Check out ALL Presidential candidates grades on immigration

Immigration is less of a concern for me than foreign banker's looting our treasury as they have done.
I want to befriend my allies, not alienate them.
Immigration is less of a concern for me than foreign banker's looting our treasury as they have done.
I want to befriend my allies, not alienate them.

Wow... it seems again youcan't stay on topic, allies, wtf are you talkig about now?
As for the list, it's crap.

People that think we need or should have a fence need to join the progressives who like to spend trillion o dollars to get nothing important done.
As for the list, it's crap.

People that think we need or should have a fence need to join the progressives who like to spend trillion o dollars to get nothing important done.

I commented on this after the last debate. It was funny that all those who discussed the fence demanded that the Federal Government provide the fence, yet all of them are on record stating that the government should cut spending... now if that is not a WTF moment, I don't know what is.

As for the list, it's crap.

People that think we need or should have a fence need to join the progressives who like to spend trillion o dollars to get nothing important done.

I commented on this after the last debate. It was funny that all those who discussed the fence demanded that the Federal Government provide the fence, yet all of them are on record stating that the government should cut spending... now if that is not a WTF moment, I don't know what is.


Yup and that's why I like Ron Paul, while he did horrid in that debate on the issue of the fence he is really one of the only people on stage that is not a progressive liberal some of the time if it seems lke it can ge more votes that day.

You go after people that employee illegals, end of the fucking story... Do a fine and there is a huge chance at the end of the year the program makes money while actually fixing the fucking problem.

Build and man a fence, lol are these people fucking serious? Not even getting into how fucked the thought of having a fence 3k miles long our boarder is, who does that kind of shit?
Tough graders: B-, C-, C-, D, D-, D-, D-, F, F, F, F, F-

They should probably adjust things so that the grades are higher overall. For example, they agree with some parts of Obama's record (most notably mandating E-Verify in places) but still give him an F-, presumably the same grade a candidate who favored open borders would get.
As for the list, it's crap.

People that think we need or should have a fence need to join the progressives who like to spend trillion o dollars to get nothing important done.

I commented on this after the last debate. It was funny that all those who discussed the fence demanded that the Federal Government provide the fence, yet all of them are on record stating that the government should cut spending... now if that is not a WTF moment, I don't know what is.


Yup and that's why I like Ron Paul, while he did horrid in that debate on the issue of the fence he is really one of the only people on stage that is not a progressive liberal some of the time if it seems lke it can ge more votes that day.

You go after people that employee illegals, end of the fucking story... Do a fine and there is a huge chance at the end of the year the program makes money while actually fixing the fucking problem.

Build and man a fence, lol are these people fucking serious? Not even getting into how fucked the thought of having a fence 3k miles long our boarder is, who does that kind of shit?

I would agree although, I don't "like" Ron Paul either. Don't hate him, but won't vote for him.

I do agree that you have to go after the employers.

What good is building a fence going to do? How long do you think it would take before they had dug under the fence in hundreds of locations? There is no frigging way they can monitor that fence in every location 24 hours a day. My guess is before the fence is finished there will be hundreds of places where the fence has been cut or tunneled under.

However, I don't think the southern border is 3000 miles. ;) According to Wiki, it is 1969 miles, but even so, maintaining and monitoring that border would be impossible.


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The only reason the fence is even a subject is due to the current administrations unwillingness to allow law enforcement to enforce the laws already on the books. The DOJ is a joke, it can't even keep up with the guns it uses in a sting operation, guns which have been found to kill American law enforcement officers. If the administration would support law enforcement instead of tying their hands, things would be a lot better.
The only reason the fence is even a subject is due to the current administrations unwillingness to allow law enforcement to enforce the laws already on the books. The DOJ is a joke, it can't even keep up with the guns it uses in a sting operation, guns which have been found to kill American law enforcement officers. If the administration would support law enforcement instead of tying their hands, things would be a lot better.
the whole obamaturd admin is a joke because obamaturd is a joke.
Well, at least they dislike Hispanics, that's got to count for something.

Some interesting facts on immigration.
Even before the debate started, an ad catering to California Republicans watching the debate made me cringe. It showed a blond man saying that America’s problem is not just illegal immigration, but legal immigration as well. The ad, by a group called Californians for Population Stabilization — uggh, it sounded to me awfully close to “Californians for Population Sterilization” — said that “we need to slow legal immigration” to reduce unemployment, ignoring the fact that most immigrants do jobs that few U.S. citizens are willing to do.

From then on, it kept going downhill. Texas Gov. Rick Perry, the Republican front runner, called for “more troops on the ground” along the U.S.-Mexican border. Yet, he failed to mention not only that illegal crossings are at their lowest levels since the early 1970s, but also that the number of Border Patrol agents has more than doubled to 20,000 over the past six years.

Most importantly, Perry neglected to mention that nearly half of all undocumented immigrants don’t enter the country crossing the Mexican desert, but come legally through U.S. airports, and overstay their tourist visas, according to a Pew Hispanic Center study.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney said his first priority to solve the immigration problem would be building a fence along the entire 2,600-mile U.S.-Mexico border. But Romney conveniently failed to say that, in addition of being economically unfeasible, it would not keep undocumented immigrants from crossing it with ladders, or tunnels, as long as the U.S. per capita income remains several times higher than Mexico’s, and American employers offer them jobs that U.S. citizens won’t take.

Republican hopefuls giving up on Hispanic vote - Andres Oppenheimer -
There is so much misinformation out there about Dr Paul.
Actually, Ron Paul's plan is the only one that makes logical sense. His COMPLETE plan is to:
1) Bring ALL US troops home to secure and defend OUR BORDERS not those of some 3rd world dictator- and that is the job of our military, not nation building, we are a Republic NOT and Empire - Empires all end badly
2) End entitlements - huge incentive gone and eliminate income taxes
3) Children born to illegals in this country are NOT citizens
4) Dr Paul has ascertained that it would be impossible to round up all illegals ( and lets be honest, it would) so his strategy is this, if you are here and you are not arrested then you will not be pursued, However, if you are arrested - for anything, you are deported, his logic is if you are arrested, whether or not you committed the crime you were arrested for, you are a criminal because you are here and therefore should be deported. If you are here illegally and are not arrested since there are no entitlements and no income taxes then it's really no harm, no foul.

People laugh at Dr Paul but frankly he's been the only guy talking sense in Washington for a long time. It bothers me when someone takes one sentence out of his plans and yeah that sounds a little nutty BUT if people would actually let him finish and give the guy a chance they'd be surprised. Dr Paul is the only candidate who really wants to change things, he's not owned by banks and he's the only candidate who is addressing the REAL issues like the problems with the Fed Reserve, inflation, nation building and most importantly, what it means to live in a truly free society. So much of the legislation passed has been blatantly unconstitutional and as far as the financial meltdown, well, Dr Paul predicted that YEARS before it happened!!!

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
Mohandas Gandhi

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