Cheney Calls for full Release of Memos

Yeah, and I'm sure his torture by the North Vietnamese was identical to that of what the U.S. government uses for interrogation today, just like the Japanese during WWII.
Yeah, and I'm sure his torture by the North Vietnamese was identical to that of what the U.S. government uses for interrogation today, just like the Japanese during WWII.

Are you contending he was waterboarded differently? If so, how was it different? Sources please.
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You know......if I could have my fondest wish for today, it would be thus.......

Every dumb sonofabitch who states that waterboarding isn't torture, I'd like them to go to sleep tonight, wake up in their dreams at GTMO, and then get waterboarded 6 times during their dreams that night.

Might clear up some of the misconceptions.........
Yeah, and I'm sure his torture by the North Vietnamese was identical to that of what the U.S. government uses for interrogation today, just like the Japanese during WWII.

Are you contending he was waterboarded differently? If so, how was it different? Sources please.

If you don't know, then you're a moronic idiot supporting something that you don't know anything about. But, no surprises there. :lol:

Not to mention that I've already read numerous threads where this has been discussed and you've been involved. Apparently, you still haven't learned anything. Sad.
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I've only heard one person who was waterboarded as a POW speak out on the issue - McCain.

He says it is torture. Haven't seen anyone who has had that experience disagree with him.

I have heard many retired soldiers talk on the subject. Try listening to Air America Radio and NPR.

Fox isn't going to have on anyone who will tell you how horrible torture is.

The worst thing about it is when the captive loses all control. Once they don't feel like they have any control anymore, then they are lost forever. When you tie someone down and torture them, it is a horrible fucking thing to do.

It is unAmerican and illegal. I can't believe what the GOP are willing to defend. They want to stay conservative and hard core so when they eventually find a wedge issue that works, it'll get people thinking that dems are weak on terror and not keeping the country safe.

That's what this is all about.

They should go to jail where all criminals belong. And no pardons.
Personally? I'd like to see Bush Jr., Cheney, RumsFAILED, and everyone connected to the torture of those at GITMO placed into prison.

I hear Spandau is open.
If you lost a loved one to a terrorist attack and found out later that it could have been avoided had the CIA obtained information using waterboarding, you would care.

You're mistaken. Some things matter more than individual lives. Losing one of the most crucial aspects of our Americanness, for instance. WE ARE BETTER THAN THAT.

If terrorism causes us to lose our souls, that will be our greatest loss.

Have you ever lost a child? If you answered 'no', then just try to imagine losing a child. It's difficult if you haven't, but just try. Now let's say it's your daughter, aged 6. She's dead. What would you have done to prevent the loss of her? If you found out later that her death could have been prevented with the right information, say waterboarding that doesn't kill anyone... Again, unless it's personal, it will be difficult to imagine.

Have you ever lost one of your nuts? Imagine someone had one of your nuts in a vice AND you were being waterboarded. Now the question is how much pain an the suffering you can withstand. They want you to give the right answer to save your nut and the forward thinkin torture technitions are good enough to "assist" you in comin to the right words with the water boardin. Thoughtful eh? What they want to know you have no way of knowin. Things are going along swimingly an you are about to pass out for want of a few measely phrases that you have no fuckin hope of figurin out cuz of course you are a bit distracted with the nutvice and the drowning.

The problem with torture you fucking idiots is that we are americans. We don't do that.

There IS nothing to discuss. Jesus H. Christ! what the fuck is wrong with you people?
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There IS nothing too discuss. Jesus H. Christ! what the fuck is wrong with you people?

What's wrong with 'em Huggy? Simple.....8 years of brainwashing by the idiot Bush Jr. and the evil dark lord of the Sith Cheney.

Turned the GOP's brains to oatmeal. No wonder Specter left.
I was referring to SEAL training, that would still be the Navy waterboarding their own people correct? No, I haven't served. Although, my grandfather, father and two of my brothers have served in the military. My father is a disabled veteran. My point was, the Navy doesn't torture its own people by waterboarding SEALS. Neither did the CIA torture high level terrorists when they waterboarded them. Calm down before your fucking head explodes. BTW thank you for your service.

So, in your own uninformed, unknowing opinion, having never been boarded yourself, and just listening to what your relatives have told stories about, you don't consider waterboarding torture? sound like Sean Hannity. You know.....the FAUX news anchor who volunteered to be waterboarded for charity for veterans on 21 April?

How about you? Ya wanna volunteer for something like that?

No, it's not torture when you have medical personnel in the room to prevent injury. Is it persuasive interrogating, yes, but its not torture. I believe I'll ignore the second part of your message as it is simply distracting from our conversation.
You know......if I could have my fondest wish for today, it would be thus.......

Every dumb sonofabitch who states that waterboarding isn't torture, I'd like them to go to sleep tonight, wake up in their dreams at GTMO, and then get waterboarded 6 times during their dreams that night.

Might clear up some of the misconceptions.........

And for every dumb sonofabitch who does think waterboarding is torture, think back to 9/11.
I've only heard one person who was waterboarded as a POW speak out on the issue - McCain.

He says it is torture. Haven't seen anyone who has had that experience disagree with him.

Was Mccain waterboarded? Links please?
I was referring to SEAL training, that would still be the Navy waterboarding their own people correct? No, I haven't served. Although, my grandfather, father and two of my brothers have served in the military. My father is a disabled veteran. My point was, the Navy doesn't torture its own people by waterboarding SEALS. Neither did the CIA torture high level terrorists when they waterboarded them. Calm down before your fucking head explodes. BTW thank you for your service.
So, in your own uninformed, unknowing opinion, having never been boarded yourself, and just listening to what your relatives have told stories about, you don't consider waterboarding torture? sound like Sean Hannity. You know.....the FAUX news anchor who volunteered to be waterboarded for charity for veterans on 21 April?

How about you? Ya wanna volunteer for something like that?

No, it's not torture when you have medical personnel in the room to prevent injury. Is it persuasive interrogating, yes, but its not torture. I believe I'll ignore the second part of your message as it is simply distracting from our conversation.
Really? Does that mean Dr. Mengele was in the right? :doubt:
So, in your own uninformed, unknowing opinion, having never been boarded yourself, and just listening to what your relatives have told stories about, you don't consider waterboarding torture? sound like Sean Hannity. You know.....the FAUX news anchor who volunteered to be waterboarded for charity for veterans on 21 April?

How about you? Ya wanna volunteer for something like that?

No, it's not torture when you have medical personnel in the room to prevent injury. Is it persuasive interrogating, yes, but its not torture. I believe I'll ignore the second part of your message as it is simply distracting from our conversation.
Really? Does that mean Dr. Mengele was in the right? :doubt:

mengele wasn't there to prevent injury.
Does Cheney support the use of waterboarding by foreign captors on American POWs?

Wonder if JfK supported waterboarding against American POws?

I don't have time to read that, so a summary would be appreciated.

Additionally, do you have a problem with American POWs being waterboarded?

Summary:Kennedy authorized waterboarding as part of the CIA's counterintelligence program.

If they used the same precautions as the CIA did, then it wouldn't be torture. Besides AQ doesn't waterboard their captors they behead them, ask Daniel Pearl's widow.
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Wonder if JfK supported waterboarding against American POws?

I don't have time to read that, so a summary would be appreciated.

Additionally, do you have a problem with American POWs being waterboarded?

Summary:Kennedy authorized waterboarding as part of the CIA's counterintelligence program.

If they used the same precautions as the CIA did, then it wouldn't be torture. Besides AQ doesn't waterboard their captors they behead them, ask Daniel Pearl's widow.

If the CIA was being trained to face torture, why would they be waterboarded if waterboarding wasn't considered to be torture?
No, it's not torture when you have medical personnel in the room to prevent injury. Is it persuasive interrogating, yes, but its not torture. I believe I'll ignore the second part of your message as it is simply distracting from our conversation.
Really? Does that mean Dr. Mengele was in the right? :doubt:

mengele wasn't there to prevent injury.
True enough...but having medical personnel standing by doesn't make it any less torture.

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