
So, sweet people, soon I will be on much more, but this week, on top of a really terrible bronchitis, I also had extra work and it takes all my energy to get through the day. But in the last hour is the first hour in almost 5 days that I have not coughed. On Saturday, I coughed about every 10 second. So, to finally have one hour to not cough is like a huge blessing.

My HNO took a good look at my throat and did lots of homeopathic stuff - like swabbing it out and sticking pain stick in my nose. :) :)

Plus, he recommended a new allergy medication that felt like ants crawling up and down my throat yesterday but is ok today.

So, soon, much fun and merriment!!
It's been a week since Connery graced us with his beautiful nature pics. So I figure I'll share what I look forward to every year.

Crawled off into bed yesterday with a miserable cold. (Stat spreading his germs on the internet again ;) )

Feeling slightly better but another brutal day at work! Ah well, that is what they make all these meds for. Going to push through the first couple of meetings from home and then head in after the rush hour is over!.
Crawled off into bed yesterday with a miserable cold. (Stat spreading his germs on the internet again ;) )

Feeling slightly better but another brutal day at work! Ah well, that is what they make all these meds for. Going to push through the first couple of meetings from home and then head in after the rush hour is over!.

That was very statalicious of you.

Hope you feel better, brother Deri of the Kingdom of Deo. 24 hour Deo!
Crawled off into bed yesterday with a miserable cold. (Stat spreading his germs on the internet again ;) )

Feeling slightly better but another brutal day at work! Ah well, that is what they make all these meds for. Going to push through the first couple of meetings from home and then head in after the rush hour is over!.

Awww, you poor thing....I wondered where you were....

Here's some soup for you, to make you feel better.......

A mine operator put an ad in the paper for workers. Three guys showed up for the jobs. There was a set of Irish twins, both 6"5" and 250 pounds, and a tiny Chinese immigrant standing 4" 7" and weighing in at 110 pounds.

The foreman told the first Irish twin, "You go and dig the coal. there's a big seam of it about 800 yards back the tunnel." to the second Irish twin he said, "I have a cart on rails. Load it with the coal your brother digs out and pile it at the front of the mine opening."

The foreman considered the little Chinaman and decided that "You. You're in charge of the supplies!"

At the end of the day, the foreman walked all the way back to the coal seam and saw the first Irish twin swinging a pick axe.

"How'd it go today?" asked the foreman.

"T'was a grand day o' labor! Didn't hit any water, nor had any cave ins." he replied.

With that, his brother arrived pushing an empty cart.

"How'd you make out today?" asked the foreman.

"I've got twelve lovely heaps of coal out front for ye! Me brother dug it out and I stacked it! No problems today, squire foreman!"

"Good! Now," said the foreman, "Where's that wee Chinaman?

The twins stood incredulous. "Beggin' yer pardon, squire foreman, but what Chinaman?" asked the twins in unison.

"The Chinaman! The little fellow I put in charge of supplies! Where is he?"

The twins honestly told the foreman that neither of them had seen a Chinaman all day. Worried and concerned for the little man's well being, the three of them began an exhausting search of the mine. When they finally got to the mine entrance, the Chinaman sprung from behind a rock and shouted "Supplies!"
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Here is a good a place as giving a heads up that I will be MIA for awhile. Don't know how long.

I'll see ya when I see ya. Heading to the old home for awhile.


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