Cheney Really Hates Trump

I said, "would be found culpable." In other words, if a proper investigation done by neutral authorities was commissioned, that Board had the possibility of being found culpable of corruption. Because it seems that we lack neutral authorities now, I guess a proper investigation isn't possible.


Utter nonsense. An audit was performed on every ballot from Maricopa County. That audit was performed at the behest of wild-eyed Republicans hoping to overturn their state's election and carried out by a firm led by a Trump supporter who had previously declared there was voter fraud.

They found none. At worst, they did raise some suspicious questions over matters They didn't fully understand; but the Maricopa County Election Board was able to answer those questions. And in the end, the audit resulted in increasing Biden's lead.
The left is good at propaganda slogans. The threats to the USA are from the left.

And yet, the left never aided a losing presidential candidate to help them become declared the winner through illegal means. That was an attempt to overthrow the government carried out by Trump and his minions. When has the left ever performed such a nefarious deed?
What in the actual fuck are you talking about you jabbering, freakishly stupid walking abortion??? Who "walked into the US House opening fire? What "horrendous assault" was waged on our (lol.. "precious") government that compared to bed wetting pieces of shit like YOU trying to burn down federal court houses, destroying war memorials and literally fighting police? On Jan 6th there was not one firework set off, there was not one gas grenade deployed, there were no fires, and the single death that occurred was an Air Force veteran murdered by a cop who randomly shot into a crowd.

Keep fucking with us though bed wetter, you have NO FUCKING IDEA of what an "INSURRECTION" will look like once the VOCAL MAJORITY you refuse to listen too finally does revolt and commits to solving the problems you parasites created.

You might just want to buy tickets for your flight to North Korea now, because if we have to fund it, you might just end up as lost cargo from the back of a shithook 20 miles west of commiefornia.

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She's hated him since Putin helped him in 16. She and her dad are both die hard neocons. The real problem for neocons (whose ideology stemmed directly from the anti-soviet dems of JFK/RFK and Scoop Jackson, and then Jean Kilpatrick) is that once the Soviet Empire was gone .. they had nowhere to go.

Putin's aim is to bring back the Soviet Empire sans communism, but with a totalatarian kleptomania. I'm sure Cheney has no fondness for Biden or the progs, either
She is politically on the other-side of Biden but they share one thing, they are Americans. But they both actually know understand what they want for there country and in both cases it is reasonably close, they both want Americans to be happy and prosperous... How that happens differs between the two of them?

Then the is Trump, it is clear he doesn't really care about America, Trump lacks any real empathy for his fellow man. Trump is transactional in nature, every issue is "what's in it for me?", "how do I win by doing this?"...
They had the numbers to murder lawmakers or VP they could have gotten their feral hands on. And there's nothing wrong with mail-in ballots. They've been used for many years and there's only ever been a few sporadic cases of voter fraud. No moreso than in-person voting.
Mail in ballots are a prescription for fraud. Only Dim idiots deny that.
Cheney is out to get Trump. It's very obvious now. It will be real interesting to watch her primary race.

---Liz Cheney Reveals Evidence Against Trump & Promises Justice---

Trump exposed The Cheney Family as a bunch of Globalist Elitist Sellouts, so of course she is going to go after him.
What in the actual fuck are you talking about you jabbering, freakishly stupid walking abortion??? Who "walked into the US House opening fire? What "horrendous assault" was waged on our (lol.. "precious") government that compared to bed wetting pieces of shit like YOU trying to burn down federal court houses, destroying war memorials and literally fighting police? On Jan 6th there was not one firework set off, there was not one gas grenade deployed, there were no fires, and the single death that occurred was an Air Force veteran murdered by a cop who randomly shot into a crowd.

Keep fucking with us though bed wetter, you have NO FUCKING IDEA of what an "INSURRECTION" will look like once the VOCAL MAJORITY you refuse to listen too finally does revolt and commits to solving the problems you parasites created.

You might just want to buy tickets for your flight to North Korea now, because if we have to fund it, you might just end up as lost cargo from the back of a shithook 20 miles west of commiefornia.

View attachment 648388

Utter nonsense. An audit was performed on every ballot from Maricopa County. That audit was performed at the behest of wild-eyed Republicans hoping to overturn their state's election and carried out by a firm led by a Trump supporter who had previously declared there was voter fraud.

They found none. At worst, they did raise some suspicious questions over matters They didn't fully understand; but the Maricopa County Election Board was able to answer those questions. And in the end, the audit resulted in increasing Biden's lead.
Lots of people hate Trump over the past 50 years.
The people who worked for the contractors that didn't pay them hate Trump because they don't get that Trump has to pay the contractor, not the contractor's hired hands.
It's hilarious.
My son-in-law attends the national commercial real-estate events and 99% of those who have worked with Trump want to work with him again.
The others are the usual LibTards.

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