Chelsea clinton...the damaged daughter, spills the beans on gun control....

I'm still waiting for these clinton bitches - hillary, bill, chelsee, to get rid of their taxpayer funded, armed secret service bodyguards. A few cans of pepper spray is all they really need. Guns are bad, bad, bad.
If it comes down to a neck and neck race between Clinton and Trump, this will be the one thing that allows me to pull the lever for her without throwing up in the booth.

Do you really think Clinton is ever going to be able to take anyone's guns? Oh I'm sure she'd love to, but it won't ever happen. So why would you let that be your basis for voting?
We'll see. The pessimist in me agrees with you. The optimist in me believes that there are enough sensible people in this country who are sick of seeing their fellow countrymen shot on a daily basis over some piddling issue or just plain raving insanity that perhaps we can make a significant dent in gun ownership in this country.
If it comes down to a neck and neck race between Clinton and Trump, this will be the one thing that allows me to pull the lever for her without throwing up in the booth.

And you are a fool......not one thing you believe about guns is true, or based in have been shown the truth, the facts and the reality, and you simply deny it......your objection to guns and self defense is not based in intelligence but simple paranoia and emotion....
I don't deny anything; I disagree with the NRA's spin on gun ownership and the statistics you spin and the unproven correlations you offer as fact. I'm not the one who is paranoid. I'm not the one imagining that the government is going to march on my neighborhood and that the only thing between me and a gas chamber is my gun. I'm not the one arguing that every time I step out my door, I need to be armed to protect myself from a fatal attack. I would say that is YOU, Guy.
If it comes down to a neck and neck race between Clinton and Trump, this will be the one thing that allows me to pull the lever for her without throwing up in the booth.
So you are an anti constitutional type of dimwit voter? Typical anti American dimwit .
Chelsea's poor hubby, the hedge fund manager, always looks so defeated. Most of the time when you see him on camera he has to stand/walk behind Chelsea, which is uber degrading. You just know that Bill and Hill's people had to sit him down and lay down the law in protocol, as well as sign numerous confidentiality agreements. He cut off his balls for fame and wealth.
Good for Hillary and p: .............. who ever, she has my vote, she look like the one presidential candidate that will finally rid the United States of guns, because guns are bad.
Good for Hillary and p: .............. who ever, she has my vote, she look like the one presidential candidate that will finally rid the United States of guns, because guns are bad.
Special kind of stupid aren't you? Hillary is a lying crooked hag. Don't like guns, move your sorry ass out of my country!!!
A quick check shows that Hillary didn't do jack shit as a Senator to lead anyone to believe she was all that concerned with gun control

The Voter's Self Defense System

"my mom has done many things to help control gun violence" BAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Has Hillary EVER proposed doing ANYTHING to decrease the violence in Chicago? Nope.
I'd like to munch that bush!

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