
Getting ready to down a whole bag of Oster Zauber Knusper-Eier! Yummy


The difference is you have to wait for Oma to send them, and I can go three blocks over to Rewe and they are right there!!!

Going to bring my daughter to visit her 93 year old Great, Grandpa and bringing the dogs too to play with his dog. Then my sister and her girlfriend are coming over to my house after the dogs are worn out to help me trim their nails. She's a former Vet Tech like me but is much better at trimming those really thick black nails. I'm too worried I'm gonna make them bleed. Then it is just chill time and errands, housework. Too rainy this weekend to do much outside.

Everybody keeps talking about getting rain and here we sit, dry as a chip.

It was forecast to rain today......but nary a drop....

I'm getting very jealous of you all with the rain...:)

Well, sorry to tell you this Mertex, but it poured rain here most of the day yesterday off and on and it's raining today. So now, I've had enough rain. It goes in cycles here with April usually being a pretty rainy month. Hope you get some soon.

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Everybody keeps talking about getting rain and here we sit, dry as a chip.

It was forecast to rain today......but nary a drop....

I'm getting very jealous of you all with the rain...:)

Well, sorry to tell you this Mertex, but it poured rain here most of the day yesterday off and on and it's raining today. So now, I've had enough rain. It goes in cycles here with April usually being a pretty rainy month. Hope you get some soon.


I wish......nice song, though....who's the artist?
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I have it on good authority that Stat is heading for bed. So...that means BAR'S OPEN!! Help YERSELVES!
You fired Trixxie. If she shows up, I am going to drop kick her skanky ass to the curb. We don't need no stinkin' barmaid. We can help ourselves. ;)
I'm now sure that is it. I had two Labradors years ago that were about 5 years apart in age, and when the older one had to be put to sleep, the remaining one laid in the same spot where the older ones food bowl used to be for weeks, and since I used to walk them together, the remaining one would sometimes sit by the door when it was time to walk and refuse to leave as if she was waiting for the other dog to show up. I guess they get into a routine and when it changes it throws them off just like humans.
So sad, Katsteve. Sorry to hear... No doubt you have considered getting another Lab to keep this one company?

Actually the other one had to be put to sleep also. She live to an unusually old age just like the other? Believe it or not, they both lived to be almost 16.
I'm now sure that is it. I had two Labradors years ago that were about 5 years apart in age, and when the older one had to be put to sleep, the remaining one laid in the same spot where the older ones food bowl used to be for weeks, and since I used to walk them together, the remaining one would sometimes sit by the door when it was time to walk and refuse to leave as if she was waiting for the other dog to show up. I guess they get into a routine and when it changes it throws them off just like humans.
So sad, Katsteve. Sorry to hear... No doubt you have considered getting another Lab to keep this one company?

Actually the other one had to be put to sleep also. She live to an unusually old age just like the other? Believe it or not, they both lived to be almost 16.

That's about the average age for a dog.....doesn't seem long enough, if you ask me....
So sad, Katsteve. Sorry to hear... No doubt you have considered getting another Lab to keep this one company?

Actually the other one had to be put to sleep also. She live to an unusually old age just like the other? Believe it or not, they both lived to be almost 16.

That's about the average age for a dog.....doesn't seem long enough, if you ask me....

My dog is now 16, slowing down considerably. Good days, bad days. But she's a sweet old lady and I do love her. Her head is in my lap and I am scratching her behind the ears whilst typing - she loves that stuff. And then she will get up, grab the one tennis ball with her mouth, walk to the door, look at the line and give me the message: "walk me again!!"


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