Chauvin juror: I didn't want to go thru the rioting

Uh, he got a trial. He got defense lawyers to make a case. Unfortunately, their case consisted of

Yeah, a trial where the jurors already had their mind made up in a commie town, and we all know how you commies hate the police to begin with.

No, they just said you couldn't drive a truck anymore. There's nothing stopping you from getting other kinds of work, Welfare Ray. It's not like you are the subject of 400 years of institutionalized racism or anything.

Nobody is the subject of institutional racism. That ended in the 60's. You can't replace a skill job with a non-skill job and make a living unless you're living with your parents, which I haven't done in 40 years. I even challenged you on it Mr. phony resume writer, and you couldn't find a no skill livable wage job either. Do you know why you failed (as always)? Because it doesn't exist, especially for a 60 year old in at a time of nearly 7% unemployment.

Um, yeah, I've heard crackheads make the same argument... "I'm suffering from a disease, that's why I shoot up drugs and can't hold a job." My town is currently fighting to block a rehab clinic from opening, but they have to be very careful of what they say or they can get sued under the ADA. It just shows how the definintion of "disability" has been abused. You know, the kind of expansion of government you'd be against if you weren't currently benefiting from.

I have no idea WTF that's even supposed to mean. You really suck at analogies OCD. You don't like the criteria for disability, write to your representative to change it. It's been in place for generations.

Naw, guy, pointing out your hypocrisy is fun.

So is making fun of your severe mental disorders you don't have the guts to address, coward.

Either you believe in an entitlement state or you believe in a Darwinian struggle where the weak are eliminated. "Welfare for me but not for thee" is not a logically tenable position.

I believe (and always have) that government programs should only be used by people that need them. There is no reason a young and healthy person should have several kids, on HUD or other programs, using SNAP's, and living in the suburbs. If you're poor, you should have never had kids. If you have no physical or mental obstacles, there is no reason to be working part-time. You should work 50 or more hours a week like I have much of my life.

This is how stupid you are: You are against somebody who got put out of work BY THE GOVERNMENT who worked their entire life that had to go on disability, but have no problem with fellow commies who are trying to sell their SNAP's benefits to other customers in line at the grocery store for cash, then buy several bottles of wine with it, or go to the head cashier to buy $100.00 of lottery tickets.

Now you see why your people should not be in charge of anything in this country?

What you can't show are cases of white officers shooting white people who are unarmed, because it almost never happens.

I posted the Harvard study. Unarmed white people are shot and killed at twice the rate of blacks by police officers, and black people commit most of the robberies and murders in this country. Your problem is you choose to be ignorant and remain ignorant. That isn't my fault, that's your mental problems stopping you from educating yourself.

Okay, one more time.

No, one more time. This joker had NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CASE!!! Do you understand what that means? It means he's only voicing an opinion just like anyone of us. It's meaningless. That's why grand juries are chosen in the first place, because you have biased judges.

The prosecutor made the DECISION to go to a grand jury and convince 24 mutants who couldn't get out of jury duty that they didn't see what the rest of us saw... No one in that grand jury was advocating for Tamir, and THAT was the problem.

The problem for you is self-defense is legal in my state and across the country. This is why we need to take all you commies and ship you to Russia or Cuba. God what a great country this would be if you leftists were gone.
LOL you’re just trolling now. You are quite deranged. You insult my kids cause you don’t have your own. Sad.

I never wanted kids. That's why my little soldier always wore his helmet.

But we know you are a gutless coward who would send an innocent man to jail if someone scared you really bad. No wonder Jews have to have other people do their fighting.

Joe is just trolling. In real life he is a bald fat loser with a failing small business. He knows the jury was compromised. Then again he did say Michael Jordan was a mediocre basketball player.

Jordan was a manufactured star... sorry, man... Basketball is more fixed than wrestling. You should probably look up all that shit that happened in the 1990's, when gamblers whacked Jordan's dad to get him to pay off his gambling debts, and they had that whole charade where they made him play minor league baseball for a year before they brought him back.
You are sorry. Didn’t read your post. Not worth my time.
1) They follow the law, not mob rule

I agree, they should have followed the law and hit him with first degree murder.

3) Reagan didn't start the "war on drugs" - drug laws date back to the "Progressive Era" - and I don't think you know how to read a graph....the major uptick is clearly in the 90s

Actually, the uptick starts in the 1980's... it levels off in the 1990's.

Reagan is the one who escalated the War on Drugs to the insanity we see now. I mean, yeah, there was a lot of hand wringing about drugs in the 1970's, but I was a child of the 70's, and "don't bogart that joint" was a common phrase.
1) They follow the law, not mob rule

I agree, they should have followed the law and hit him with first degree murder.

3) Reagan didn't start the "war on drugs" - drug laws date back to the "Progressive Era" - and I don't think you know how to read a graph....the major uptick is clearly in the 90s

Actually, the uptick starts in the 1980's... it levels off in the 1990's.

Reagan is the one who escalated the War on Drugs to the insanity we see now. I mean, yeah, there was a lot of hand wringing about drugs in the 1970's, but I was a child of the 70's, and "don't bogart that joint" was a common phrase.
1) Sorry, the Govt and the Grand Jury just didn't see are one of the very few people out there that think they can prove that
2) hahahah not according to reality...

No, Reagan merely had his "Just Say No" was Xiden and the Dems that pasted the racist 94 Crime Bill, that lead to mass lock ups, and broke families....

The Dems wanted to lock up "super-predators" - ie African-Americans:
Yeah, a trial where the jurors already had their mind made up in a commie town, and we all know how you commies hate the police to begin with.

We hate racist police who kill innocent black people. That doesn't describe most cops, and if it does, then we need to fix our police departments.

Nobody is the subject of institutional racism. That ended in the 60's. You can't replace a skill job with a non-skill job and make a living unless you're living with your parents, which I haven't done in 40 years. I even challenged you on it Mr. phony resume writer, and you couldn't find a no skill livable wage job either.

Again, I help people change careers all the time. The fact that in 40 years, you've only gained one skill is kind of sad.

I did actually find a whole slew of jobs on Indeed you could have applied for and probably gotten.

Do you know why you failed (as always)? Because it doesn't exist, especially for a 60 year old in at a time of nearly 7% unemployment.

Uh, guy, it doesn't exist if you don't try. Just like when you whined about how you couldn't get health insurance with your bottom feeder company, and I posted a bunch of truck driving jobs in your area that had health insurance. You really give up easily, but if you spent half the time job hunting that you do on line whining about those lazy welfare people, you'd probably be employed by now.

I have no idea WTF that's even supposed to mean. You really suck at analogies OCD. You don't like the criteria for disability, write to your representative to change it. It's been in place for generations.

Yes, you abused the system that was meant to help people. So do your HUD neighbors. That's the point.

So is making fun of your severe mental disorders you don't have the guts to address, coward.

Laughing at your hypocrisy isn't a mental disorder. A mental disorder is spending all day on USMB instead of trying to better your life.

I believe (and always have) that government programs should only be used by people that need them. There is no reason a young and healthy person should have several kids, on HUD or other programs, using SNAP's, and living in the suburbs. If you're poor, you should have never had kids. If you have no physical or mental obstacles, there is no reason to be working part-time. You should work 50 or more hours a week like I have much of my life.

Again, Check your privilege. I'm all for replacing welfare with workfare. The problem there is that once Capitalists have to compete with government run enterprises, they are going to hate it.

This is how stupid you are: You are against somebody who got put out of work BY THE GOVERNMENT who worked their entire life that had to go on disability, but have no problem with fellow commies who are trying to sell their SNAP's benefits to other customers in line at the grocery store for cash, then buy several bottles of wine with it, or go to the head cashier to buy $100.00 of lottery tickets.

The government didn't "put you out of work", they said "you aren't safe to drive a truck". Not working is your choice.

Personally, I'd like to get rid of lotteries, they are a tax on poor people who are bad at math.

Oh, SNAP fraud... it's relatively rare. It's been completely eliminated by replacing food stamps with an EBT card.

I posted the Harvard study. Unarmed white people are shot and killed at twice the rate of blacks by police officers, and black people commit most of the robberies and murders in this country. Your problem is you choose to be ignorant and remain ignorant. That isn't my fault, that's your mental problems stopping you from educating yourself.

There's a problem with that statement. There are five times as many white people as black in this country. So if the police shoot twice as many white people then they are still shooting blacks at a higher rate. The Harvard Study was bullshit.

No, one more time. This joker had NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CASE!!! Do you understand what that means? It means he's only voicing an opinion just like anyone of us. It's meaningless. That's why grand juries are chosen in the first place, because you have biased judges.

Um, no, his findings have a basis in law. The problem was that the prosecutor could have gone directly to trial with the evidence he had, but instead tried to whitewash the incident, which is why the voters fired him. (rightfully so.)

The problem for you is self-defense is legal in my state and across the country. This is why we need to take all you commies and ship you to Russia or Cuba. God what a great country this would be if you leftists were gone.

Uh, guy, you are in the minority and have been for some time... The rest of us are getting sick and tired of watching children being wheeled off in body bags because you trigger happy nuts are out there, and some of you have badges.
1) Sorry, the Govt and the Grand Jury just didn't see are one of the very few people out there that think they can prove that

You can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich. The prosecutors read the room, said, "Well, we don't want to get the rioters upset, but we also don't want to upset the police, either. What's the minimum we can charge this joker with and still look like we are doing out jobs.

2) hahahah not according to reality...

No, Reagan merely had his "Just Say No" was Xiden and the Dems that pasted the racist 94 Crime Bill, that lead to mass lock ups, and broke families....

The Dems wanted to lock up "super-predators" - ie African-Americans:

Uh, no, she wanted to lock up super-predators... that's not a problem. Some people are just truly vicious and need to be locked up.

Then, driven by the 1986 cocaine overdose of black basketball star Len Bias, Reagan was able to pass the Anti-Drug Abuse Act through Congress. This legislation appropriated an additional $1.7 billion to fund the War on Drugs. More importantly, it established 29 new, mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses. In the entire history of the country up until that point, the legal system had only seen 55 minimum sentences in total.[95] A major stipulation of the new sentencing rules included different mandatory minimums for powder and crack cocaine. At the time of the bill, there was public debate as to the difference in potency and effect of powder cocaine, generally used by whites, and crack cocaine, generally used by blacks, with many believing that "crack" was substantially more powerful and addictive. Crack and powder cocaine are closely related chemicals, crack being a smokeable, freebase form of powdered cocaine hydrochloride which produces a shorter, more intense high while using less of the drug. This method is more cost-effective, and therefore more prevalent on the inner-city streets, while powder cocaine remains more popular in white suburbia. The Reagan administration began shoring public opinion against "crack", encouraging DEA official Robert Putnam to play up the harmful effects of the drug. Stories of "crack whores" and "crack babies" became commonplace; by 1986, Time had declared "crack" the issue of the year.[96] Riding the wave of public fervor, Reagan established much harsher sentencing for crack cocaine, handing down stiffer felony penalties for much smaller amounts of the drug.[97]

That was followed by Bush appointing "Book of Virtues" hypocrite Bill Bennet as "Drug Czar" and amping it up to 11.

As for the 1994 Crime bill, the complaint conservatives had about it at the time wasn't that it was locking up too many people, it was that it wasn't locking up enough.
1) Sorry, the Govt and the Grand Jury just didn't see are one of the very few people out there that think they can prove that

You can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich. The prosecutors read the room, said, "Well, we don't want to get the rioters upset, but we also don't want to upset the police, either. What's the minimum we can charge this joker with and still look like we are doing out jobs.

2) hahahah not according to reality...

No, Reagan merely had his "Just Say No" was Xiden and the Dems that pasted the racist 94 Crime Bill, that lead to mass lock ups, and broke families....

The Dems wanted to lock up "super-predators" - ie African-Americans:

Uh, no, she wanted to lock up super-predators... that's not a problem. Some people are just truly vicious and need to be locked up.

Then, driven by the 1986 cocaine overdose of black basketball star Len Bias, Reagan was able to pass the Anti-Drug Abuse Act through Congress. This legislation appropriated an additional $1.7 billion to fund the War on Drugs. More importantly, it established 29 new, mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses. In the entire history of the country up until that point, the legal system had only seen 55 minimum sentences in total.[95] A major stipulation of the new sentencing rules included different mandatory minimums for powder and crack cocaine. At the time of the bill, there was public debate as to the difference in potency and effect of powder cocaine, generally used by whites, and crack cocaine, generally used by blacks, with many believing that "crack" was substantially more powerful and addictive. Crack and powder cocaine are closely related chemicals, crack being a smokeable, freebase form of powdered cocaine hydrochloride which produces a shorter, more intense high while using less of the drug. This method is more cost-effective, and therefore more prevalent on the inner-city streets, while powder cocaine remains more popular in white suburbia. The Reagan administration began shoring public opinion against "crack", encouraging DEA official Robert Putnam to play up the harmful effects of the drug. Stories of "crack whores" and "crack babies" became commonplace; by 1986, Time had declared "crack" the issue of the year.[96] Riding the wave of public fervor, Reagan established much harsher sentencing for crack cocaine, handing down stiffer felony penalties for much smaller amounts of the drug.[97]

That was followed by Bush appointing "Book of Virtues" hypocrite Bill Bennet as "Drug Czar" and amping it up to 11.

As for the 1994 Crime bill, the complaint conservatives had about it at the time wasn't that it was locking up too many people, it was that it wasn't locking up enough.
1) it's possible that the Dem DA office is involved in a giant conspiracy...I'll give you that
2) We all know what her dog whisle was all about.

That Act, passed by a Dem Congress, was small potatoes compared to the 94 Crime racist bill

1. Authorized the death penalty for 60 new federal offenses

Known as a “direct descendant of lynching,” the death penalty has always targeted and terrorized black and Latinx communities. The crime bill’s Federal Death Penalty Act permitted the use of the death penalty for 60 new federal offenses, including certain drug offences not related to a homicide. In the five years following the bill’s passage, 74 percent of defendants with death penalty recommendations from federal prosecutors were people of color. Notably, 44 percent were black and 21 percent were Hispanic.

Racial disparities in capital punishment persist to this day. While black and Hispanic people represent just 31 percent of the U.S. population, they represent 53 percent of death row inmates, at 41.9 percent and 11.3 percent, respectively.

2. Imposed mandatory life sentences for individuals with three or more felony convictions

The crime bill implemented a rash of new three-strikes laws—laws that impose automatic life sentences for people convicted of certain felony offenses if they already have two convictions on their record. Dozens of states followed suit and enacted three-strikes laws, resulting in a ballooning of the incarceration rate in certain states, especially for black and Latinx Americans.

Imposing life sentences simply because an individual has a criminal record disproportionately targets people of color, who are more likely to have a record in the first place because of unequal contact with police and the justice system.

3. Levied harsh new penalties for justice-involved youth
The crime bill also expanded the school-to-prison pipeline and increased racial disparities in juvenile justice involvement by creating draconian penalties for so-called super predators—low-income children of color, especially black children, who are convicted of multiple crimes.

Among other things, the crime bill allowed prosecutors to charge 13-year-old children as adults for certain crimes. As a result, today, two-thirds of Americans who were sentenced to life in prison as juveniles are black. Juveniles of color also constitute a majority of cases that are transferred to adult criminal court, regardless of the offense category.
1) it's possible that the Dem DA office is involved in a giant conspiracy...I'll give you that
2) We all know what her dog whisle was all about.

Well, no, you kn ow that because you basically could find Hillary had some evil intent no matter what she did. You guys spent 100 million dollars and 25 years trying to get her on something, dammit, anything.

1. Authorized the death penalty for 60 new federal offenses

Are you claiming you are against the death penalty now?

Come on, buddy, the only thing Clinton did wrong with the Crime bill was try to appease the crazy right wing.
1) it's possible that the Dem DA office is involved in a giant conspiracy...I'll give you that
2) We all know what her dog whisle was all about.

Well, no, you kn ow that because you basically could find Hillary had some evil intent no matter what she did. You guys spent 100 million dollars and 25 years trying to get her on something, dammit, anything.

1. Authorized the death penalty for 60 new federal offenses

Are you claiming you are against the death penalty now?

Come on, buddy, the only thing Clinton did wrong with the Crime bill was try to appease the crazy right wing.
1) well we see the results from the legislation she was certainly had evil and unjust racist results.
2) Well yes, I am against it....I don't recall when I ever said I was for it....but that's not the point...why did Xiden and the Dems extend it, and greatly impact minorities? Xiden wrote the bill...Billy signed it. Not sure how they were "appeasing" the GOP, when the Dems wrote it
It should also be pointed out that the 1994 Crime Bill passed the senate 94-1 and passed the house by a voice vote.

The reconciliation bill passed and was overwealmingly supported by Republicans.

Wait a minute hypocrite. You called the riots in Democrat cities by Democrat people pissed off over what happened in another Democrat city the Trump's riots. You called a worldwide virus that originated in a Chinese lab the Trump flu. Which of course led to a worldwide recession that you called the Trump recession. You said nobody but the President is responsible for anything except him when it happens under his watch; you know, the buck stops here?
Hold up, Einstein. Janssen Pharmaceutica is the original source of fentanyl, and is a division of Johnson & Johnson. Documented is that their COVID-19 vaccine does not work well in countries that have the more contagious variants. Increased contagion of the virus links to increased fentanyl potency, because the P.1 variant (Brazil-Japan) mutation K417N/T exactly mimics the mutation at the mu-opioid receptor that renders fentanyl more potent. There may have been important reasons why Floyd’s COVID-19 infection was not mentioned in court.
So was Floyd’s fentanyl also Chinese?

Missouri’s Fentanyl Problem: The China Connection
Unknowingly, we had already made the Chinese fentanyl connection to J&J and the virus on 4 Feb 2020, post #256 of the Snake Meat thread:
We hate racist police who kill innocent black people. That doesn't describe most cops

To you, it describes any black shot by a white police officer. None of these police deaths had anything to do with race.

Again, I help people change careers all the time. The fact that in 40 years, you've only gained one skill is kind of sad.

I did actually find a whole slew of jobs on Indeed you could have applied for and probably gotten.

You didn't find shit. After all your searching, you posted one job. Because of your sever OCD, you didn't read the entire ad which had a one year of office work requirement.

Uh, guy, it doesn't exist if you don't try. Just like when you whined about how you couldn't get health insurance with your bottom feeder company, and I posted a bunch of truck driving jobs in your area that had health insurance. You really give up easily, but if you spent half the time job hunting that you do on line whining about those lazy welfare people, you'd probably be employed by now.

You posted one, and I know other drivers that worked for that company that told me it wasn't worth it because it didn't cover shit. I was told that many of their drivers had Commie Care because the employee contributions were so high and you didn't get much coverage for it. That's besides the fact it really wasn't a good paying job to begin with.

Yes, you abused the system that was meant to help people. So do your HUD neighbors. That's the point.

The point is at the top of your head. I posted the disability requirements with a government link. Much like welfare, you don't understand what abusing a system means. You can't abuse a system when you follow the guidelines to a tee. Like I said, you don't like it, talk to your fellow commie representatives who are talking about expanding all kinds of government programs, including wasting 200 BILLION dollars for preschool that nobody needs. But what the hell, they need to payoff their teachers union buddies with our tax dollars.

Laughing at your hypocrisy isn't a mental disorder. A mental disorder is spending all day on USMB instead of trying to better your life.

I'm here the same amount of time as when I worked. I can just spread it out throughout the day. You can't because you have a job. That's why you only post early in the morning or after you get home from work. And no, don't give me this bullshit you work for yourself full-time. If you did that, you'd be here during the day as well.

Again, Check your privilege. I'm all for replacing welfare with workfare. The problem there is that once Capitalists have to compete with government run enterprises, they are going to hate it.

Then WTF do you vote for a party that needs more government dependents?

The government didn't "put you out of work", they said "you aren't safe to drive a truck". Not working is your choice.

Personally, I'd like to get rid of lotteries, they are a tax on poor people who are bad at math.

Oh, SNAP fraud... it's relatively rare. It's been completely eliminated by replacing food stamps with an EBT card.

That didn't do shit. What they do is bug us cash paying customers in line. They ask if they can purchase $40.00 of our items with their SNAP's card. At the end of the line, you give them $35.00 for your groceries back. Anybody that goes along with the scam saves $5.00 on their groceries, and the lowlife gets $35.00 of cash. Then they go to another line or store and do the same.

Or they sell them on the street. Several people live together all on SNAP's. They pool their cards and decide how much they need for food for the group, and sell the remaining cards off.

Government has no way to trace any of these activities.

There's a problem with that statement. There are five times as many white people as black in this country. So if the police shoot twice as many white people then they are still shooting blacks at a higher rate. The Harvard Study was bullshit.

That would be relevant if both groups committed the same amount of crime. But blacks commit most of our murders, robberies and other violent crime so they have more interaction with police than whites do.

Um, no, his findings have a basis in law. The problem was that the prosecutor could have gone directly to trial with the evidence he had, but instead tried to whitewash the incident, which is why the voters fired him. (rightfully so.)

Yes, mob rule again that you commies love so much. The prosecutor could have also chosen not to charge the officer since he broke no laws. But he didn't. He gave it to a grand jury to decide; you know, a jury of his peers? I'm sure you heard of the term.

Uh, guy, you are in the minority and have been for some time... The rest of us are getting sick and tired of watching children being wheeled off in body bags because you trigger happy nuts are out there, and some of you have badges.

Us trigger happy nuts? The only trigger happy nuts out there are your fellow Democrats. How many shootings do you have a week in Chicago? How many gun deaths? Those aren't Republicans killing people.
There are some USMB members who think that a knee to the neck is attempted murder, and that most police agree with this.
There are some USMB members who think that a knee to the neck is attempted murder, and that most police agree with this.

I would agree with it too if this criminal didn't have three times the lethal dose of fentanyl in his system, mixed with meth, an enlarged heart and an heart artery 70% blocked.
go on a ride with a cop. they give free rides, so you see what they do all day.

you'll get such respect for them, that every time you see a cop, you'll go out of your way to thank them for their service!

So you think they have the green light to execute folks and not be held accountable for it. Being a cop is a career path that is chosen, if you can't handle it become a plumber.
There are some USMB members who think that a knee to the neck is attempted murder, and that most police agree with this.

I would agree with it too if this criminal didn't have three times the lethal dose of fentanyl in his system, mixed with meth, an enlarged heart and an heart artery 70% blocked.

Where are you getting that bullshit? That is not what the ME said.

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