Chase Oliver, Libertarian nominee, "gets it"

Anyone who CLAIMS to be a LIBERTARIAN and does not DENOUNCE Oliver….clearly endorses this FREAK.


On and on and on.

He is not a fucking libertarian.

Cornball Libertarians who lie about being a Libertarian wouldnt know the difference…they are liars with no principles or morals.
The loser brigade came prepped and ready to pull this off. They long for the time when the LP could hold its national convention in a Boston tea room. This all about embarrassing the LP over the rise of the Mises Caucus.
You people acting as if they are a real political party and that who they nominate means anything are hilarious.
Anyone who CLAIMS to be a LIBERTARIAN and does not DENOUNCE Oliver….clearly endorses this FREAK.
A big part of the libertarian ethos (apparently you didn't get the memo) is that people have a right to be as freaky as they wanna be, and uptight busybodies like you just have to lump it. Doesn't sound like the whole "liberty" thing is for you.
You have to infiltrate em with your own people.

But that takes a very long time. It's a process of continuous growth.

Once you get a couple in, you can start introducing legislation to at least illustrate who truly represents whom and who stands for what precisely. And you have a patform to argue against the lunacy of the status quo.

Rand and Massie, both products of the true liberty grassroots movement, have been invaluable in that regard.

I like Rand well enough...but...the guy ran for President and didn't make the cut. Trump did.

Reagan was the first President I remember.

Then Bush Sr., who was nothing to write home about.

Eight years of Clinton half of which I was in the Army.

Eight Years of W...ugh...better than Kerry and Gore...but...damn.

Eight years of Obama...and I thought Bush was bad.

And then Trump...who actually did the things he sad he was going to do.

Is he perfect? No. But he's moving the ball in the right direction. After a lifetime of being on's nice to be on offense for a change.
hahahaha….Woke white guilt clowns.
Yeah, Pussification Will Make America Great.
Don’t fight back, that looks “HATEFUL” just stand there and take shots to the face to keep the peace.
When, what, and who have you ever fought, pussy?
Very compactly stated...

Oliver is an activist from Atlanta who previously ran for the U.S. Senate and U.S. House from Georgia. On his campaign website, he calls for major cuts to the federal budget with a view toward balancing the budget, abolishing the death penalty, closing all overseas military bases and ending military support to Israel and Ukraine

Notice that upward trend? Notice how everything doubled in 19? Then covid hit and the numbers plummeted. Covid saved his ass.

A lack of jobs stopped people from coming.
By nominating Oliver Chase, the Libertarian Party once again proves it has no common sense and no interest in becoming a viable national party.

If the LP had any brains, any brains at all, they would have chosen RFK Jr. as their nominee. This would have been a win-win. It would have freed RFK Jr. from having to spend time and money getting on the ballot in every state (although he's on track to be on every ballot), and it would have given the LP instant nationwide visibility and made the LP relevant for the first time in its history.
By nominating Oliver Chase, the Libertarian Party once again proves it has no common sense and no interest in becoming a viable national party.

If the LP had any brains, any brains at all, they would have chosen RFK Jr. as their nominee. This would have been a win-win. It would have freed RFK Jr. from having to spend time and money getting on the ballot in every state (although he's on track to be on every ballot), and it would have given the LP instant nationwide visibility and made the LP relevant for the first time in its history.

On the other hand if Kennedy wanted the nomination he shouldn't have taken so many positions counter to what most Libertarians believe.
By nominating Oliver Chase, the Libertarian Party once again proves it has no common sense and no interest in becoming a viable national party.

If the LP had any brains, any brains at all, they would have chosen RFK Jr. as their nominee. This would have been a win-win. It would have freed RFK Jr. from having to spend time and money getting on the ballot in every state (although he's on track to be on every ballot), and it would have given the LP instant nationwide visibility and made the LP relevant for the first time in its history.

They would probably jump up to 5% as a third party-
In a 2 party system.
Given the propensity of the left to hate America and support so many destructive things as well as manipulate the process to give themselves whatever advantage they can get, do you really think going to a bicameral system is wise? At least with the two party system, the Republicans have some power to prevent some disastrous legislation.

Every Democrat should be removed from the planet - that's a given.

The first part was my explanation of why Democrats can get things done.
They work together.
No matter what,

Then I turned (without a turn signal) to people who hate the 2 party system, hate parties in general and quote George Washington on how awful having parties would be.

If everyone was elected as "unaffiliated" when they got into office, they would simply locate like-minded people
form a voting block and become 2 parties.

That's what I was saying.
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By nominating Oliver Chase, the Libertarian Party once again proves it has no common sense and no interest in becoming a viable national party.

If the LP had any brains, any brains at all, they would have chosen RFK Jr. as their nominee. This would have been a win-win. It would have freed RFK Jr. from having to spend time and money getting on the ballot in every state (although he's on track to be on every ballot), and it would have given the LP instant nationwide visibility and made the LP relevant for the first time in its history.
Proving that popularity is what you're chasing, not policy. Say what you want about libertarians and their dipshit ideas but at least they really believe in them. :dunno:

Mr. Oliver needs to clarify that in a big hurry....

Why would he "need" to clarify anything, much less do it in a big hurry?

Mr. Oliver will be schlonged in November regardless, I can't see many of Sleepy Joe's devotees switching to the L ticket regardless of what he says.

Although vax mandates are something that could, theoretically, attract liberal support for him.
Although vax mandates are something that could, theoretically, attract liberal support for him.
He doesn't support vax mandates. He's been very clear about that. Not clear enough, apparently, for MAGA idiots who don't understand the difference between a government mandate and a business setting it's own hiring policies.
He doesn't support vax mandates. He's been very clear about that. Not clear enough, apparently, for MAGA idiots who don't understand the difference between a government mandate and a business setting it's own hiring policies.

Fair enough I guess. The man is entitled to his own opinion.

But if Mr. Oliver were to push for vax mandates, it would get him a lot more good will and possibly votes from Biden supporters, just saying.

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