Cheney Calls for full Release of Memos

I don't have time to read that, so a summary would be appreciated.

Additionally, do you have a problem with American POWs being waterboarded?

Summary:Kennedy authorized waterboarding as part of the CIA's counterintelligence program.

If they used the same precautions as the CIA did, then it wouldn't be torture. Besides AQ doesn't waterboard their captors they behead them, ask Daniel Pearl's widow.

If the CIA was being trained to face torture, why would they be waterboarded if waterboarding wasn't considered to be torture?
Just read....
JEFFREY: Waterboarding saved L.A. - Washington Times
As CIA Acting General Counsel John A. Rizzo explained in a 2004 letter to then-Acting Assistant Attorney General Daniel Levin of the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel, the CIA would only resort to waterboarding a top al Qaeda leader when the agency had "credible intelligence that a terrorist attack is imminent," "substantial and credible indicators that the subject has actionable intelligence that can prevent, disrupt or deny this attack" and "*ther interrogation methods have failed to elicit the information within the perceived time limit for preventing the attack."

Mr. Rizzo's letter, as quoted here, was cited in a May 30, 2005, memo to Mr. Rizzo from then-Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Steven G. Bradbury, also of the Office of Legal Counsel.

On Tuesday, the CIA confirmed to me that it stands by assertions credited to the agency in this 2005 memo that subjecting KSM to "enhanced techniques" of interrogation - including waterboarding - caused KSM to reveal information that allowed the U.S. government to stop a planned Sept. 11-style attack on Los Angeles. The previously classified memo was released by President Obama last week.

Before they were waterboarded, neither KSM nor Abu Zubaydah thought Americans had the will to stop al Qaeda, the 2005 Justice Department memo says, citing information from the CIA.

"Both KSM and Zubaydah had 'expressed their belief that the general U.S. population was "weak," lacked resilience and would be unable to "do what was necessary" to prevent the terrorists from succeeding in their goals,' " the memo says. "Indeed, before the CIA used enhanced techniques in its interrogation of KSM, he resisted giving any answers to questions about future attacks, simply noting, 'Soon, you will know.' "

After he was waterboarded, KSM provided the CIA with information that enabled the U.S. government to close down a terror cell already "tasked" with flying a jet into a building in Los Angeles.

"You have informed us that the interrogation of KSM - once enhanced techniques were employed - led to the discovery of a KSM plot, the 'Second Wave,' 'to use East Asian operatives to crash a hijacked airliner into' a building in Los Angeles," the memo says, referring to information the CIA provided to the Justice Department.

"You have informed us that information obtained from KSM also led to the capture of Riduan bin Isomuddin, better known as Hambali, and the discovery of the Guraba Cell, a 17-member Jemaah Islamiyah cell tasked with executing the 'Second Wave,' " the memo says.

"More specifically, we understand that KSM admitted that he had [redaction] large sum of money to an al Qaeda associate [redaction] ... . Khan subsequently identified the associate [Zubair], who was then captured," the memo says. "Zubair, in turn, provided information that led to the arrest of Hambali. The information acquired from these captures allowed CIA interrogators to pose more specific questions to KSM, which led the CIA [to] Hambali's brother, al-Hadi. Using information obtained from multiple sources, al-Hadi was captured, and he subsequently identified the Garuba cell. With the aid of this additional information, interrogations of Hambali confirmed much of what was learned from KSM."

A CIA spokesman confirmed to me on Tuesday, as I first reported on, that the CIA stands by the factual assertions made here.

Though waterboarding was exceedingly rare in CIA interrogations of al Qaeda terrorists, it was used routinely on certain members of our own armed forces who went through Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape (SERE) training. According to another previously classified memo released last week by Mr. Obama, some branches of the U.S. military stopped using waterboarding in training certain troops not because it had harmful long-term effects, but because it was so universally effective in extracting information.

"With respect to the waterboard, you have also orally informed us that the Navy continues to use it in training," says a 2002 Office of Legal Counsel memo to the CIA's Mr. Rizzo. "You have informed us that other services ceased use of the waterboard because it was so successful as an interrogation technique but not because of any concerns over harm, physical or mental, caused by it. It was also reported to be almost 100 percent effective in producing cooperation among trainees."
Really? Does that mean Dr. Mengele was in the right? :doubt:

mengele wasn't there to prevent injury.
True enough...but having medical personnel standing by doesn't make it any less torture.
Torture Definition | Definition of Torture at
   /ˈtɔrtʃər/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [tawr-cher] Show IPA noun, verb, -tured, -tur⋅ing.
1. the act of inflicting excruciating pain, as punishment or revenge, as a means of getting a confession or information, or for sheer cruelty.
2. a method of inflicting such pain.
3. Often, tortures. the pain or suffering caused or undergone.
4. extreme anguish of body or mind; agony.
5. a cause of severe pain or anguish.

The doctor was there to prevent extreme or severe pain. Therefore, waterboarding wasn't torture.
The doctor was there to prevent extreme or severe pain. Therefore, waterboarding wasn't torture.

This is a poor argument, and relying on doesn't help.

How many people who have been waterboarded by enemies by given their opinion on this topic? I've heard McCain. Anyone else? Seems to me he probably has some insight into it that the rest of us do not.
The doctor was there to prevent extreme or severe pain. Therefore, waterboarding wasn't torture.

This is a poor argument, and relying on doesn't help.

How many people who have been waterboarded by enemies by given their opinion on this topic? I've heard McCain. Anyone else? Seems to me he probably has some insight into it that the rest of us do not.

Still waiting for links that MCcain was in fact waterboarded?
Still waiting for links that MCcain was in fact waterboarded?

I don't have a link. I have heard it reported that he was. I can't say for certain whether it is true or not.

That said, however, if you are of the opinion that something can't be true without a link, or conversely that a link makes it true, you should re-evaluate.
Wonder if JfK supported waterboarding against American POws?

I don't have time to read that, so a summary would be appreciated.

Additionally, do you have a problem with American POWs being waterboarded?

Summary:Kennedy authorized waterboarding as part of the CIA's counterintelligence program.

If they used the same precautions as the CIA did, then it wouldn't be torture. Besides AQ doesn't waterboard their captors they behead them, ask Daniel Pearl's widow.

Beheading isn't torture. It's murder.
1. the act of inflicting excruciating pain...

The doctor was there to prevent extreme or severe pain. Therefore, waterboarding wasn't torture.

So by having a doctor in a room, the person being waterboarded doesn't feel pain?

How magical!
Summary:Kennedy authorized waterboarding as part of the CIA's counterintelligence program.

If they used the same precautions as the CIA did, then it wouldn't be torture. Besides AQ doesn't waterboard their captors they behead them, ask Daniel Pearl's widow.

If the CIA was being trained to face torture, why would they be waterboarded if waterboarding wasn't considered to be torture?
Just read....
JEFFREY: Waterboarding saved L.A. - Washington Times...

Though waterboarding was exceedingly rare in CIA interrogations of al Qaeda terrorists, it was used routinely on certain members of our own armed forces who went through Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape (SERE) training. According to another previously classified memo released last week by Mr. Obama, some branches of the U.S. military stopped using waterboarding in training certain troops not because it had harmful long-term effects, but because it was so universally effective in extracting information.

"With respect to the waterboard, you have also orally informed us that the Navy continues to use it in training," says a 2002 Office of Legal Counsel memo to the CIA's Mr. Rizzo. "You have informed us that other services ceased use of the waterboard because it was so successful as an interrogation technique but not because of any concerns over harm, physical or mental, caused by it. It was also reported to be almost 100 percent effective in producing cooperation among trainees."

This doesn't make sense to me. They stopped waterboarding trainees because it was effective in producing cooperation by the trainees?

I thought the idea was to prepare the for the possibility of being tortured, not to produce cooperation by them.
1. the act of inflicting excruciating pain...

The doctor was there to prevent extreme or severe pain. Therefore, waterboarding wasn't torture.

So by having a doctor in a room, the person being waterboarded doesn't feel pain?

How magical!

The definition doesn't say pain alone, its torture when it is extreme or severe pain. That was the doctor's job to prevent injury or extreme pain.
If the CIA was being trained to face torture, why would they be waterboarded if waterboarding wasn't considered to be torture?
Just read....
JEFFREY: Waterboarding saved L.A. - Washington Times...

Though waterboarding was exceedingly rare in CIA interrogations of al Qaeda terrorists, it was used routinely on certain members of our own armed forces who went through Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape (SERE) training. According to another previously classified memo released last week by Mr. Obama, some branches of the U.S. military stopped using waterboarding in training certain troops not because it had harmful long-term effects, but because it was so universally effective in extracting information.

"With respect to the waterboard, you have also orally informed us that the Navy continues to use it in training," says a 2002 Office of Legal Counsel memo to the CIA's Mr. Rizzo. "You have informed us that other services ceased use of the waterboard because it was so successful as an interrogation technique but not because of any concerns over harm, physical or mental, caused by it. It was also reported to be almost 100 percent effective in producing cooperation among trainees."

This doesn't make sense to me. They stopped waterboarding trainees because it was effective in producing cooperation by the trainees?

I thought the idea was to prepare the for the possibility of being tortured, not to produce cooperation by them.

In other words they stopped the training because the training was ineffective. The trainees cooperated 100 percent of the time.
I don't have time to read that, so a summary would be appreciated.

Additionally, do you have a problem with American POWs being waterboarded?

Summary:Kennedy authorized waterboarding as part of the CIA's counterintelligence program.

If they used the same precautions as the CIA did, then it wouldn't be torture. Besides AQ doesn't waterboard their captors they behead them, ask Daniel Pearl's widow.

Beheading isn't torture. It's murder.

Really re-read the definition...
Torture Definition | Definition of Torture at
   /ˈtɔrtʃər/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [tawr-cher] Show IPA noun, verb, -tured, -tur⋅ing.
1. the act of inflicting excruciating pain, as punishment or revenge, as a means of getting a confession or information, or for sheer cruelty.
Just read....
JEFFREY: Waterboarding saved L.A. - Washington Times...

Though waterboarding was exceedingly rare in CIA interrogations of al Qaeda terrorists, it was used routinely on certain members of our own armed forces who went through Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape (SERE) training. According to another previously classified memo released last week by Mr. Obama, some branches of the U.S. military stopped using waterboarding in training certain troops not because it had harmful long-term effects, but because it was so universally effective in extracting information.

"With respect to the waterboard, you have also orally informed us that the Navy continues to use it in training," says a 2002 Office of Legal Counsel memo to the CIA's Mr. Rizzo. "You have informed us that other services ceased use of the waterboard because it was so successful as an interrogation technique but not because of any concerns over harm, physical or mental, caused by it. It was also reported to be almost 100 percent effective in producing cooperation among trainees."

This doesn't make sense to me. They stopped waterboarding trainees because it was effective in producing cooperation by the trainees?

I thought the idea was to prepare the for the possibility of being tortured, not to produce cooperation by them.

In other words they stopped the training because the training was ineffective. The trainees cooperated 100 percent of the time.

So at least from judging from the reaction of the trainees, waterboarding is very effective torture.
Still waiting for links that MCcain was in fact waterboarded?

I don't have a link. I have heard it reported that he was. I can't say for certain whether it is true or not.

That said, however, if you are of the opinion that something can't be true without a link, or conversely that a link makes it true, you should re-evaluate.

I think if MCcain was waterboarded there should be a link somewhere saying he was waterboarded. I don't think that is unreasonable.
Last edited:
Summary:Kennedy authorized waterboarding as part of the CIA's counterintelligence program.

If they used the same precautions as the CIA did, then it wouldn't be torture. Besides AQ doesn't waterboard their captors they behead them, ask Daniel Pearl's widow.

Beheading isn't torture. It's murder.

Really re-read the definition...
Torture Definition | Definition of Torture at
   /ˈtɔrtʃər/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [tawr-cher] Show IPA noun, verb, -tured, -tur⋅ing.
1. the act of inflicting excruciating pain, as punishment or revenge, as a means of getting a confession or information, or for sheer cruelty.

How painful do you think it is to get your head lopped off with a machete?
mengele wasn't there to prevent injury.
True enough...but having medical personnel standing by doesn't make it any less torture.
Torture Definition | Definition of Torture at
   /ˈtɔrtʃər/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [tawr-cher] Show IPA noun, verb, -tured, -tur⋅ing.
1. the act of inflicting excruciating pain, as punishment or revenge, as a means of getting a confession or information, or for sheer cruelty.
2. a method of inflicting such pain.
3. Often, tortures. the pain or suffering caused or undergone.
4. extreme anguish of body or mind; agony.
5. a cause of severe pain or anguish.

The doctor was there to prevent extreme or severe pain. Therefore, waterboarding wasn't torture.
You ignored #4 and #5. And no, the doctor was there...if at prevent death
This doesn't make sense to me. They stopped waterboarding trainees because it was effective in producing cooperation by the trainees?

I thought the idea was to prepare the for the possibility of being tortured, not to produce cooperation by them.

In other words they stopped the training because the training was ineffective. The trainees cooperated 100 percent of the time.

So at least from judging from the reaction of the trainees, waterboarding is very effective torture.

It's a very effective tool that could be used at preventing imminent terror attacks. Which is exactly how it was used. Torture though? No it doesn't meet the definition of torture.
Beheading isn't torture. It's murder.

Really re-read the definition...
Torture Definition | Definition of Torture at
   /ˈtɔrtʃər/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [tawr-cher] Show IPA noun, verb, -tured, -tur⋅ing.
1. the act of inflicting excruciating pain, as punishment or revenge, as a means of getting a confession or information, or for sheer cruelty.

How painful do you think it is to get your head lopped off with a machete?
Probably, pretty extreme or severe, which fits the definition. Thanks for admitting you were wrong.
True enough...but having medical personnel standing by doesn't make it any less torture.
Torture Definition | Definition of Torture at
   /ˈtɔrtʃər/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [tawr-cher] Show IPA noun, verb, -tured, -tur⋅ing.
1. the act of inflicting excruciating pain, as punishment or revenge, as a means of getting a confession or information, or for sheer cruelty.
2. a method of inflicting such pain.
3. Often, tortures. the pain or suffering caused or undergone.
4. extreme anguish of body or mind; agony.
5. a cause of severe pain or anguish.

The doctor was there to prevent extreme or severe pain. Therefore, waterboarding wasn't torture.
You ignored #4 and #5. And no, the doctor was there...if at prevent death

How so?
1. the act of inflicting excruciating pain...

The doctor was there to prevent extreme or severe pain. Therefore, waterboarding wasn't torture.

So by having a doctor in a room, the person being waterboarded doesn't feel pain?

How magical!
When I was a kid my doctor used to say, "now this won't hurt a bit!" Damn liar.

The Pros and Cons of using waterboarding;

Con: High level terrorist with definite information on future attacks is uncomfortable

Con: Libtards and ACLU views waterboarding as torture

Pro: Waterboarding saves thousands of innocent people's lives

Pro: Through a nearly 100 percent effective method we are able to dismantle an organization that wants to kill us.

Hmm....hard decision there

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