Charlottesville To Remove confederate Statues That Helped Spark Deadly Rally

Robert E. Lee was a great American hero to tens of millions of Americans and your Libtard hate and ignorance of history is despicable.

He was not a hero to the four million people he fought to keep in slavery

If freeing the black people from Slavery was the reason for the Civil War, why didn't Honest Abe even utter a syllable about slavery or racism or freeing the blacks.

Lincoln's cabinet unanimously advised him not to sign the Emancipation Proclamation and they were successful and educated men. Lincoln's response: "Ten nays and one aye. The ayes have it."

Lincoln was the first Republican president in the party which was formed in opposition to slavery. So the brain dead Democrats should abolish their own racist party rather than throw fits tearing down confederate flags and statues.

Biden showed his own racism rather recently when he said he didn't want his state's schools to have "savages" (blacks). "You can't go into a 7-11 unless you're Indian. I'm not kidding." - Joe Dementia Biden
Democrats making more American history disappear.
This is a lie.

These symbols of treason, racism, and hate will be relocated to venues where this period of American history will never be forgotten.

Not the history of the Civil War – as these monuments have nothing to do with that conflict – but the history of Jim Crow, black codes, and segregation that conservatives today work so hard to ignore and erase.

The rebels were all exonerated of the fictitious "treason" charge.

And the motivation for the War of Northern Aggression was that the proposition that states had the right to secede from the union- the war was how that matter was adjudicated.

There was plenty of "hate" and segregation all parts of America, that's not what they were fighting over.
I find it ironic that if we fall into a second civil war, it will be the former Confederate states that will be fighting for the Constitution this time...
That's the point.

The Powers that Be want the nation's attention to be divided via ethnic lines....Divide and conquer, and in order to keep 'em conquered keep 'em divided.

And the moonbats follow along jut like the dutiful little drones that they are.

Except who is doing the dividing?

What I remember was
Nixon's Southern Strategy
Reagan's Welfare Queens and Young Bucks on Welfare
Bush's Willie Horton Ads
Jesse Helm's White Hands Ads
Trump screaming about Mexicans being rapists and murderers, and Obama being a secret Muslim.

Seems to me that your side is keeping stupid white people angry to distract them from what the rich are doing to them.
Since fewer than 10% of southerners owned slaves, do you also believe that most southerners shouldn't be blamed for this evil?

No, they should for both supporting it at the time, and for rationalizing it after the fact.
Lewis and Clark statue removed by the same Taliban that removed Lee's statute.

Thank you Democrats for destroying our country.

How does removing a racist statue destroy history.

Here's the problem with glorifying people like Lewis and Clark or Columbus. The whole thing is based on the premise that America didn't exist until White people showed up.
You clearly did say you speak for black people. You called blacks who disagree with you Uncle Toms and said black Democrats said you can. As if it's OK for black Democrats to call black non-Democrats Uncle Toms themselves.

You're such a total flaming racist. You're white and you do NOT speak for white people. You sure the fuck don't speak for blacks, racist ass

It's perfectly okay to call an Uncle Tom an Uncle Tom.

Just like it's okay to call that prostitute you hired to tell you how handsome you are a "whore".
You want to someone who has obviously been beatified?

As well he should have been. Ended slavery, preserved the union, inspired generations, gave his life in the cause.

Still our Greatest President.

And Trump was our worst.
"Accordingly, we can imagine there must be dozens and dozens of his statues........100's?..... decorating public spaces throughout the old Confederate jurisdictions?"

Well, if you really are imagining that, your imagination is wrong.

There is one ....that I know statue to General James Longstreet.
The guy who was second-in Command of the Confederate armies.
The guy who fought bravely and led his troops ably and effectively at the Bull Runs, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chickamauga, was severely wounded at the Wildnerness......yet he is not acknowledged or memorialized in bronze in the southern states.

So for all the claims about 'erasing history', 're-writing history' .......'destroying history'......well, then let's talk about James Longstreet. The brave general who the white south tried to ignore, erase, and forget.

There is only one statue, where he was born if memory serves, because............well, because James Longstreet after the war supported Reconstruction and thought that the white population should work cooperatively with the freed slaves. statue for you, Ol'War Horse.

And to overdrive that is a telling indicator of WHY all those other statues of Lee, of Jackson, and Forrest (for God's sake, the war criminal Forrest!).......those statues were the white folk' totem signal to the black folk......'We may have screwed up the war-thingy, but we are still in charge. And you ain't!
They were American Patriots fighting against invasion of their homeland.

If they were ‘patriots,’ they wouldn’t have committed treason against America and tried to destroy the United States.

Indeed, their homeland was the United States – North and South.

So according to you, patriotism is conquering and subjugating anyone who tries to leave. What an odd definition, but you are a pompous ass

Just an ass.

I have to vote in support of Kaz on this one. Clayton is a POMPOUS ASS.

I've given Jones's posts more eye rolls than anyone else on this forum....and that's saying something

I am sorry for you. That must have been rough.
No. Slave owning tyrants should not be glorified.
Since fewer than 10% of southerners owned slaves, do you also believe that most southerners shouldn't be blamed for this evil?
How many of them supported slavery and fought for it?

Your excuse is that slaves cost a lot of money... Do you want to blame the blacks for that?
How do you know that? There are a high percentage of people who identify with the region they live in, in this country and the world.
Robert E. Lee was a great American hero to tens of millions of Americans and your Libtard hate and ignorance of history is despicable.

He was not a hero to the four million people he fought to keep in slavery

If freeing the black people from Slavery was the reason for the Civil War, why didn't Honest Abe even utter a syllable about slavery or racism or freeing the blacks.

Lincoln's cabinet unanimously advised him not to sign the Emancipation Proclamation and they were successful and educated men. Lincoln's response: "Ten nays and one aye. The ayes have it."

Lincoln was the first Republican president in the party which was formed in opposition to slavery. So the brain dead Democrats should abolish their own racist party rather than throw fits tearing down confederate flags and statues.

Biden showed his own racism rather recently when he said he didn't want his state's schools to have "savages" (blacks). "You can't go into a 7-11 unless you're Indian. I'm not kidding." - Joe Dementia Biden

The 1860s Republican Party's "opposition to slavery" had strong political roots.

The Republican Party was a party of mostly Northerners and they wanted control of the Federal government in order to use the government to steal money from the export cash rich South.

The question of the legality of slavery had nothing to do with morality. Slavery was legal in the US and the majority Republicans did not fight to change it. There was actually a large anti slavery movement in the South.

However, what the fought was expansion of slavery in the new western states. If a new state was to be slave then it would be dominated by Democrats. If it was free then it would be dominated by Republicans. More Representatives and more Senators in Congress for the respective party. More control over the power of the Federal government.

That is what the fight over "slavery" was really all about.
They were American Patriots fighting against invasion of their homeland.

If they were ‘patriots,’ they wouldn’t have committed treason against America and tried to destroy the United States.

Indeed, their homeland was the United States – North and South.

So according to you, patriotism is conquering and subjugating anyone who tries to leave. What an odd definition, but you are a pompous ass

Just an ass.

I have to vote in support of Kaz on this one. Clayton is a POMPOUS ASS.

Yes, thanks, I stand by the pompous. Clayton thinks he's the smartest guy in the room. His content doesn't back that up. An example is how he keeps citing logical fallacies, but using them wrong because he doesn't understand them. Some of the shit he comes up with is so dumb it's funny
Yes, thanks, I stand by the pompous. Clayton thinks he's the smartest guy in the room. His content doesn't back that up. An example is how he keeps citing logical fallacies, but using them wrong because he doesn't understand them. Some of the shit he comes up with is so dumb it's funny
You DO realize that you didn't actually say anything of substance other than that you don't like Clayton?
No. Slave owning tyrants should not be glorified.
Since fewer than 10% of southerners owned slaves, do you also believe that most southerners shouldn't be blamed for this evil?

It's not about how many people live there. Its about glorifying racist arseholes.
Would you object if statues of Mari were erected or maybe the devil?

You don't think a lot and not real deep.
You clearly did say you speak for black people. You called blacks who disagree with you Uncle Toms and said black Democrats said you can. As if it's OK for black Democrats to call black non-Democrats Uncle Toms themselves.

You're such a total flaming racist. You're white and you do NOT speak for white people. You sure the fuck don't speak for blacks, racist ass

It's perfectly okay to call an Uncle Tom an Uncle Tom.

Just like it's okay to call that prostitute you hired to tell you how handsome you are a "whore".

Keep talking Joe. How sick it is no Democrat black or white is speaking out against your overt racism.

Blacks are NOT all the same, you racist fuck. And black leftists don't speak for other blacks.

The 50s are calling for you, they want their racism back
Yes, thanks, I stand by the pompous. Clayton thinks he's the smartest guy in the room. His content doesn't back that up. An example is how he keeps citing logical fallacies, but using them wrong because he doesn't understand them. Some of the shit he comes up with is so dumb it's funny
You DO realize that you didn't actually say anything of substance other than that you don't like Clayton?

No, he does keep citing logical fallacies and using them wrong. It's funny as shit, Lush

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