charlton heston

No shit. :eusa_doh:

And it's titled "Charlton Heston".

And it's sitting in "Current Events".

Should I type more slowly or what?
Actually, it's titled charlton heston.

It makes no difference to me how fast you type. It is what you type that counts.

Gun control debates are current events. Not every one of them has to be put in the Politics forum. This thread is exactly where it belongs. Do you want to talk about the quote or keep reminding us that you are aware that Heston is dead?

Yes, I'm also aware that the OP isn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, but that doesn't mean I can't point out that yet again it's in the wrong thread. Nor do I think it's necessary to point out his ignorance of capitalization. The fact remains, Charlton Heston continuing to decompose is not an "event". Nor is some clown digging up a sixteen-year-old quote.

Nor are "guns" an event. If the event is supposed to be Newtown, that doesn't work since Heston was not talking about Newtown.
I'll bet you would need two or more life preservers to stay afloat in the Dead Sea. Your density is exceeding great.

I believe you meant to say, "'s in the wrong forum." You should try typing slower...and thinking more about what you are typing.

The fact remains that you truly do not understand.
Actually, it's titled charlton heston.

It makes no difference to me how fast you type. It is what you type that counts.

Gun control debates are current events. Not every one of them has to be put in the Politics forum. This thread is exactly where it belongs. Do you want to talk about the quote or keep reminding us that you are aware that Heston is dead?

Yes, I'm also aware that the OP isn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, but that doesn't mean I can't point out that yet again it's in the wrong thread. Nor do I think it's necessary to point out his ignorance of capitalization. The fact remains, Charlton Heston continuing to decompose is not an "event". Nor is some clown digging up a sixteen-year-old quote.

Nor are "guns" an event. If the event is supposed to be Newtown, that doesn't work since Heston was not talking about Newtown.

I'll bet you would need two or more life preservers to stay afloat in the Dead Sea. Your density is exceeding great.

I believe you meant to say, "'s in the wrong forum." You should try typing slower...and thinking more about what you are typing.

Actually that's what I said at the start -- which seems to have flown over your head.
Density will do that. You could have just let it go and wouldn't have had to concede a rationalization. But nooooo....
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So. the right to have military grade weopons exceeds the rights of children to life.

These types of weapons are the favorites of the crazies. And the NRA and you people that insist that everyone should be able to get one are arming these crazies.
So. the right to have military grade weopons exceeds the rights of children to life.

These types of weapons are the favorites of the crazies. And the NRA and you people that insist that everyone should be able to get one are arming these crazies.

If you outlawed ALL weapons, criminals and crazies would get them anyway. We do not enable them to get weapons. As a matter of fact, they are already denied the legal possession of weapons. They still get them. Denying them to law abiding citizens will do nothing to change that.
Yes, I'm also aware that the OP isn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, but that doesn't mean I can't point out that yet again it's in the wrong thread. Nor do I think it's necessary to point out his ignorance of capitalization. The fact remains, Charlton Heston continuing to decompose is not an "event". Nor is some clown digging up a sixteen-year-old quote.

Nor are "guns" an event. If the event is supposed to be Newtown, that doesn't work since Heston was not talking about Newtown.

I'll bet you would need two or more life preservers to stay afloat in the Dead Sea. Your density is exceeding great.

I believe you meant to say, "'s in the wrong forum." You should try typing slower...and thinking more about what you are typing.

Actually that's what I said at the start -- which seems to have flown over your head.
Density will do that. You could have just let it go and wouldn't have had to concede a rationalization. But nooooo....

I have conceded nothing here. You are simply too dense to realize that.

I would stay and banter with you...but I have to go and rearrange my sock drawer.
So. the right to have military grade weopons exceeds the rights of children to life.

These types of weapons are the favorites of the crazies. And the NRA and you people that insist that everyone should be able to get one are arming these crazies.

Why does the left go on and on about military style weapons when the majority of gun violence and deaths come from handguns not military style assault weapons? Yes these were involved in Newtown and Auroa but on the flip side the Virginia Tech and Gabby Giffords shooters used handguns.
I'll bet you would need two or more life preservers to stay afloat in the Dead Sea. Your density is exceeding great.

I believe you meant to say, "'s in the wrong forum." You should try typing slower...and thinking more about what you are typing.

Actually that's what I said at the start -- which seems to have flown over your head.
Density will do that. You could have just let it go and wouldn't have had to concede a rationalization. But nooooo....

I have conceded nothing here. You are simply too dense to realize that.

I would stay and banter with you...but I have to go and rearrange my sock drawer.

That's pretty much all you've been doing here anyway... :eusa_whistle:

I know the play, keep bumping a bullshit thread just to keep it on top, even at the cost of one's own credibility. Yawn.
My question is, how did Heston get all those jobs acting, since it only consisted with him gritting his teeth?
Moses gets work anywhere he applies for a Job.

Your quote reminded me of this funny,

No shit. :eusa_doh:

And it's titled "Charlton Heston".

And it's sitting in "Current Events".

Should I type more slowly or what?
Actually, it's titled charlton heston.

It makes no difference to me how fast you type. It is what you type that counts.

Gun control debates are current events. Not every one of them has to be put in the Politics forum. This thread is exactly where it belongs. Do you want to talk about the quote or keep reminding us that you are aware that Heston is dead?

Yes, I'm also aware that the OP isn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, but that doesn't mean I can't point out that yet again it's in the wrong thread. Nor do I think it's necessary to point out his ignorance of capitalization. The fact remains, Charlton Heston continuing to decompose is not an "event". Nor can a sixteen-year-old quote be called either "current" or an "event".

Nor are "guns" an event. If the event is supposed to be Newtown, that doesn't work since Heston was not talking about Newtown.

Dude, I cut threw steel faster than you can cut threw paper with your dull witted brain.
The thread is placed in the correct forum.
In case you have a hard time understanding the words in the quote, or just can't read the quote here's Mr. Heston

Charlton Heston, Meet the Press May 18, 1997 | CNS News
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Actually, it's titled charlton heston.

It makes no difference to me how fast you type. It is what you type that counts.

Gun control debates are current events. Not every one of them has to be put in the Politics forum. This thread is exactly where it belongs. Do you want to talk about the quote or keep reminding us that you are aware that Heston is dead?

Yes, I'm also aware that the OP isn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, but that doesn't mean I can't point out that yet again it's in the wrong thread. Nor do I think it's necessary to point out his ignorance of capitalization. The fact remains, Charlton Heston continuing to decompose is not an "event". Nor is some clown digging up a sixteen-year-old quote.

Nor are "guns" an event. If the event is supposed to be Newtown, that doesn't work since Heston was not talking about Newtown.
I'll bet you would need two or more life preservers to stay afloat in the Dead Sea. Your density is exceeding great.

believe you meant to say, "'s in the wrong forum." You should try typing slower...and thinking more about what you are typing.

The fact remains that you truly do not understand.

...more slowly...and think more
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