
Sweet peeples, I hate to rep and run, but I have not just one, but rather, two important concerts in two different cities, so, with that in mind, I am now going to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz but will be on on Friday evening most definitely.

Wishing you all a lot of fun - whip it up in here, y'all!!!!

And here's a totally reverent cheer to Eastertide! Happy Easter holidays, y'all!!
Likewise, Stats, a wonderful Easter weekend to you and your family.
Afternoon, folks!

Been busy all morning helping SIL pack stuff and divide other stuff that she wants to sell at the yard sale, stuff she wants to keep, stuff she wants to give to friends, etc. She is a hoarder, and I am shocked at how much more crap she has stashed in her room than I was aware of. omg. What a mess!
Anyway...I also go a really great call today from a gal interested in their room. She has a little schitzsu...or however it is spelled...and I said that would be fine as long as it isn't a yapper when she is not home. She is going to school and has a job as well, so I have to see how long this pooch is going to be left unattended before I say yes to her. However, she sounds perfect, personality wise!

Keep yer fingers crossed she is going to be our new roomie. :)

She sounds pretty good Gracie.....maybe he won't bark while she's gone, if you're friendly to him/her.....those dogs are so cute.

Pacer, you shouldn't be asking CK to pay up....he'll just deduct his tab from the rent Cheers pays him, to have this bar on his property.....I believe Stat will end up owing him money:lol::lol:
Mornin' folks!

Another cold foggy day here. :(
But...tis Friday and tomorrow is yard salin' day so I plan to go with hubby this time and see if I can score a dusty picaso hidden in a barn somewhere. :lol:

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