacrificed/murdered, and our national security jeopardized, a woman who even Obama publicly stated should be in jail...

- An ancient socialist

- A loud-mouthed businessman / liberal in conservative guise

You mean the Democratic Congress?
Obviously the Koch brothers, as well as Wall Street, the central banks and super corporations - would LOVE to see Hillary Clinton as President.
This is a no brainer. She is probably the most well connected person in Washington with the big money elites.
Hillary Clinton is a corporatist. That obviously fits well with the Koch brothers.
Hmm, Koch Brothers prefer Hillary over Trump and suddenly they're good guys. Anybody surprised at the sudden turnabout? :lol:

Who said they are good guys? You really need to control your lies. The Koch brothers are distancing themselves from the lunatic, Trump.

I have to ask myself why-----why would the brothers Koch want to distance themselves from D. Trump and his crazy minions - I mean after all, the Kochs created the crazy Koch-suckers in the first place.

What is it with GOPer men and Latina's? Bush's, A. Schwarzenegger, D. Trump...etc? or-----or is the fact that so many GOPer men are attracted to Latina's the reason GOPer men hate Latino men?...hmmm!

Just a guess but-----but I'm guessing the Koch's probably know something about D. Trump that Hillary also most likely knows about D. Trump that in the general election campaign will possibly force D. Trump to withdraw from the race or face the most humiliating defeat for a major party candidate -ever- in a presidential election. I'm just guessing, of course but I'm guessing what the Koch's know goes way-way beyond D. Trump thinking all Latino's are Mexicans - what an idiot

7 Affairs Donald Trump Has Had With Mexican Women

It’s noteworthy that Donald Trump likes to bag on the Mexican people so often, given the fact that he has had many Mexicans on “The Celebrity Apprentice,” and often ogled them the same way he ogled the white women on the reality show competition. So when you dig a little into The Donald’s background, you find that perhaps he is hiding some shocking truths about his dalliances with Hispanic women. Maybe that’s why he’s so gung-ho about slamming Mexico these days: he got burned and dropped by some of the hottest Latinas on the planet. Here’s seven women that Trump romanced undercover.

1. Jennifer Lopez

Hmm, Koch Brothers prefer Hillary over Trump and suddenly they're good guys. Anybody surprised at the sudden turnabout? :lol:

Who said they are good guys? You really need to control your lies. The Koch brothers are distancing themselves from the lunatic, Trump.

I have to ask myself why-----why would the brothers Koch want to distance themselves from D. Trump and his crazy minions - I mean after all, the Kochs created the crazy Koch-suckers in the first place.

What is it with GOPer men and Latina's? Bush's, A. Schwarzenegger, D. Trump...etc? or-----or is the fact that so many GOPer men are attracted to Latina's the reason GOPer men hate Latino men?...hmmm!

Just a guess but-----but I'm guessing the Koch's probably know something about D. Trump that Hillary also most likely knows about D. Trump that in the general election campaign will possibly force D. Trump to withdraw from the race or face the most humiliating defeat for a major party candidate -ever- in a presidential election. I'm just guessing, of course but I'm guessing what the Koch's know goes way-way beyond D. Trump thinking all Latino's are Mexicans - what an idiot

7 Affairs Donald Trump Has Had With Mexican Women

It’s noteworthy that Donald Trump likes to bag on the Mexican people so often, given the fact that he has had many Mexicans on “The Celebrity Apprentice,” and often ogled them the same way he ogled the white women on the reality show competition. So when you dig a little into The Donald’s background, you find that perhaps he is hiding some shocking truths about his dalliances with Hispanic women. Maybe that’s why he’s so gung-ho about slamming Mexico these days: he got burned and dropped by some of the hottest Latinas on the planet. Here’s seven women that Trump romanced undercover.

1. Jennifer Lopez

That could be a good point. But don't despair. If Donald goes diwn, there is always Lying Ted!:rofl:
Unless the next President 'rules' through Executive Order, bypassing Congress as Obama liked to do, Congress will be able to control the next President's actions.

That leaves the decision of President down to your choice of:
- A scandalous, failed criminal / woman responsible for $6 billion missing in the State Dept, 4 Americans needlessly sacrificed/murdered, and our national security jeopardized, a woman who even Obama publicly stated should be in jail...

- An ancient socialist

- A loud-mouthed businessman / liberal in conservative guise
I go with the murderer Not as bad as the bush murderer
Hmm, Koch Brothers prefer Hillary over Trump and suddenly they're good guys. Anybody surprised at the sudden turnabout? :lol:

Who said they are good guys? You really need to control your lies. The Koch brothers are distancing themselves from the lunatic, Trump.

I have to ask myself why-----why would the brothers Koch want to distance themselves from D. Trump and his crazy minions - I mean after all, the Kochs created the crazy Koch-suckers in the first place.

What is it with GOPer men and Latina's? Bush's, A. Schwarzenegger, D. Trump...etc? or-----or is the fact that so many GOPer men are attracted to Latina's the reason GOPer men hate Latino men?...hmmm!

Just a guess but-----but I'm guessing the Koch's probably know something about D. Trump that Hillary also most likely knows about D. Trump that in the general election campaign will possibly force D. Trump to withdraw from the race or face the most humiliating defeat for a major party candidate -ever- in a presidential election. I'm just guessing, of course but I'm guessing what the Koch's know goes way-way beyond D. Trump thinking all Latino's are Mexicans - what an idiot

7 Affairs Donald Trump Has Had With Mexican Women

It’s noteworthy that Donald Trump likes to bag on the Mexican people so often, given the fact that he has had many Mexicans on “The Celebrity Apprentice,” and often ogled them the same way he ogled the white women on the reality show competition. So when you dig a little into The Donald’s background, you find that perhaps he is hiding some shocking truths about his dalliances with Hispanic women. Maybe that’s why he’s so gung-ho about slamming Mexico these days: he got burned and dropped by some of the hottest Latinas on the planet. Here’s seven women that Trump romanced undercover.

1. Jennifer Lopez

Yeah, I've never understood where the idea that Trump hates Mexicans comes from. It's odd thing. I can't think of anything he's said, that indicated he hated Mexicans. Quite a bit about illegals that rape. Illegals in general. But when I punch in Trump on Mexicans into Google, I have yet to find a quote where he said all Mexicans are bad. All of them rape. Or that he hated all of them. Or Latinos in General. Or anything that I would find offensive.

Of course Trump likes Mexican women. He's never said he didn't like Mexicans to being with. Why is this a shock?

*I* like Mexican women. Beautiful. They actually keep their hair long, and don't shave it off the moment they get married.

That's not the problem. The problem is, we have people here illegally. And some are criminals. That's the problem. Trump said what is true.
Hmm, Koch Brothers prefer Hillary over Trump and suddenly they're good guys. Anybody surprised at the sudden turnabout? :lol:

Who said they are good guys? You really need to control your lies. The Koch brothers are distancing themselves from the lunatic, Trump.

I have to ask myself why-----why would the brothers Koch want to distance themselves from D. Trump and his crazy minions - I mean after all, the Kochs created the crazy Koch-suckers in the first place.

What is it with GOPer men and Latina's? Bush's, A. Schwarzenegger, D. Trump...etc? or-----or is the fact that so many GOPer men are attracted to Latina's the reason GOPer men hate Latino men?...hmmm!

Just a guess but-----but I'm guessing the Koch's probably know something about D. Trump that Hillary also most likely knows about D. Trump that in the general election campaign will possibly force D. Trump to withdraw from the race or face the most humiliating defeat for a major party candidate -ever- in a presidential election. I'm just guessing, of course but I'm guessing what the Koch's know goes way-way beyond D. Trump thinking all Latino's are Mexicans - what an idiot

7 Affairs Donald Trump Has Had With Mexican Women

It’s noteworthy that Donald Trump likes to bag on the Mexican people so often, given the fact that he has had many Mexicans on “The Celebrity Apprentice,” and often ogled them the same way he ogled the white women on the reality show competition. So when you dig a little into The Donald’s background, you find that perhaps he is hiding some shocking truths about his dalliances with Hispanic women. Maybe that’s why he’s so gung-ho about slamming Mexico these days: he got burned and dropped by some of the hottest Latinas on the planet. Here’s seven women that Trump romanced undercover.

1. Jennifer Lopez

Yeah, I've never understood where the idea that Trump hates Mexicans comes from. It's odd thing. I can't think of anything he's said, that indicated he hated Mexicans. Quite a bit about illegals that rape. Illegals in general. But when I punch in Trump on Mexicans into Google, I have yet to find a quote where he said all Mexicans are bad. All of them rape. Or that he hated all of them. Or Latinos in General. Or anything that I would find offensive.

Of course Trump likes Mexican women. He's never said he didn't like Mexicans to being with. Why is this a shock?

*I* like Mexican women. Beautiful. They actually keep their hair long, and don't shave it off the moment they get married.

That's not the problem. The problem is, we have people here illegally. And some are criminals. That's the problem. Trump said what is true.
He's never said it or even remotely indicated it, the left is just doing what they always do...SMEAR.
This is impossible. The left has been screaming about the Kosh's for decades. Now a Kosh is supporting Hilliary. Well doesn't that make the left look stupid. Are the Kosh's still supporting all that is evil in the land? Or was all your BS about the Kosh brothers, all crap after all?
This is probably the endorsement she doesn't want.
Hmm, Koch Brothers prefer Hillary over Trump and suddenly they're good guys. Anybody surprised at the sudden turnabout? :lol:

Who said they are good guys? You really need to control your lies. The Koch brothers are distancing themselves from the lunatic, Trump.

I have to ask myself why-----why would the brothers Koch want to distance themselves from D. Trump and his crazy minions - I mean after all, the Kochs created the crazy Koch-suckers in the first place.

What is it with GOPer men and Latina's? Bush's, A. Schwarzenegger, D. Trump...etc? or-----or is the fact that so many GOPer men are attracted to Latina's the reason GOPer men hate Latino men?...hmmm!

Just a guess but-----but I'm guessing the Koch's probably know something about D. Trump that Hillary also most likely knows about D. Trump that in the general election campaign will possibly force D. Trump to withdraw from the race or face the most humiliating defeat for a major party candidate -ever- in a presidential election. I'm just guessing, of course but I'm guessing what the Koch's know goes way-way beyond D. Trump thinking all Latino's are Mexicans - what an idiot

7 Affairs Donald Trump Has Had With Mexican Women

It’s noteworthy that Donald Trump likes to bag on the Mexican people so often, given the fact that he has had many Mexicans on “The Celebrity Apprentice,” and often ogled them the same way he ogled the white women on the reality show competition. So when you dig a little into The Donald’s background, you find that perhaps he is hiding some shocking truths about his dalliances with Hispanic women. Maybe that’s why he’s so gung-ho about slamming Mexico these days: he got burned and dropped by some of the hottest Latinas on the planet. Here’s seven women that Trump romanced undercover.

1. Jennifer Lopez

Yeah, I've never understood where the idea that Trump hates Mexicans comes from. It's odd thing. I can't think of anything he's said, that indicated he hated Mexicans. Quite a bit about illegals that rape. Illegals in general. But when I punch in Trump on Mexicans into Google, I have yet to find a quote where he said all Mexicans are bad. All of them rape. Or that he hated all of them. Or Latinos in General. Or anything that I would find offensive.

Of course Trump likes Mexican women. He's never said he didn't like Mexicans to being with. Why is this a shock?

*I* like Mexican women. Beautiful. They actually keep their hair long, and don't shave it off the moment they get married.

That's not the problem. The problem is, we have people here illegally. And some are criminals. That's the problem. Trump said what is true.

I understand why you are trying to defend him, but he is a loose canon that is in the process of ruining the Republican Party. Here is an example concerning your assertion on Mexicans.

Is it true that Trump spoke of illegals, but you need to understand that there are generations of "illegals" here who take his comments very personally. I heard several interviewed a few days ago. They are good upstanding US citizens whose parents or grandparents came here illegally. They take Trump's comments very personally. Now, do you understand why Trump has killed his chances with the Hispanic Community?

Sorry, but as it stands there is no way that Trump wins in November, regardless of who the Democrats nominate.
Here's the problem. Businessmen are going to vote their wallet. And Trump is, indeed, a loose cannon. Hillary may not be their choice over a standard Republican, but she surely is a better choice than Trump for business. That will be the deciding factor for many people involved in the management of of business.
Here's the problem. Businessmen are going to vote their wallet. And Trump is, indeed, a loose cannon. Hillary may not be their choice over a standard Republican, but she surely is a better choice than Trump for business. That will be the deciding factor for many people involved in the management of of business.
What planet are you living on?
Clinton could be better president than a GOP pick: Charles Koch
Apr 24, 2016

US Republican Party’s biggest donor Charles Koch says “it’s possible” that Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton could make a better president than the remaining GOP candidates based on the example set by her husband’s years in the White House.

In an interview with ABC News to air on Sunday, when asked whether it's possible that another Clinton could be better than another Republican, Koch responded, "It's possible. It's possible."

He added that he believes Bill Clinton was a better president "in some ways" than George W. Bush.

"In other ways, I mean [Bill Clinton] wasn't an exemplar. But as far as the growth of government, the increase in spending, It was 2.5 times [more] under Bush than it was under Clinton," Koch said.

In his interview, Koch noted that is a result of his disgust with the rhetoric in the Republican primary, and he even suggested Clinton could be a better choice for the country than the remaining crop of GOP candidates.

What they said was enough.

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