Charlottesville To Remove confederate Statues That Helped Spark Deadly Rally

Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

The Alamo isn't anything to be proud of. American settlers were invited in, and they violated the agreements they were invited in under.

Santa Ana should have built a wall, I guess.

Come to think of it, Santa Ana was the Mexican Trump. He loses two wars, and half of Mexico's territory, and they kept voting him in.

The final straw was when he sold the US the Gadsen Purchase. It's one thing to lose territories in war, but selling land no one wanted?
Robert E. Lee was a great American hero to tens of millions of Americans and your Libtard hate and ignorance of history is despicable.

He was not a hero to the four million people he fought to keep in slavery
You do know that Lee was the first person Lincoln asked to command the Union Army ? Did you also know that there where Black Confederate troops ?

I can’t believe you guys are still pushing that Confederate black troops lie
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The South was right. The Union was the bad guys.

The Confederacy was the last chance of Liberty in the world. The destruction of our country by Liberals that we see now has a direct linage to the big government shitheads winning the Civil War. It was a loss for all Americans.
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The South was right. The Union was the bad guys.

The Confederacy was the last chance of Liberty in the world. The destruction of our country by Liberals that we see now has a direct linage to the big government shitheads winning the Civil War. It was a loss for all Americans.

i don't know if I would go that far. The nature of governments is to centralize. This seems to be a trend that was not limited to US.

The Civil War did encourage the growth of the power of the federal government and that is certainly coming back to bite US on the ass now.
Yet again the South was racist Democrat in the 50s then all the leftists from all the northern States joined the racist Democrat party in the 60s. Racism is all you, Holmes

This is where you get confused.

All the leftists in the Northern States joined the Democratic Party in the 1930's, not the 1950's.

The 1930's is also when the majority of blacks started voting Democratic as well.

The BRILLIANCE of FDR was how he build a coalition of white southern conservative Democrats and liberal Northern and found common ground in fighting the Great Depression. Yeah, maybe you don't favor moves to advance civil rights, but you do appreciate the New Deal programs that bring jobs to the south.

By 1948, there were cracks. Southern Democrats supported Strom Thurmond (who eventually took his racist followers into the GOP) and Northern progressives supported Henry Wallace (who was removed as Veep Because he was too far to the left in 1944)

1952- the Republicans won for two reasons. 1) Ike was a national hero and 2) he had the good sense to support the New Deal Reforms.

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In 1960, JFK ran to the right of Nixon on some issues. But the underlying reforms FDR weren't really in play. Civil rights weren't really in play, either. Both parties had kind of settled into slowly advancing them while still mollifying the Southern Racists.

Then we get to 1964, where the GOP lost blacks pretty much for good. Barry "Deep Down you Know he's nuts" Goldwater didn't support Civil Rights. He didn't support the kind of New Deal reforms that had created a middle class. He won his home state and 5 Southern states and lost the rest of the country.

One white voter in Tennessee asked him, "Why do you want to shut down the TVA, that's our livelihood here?" Some Southerners weren't keen on ending Segregation, but they understood the New Deal had really benefited them.

So instead of going back to the winning formula of Ike of supporting sensible government programs and slow progress on civil rights, Nixon decided to play directly to the racists with code words like Law and Order.

And a white population terrified by the excesses of the 60's voted for him. It really didn't help that the Democrats ran on "Acid, Abortion and Amnesty", but they got enough white people scared into voting against their economic interests. And pretty much every Republican since then has done this shit.

Can't sell the Small Government/Plutocratic/Libertarian Rat poison on it's own. But you wrap it in a nice juicy strip of racist bacon, and they'll gobble that shit right down.

The guy I give some props to is George W. Bush. He actually tried to change the tone on race. He did okay, winning 12% of the black vote and 44% of the Hispanic vote. Sadly, it didn't last.

My parents were "Dixiecrats". Conservative Southerners that were Democrats because the Republicans were the Party of that piece of shit Lincoln.

However, by the mid 1960s they understood that the Democrats had evolved into being the Party of despicable Liberals. They dumped the asshole Democrats and voted for Goldwater in 1964 and George Wallace in 1968. After that it became Republicans.

The Democrat Party nowadays is coalition of all the scum in the US.

Blacks that vote their race and welfare check.

Environmental Wackos

Anti Gun Nuts




Moon Bats

Welfare Queens

Greedy Union Bosses.

ANTIFA and BLM Terrorists.

Confused college kids and their bat shit crazy Marxists professors.
Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

The Alamo isn't anything to be proud of. American settlers were invited in, and they violated the agreements they were invited in under.

Santa Ana should have built a wall, I guess.

Come to think of it, Santa Ana was the Mexican Trump. He loses two wars, and half of Mexico's territory, and they kept voting him in.

The final straw was when he sold the US the Gadsen Purchase. It's one thing to lose territories in war, but selling land no one wanted?
What wars and territory did Trump lose?
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The South was right. The Union was the bad guys.

The Confederacy was the last chance of Liberty in the world. The destruction of our country by Liberals that we see now has a direct linage to the big government shitheads winning the Civil War. It was a loss for all Americans.

i don't know if I would go that far. The nature of governments is to centralize. This seems to be a trend that was not limited to US.

The Civil War did encourage the growth of the power of the federal government and that is certainly coming back to bite US on the ass now.

These stupid uneducated Moon Bats are confused about History.

There were two different issues in 1861.

The issue of succession and the decision made by that shithead Lincoln to settle it by war.

These stupid uneducated Moon Bats never understand the issues that led up to secession. Their Jr High History text books only starts covering the war at the time Lincoln broke the truce at Ft Sumter and created hostiles.

It was actually about the North wanting to profit from slavery.

The core issue of secession was the North using the power of the Federal government to steal money from the cash rich South. Rich because of exporting tobacco and cotton made with slave labor.

The North wasn't getting enough of "the piece of the action" so they used the powers of the Federal government to impose tariffs on the South. Outright thievery. Taxation like we are seeing from the big government Liberals nowadays.

It was the North wanting to profit from slavery but the Jr High History texts never mention that, do they?
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American Taliban in action. Destroy history.

Nobody is destroying history.

The people who abused history are, "Hey, remember those guys who started a half-ass Civil War that got thousands of people killed? Let's put up statues of them!!!"

You stupid uneducated Moon Bat.

Robert E. Lee was a great American hero to tens of millions of Americans and your Libtard hate and ignorance of history is despicable.

You Libtards are full of hate and intollerance of anything except the Communist Party line, aren't you? Just like the Taliban.

Robert Lee was an army deserter to join another army who fired the first shot.

He was a decades long slave holder, that alone shows that he was not a true American.

They did it to preserve their slavery rights and little else.

Lee never deserted, he resigned his commission and he freed his father in law's slaves

Yes he resigned, but for the purpose of joining the other side, that is in my view desertion. He was a racist to the day he died, he never freed his slaves, and never changed his dismissive views of black people.

There is no documented evidence that he freed the slaves and he was always a supporter of slavery even when the war ended:

History Net,

".....And what about Lee’s own slaves? He inherited 10 or 12 from his mother, but it is difficult to determine whether he freed any of them. Before the Mexican War he wrote a will that would have liberated one family; however, since he was not killed, those provisions never went into effect. There is no evidence of Lee’s slaves being emancipated—no courthouse records, no mention of it in his massive letter books. One of his sons later said that he had freed all his slaves before the war, but had taken no legal action so they would not have to move out of Virginia. That seems questionable, however. A freed African American really could not exist in Virginia without papers; the law would put him right back into slavery.

In fact, we have an example of a freed couple without documents being thrown into jail in 1853 by Lee’s father-in-law, a justice of the peace. We also know that Lee was aware of the need to provide free papers, since he went to considerable trouble to get proper documents for the Custis slaves who were freed during the Civil War. In any case, his own papers show that he owned slaves well into the 1850s and considered buying another in 1860. He also used his wife’s slaves as personal servants throughout the Civil War.

Lee’s letters tell us much about his racial attitudes. He seemed to dislike the bondsmen’s presence and generally avoided dealing with them. (“Do not trouble yourself about them, as they are not worth it,” he counseled his wife.) He had a low opinion of blacks as workers and complained continually about their habits. (“It would be accidental to fall in with a good one,” he ultimately concluded.) He found the constant need to provide for the slaves burdensome, and as a result frequently rented them out.

As late as 1865 he was still asserting that “the relation of master and slave…is the best that can exist between the white & black races.” He had equally dismissive views of other groups who threatened white aspirations, including Mexicans and American Indians, whom he several times described as “hideous” and whom he believed to be culturally inferior. It is important to note that these are not random comments, written on a bad day, but a constant pattern in Lee’s writing."

bolding mine


Until he left the Union he never considered freeing the slaves who lived in abject squalor under him, have you been there seen the photos, I did, the building they lived in were not wind tight and bad roofing.

The grounds of Arlington house was occupied within days after Lee's departure.

Yes there is evidence he freed his father in-laws slaves....and I suggest you learn the definition of desertion.

I seriously doubt Lee took command of the Northern Army of Virginia to preserve was much much more than that.
This is divisive and harmful to America. Selecting out certain groups that are not allowed to be proud of their heritage, is bigotry and divisive.
Should Germans be proud of their Nazi heritage?

Different situation. My point stands. THis is divisive and harmful to America.
Different situation. My point stands. THis is divisive and harmful to America.
Now you get a little taste of the divisiveness black folks have felt for a century with those statues looming large above them and you cry foul immediately. White fragility is a bitch.

What a crock of shit. Those statues were not "looming over" anyone. They were quietly sitting in the park, where blacks either didn't give a fuck about them or liked them because of the shared American heritage.
What a crock of shit. Those statues were not "looming over" anyone. They were quietly sitting in the park, where blacks either didn't give a fuck about them or liked them because of the shared American heritage.
Says Whitey. Whitey always knows what’s good for the Negro. What helps or hurts the negro. Whitey is always generous to the negro despite the negros’ continued ingratitude.

You making racial slurs, is not a counter argument.

My point stands.

Those statues were not "looming over" anyone. They were quietly sitting in the park, where blacks either didn't give a fuck about them or liked them because of the shared American heritage.
You making racial slurs, is not a counter argument.

My point stands.

Those statues were not "looming over" anyone. They were quietly sitting in the park, where blacks either didn't give a fuck about them or liked them because of the shared American heritage.
You certainly can’t know how they made people feel. The very least and first division you felt regarding their removal caused your knees to buckle and you to cry out to your lord in anguish. By all means though. Continue to suggest their presence had no ill effects on black folks.

I think I can, based on the DECADES of no discussion of them, at all, until the Leftards ran low on pretend wacism and had to dig DEEP to find some shit to pretend to be upset about.
I think I can, based on the DECADES of no discussion of them, at all, until the Leftards ran low on pretend wacism and had to dig DEEP to find some shit to pretend to be upset about
Of course you think you can know. Whitey always knows what’s best for the negro.
It’s the natural order of things. ;)

I already noted your use of racial slurs. Do you need me to be clearer and call you a racist?

Beyond that, my point stands. THe decades of no discussion on the issue, even during the 70s and 80s and 90s, and 00s, when such discussions would have been completely safe to have,

kind of shows that no one gave a damn until just recently.

Why is that? THe statues didn't change? What did change?

I offered my opinion on that. You've called me some racial slurs. So, I take you have nothing, other than being a retarded asshole counter my argument with.

My point stands. No one cared for generations. This issue is ginned up bullshit from modern day leftard assholes.
"My point stands. No one cared for generations."

You never had a point. Blacks have always resented those cracka statues of traitors being paid for with their tax money.

Bullshit. Generations of not caring and not saying shit about them.

It only became an issue, very recently cause you leftards got real desperate for wacism to pretend to be upset over.

Got to keep the hate flowing.
As usual you have no clue what youre talking about. Its amusing you think you know how Black people felt about the loser traitor statues up until recently. :)

Why? I was here. I could see that black communities and populations in their millions, had real shit to worry about, rather than some statues in the park.

I remember.
You remember your experience from your perspective without ever exploring the experiences of others from their perspective. That is willful ignorance and your insistence that you know something you don’t is hubris.

I remember being an American who was paying attention to the public discourse.

NO ONE was talking about statues in teh park. NO ONE.

Different "perspectives" did not prevent me from hearing different voices. THere were plenty of voices different than mine. THey were saying all kinds of shit.

NO ONE was talking about the statues in the park, because no one cared.

Some southerns like to celebrate their history, and that had been accepted as fine by our ancestors and it was what we all, always knew, so it was not remarkable to ANYONE.

Until recently, when libtards got really desperate to find something to pretend to be upset about.
I remember being an American who was paying attention to the public discourse.
Your limited experience is obviously not sufficient to know any better.

Your words make no sense. My being me, and thus different from other people, does not mean that I would not or did not hear them when they spoke.

And I did. I heard plenty. Most of it, I did not give a fuck about, but I heard it. NO ONE was talking shit about the statues because no one cared.

Hell, no one was talking about the Dukes of Hazzard, other than how hot Daisy Duke was or how hunky the Duke Boys were.

View attachment 513202

Your wace baiting is stupid.
Your words make no sense.
Your limited experience is obviously not sufficient to know any better.

That bit, where you have to cut all the supporting argument, before you dare disagree with the point?

That is your brain dealing with the fact that it knows you are in the wrong.

My point stands.

My being me, and thus different from other people, does not mean that I would not or did not hear them when they spoke.

And I did. I heard plenty. Most of it, I did not give a fuck about, but I heard it. NO ONE was talking shit about the statues because no one cared.

Hell, no one was talking about the Dukes of Hazzard, other than how hot Daisy Duke was or how hunky the Duke Boys were.

View attachment 513202

Your wace baiting is stupid.
That bit, where you have to cut all the supporting argument, before you dare disagree with the point?
There is no way to support a flawed premise.
People have been talking about confederate monuments since their installation. Your ignorance of that point in no way changes that fact.
Your limited experience is obviously not sufficient to know any better.

Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The South was right. The Union was the bad guys.

The Confederacy was the last chance of Liberty in the world. The destruction of our country by Liberals that we see now has a direct linage to the big government shitheads winning the Civil War. It was a loss for all Americans.

i don't know if I would go that far. The nature of governments is to centralize. This seems to be a trend that was not limited to US.

The Civil War did encourage the growth of the power of the federal government and that is certainly coming back to bite US on the ass now.

These stupid uneducated Moon Bats are confused about History.

There were two different issues in 1861.

The issue of succession and the decision made by that shithead Lincoln to settle it by war.

These stupid uneducated Moon Bats never understand the issues that led up to secession. Their Jr High History text books only starts covering the war at the time Lincoln broke the truce at Ft Sumter and created hostiles.

It was actually about the North wanting to profit from slavery.

The core issue of secession was the North using the power of the Federal government to steal money from the cash rich South. Rich because of exporting tobacco and cotton made with slave labor.

The North wasn't getting enough of "the piece of the action" so they used the powers of the Federal government to impose tariffs on the South. Outright thievery. Taxation like we are seeing from the big government Liberals nowadays.

It was the North wanting to profit from slavery but the Jr High History texts never mention that, do they?
"These stupid uneducated Moon Bats never understand the issues that led up to secession."

Slavery was thee issue no matter how many times you deny it. We know because the confederate losers literally wrote it down.
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The South was right. The Union was the bad guys.

The Confederacy was the last chance of Liberty in the world. The destruction of our country by Liberals that we see now has a direct linage to the big government shitheads winning the Civil War. It was a loss for all Americans.

i don't know if I would go that far. The nature of governments is to centralize. This seems to be a trend that was not limited to US.

The Civil War did encourage the growth of the power of the federal government and that is certainly coming back to bite US on the ass now.

These stupid uneducated Moon Bats are confused about History.

There were two different issues in 1861.

The issue of succession and the decision made by that shithead Lincoln to settle it by war.

These stupid uneducated Moon Bats never understand the issues that led up to secession. Their Jr High History text books only starts covering the war at the time Lincoln broke the truce at Ft Sumter and created hostiles.

It was actually about the North wanting to profit from slavery.

The core issue of secession was the North using the power of the Federal government to steal money from the cash rich South. Rich because of exporting tobacco and cotton made with slave labor.

The North wasn't getting enough of "the piece of the action" so they used the powers of the Federal government to impose tariffs on the South. Outright thievery. Taxation like we are seeing from the big government Liberals nowadays.

It was the North wanting to profit from slavery but the Jr High History texts never mention that, do they?
"These stupid uneducated Moon Bats never understand the issues that led up to secession."

Slavery was thee issue no matter how many times you deny it.

That and state's rights, economic issues, etc etc....the Civil War's roots are more than just slavery

Hell 95% of Confederate soldiers never owned slaves
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The South was right. The Union was the bad guys.

The Confederacy was the last chance of Liberty in the world. The destruction of our country by Liberals that we see now has a direct linage to the big government shitheads winning the Civil War. It was a loss for all Americans.

i don't know if I would go that far. The nature of governments is to centralize. This seems to be a trend that was not limited to US.

The Civil War did encourage the growth of the power of the federal government and that is certainly coming back to bite US on the ass now.

These stupid uneducated Moon Bats are confused about History.

There were two different issues in 1861.

The issue of succession and the decision made by that shithead Lincoln to settle it by war.

These stupid uneducated Moon Bats never understand the issues that led up to secession. Their Jr High History text books only starts covering the war at the time Lincoln broke the truce at Ft Sumter and created hostiles.

It was actually about the North wanting to profit from slavery.

The core issue of secession was the North using the power of the Federal government to steal money from the cash rich South. Rich because of exporting tobacco and cotton made with slave labor.

The North wasn't getting enough of "the piece of the action" so they used the powers of the Federal government to impose tariffs on the South. Outright thievery. Taxation like we are seeing from the big government Liberals nowadays.

It was the North wanting to profit from slavery but the Jr High History texts never mention that, do they?
"These stupid uneducated Moon Bats never understand the issues that led up to secession."

Slavery was thee issue no matter how many times you deny it.

That and state's rights, economic issues, etc etc....the Civil War's roots are more than just slavery

Hell 95% of Confederate soldiers never owned slaves
All directly related to slavery. So no matter how you want to dress it up, it was about slavery.

Hell 95% of Dump supporters aren't millionaires but that doesn't make them less racist or criminal. Not sure why you said that when they were fighting to keep rich slave owners with the right to own slaves?
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The South was right. The Union was the bad guys.

The Confederacy was the last chance of Liberty in the world. The destruction of our country by Liberals that we see now has a direct linage to the big government shitheads winning the Civil War. It was a loss for all Americans.

i don't know if I would go that far. The nature of governments is to centralize. This seems to be a trend that was not limited to US.

The Civil War did encourage the growth of the power of the federal government and that is certainly coming back to bite US on the ass now.

These stupid uneducated Moon Bats are confused about History.

There were two different issues in 1861.

The issue of succession and the decision made by that shithead Lincoln to settle it by war.

These stupid uneducated Moon Bats never understand the issues that led up to secession. Their Jr High History text books only starts covering the war at the time Lincoln broke the truce at Ft Sumter and created hostiles.

It was actually about the North wanting to profit from slavery.

The core issue of secession was the North using the power of the Federal government to steal money from the cash rich South. Rich because of exporting tobacco and cotton made with slave labor.

The North wasn't getting enough of "the piece of the action" so they used the powers of the Federal government to impose tariffs on the South. Outright thievery. Taxation like we are seeing from the big government Liberals nowadays.

It was the North wanting to profit from slavery but the Jr High History texts never mention that, do they?
"These stupid uneducated Moon Bats never understand the issues that led up to secession."

Slavery was thee issue no matter how many times you deny it.

That and state's rights, economic issues, etc etc....the Civil War's roots are more than just slavery

Hell 95% of Confederate soldiers never owned slaves
All directly related to slavery. So no matter how you want to dress it up, it was about slavery.

Hell 95% of Dump supporters aren't millionaires but that doesn't make them less racist or criminal. Not sure why you said that when they were fighting to keep rich slave owners with the right to own slaves?

You're to racist to even begin to understand why the Civil War took along now, you're annoying
Why the fuck are they venerating losers down there anyway?

This is America the only wars we don't win are ones we don't feel like finishing.

Nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a superior force.

View attachment 513317

The South was right. The Union was the bad guys.

The Confederacy was the last chance of Liberty in the world. The destruction of our country by Liberals that we see now has a direct linage to the big government shitheads winning the Civil War. It was a loss for all Americans.

i don't know if I would go that far. The nature of governments is to centralize. This seems to be a trend that was not limited to US.

The Civil War did encourage the growth of the power of the federal government and that is certainly coming back to bite US on the ass now.

These stupid uneducated Moon Bats are confused about History.

There were two different issues in 1861.

The issue of succession and the decision made by that shithead Lincoln to settle it by war.

These stupid uneducated Moon Bats never understand the issues that led up to secession. Their Jr High History text books only starts covering the war at the time Lincoln broke the truce at Ft Sumter and created hostiles.

It was actually about the North wanting to profit from slavery.

The core issue of secession was the North using the power of the Federal government to steal money from the cash rich South. Rich because of exporting tobacco and cotton made with slave labor.

The North wasn't getting enough of "the piece of the action" so they used the powers of the Federal government to impose tariffs on the South. Outright thievery. Taxation like we are seeing from the big government Liberals nowadays.

It was the North wanting to profit from slavery but the Jr High History texts never mention that, do they?
"These stupid uneducated Moon Bats never understand the issues that led up to secession."

Slavery was thee issue no matter how many times you deny it.

That and state's rights, economic issues, etc etc....the Civil War's roots are more than just slavery

Hell 95% of Confederate soldiers never owned slaves
All directly related to slavery. So no matter how you want to dress it up, it was about slavery.

Hell 95% of Dump supporters aren't millionaires but that doesn't make them less racist or criminal. Not sure why you said that when they were fighting to keep rich slave owners with the right to own slaves?

You're to racist to even begin to understand why the Civil War took along now, you're annoying
I fully understand why the civil war took place. I know I annoy you because I make you look stupid. So I will stay here and show you why you dont know what you are talking about.
American Taliban in action. Destroy history.

Nobody is destroying history.

The people who abused history are, "Hey, remember those guys who started a half-ass Civil War that got thousands of people killed? Let's put up statues of them!!!"

You stupid uneducated Moon Bat.

Robert E. Lee was a great American hero to tens of millions of Americans and your Libtard hate and ignorance of history is despicable.

You Libtards are full of hate and intollerance of anything except the Communist Party line, aren't you? Just like the Taliban.

Robert Lee was an army deserter to join another army who fired the first shot.

He was a decades long slave holder, that alone shows that he was not a true American.

They did it to preserve their slavery rights and little else.

Lee never deserted, he resigned his commission and he freed his father in law's slaves

Yes he resigned, but for the purpose of joining the other side, that is in my view desertion. He was a racist to the day he died, he never freed his slaves, and never changed his dismissive views of black people.
Lincoln was a white supremacist until the day he died. You criticism of Southerners is idiosyncratic and hypocritical.
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