Chase Oliver, Libertarian nominee, "gets it"

You totally misunderstood that.
Perhaps. Try again to explain it. You seemed to think a single party government would produce more cooperation and efficiency yes? I just have a hard time seeing that given the current political situation. But perhaps I did misunderstand you.

I used 'bicameral' before and that was a brain fart. That isn't what I intended. :)
Don’t know who the goober in the middle is, but he and the LP candidates are taking a bold stand outside the very pale house in DC. Next up, opposition to chattel slavery in the US.

At least with the two party system, the Republicans have some power to prevent some disastrous legislation.

The problem is that many of them like to vote with dems.

Some keep rather thorough notes in case the question ever comes up, though.

I'd bet that it'd be really interesting to compare the lists of those republicans with the list of Trump's endorsements.

You know...if someone wanted to do that.

It's certainly wonlt be th dems because they enjoy the luxury of operation vicariously through the republicans. And it won't be republicans ether because they do not want to be know by their fruits.

That actually reminds me of the time that Trump wanted Massie kicked out of the republican party and Pelosi called him a dangerous nuisance when he stood up and demanded a recorded vote on what was, at the time, the largest spending bill in history. A recorded vote was, of course, refused.

They're pretty much all on the same team. Observably.
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As long as you'll accept the so called choices they're giving you. And that you assume you we're given a choice.

Voting shouldn't be "I don't like this one, so I'm going to vote for that other one."
We all spend our whole lives trying to BETTER our positions, we make lots of compromises and settle for less than perfect along the way through life to do so.
I can’t understand how/why one would abandon such a fundamental practice for elections.
The problem is that many of them like to vote with dems.

Some keep rather thorough notes in case the question ever comes up, though.

I'd bet that it'd be really interesting to compare the lists of those republicans with the list of Trump's endorsements.

You know...if someone wanted to do that.

It's certainly wonlt be th dems because they enjoy the luxury of operation vicariously through the republicans. And it won't be republicans ether because they do not want to be know by their fruits.

That actually reminds me of the time that Trump wanted Massie kicked out of the republican party and Pelosi called him a dangerous nuisance when he stood up and demanded a recorded vote on what was, at the time, the largest spending bill in history. A recorded vote was, of course, refused.

They're pretty much all on the same team. Observably.
Again, though most Republicans are in it for themselves personally just as much as the Democrats are, the constituencies they serve means the Republicans will be far less damaging than legislation the Democrats really like. Yes, sometimes the Democrats vote with the GOP and vice versa but that is pretty rare. Most of the votes are party line votes.

The hard line extremists--sometimes Matt Gaetz, MTG and a few others are that--unwilling to compromise on anything--can be as harmful to the Patriot agenda as the RINOs are.

I disagree though that the Republicans don't want to be known by their results. They would love to have that honestly reported to the world. But the left now controls most of the means of communication at all levels and GOP results are rarely honestly reported. All that is reported is dishonest characterizations of the legislation they pass or don't pass and their disagreements making the party look far more divided than it actually is.

It is rare that Democrat disagreements are reported to the world.

The Democrats also have the luxury that a highly partisan and dishonest leftist media will give them cover with the public no matter how irresponsible or damaging the legislation. If they can get even one Republican to vote with them, the media will usually exalt it as 'bipartisan.'

The Republicans have no such luxury as pretty much any wins they get, even if a few Democrats join them, will be headlined in the most prejudiced and dishonest ways. It's hard to have the courage to do the right thing when you know it will be so harshly and disingenuously headlined and described to everybody you know.

Good point.
Massie proves my assertion that real core Americans embrace our founding principles and values whereas diverse blue shitholes full of foreigners do not. KY’s 4th District is 88% white so Massie can SUCCESSFULLY sell our core tenets and virtues to the citizenry. Sadly, despite his record, Massie, a great American, couldn’t win dog-catcher in Lost Angeles or Loon York and yet LibTarians continue to tell us we need foreigners and that open borders work. Again, this is how silly their platform is; this is why LibLites can’t be taken seriously, they can’t get out of their own way.
LibLites…..STOP telling us you are targeting core Americans with your bullshit.

Harpy Eagle
Don’t know who the goober in the middle is, but he and the LP candidates are taking a bold stand outside the very pale house in DC. Next up, opposition to chattel slavery in the US.

View attachment 953853
hahahaha….Woke white guilt clowns.
Yeah, Pussification Will Make America Great.
Don’t fight back, that looks “HATEFUL” just stand there and take shots to the face to keep the peace.
Again, though most Republicans are in it for themselves personally just as much as the Democrats are, the constituencies they serve means the Republicans will be far less damaging than legislation the Democrats really like. Yes, sometimes the Democrats vote with the GOP and vice versa but that is pretty rare. Most of the votes are party line votes.

The hard line extremists--sometimes Matt Gaetz, MTG and a few others are that--unwilling to compromise on anything--can be as harmful to the Patriot agenda as the RINOs are.

I disagree though that the Republicans don't want to be known by their results. They would love to have that honestly reported to the world. But the left now controls most of the means of communication at all levels and GOP results are rarely honestly reported. All that is reported is dishonest characterizations of the legislation they pass or don't pass and their disagreements making the party look far more divided than it actually is.

It is rare that Democrat disagreements are reported to the world.

The Democrats also have the luxury that a highly partisan and dishonest leftist media will give them cover with the public no matter how irresponsible or damaging the legislation. If they can get even one Republican to vote with them, the media will usually exalt it as 'bipartisan.'

The Republicans have no such luxury as pretty much any wins they get, even if a few Democrats join them, will be headlined in the most prejudiced and dishonest ways. It's hard to have the courage to do the right thing when you know it will be so harshly and disingenuously headlined and described to everybody you know.

Perhaps a dedicated thread would be best, for purpose of illustration.

Nobody ever really keeps an historical congressional scorecard anymore, not out in the wild of the www anyway, so I think something like that would be helpful in illustrating precisely who stands for what, as well as where their endorsements come from.

Well...almost nobody does.
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Very compactly stated...

Oliver is an activist from Atlanta who previously ran for the U.S. Senate and U.S. House from Georgia. On his campaign website, he calls for major cuts to the federal budget with a view toward balancing the budget, abolishing the death penalty, closing all overseas military bases and ending military support to Israel and Ukraine
He also marched with BLM, thinks kids should be around drag queens, pro vaccine mandates and is an Obama drone

Fuck this clown
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I'm just trying to get an idea what Republican candidate would be acceptable to you.

You have to infiltrate em with your own people.

But that takes a very long time. It's a process of continuous growth.

Once you get a couple in, you can start introducing legislation to at least illustrate who truly represents whom and who stands for what precisely. And you have a patform to argue against the lunacy of the status quo.

Rand and Massie, both products of the true liberty grassroots movement, have been invaluable in that regard.
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I'm just trying to get an idea what Republican candidate would be acceptable to you.
I'm not on the search committee. I can characterize what I'm looking for, and the most important trait would be leadership. Someone who can make a persuasive argument for conservative values, instead of giving them a bad name by a divisive jerk.
Anyone who CLAIMS to be a LIBERTARIAN and does not DENOUNCE Oliver….clearly endorses this FREAK.


On and on and on.

He is not a fucking libertarian.

Cornball Libertarians who lie about being a Libertarian wouldnt know the difference…they are liars with no principles or morals.

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