Chicago Blacks VERY Unhappy with Obama and Black Leadership

Did you expect anything other than the usual deflection? And those liberals are so quick to use the "n" word. What's up with that?

Well, aren't those ******* really stupid for not voting for you? I mean, they vote to stay down on the plantation right? Damn those are stupid ******* eh?
So what do Nutz and PMS have to say about the point of the videos? You've both done a wonderful job of sidestepping the issue thus far.

What, that people are unhappy with leadership in Chicago. So what, people are unhappy with their leadership all across the nation.

Ohhh...I am supposed to discuss the racial aspect of it, right?

Regretfully, I don't look at everything as black or white as you do. Chicagoans are unhappy with their liberal government because it didn't deliver on its promises. Good for them for realizing this...hopefully true conservatives will stand up against the idiot racists in the GOP and they will flock towards the GOP.

You may think I am a liberal, but I am not...I just hate racism and the idiots that are representing the GOP. It is a shame that people like yourself allow racists to represent the party.

The point is that the Left are routinely calling Tea Party members and conservatives and even the GOP "racists" all the time because they state that conservatives are waging a war against the oppressed black population. I'm simply showing that even when there isn't a single Tea Party member or Conservative within a 2000 mile radius of Chicago the blacks are still feeling oppressed. It simply reveals the hypocrisy of the Left who blame black oppression on someone other than themselves. It's that simple.
Did you expect anything other than the usual deflection? And those liberals are so quick to use the "n" word. What's up with that?

Well, aren't those ******* really stupid for not voting for you? I mean, they vote to stay down on the plantation right? Damn those are stupid ******* eh?

Hey Nutz. What do you think about PMS calling blacks the "n" word? No outcry?
Did you expect anything other than the usual deflection? And those liberals are so quick to use the "n" word. What's up with that?

Well, aren't those ******* really stupid for not voting for you? I mean, they vote to stay down on the plantation right? Damn those are stupid ******* eh?

Hey Nutz. What do you think about PMS calling blacks the "n" word? No outcry?
I do call them *******, and so do you and the rest of the GOP. The only difference is, I'm honest about it.
So what do Nutz and PMS have to say about the point of the videos? You've both done a wonderful job of sidestepping the issue thus far.

What, that people are unhappy with leadership in Chicago. So what, people are unhappy with their leadership all across the nation.

Ohhh...I am supposed to discuss the racial aspect of it, right?

Regretfully, I don't look at everything as black or white as you do. Chicagoans are unhappy with their liberal government because it didn't deliver on its promises. Good for them for realizing this...hopefully true conservatives will stand up against the idiot racists in the GOP and they will flock towards the GOP.

You may think I am a liberal, but I am not...I just hate racism and the idiots that are representing the GOP. It is a shame that people like yourself allow racists to represent the party.

The point is that the Left are routinely calling Tea Party members and conservatives and even the GOP "racists" all the time because they state that conservatives are waging a war against the oppressed black population. I'm simply showing that even when there isn't a single Tea Party member or Conservative within a 2000 mile radius of Chicago the blacks are still feeling oppressed. It simply reveals the hypocrisy of the Left who blame black oppression on someone other than themselves. It's that simple.

No, they are not blaming oppression on the GOP or tea party. THEY ARE DISAGREEING with policy and ideals. It is just nonsense to say otherwise. It is dirty politics at its best. Sure, there may be some examples...but for the most part, people like yourself are creating this whole ideal as if blacks are blaming the GOP for all their woes.

Here is a hint: Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson types do not represent all blacks. They are not our representative. Here is another hint: Black people are not monolithic in thought.
Did you expect anything other than the usual deflection? And those liberals are so quick to use the "n" word. What's up with that?

Well, aren't those ******* really stupid for not voting for you? I mean, they vote to stay down on the plantation right? Damn those are stupid ******* eh?

Hey Nutz. What do you think about PMS calling blacks the "n" word? No outcry?

He was making a point and not using the term in a derogatory manner. You know that. I don't even like PMH, but it is obvious what he was doing.

Nonetheless, where is YOUR outrage when a white racist spews nonsense if your motivations are pure?
Well, aren't those ******* really stupid for not voting for you? I mean, they vote to stay down on the plantation right? Damn those are stupid ******* eh?

Hey Nutz. What do you think about PMS calling blacks the "n" word? No outcry?

He was making a point and not using the term in a derogatory manner. You know that. I don't even like PMH, but it is obvious what he was doing.

Nonetheless, where is YOUR outrage when a white racist spews nonsense if your motivations are pure?

I see. It's okay to use that word under certain circumstances. Got it. And I live by a double standard?
Hey Nutz. What do you think about PMS calling blacks the "n" word? No outcry?

He was making a point and not using the term in a derogatory manner. You know that. I don't even like PMH, but it is obvious what he was doing.

Nonetheless, where is YOUR outrage when a white racist spews nonsense if your motivations are pure?

I see. It's okay to use that word under certain circumstances. Got it. And I live by a double standard?

How is it a double standard? It is not a forbidden word.

But talking about double standards...why are you so quick to call black racists but you won't call out white racists? You never answered my question I asked earlier in the you think Koshercunt, Matthew, Shitspeeders, Tank and their ilk are racists or not. Why don't you call them out but expect blacks to call out black racists?
He was making a point and not using the term in a derogatory manner. You know that. I don't even like PMH, but it is obvious what he was doing.

Nonetheless, where is YOUR outrage when a white racist spews nonsense if your motivations are pure?

I see. It's okay to use that word under certain circumstances. Got it. And I live by a double standard?

How is it a double standard? It is not a forbidden word.

But talking about double standards...why are you so quick to call black racists but you won't call out white racists? You never answered my question I asked earlier in the you think Koshercunt, Matthew, Shitspeeders, Tank and their ilk are racists or not. Why don't you call them out but expect blacks to call out black racists?

Again ... you miss the point. I call folks (regardless of race) "racist" when they're quick to call others racist. You seem to be obsessed with calling folks that name. If a racist hopped into my thread and start spewing racial slurs I would call him or her on it. What they do in other threads isn't my business because I'm not a moderator or a hall monitor.

But one thing you will note about me: I have NEVER used the "n" word even when joking around or trying to make some off-the-wall point like PMS did.

You still haven't addressed the OP. Not even once so I can only conclude that you're specifically here to cause a disruption.
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I see. It's okay to use that word under certain circumstances. Got it. And I live by a double standard?

How is it a double standard? It is not a forbidden word.

But talking about double standards...why are you so quick to call black racists but you won't call out white racists? You never answered my question I asked earlier in the you think Koshercunt, Matthew, Shitspeeders, Tank and their ilk are racists or not. Why don't you call them out but expect blacks to call out black racists?

Again ... you miss the point. I call folks (regardless of race) "racist" when they're quick to call others racist. You seem to be obsessed with calling folks that name. If a racist hopped into my thread and start spewing racial slurs I would call him or her on it. What they do in other threads isn't my business because I'm not a moderator or a hall monitor.
You have been in threads where people spew racial nonsense. It's not just slurs...its statements like saying all blacks are stupid or all blacks are imbeciles. Is that not racist in your mind?

But, please tell me who all I have called a racist outside of the Pussy Brigade that readily admit that they are racists? Who have I called a racist that is not a racist? Unlike those you tend to defend...I don't call people racists for simply disagreeing with me. Hell, last night, I was called a racist for supposedly not condemning Al Sharpton (although I did). YOU called me a racist today because i didn't buy into your thread. Talk about a double standard.
But one thing you will note about me: I have NEVER used the "n" word even when joking around or trying to make some off-the-wall point like PMS did.
Good, I hope it is because you find it to be an offensive word as opposed to being a banned word that could define you.
You still haven't addressed the OP. Not even once so I can only conclude that you're specifically here to cause a disruption.

I did, you are not paying attention or I just didn't answer it to your liking. I guess I am a racist!
Well, aren't those ******* really stupid for not voting for you? I mean, they vote to stay down on the plantation right? Damn those are stupid ******* eh?

Hey Nutz. What do you think about PMS calling blacks the "n" word? No outcry?
I do call them *******, and so do you and the rest of the GOP. The only difference is, I'm honest about it.

I say non-blacks should be allowed to publicly refer to other non-blacks as *******. And if blacks call non-blacks ******* they should be ostracized and lose their jobs. That would be fair. What do you say, ******?
I will only say that blacks need to help themselves. Can't expect anyone to do it for them.....
Nobody can blame whites for these videos. Nobody can blame conservatives for these videos. Nobody can blame Republicans for these videos. Nobody can blame anybody but black liberals for these videos.

Broke Party: Inner-City Blacks Abandoning Obama & Democrat's Liberal Agenda - YouTube

2014 State of the Union Address- A Black Grassroots Response - YouTube

Can't you see that all the black people on these videos were misquoted by despicable racist white scum?
Nutz opined:

"Black people are not monolithic in thought."

Well, maybe not in thought, but if you don't call voting 90+% monolithic, you need a new dictionary to learn the meaning of the word.
Fuck them if they voted for Obama for President and double fuck them if they voted for Rahm Emanuel for Mayor!
Are you really that idiotic? You COMPLETELY missed the point of the videos you ignorant bore. The blacks in Chicago were literally LIED to by your messiah and they're aren't happy about it. They aren't happy with their local, black leaders either. They're angry for having been taken advantage of and lied to and neglected by the very people who claimed to be their champions. So you ignorant ass, why don't you watch the videos before further making yourself look like a total fool.

So the point of the OP is that you can't blame anyone but liberal blacks for making their constituents so angry and disappointed.

Did you expect anything other than the usual deflection? And those liberals are so quick to use the "n" word. What's up with that?

All Americans should be upset for the same reasons. Our government is supposed to serve all of us and they should have limited powers over the people.

Problem is that government is corrupt as hell. They don't think there are any limits on what they can do to us and they serve themselves.

They also separate people into groups and promise each group different things, all the while pitting each group against the others. No wonder some groups thought that their needs would be specifically addressed. This whole grouping of people needs to stop.

The government serves American citizens. Period. They are not elected by or intended to serve anyone other than citizens.

The reason many are upset is because the problems have only gotten worse. The administration can claim whatever it wants, but ultimately people will judge based on their own circumstances and if things haven't changed, they will be unhappy.

The Dems are focusing on all the wrong things. They have spent more time on amnesty for illegals, social issues and even bitching about the Redskins than they have on the jobs they were elected to do.

They have passed countless new laws in order to control us, yet the economy still sucks, unemployment is still high, veterans have been ignored, the elderly have been ignored and the tax payers have been squeezed to death. What good has any of them done in the last few years?

We have a disaster of a health care law. The policies pushed by the Dems are job killing, tax raising clusterfucks. The EPA is creating oppressive laws that increase prices of energy. Foreign policy is a joke.

Every American has reason to be upset, unless they are in government or one of the wealthy 1% in bed with government. The rest of us are fucked. The video in the OP just mirrors the rest of the country. Unless you're happy with your welfare check and Obamaphone or you don't mind paying more for everything and paying more taxes on top of that, there is no reason to approve of the current government.

I agree. The main point I'm trying to get across is that Liberals (in general) are constantly and routinely stating that Conservative ideals like the free market; personal responsibility; entrepreneurship; job creation; lower taxes; etc. are oppressive and are meant to keep the black man "down." So, theoretically, when conservatism is completely removed from the equation then Liberalism should flourish and the poverty class should find themselves living in a perfect nirvana. The video reflects just the opposite.
For all intents and purposes, conservatism is completely removed in Chicago.
Did you expect anything other than the usual deflection? And those liberals are so quick to use the "n" word. What's up with that?

Well, aren't those ******* really stupid for not voting for you? I mean, they vote to stay down on the plantation right? Damn those are stupid ******* eh?

Hey Nutz. What do you think about PMS calling blacks the "n" word? No outcry?
save your outrage. Blacks donT mind being referred to as ******* by liberals.

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