Chase Bank CEO – “This Is The Most Prosperous Economy The World Has Ever Seen.”

I can see that the economy has never been better for Wall Street. I don't disagree with him.
It’s also never been better for blacks, Hispanics, women, Main Street in general, etc. Again, if you stopped listening to your tv you’d see it too.

Using what metrics? How do you define "never been better"?

This is where you stop responding because we both know you are just a parrot and don't actually understand the things you type.
Lowest minority unemployment, gains in wages, more jobs available than
unemployed, a job seekers dream. People’s,401k’s growing, the retired get to live more comfortably, lowest food stamps usage in a very long while, fewer on welfare. There you go. You asked, you got,it.

Source for your "data" ?

Or should I just trust you?
You can’t be serious.
No more welfare! 6.3 million drop food stamps under Trump
Minority Women Are Winning the Jobs Race in a Record Economic Expansion
Black Unemployment Rate Falls To A Record Low
There Is A Record 1.7 Million More Job Openings Than Unemployed Workers
Opinion | Real Wages Are Rising

Workers at the lower end of the pay scale finally are getting the most benefit from rising wages
This isn’t going to matter to this cat. It’s why I didn’t even bother. They’re going to have to figure it out for themselves.
Remember Jimmy Carter's notorious "misery index"?

Democrats DO!

And long for its return.
Funny that what with the banks screaming for more and more from the Fed.
Hmmmm.. maybe the demand for credit is surpassing existing reserves because the fed extinguished the reserves way too soon. Nahhhhh that couldn’t be it
People in my world are all doing better today than 2 years ago....why aren't you?...

In all fairness, the odds are you are doing exactly the same as you were 2 years ago. And thats the point. The middle class continues to tread water while the rich get richer.

And you thank them for it.

Grow a backbone.
The people were not "treading water" 3 years ago they were sinking and Obama didn't do a damn thing to help....

Ok Boomer.
THAT’S where I walk away. You’re a child.

God be with you.

I told you in post #12 you would walk away when asked for proof of anything you're claiming. Thanks for proving my point.

Your personal anecdotes don't mean shit. Just because I had a big lunch today doesn't mean there are no more hungry people in the country.

You rubes are all the same.
What a laugh.
The repo crisis, if you want to refer to it as a crisis, should be the tell tale sign that the economy is on fire because demand for that much credit indicates literally nothing else. But that’s hard for liberals to understand, that’s why Paul krugman is their hero.
Funny that what with the banks screaming for more and more from the Fed.
Hmmmm.. maybe the demand for credit is surpassing existing reserves because the fed extinguished the reserves way too soon. Nahhhhh that couldn’t be it

No, it couldn't. Demand for what? There are no booms. People who wanted a house have bought one. Did we not learn a thing by going into massive debt? Do you really believe it's going to end differently this time?

The demand is going into further and further inflating the markets.
Funny that what with the banks screaming for more and more from the Fed.
Hmmmm.. maybe the demand for credit is surpassing existing reserves because the fed extinguished the reserves way too soon. Nahhhhh that couldn’t be it

No, it couldn't. Demand for what? There are no booms. People who wanted a house have bought one. Did we not learn a thing by going into massive debt? Do you really believe it's going to end differently this time?
How do you make it through life being this ignorant to reality?
Funny that what with the banks screaming for more and more from the Fed.
Hmmmm.. maybe the demand for credit is surpassing existing reserves because the fed extinguished the reserves way too soon. Nahhhhh that couldn’t be it

No, it couldn't. Demand for what? There are no booms. People who wanted a house have bought one. Did we not learn a thing by going into massive debt? Do you really believe it's going to end differently this time?
How do you make it through life being this ignorant to reality?

Interesting that you only partially quote me and then rather than counter what I said, think a valid rebuttal is a lame attack on me.
Funny that what with the banks screaming for more and more from the Fed.
Hmmmm.. maybe the demand for credit is surpassing existing reserves because the fed extinguished the reserves way too soon. Nahhhhh that couldn’t be it

No, it couldn't. Demand for what? There are no booms. People who wanted a house have bought one. Did we not learn a thing by going into massive debt? Do you really believe it's going to end differently this time?

The demand is going into further and further inflating the markets.
Credit is demanded throughout the entire marketplace, not just for houses. If there’s a demand for credit that’s called a market signal, and it indicates that the economy is moving positively. I don’t agree with the practice of fractional reserve lending but while we’re currently still mired in that system we still need to understand the way the market signals work within it.
Funny that what with the banks screaming for more and more from the Fed.
Hmmmm.. maybe the demand for credit is surpassing existing reserves because the fed extinguished the reserves way too soon. Nahhhhh that couldn’t be it

No, it couldn't. Demand for what? There are no booms. People who wanted a house have bought one. Did we not learn a thing by going into massive debt? Do you really believe it's going to end differently this time?
How do you make it through life being this ignorant to reality?

Interesting that you only partially quote me and then rather than counter what I said, think a valid rebuttal is a lame attack on me.
The problem with countering it is on where one would even begin. The entire post was ridiculous on its own merits. You either want to learn or you don’t.
Funny that what with the banks screaming for more and more from the Fed.
Hmmmm.. maybe the demand for credit is surpassing existing reserves because the fed extinguished the reserves way too soon. Nahhhhh that couldn’t be it

No, it couldn't. Demand for what? There are no booms. People who wanted a house have bought one. Did we not learn a thing by going into massive debt? Do you really believe it's going to end differently this time?

The demand is going into further and further inflating the markets.
Credit is demanded throughout the entire marketplace, not just for houses. If there’s a demand for credit that’s called a market signal, and it indicates that the economy is moving positively. I don’t agree with the practice of fractional reserve lending but while we’re currently still mired in that system we still need to understand the way the market signals work within it.

The demand is to inflate the markets. Period.
Funny that what with the banks screaming for more and more from the Fed.
Hmmmm.. maybe the demand for credit is surpassing existing reserves because the fed extinguished the reserves way too soon. Nahhhhh that couldn’t be it

No, it couldn't. Demand for what? There are no booms. People who wanted a house have bought one. Did we not learn a thing by going into massive debt? Do you really believe it's going to end differently this time?
How do you make it through life being this ignorant to reality?

Interesting that you only partially quote me and then rather than counter what I said, think a valid rebuttal is a lame attack on me.
The problem with countering it is on where one would even begin. The entire post was ridiculous on its own merits. You either want to learn or you don’t.

And obviously you have nothing to teach outside of juvenile rebuttals.
So Wall Street elite think that things have never been better??

Of course they think that. The deck has been stacked in their favor for years and Trump has only geared his policies to help them even more.

No one is surprised by this.

If you're not better off now than you were when Trump took office it's only because you won't get off your ass or you just don't want to be.

Right. That's exactly what they told you to say. Good job minion.

I'm not a Democrat so no one told me what to say nor did I need anyone to tell me what to say. Unlike your kind, we can think and use reason and logic as our guides.
Funny that what with the banks screaming for more and more from the Fed.
Hmmmm.. maybe the demand for credit is surpassing existing reserves because the fed extinguished the reserves way too soon. Nahhhhh that couldn’t be it

No, it couldn't. Demand for what? There are no booms. People who wanted a house have bought one. Did we not learn a thing by going into massive debt? Do you really believe it's going to end differently this time?

The demand is going into further and further inflating the markets.
Credit is demanded throughout the entire marketplace, not just for houses. If there’s a demand for credit that’s called a market signal, and it indicates that the economy is moving positively. I don’t agree with the practice of fractional reserve lending but while we’re currently still mired in that system we still need to understand the way the market signals work within it.

The demand is to inflate the markets. Period.
I feel sorry for you, I honestly do. There’s an entire internet out there where you can learn everything you need to learn about monetary policy and economics. You can choose to let talking heads decide your positions for you or you can actually learn something and decide for yourself.
Hmmmm.. maybe the demand for credit is surpassing existing reserves because the fed extinguished the reserves way too soon. Nahhhhh that couldn’t be it

No, it couldn't. Demand for what? There are no booms. People who wanted a house have bought one. Did we not learn a thing by going into massive debt? Do you really believe it's going to end differently this time?
How do you make it through life being this ignorant to reality?

Interesting that you only partially quote me and then rather than counter what I said, think a valid rebuttal is a lame attack on me.
The problem with countering it is on where one would even begin. The entire post was ridiculous on its own merits. You either want to learn or you don’t.

And obviously you have nothing to teach outside of juvenile rebuttals.
I tried to explain to you the reason for the repos but you don’t want to hear it.
It’s so simple..

Banks were paying upwards of 10% on overnight loans between each other to remain liquid and meet reserve requirements. Why would this be happening? Because there’s too much demand for money and not enough supply because the Fed extinguished money way too soon. And now they’re intervening to fix the problem they created in the first place.
pknopp thinks it’s only rich Wall Street people demanding the credit, or home buyers. Completely ignoring the fact that the entire market is driven by credit and that demand is aggregate. If banks are this short on cash it’s because the whole damn country is requesting credit for one reason or another, and this means that the economy is healthy, or at least as healthy as one can be while still on a fractional reserve lending system

"Jamie Dimon: The consumer, which is 70% of the U.S. economy, is quite strong. Confidence is very high. Their balance sheets are in great shape. And you see that the strength of the American consumer is driving the American economy and the global economy. And while business slowed down, my current view is that, no, it just was a slowdown, not a petering out."

My question would be; Consumer credit card balances are at an all time high, higher than in 2008, what will happen to consumer confidence when consumers reach their credit limit?

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