Chicago Blacks VERY Unhappy with Obama and Black Leadership

Nutz quote: My point is that I am black and I don't think I have heard a black call a white cracker in 20 years. The cracker argument is just a nonsense argument made by white people who want to go around calling black people the n word.

Really? Let's do a memory refresher course:

[ame=]black panther kill some crackers.flv - YouTube[/ame]
I've met and worked with LOTs of blacks. I've worked with blacks in L.A., New Jersey, and here in Denver. What difference does that make?
My point is that I am black and I don't think I have heard a black call a white cracker in 20 years. The cracker argument is just a nonsense argument made by white people who want to go around calling black people the n word.
Society and the mainstream media say that it's not "kosher" to use the "n" word. To me? It's just a word but since so many people (usually white people) get their panties in a wad over that word I don't use it. I can still make a point and voice my opinion without using it.
But you are the one making a huge issue out of the word. You are the one who wants me to condemn PMH for using it.

I don't "want" you to do anything. But if you're going to "condemn" conservatives for being racist then you need to condemn PMS for openly stating that he "honestly" calls blacks by the "n" word. Go read his post. You don't have a problem with liberal whites using that word? To me, it's a non-issue because I don't see what the big deal is. You can call me every name in the book and I won't take offense. I don't care. You can even call me the "n" word and I won't bat an eye. I think making such a HUGE issue over such a small thing is petty and ridiculous.

Here's what I think:

1) Everyone on earth should have the right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness.
2) If one racial group succeeds in reaching that goal while another does not the successful group shouldn't be ostracized, ridiculed, punished, or criticized for being successful.
3) If the less successful group wants what the more successful group has then they need to get off of their asses and make it happen on their own merits -- not by taking what the successful group has by "legal" force.
4) Some groups need to grow thicker skin and stop whining about what names they're called and how oppressed they are. They need to pick themselves up by the bootstrap and WORK their asses off for a better life. Stop the constant whining about racism, racism, racism, racism. It's an old, tired, endless, and poor excuse for their own failures.
5) The unsuccessful group decries the evils of conservatism but fails to see that the successful group became successful as a result of conservative ideals and values. Liberalism (as the video in the OP reveals) is an utter failure.
And that is your want to put everyone into groups.

As for the rest...if I thought you were open to honest discussion...we could talk. But we both know, in the end, If I disagree with you on any point, you will call me a racist.
Keep telling yourself that. It's the price you pay to remain on the liberal plantation.

[U said:
I do call them *******, and so do you and the rest of the GOP. The only difference is, I'm honest about it.

^^^^^I just wanted to lock this moment into the historical archives^^^^^

PMS says that as long as non-GOPers are "honest" about it then calling blacks the n word is perfectly acceptable. Would the black members of this form agree?

Dude, if you wanna use the n word, go ahead. No one is stopping you and it is not an illegal term. It is pretty pathetic you can't tell the difference in the use of the word as hate speech opposed to any other use of the word.
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My point is that I am black and I don't think I have heard a black call a white cracker in 20 years. The cracker argument is just a nonsense argument made by white people who want to go around calling black people the n word.
But you are the one making a huge issue out of the word. You are the one who wants me to condemn PMH for using it.

I don't "want" you to do anything. But if you're going to "condemn" conservatives for being racist then you need to condemn PMS for openly stating that he "honestly" calls blacks by the "n" word. Go read his post. You don't have a problem with liberal whites using that word? To me, it's a non-issue because I don't see what the big deal is. You can call me every name in the book and I won't take offense. I don't care. You can even call me the "n" word and I won't bat an eye. I think making such a HUGE issue over such a small thing is petty and ridiculous.

Here's what I think:

1) Everyone on earth should have the right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness.
2) If one racial group succeeds in reaching that goal while another does not the successful group shouldn't be ostracized, ridiculed, punished, or criticized for being successful.
3) If the less successful group wants what the more successful group has then they need to get off of their asses and make it happen on their own merits -- not by taking what the successful group has by "legal" force.
4) Some groups need to grow thicker skin and stop whining about what names they're called and how oppressed they are. They need to pick themselves up by the bootstrap and WORK their asses off for a better life. Stop the constant whining about racism, racism, racism, racism. It's an old, tired, endless, and poor excuse for their own failures.
5) The unsuccessful group decries the evils of conservatism but fails to see that the successful group became successful as a result of conservative ideals and values. Liberalism (as the video in the OP reveals) is an utter failure.
And that is your want to put everyone into groups.

As for the rest...if I thought you were open to honest discussion...we could talk. But we both know, in the end, If I disagree with you on any point, you will call me a racist.

Now you know how whites feel when they're called racists by the Progressives for simply disagreeing with Obama. Get used to it ... I am.
Nutz quote: My point is that I am black and I don't think I have heard a black call a white cracker in 20 years. The cracker argument is just a nonsense argument made by white people who want to go around calling black people the n word.

Really? Let's do a memory refresher course:

[ame=]black panther kill some crackers.flv - YouTube[/ame]

Really, you are going to equate black panthers to the entire black race? That is like me posting a neo-nazi rant and pretending they represent all white people.

Be honest with your arguments...that is nonsense. That is your equate the worst you can find to ALL black people but you want to separate the good from the bad when it comes to white people. How is that even fair? You are a rational that just a cheap debate tactic or do you really believe the black panthers are representative of all blacks.
My point is that I am black and I don't think I have heard a black call a white cracker in 20 years. The cracker argument is just a nonsense argument made by white people who want to go around calling black people the n word.
But you are the one making a huge issue out of the word. You are the one who wants me to condemn PMH for using it.

I don't "want" you to do anything. But if you're going to "condemn" conservatives for being racist then you need to condemn PMS for openly stating that he "honestly" calls blacks by the "n" word. Go read his post. You don't have a problem with liberal whites using that word? To me, it's a non-issue because I don't see what the big deal is. You can call me every name in the book and I won't take offense. I don't care. You can even call me the "n" word and I won't bat an eye. I think making such a HUGE issue over such a small thing is petty and ridiculous.

Here's what I think:

1) Everyone on earth should have the right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness.
2) If one racial group succeeds in reaching that goal while another does not the successful group shouldn't be ostracized, ridiculed, punished, or criticized for being successful.
3) If the less successful group wants what the more successful group has then they need to get off of their asses and make it happen on their own merits -- not by taking what the successful group has by "legal" force.
4) Some groups need to grow thicker skin and stop whining about what names they're called and how oppressed they are. They need to pick themselves up by the bootstrap and WORK their asses off for a better life. Stop the constant whining about racism, racism, racism, racism. It's an old, tired, endless, and poor excuse for their own failures.
5) The unsuccessful group decries the evils of conservatism but fails to see that the successful group became successful as a result of conservative ideals and values. Liberalism (as the video in the OP reveals) is an utter failure.
And that is your want to put everyone into groups.

As for the rest...if I thought you were open to honest discussion...we could talk. But we both know, in the end, If I disagree with you on any point, you will call me a racist.

I'm not the one calling white conservatives, "teabaggers."
I'm not the one calling successful white folks, "greedy 1%ers."

If there is any, one person dividing this nation it's your messiah in Washington D.C. (along with the help of his ultra liberal cronies).
Nutz quote: My point is that I am black and I don't think I have heard a black call a white cracker in 20 years. The cracker argument is just a nonsense argument made by white people who want to go around calling black people the n word.
Really? Let's do a memory refresher course:

[ame=""]black panther kill some crackers.flv - YouTube[/ame]

Really, you are going to equate black panthers to the entire black race? That is like me posting a neo-nazi rant and pretending they represent all white people.

Be honest with your arguments...that is nonsense. That is your equate the worst you can find to ALL black people but you want to separate the good from the bad when it comes to white people. How is that even fair? You are a rational that just a cheap debate tactic or do you really believe the black panthers are representative of all blacks.

Are you kidding? Far left Progressives routinely equate the Tea Party to Nazis, KKKers, and racists. Every day they do this.

Anyway, you said you hadn't heard the word "cracker" in 20 years and I just proved that the word is alive and well. But, as usual, you skipped right past the point.
I don't "want" you to do anything. But if you're going to "condemn" conservatives for being racist then you need to condemn PMS for openly stating that he "honestly" calls blacks by the "n" word. Go read his post. You don't have a problem with liberal whites using that word? To me, it's a non-issue because I don't see what the big deal is. You can call me every name in the book and I won't take offense. I don't care. You can even call me the "n" word and I won't bat an eye. I think making such a HUGE issue over such a small thing is petty and ridiculous.

Here's what I think:

1) Everyone on earth should have the right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness.
2) If one racial group succeeds in reaching that goal while another does not the successful group shouldn't be ostracized, ridiculed, punished, or criticized for being successful.
3) If the less successful group wants what the more successful group has then they need to get off of their asses and make it happen on their own merits -- not by taking what the successful group has by "legal" force.
4) Some groups need to grow thicker skin and stop whining about what names they're called and how oppressed they are. They need to pick themselves up by the bootstrap and WORK their asses off for a better life. Stop the constant whining about racism, racism, racism, racism. It's an old, tired, endless, and poor excuse for their own failures.
5) The unsuccessful group decries the evils of conservatism but fails to see that the successful group became successful as a result of conservative ideals and values. Liberalism (as the video in the OP reveals) is an utter failure.
And that is your want to put everyone into groups.

As for the rest...if I thought you were open to honest discussion...we could talk. But we both know, in the end, If I disagree with you on any point, you will call me a racist.

Now you know how whites feel when they're called racists by the Progressives for simply disagreeing with Obama. Get used to it ... I am.

No one says that is right. Aren't you better than that? I think you should refer to your own post above about growing thicker skin. Seems to be a double standard, huh?

But we will agree, progressives calling people racists or uncle toms for not agreeing with their ideology is pathetic. What is equally pathetic and childish are the internet conservatives who call people racists for not agreeing with their policies.
Are you really that idiotic? You COMPLETELY missed the point of the videos you ignorant bore. The blacks in Chicago were literally LIED to by your messiah and they're aren't happy about it. They aren't happy with their local, black leaders either. They're angry for having been taken advantage of and lied to and neglected by the very people who claimed to be their champions. So you ignorant ass, why don't you watch the videos before further making yourself look like a total fool.

So the point of the OP is that you can't blame anyone but liberal blacks for making their constituents so angry and disappointed.

So what are you saying DS, that only whites should be in power?

Clowns to the left of me and Jokers to the right and here I am stuck in the middle with you.

Are you Nutz? I'm saying that Chicago's black leaders are failing their people. Didn't you watch the damned videos for hell's sake? Blacks are doing the talking ... not me. Does it look like I'm the star of the videos? Has the entire world gone loopy? Geezzzzzz!

Nutz is a dumb ass race baiter of course he would take it that way. If he cries racism then he won't have to argue facts!

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It is gratifying to see the awakening of formerly totally blind Obamabots.

The ruder that awakening, the better.
Really? Let's do a memory refresher course:

black panther kill some crackers.flv - YouTube

Really, you are going to equate black panthers to the entire black race? That is like me posting a neo-nazi rant and pretending they represent all white people.

Be honest with your arguments...that is nonsense. That is your equate the worst you can find to ALL black people but you want to separate the good from the bad when it comes to white people. How is that even fair? You are a rational that just a cheap debate tactic or do you really believe the black panthers are representative of all blacks.

Are you kidding? Far left Progressives routinely equate the Tea Party to Nazis, KKKers, and racists. Every day they do this.
As the far right does the same to demonize their opponents. But you didn't answer my question, do you think these 'far left progressives' are representative of the ENTIRE black race?
Anyway, you said you hadn't heard the word "cracker" in 20 years and I just proved that the word is alive and well. But, as usual, you skipped right past the point.

I don't subscribe to the black panther party. They are radicals and racists...I don't support them nor do I seek out their message. But I guess you think they represent all blacks too, huh?
IF Obama keeps failing; left-wing nutobs are going to take away his "Black" card. they only wanted to be associated with him because he "won"; became President

the race-obsessed Black Progressive set wouldnt give a crap what Tiger Woods called himself if he wasn't the best golfer on the planet; if he was #138 on the circuit; or your paperboy or something. but because he's a legend the Black race-obsessed set had a fit when he called himself "Cablinasion"

idiots and hypocrites
And that is your want to put everyone into groups.

As for the rest...if I thought you were open to honest discussion...we could talk. But we both know, in the end, If I disagree with you on any point, you will call me a racist.

Now you know how whites feel when they're called racists by the Progressives for simply disagreeing with Obama. Get used to it ... I am.

No one says that is right. Aren't you better than that? I think you should refer to your own post above about growing thicker skin. Seems to be a double standard, huh?

But we will agree, progressives calling people racists or uncle toms for not agreeing with their ideology is pathetic. What is equally pathetic and childish are the internet conservatives who call people racists for not agreeing with their policies.

My skin is plenty tough enough. As I already posted, I don't give two hoots what the Libs think or say.

Another thing I'm used to and know won't EVER go away is that there are two sides that will NEVER see eye to eye. I am a conservative. I hate liberalism. I will never seek common ground with them because that requires compromise. Compromise is the reason the USA is headed down a swirling toilet. Thanks to FDR, Truman, LBJ, Carter, Clinton, Obama, and almost every other compromising politician of the 20th and 21st century we're in stuck in this quagmire of compromise fully tainted by liberalism.
So what are you saying DS, that only whites should be in power?

Clowns to the left of me and Jokers to the right and here I am stuck in the middle with you.

Are you Nutz? I'm saying that Chicago's black leaders are failing their people. Didn't you watch the damned videos for hell's sake? Blacks are doing the talking ... not me. Does it look like I'm the star of the videos? Has the entire world gone loopy? Geezzzzzz!

Nutz is a dumb ass race baiter of course he would take it that way. If he cries racism then he won't have to argue facts!

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Ahh, the self hating Jew that has never argued a fact.
Now you know how whites feel when they're called racists by the Progressives for simply disagreeing with Obama. Get used to it ... I am.

No one says that is right. Aren't you better than that? I think you should refer to your own post above about growing thicker skin. Seems to be a double standard, huh?

But we will agree, progressives calling people racists or uncle toms for not agreeing with their ideology is pathetic. What is equally pathetic and childish are the internet conservatives who call people racists for not agreeing with their policies.

My skin is plenty tough enough. As I already posted, I don't give two hoots what the Libs think or say.

Then why don't your posts reflect that supposed philosophy? :lmao:

Another thing I'm used to and know won't EVER go away is that there are two sides that will NEVER see eye to eye. I am a conservative. I hate liberalism. I will never seek common ground with them because that requires compromise. Compromise is the reason the USA is headed down a swirling toilet. Thanks to FDR, Truman, LBJ, Carter, Clinton, Obama, and almost every other compromising politician of the 20th and 21st century we're in stuck in this quagmire of compromise fully tainted by liberalism.

who is asking you to compromise?
Really, you are going to equate black panthers to the entire black race? That is like me posting a neo-nazi rant and pretending they represent all white people.

Be honest with your arguments...that is nonsense. That is your equate the worst you can find to ALL black people but you want to separate the good from the bad when it comes to white people. How is that even fair? You are a rational that just a cheap debate tactic or do you really believe the black panthers are representative of all blacks.

Are you kidding? Far left Progressives routinely equate the Tea Party to Nazis, KKKers, and racists. Every day they do this.
As the far right does the same to demonize their opponents. But you didn't answer my question, do you think these 'far left progressives' are representative of the ENTIRE black race?
Anyway, you said you hadn't heard the word "cracker" in 20 years and I just proved that the word is alive and well. But, as usual, you skipped right past the point.
I don't subscribe to the black panther party. They are radicals and racists...I don't support them nor do I seek out their message. But I guess you think they represent all blacks too, huh?

I believe the Black Panthers represent a greater number of blacks than you would like to admit. But I don't believe they represent ALL blacks.

Here's a non-Black Panther, "Doctor" and his opinion of white people:

[ame=]Dr. Kamau Kambon wants to kill all white people - YouTube[/ame]
Are you kidding? Far left Progressives routinely equate the Tea Party to Nazis, KKKers, and racists. Every day they do this.
As the far right does the same to demonize their opponents. But you didn't answer my question, do you think these 'far left progressives' are representative of the ENTIRE black race?
Anyway, you said you hadn't heard the word "cracker" in 20 years and I just proved that the word is alive and well. But, as usual, you skipped right past the point.
I don't subscribe to the black panther party. They are radicals and racists...I don't support them nor do I seek out their message. But I guess you think they represent all blacks too, huh?

I believe the Black Panthers represent a greater number of blacks than you would like to admit. But I don't believe they represent ALL blacks.

Here's a non-Black Panther, "Doctor" and his opinion of white people:

[ame=]Dr. Kamau Kambon wants to kill all white people - YouTube[/ame]
Are you doing a google search, looking for black people calling whites cracker? are searching the dredges of the internet to prove blacks use the word cracker so you can call it common place?

As for the black panthers...what percentage of blacks do you think follow them? Seriously...what percentage of blacks follow the NBPP? Are you saying they are not a fringe group.

What kind of response would one get if one said...well I don't think all whites are represented by the KKK, but the number is greater than you would like to admit. Nonsense...they are a fringe group and I have enough common sense to realize they are not representative of all.
As the far right does the same to demonize their opponents. But you didn't answer my question, do you think these 'far left progressives' are representative of the ENTIRE black race?
I don't subscribe to the black panther party. They are radicals and racists...I don't support them nor do I seek out their message. But I guess you think they represent all blacks too, huh?

I believe the Black Panthers represent a greater number of blacks than you would like to admit. But I don't believe they represent ALL blacks.

Here's a non-Black Panther, "Doctor" and his opinion of white people:

[ame=""]Dr. Kamau Kambon wants to kill all white people - YouTube[/ame]
Are you doing a google search, looking for black people calling whites cracker? are searching the dredges of the internet to prove blacks use the word cracker so you can call it common place?

As for the black panthers...what percentage of blacks do you think follow them? Seriously...what percentage of blacks follow the NBPP? Are you saying they are not a fringe group.

What kind of response would one get if one said...well I don't think all whites are represented by the KKK, but the number is greater than you would like to admit. Nonsense...they are a fringe group and I have enough common sense to realize they are not representative of all.

I see that you are obsessed with the issue of race. This thread is about Liberalism vs. Conservatism. If you wish to discuss racial issues start a thread in that section of the forum. If you can't stay on the topic of failed, liberal policies then you're in the wrong thread.

The reason I used the video in the OP is because Liberals routinely use race as a means to further their agenda. I simply showed an example of why Liberalism doesn't work where the issue of race can't be used because there aren't any whites in the equation. I'm sorry if you are having difficulty seeing that point.
I believe the Black Panthers represent a greater number of blacks than you would like to admit. But I don't believe they represent ALL blacks.

Here's a non-Black Panther, "Doctor" and his opinion of white people:

Dr. Kamau Kambon wants to kill all white people - YouTube
Are you doing a google search, looking for black people calling whites cracker? are searching the dredges of the internet to prove blacks use the word cracker so you can call it common place?

As for the black panthers...what percentage of blacks do you think follow them? Seriously...what percentage of blacks follow the NBPP? Are you saying they are not a fringe group.

What kind of response would one get if one said...well I don't think all whites are represented by the KKK, but the number is greater than you would like to admit. Nonsense...they are a fringe group and I have enough common sense to realize they are not representative of all.

I see that you are obsessed with the issue of race. This thread is about Liberalism vs. Conservatism. If you wish to discuss racial issues start a thread in that section of the forum. If you can't stay on the topic of failed, liberal policies then you're in the wrong thread. [/quot]
i have been responding to you. that is all.
The reason I used the video in the OP is because Liberals routinely use race as a means to further their agenda. I simply showed an example of why Liberalism doesn't work where the issue of race can't be used because there aren't any whites in the equation. I'm sorry if you are having difficulty seeing that point.
I see your point, and it is a good point. You just fail in presentation and add no substance other than youtube videos.

Do you really want to have an honest discussion or are you just looking for high fives from like minded people who are going to reply with the usual vitriol and nonsense based on name calling and ad hominem attacks on an entire race?

The funny thing is that we agree...regretfully, you don't want to discuss the liberal want to attack blacks for voting liberal and voting for Obama.
Do you really want to have an honest discussion or are you just looking for high fives from like minded people who are going to reply with the usual vitriol and nonsense based on name calling and ad hominem attacks on an entire race?

The funny thing is that we agree...regretfully, you don't want to discuss the liberal want to attack blacks for voting liberal and voting for Obama.

I've been seeking an honest discussion from the get go but you've chosen to focus on the racial aspect of the discussion. If you would like to discuss Liberalism's failures then I'm all ears.

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