Check out this diverse editorial staff at Huffpost !

Wow, this is really making sure that the entire spectrum of the people of America are represented !

Huffington Post Editor's Photo of 'Diverse' Meeting Immediately Backfires

Huffington Post executive editor Liz Heron posted a photo to Twitter Friday, giving a behind-the-scenes look at an editors meeting. The photo, which showed a table full of mostly white women, was evidently meant to show workplace diversity. But Heron might not have thought things through, as there was an immediate backlash to the lack of males or people of color on the Huffington Post editorial staff. In fact, some of the responses on Twitter were hilariously brutal: ...

Huffington Post Editor's Photo of 'Diverse' Meeting Immediately Backfires


dontcha love hypocrites

Not only did they exclude males and people of color, but apparently hot women were excluded also.
Ok you bigots....we dont KNOW those are all white women. Some could be men. Some could also identify as black.
HuffPost front page categories, check the bottom row.


You can't make this shit up.

What captures my attention is that every one of them using macs like the mindless conformists all leftard women are, all wearing token upper middle class attire and all of them doing useless jobs that somehow pay better than construction, manufacturing, logistics or retail. I also notice there are no people in picture who've earned their position by merit. None in that room is actually working. It's just a matter of time they start murdering themselves because someone wears the same dress like one of the others.

Fuck advertisers for enabling this filth. Run adblock, it's your civic duty.
When you look at the photo from the OP and then take the look at their past headlines, you get the picture how bad it is.

It gets worse and worse as Trump kept winning. They basically devolved into Angry German Kid - American leftist female edition, because they are so butthurt about Trump and trying to shit out negative articles as fast as possible. You can feel the rage in their Caps Lock.

If you never seen Angry German Kid, here it is.

Wow, this is really making sure that the entire spectrum of the people of America are represented !

Huffington Post Editor's Photo of 'Diverse' Meeting Immediately Backfires

Huffington Post executive editor Liz Heron posted a photo to Twitter Friday, giving a behind-the-scenes look at an editors meeting. The photo, which showed a table full of mostly white women, was evidently meant to show workplace diversity. But Heron might not have thought things through, as there was an immediate backlash to the lack of males or people of color on the Huffington Post editorial staff. In fact, some of the responses on Twitter were hilariously brutal: ...

Huffington Post Editor's Photo of 'Diverse' Meeting Immediately Backfires
Not only are progressives perverse, nor are they diverse... Lol
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Another thing...what is the average age there?...24?
So they have 15 20 year old girls running the wonder the place is so f*cked up.
Another thing...what is the average age there?...24?
So they have 15 20 year old girls running the wonder the place is so f*cked up.

Everyone in that room looks under qualified to deliver quality journalism. But hey, how dare I to require any sort of qualification from women?! I may be sued for raping their carrier life.

And if you don't see their "journalism" you're probably sexist cis white man...

Wow, this is really making sure that the entire spectrum of the people of America are represented !

Hmm... a bunch of 23 year old millenial Church of LGBT drones, brainwashed to check in with each other and blindly follow the latest trends.

Great choice in editors. There's nothing wiser and more seasoned than a 23 year old.
On the HuffPost webpage under "about us" link there are occasional male staff member:

Global Editorial Director: Howard Fineman
Editorial Director, Video: Danny Shea
DC Bureau Chief: Ryan Grim
Senior Politics Editor: Sam Stein (Gender neutral name)
Executive Editor, Special Projects: Lance Gould
Executive Editor, International: Nicholas Sabloff
Executive Editors, HuffPost Highline: Rachel Morris, Greg Veis
Senior Enterprise Editor: Nick Baumann
Standards Editor: Victor Brand
Managing Editor, HuffPost Live: David Flumenbaum
Deputy Director of News & Analytics: Cavan Sieczkowski (No idea)
Executive Features Editor: Gregory Beyer
Senior Viral Editor: Nick Wing
Senior Editor to Arianna Huffington: Brian Levin

I don't have a nose pic big enough to describe this. :D :D :D


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