Chicago Catholic Democrat Bubble Bursting

Yes, he's a maxist because he doesn't believe in tricke down (and no one else does either beyond the RW) and he believes govt has a valid role in making sure the winners don't avoid any social responsibility. Oh wait, Obama's a kenyan socialist marxist... so maybe you got something here. LOL
Yes, he's a maxist because he doesn't believe in tricke down (and no one else does either beyond the RW) and he believes govt has a valid role in making sure the winners don't avoid any social responsibility. Oh wait, Obama's a kenyan socialist marxist... so maybe you got something here. LOL

NO....the Pope made it quite clear he does NOT support Marxism...

(CNN)– Pope Francis responded to critics who call his stance on capitalism Marxist, saying in a new interview that the political and economic philosophy is flat "wrong."
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Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck are calling the Pope a marxist. So the Right is working hard to alienate the Catholics.

He is a marxist.

Try crawling out from under your rock once in while

He is NOT.

He is actually anti liberation theology.

He simply is not speaking about the realities of the first world, but mostly about the third - and those realities differ a lot from what is the first and even used to be the second world.

It also helps to read the actual writings of the Pope HIMSELF not a leftard's reporter interpretations of it.

Here is the ORIGINAL. Find there ANY "critique of capitalism" :D
Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck are calling the Pope a marxist. So the Right is working hard to alienate the Catholics.

He is a marxist.

Try crawling out from under your rock once in while


You don't know much..... Actually, you are just another ignorant fucking libturd scumbag.

Study up on the 'Liberation Theology' movement inside the Catholic Church.

Stupid fucking moron
Yes, he's a maxist because he doesn't believe in tricke down (and no one else does either beyond the RW) and he believes govt has a valid role in making sure the winners don't avoid any social responsibility. Oh wait, Obama's a kenyan socialist marxist... so maybe you got something here. LOL

there is link to the Pope's article himself.

Please show me where he is criticizing trickle down economics and other leftard's BS points.

Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck are calling the Pope a marxist. So the Right is working hard to alienate the Catholics.

He is a marxist.

Try crawling out from under your rock once in while

He is NOT.

He is actually anti liberation theology.

He simply is not speaking about the realities of the first world, but mostly about the third - and those realities differ a lot from what is the first and even used to be the second world.

It also helps to read the actual writings of the Pope HIMSELF not a leftard's reporter interpretations of it.

Here is the ORIGINAL. Find there ANY "critique of capitalism" :D

No, he is NOT anti LT. No way.

Calling him a marxist is inaccurate but he is a socialist. THAT is certain.

Read this -- CNS STORY: Under Pope Francis, liberation theology comes of age
I was actually always amazed at this idiotic tradition that Catholics in the US HAVE TO be dimocraps. same is pertinent for Jews. Dimocraps, especially today are the worst enemies for ones and the others.
I can't speak for anywhere else, but, in Chicago, if you were Irish, or Polish, or Italian, or, to a lesser extent, Bohemian or German or French, then, chances are, you were Catholic.

And, as such immigrants, or as the early 1st or 2nd or 3rd-generation descendants of those such immigrants, chances are, you were still Catholic.

It was only when White Flight occurred during the 1940s and 1950s and into the 1960s, that those 3rd (and 4th) -generation descendants of those immigrants started abandoning the City and fleeing to the White Suburbs, or even elsewhere in the country, that Chicago began to lose its largely 'Catholic' flavor, and that was a long time in materializing.

Chicago stayed a City of European Immigrants - and mostly Catholic - and mostly pro-Labor (Unions) - well into the modern era and well into the range of Still-Living Memory.

All of those parameters added up to most Catholics (and others) being Democrat, in the City of Chicago.

A century of dominance by the Democratic Machine of Chicago set that into stone.

In the period 1890-1990 -ish, there were a couple of Republican Mayors, but none since Big Bill Thompson of the Al Capone / Prohibition Era, whose term ended in 1933.

Back in the most corrupt days of Chicago Democrat Machine politics, in the 1940s and 1950s, there was a well-known and running joke about Republicans running for office in the City of Chicago - recorded, anecdotally, in Mike Royko's biography of King Richard I (the first Mayor Daley)...


...relating, I seem to recall, the position of one of the rascals of the Chicago Democratic Central Committee of that era (Paddy [Bauer?] somebody), and the maxim went something like...

"Oh, sure, down at the Election Commission, of course we allow Republicans to run, if they can drum-up the signatures. We take all those Republican petitions to get on the ballot, we throw 'em up at the ceiling, and those that stick, well.. those are good, and we count those."

Things may not be quite as bad as that nowadays, but it gives outsiders an idea of just how pervasive and controlling and domineering the Democratic Party is in Chicago, and you can be sure that there are still some strong vestigial traces of such formidable influence still extant and still operative in Chicago politics.

Chicago going Republican?

Right after Geraldo Rivera finds Al Capone's treasure vault!

Things change, of course, and anything is possible, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
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He is a marxist.

Try crawling out from under your rock once in while

He is NOT.

He is actually anti liberation theology.

He simply is not speaking about the realities of the first world, but mostly about the third - and those realities differ a lot from what is the first and even used to be the second world.

It also helps to read the actual writings of the Pope HIMSELF not a leftard's reporter interpretations of it.

Here is the ORIGINAL. Find there ANY "critique of capitalism" :D

No, he is NOT anti LT. No way.

Calling him a marxist is inaccurate but he is a socialist. THAT is certain.

Read this -- CNS STORY: Under Pope Francis, liberation theology comes of age

No, he is not. never was, never will be.
An opinion piece in the CNS has the same validity as the other opinion piece:

Vatican analyst: Pope distanced himself from liberation theology :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)
Pope distanced himself from liberation theology
During a meeting on Monday with priests from the Diocese of Rome, Pope Francis reportedly suggested that he does not support the version of liberation theology represented by Peruvian priest Father Gustavo Gutierrez.

and this analysis is even better:

Pope Francis: Espousing A Peronist Rather Than A Marxist Liberation Theology? - Forbes

When I came back to the Roman Catholic Church, around 1975, so-called Liberation Theology was very popular in my native Argentina. Even the elite Catholic high schools were using the Latin American Bible for their classes. This Bible, produced by Liberation Theologians, had pictures of Cuba as the “promised land” and guerrillas as the new evangelists. I covered my ears during most of the sermons to avoid listening to the politicized comments. At the time, Pope Francis was a respected 40-year-old Jesuit known as Jorge Mario Bergoglio. He never embraced the Marxist version, but he did accept some aspects of Liberation Theology.
I was actually always amazed at this idiotic tradition that Catholics in the US HAVE TO be dimocraps. same is pertinent for Jews. Dimocraps, especially today are the worst enemies for ones and the others.
can't speak for anywhere else, but, in Chicago, if you were Irish, or Polish, or Italian, or, to a lesser extent, Bohemian or German or French, then, chances are, you were Catholic.

And, as such immigrants, or as the early 1st or 2nd or 3rd-generation descendants of those such immigrants, chances are, you were still Catholic.

It was only when White Flight occurred during the 1940s and 1950s and into the 1960s, that those 3rd (and 4th) -generation descendants of those immigrants started abandoning the City and fleeing to the White Suburbs, or even elsewhere in the country.

Chicago stayed a City of European Immigrants - and mostly Catholic - and mostly pro-Labor (Unions) - well into the modern era and well into the range of Still-Living Memory.

All of those parameters added up to Democrat, in the City of Chicago.

A century of dominance by the Democratic Machine of Chicago set that into stone.

In the period 1890-1990 -ish, there were a couple of Republican Mayors, but none since Big Bill Thompson of the Al Capone / Prohibition Era, whose term ended in 1933.

Back in the most corrupt days of Chicago Democrat Machine politics, in the 1940s and 1950s, there was a well-known and running joke about Republicans running for office in the City of Chicago - recorded, anecdotally, in Mike Royko's biography of King Richard I (the first Mayor Daley)...[/

.relating, I seem to recall, the position of one of the rascals of the Chicago Democratic Central Committee of that era (Paddy [Bauer?] somebody), and the maxim went something like...

"Oh, sure, down at the Election Commission, of course we allow Republicans to run, if they can drum-up the signatures. We take all those Republican petitions to get on the ballot, we throw 'em up at the ceiling, and those that stick, well.. those are good, and we count those."

Things may not be quite as bad as that nowadays, but it gives outsiders an idea of just how pervasive and controlling and domineering the Democratic Party is in Chicago, and you can be sure that there are still some strong vestigial traces of such formidable influence still extant and still operative in Chicago politics.

Chicago going Republican?

Right after Geraldo finds Al Capone's treasure value! [/SIZE]

Things change, of course, and anything is possible, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

which only proves that people voting this way or the other way "because my parents did" is an example of extreme idiocy of the brainless sheeple.
will Chicagoans turn toward the Republican party or will the Democrats continue to stampede over their long-held beliefs and end in disaster as Cardinal George imagines...once the liberal mask disappears....?

Catholics in America, particularly in the cities, ignore their ecclesiastical suggestions about voting. Mormons used to, but not so much now. Evangelicals don't have a clue, just pull the conservative lever regardless of party.
He is NOT.

He is actually anti liberation theology.

He simply is not speaking about the realities of the first world, but mostly about the third - and those realities differ a lot from what is the first and even used to be the second world.

It also helps to read the actual writings of the Pope HIMSELF not a leftard's reporter interpretations of it.

Here is the ORIGINAL. Find there ANY "critique of capitalism" :D

No, he is NOT anti LT. No way.

Calling him a marxist is inaccurate but he is a socialist. THAT is certain.

Read this -- CNS STORY: Under Pope Francis, liberation theology comes of age

No, he is not. never was, never will be.
An opinion piece in the CNS has the same validity as the other opinion piece:

Vatican analyst: Pope distanced himself from liberation theology :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)
Pope distanced himself from liberation theology
During a meeting on Monday with priests from the Diocese of Rome, Pope Francis reportedly suggested that he does not support the version of liberation theology represented by Peruvian priest Father Gustavo Gutierrez.

and this analysis is even better:

Pope Francis: Espousing A Peronist Rather Than A Marxist Liberation Theology? - Forbes

When I came back to the Roman Catholic Church, around 1975, so-called Liberation Theology was very popular in my native Argentina. Even the elite Catholic high schools were using the Latin American Bible for their classes. This Bible, produced by Liberation Theologians, had pictures of Cuba as the “promised land” and guerrillas as the new evangelists. I covered my ears during most of the sermons to avoid listening to the politicized comments. At the time, Pope Francis was a respected 40-year-old Jesuit known as Jorge Mario Bergoglio. He never embraced the Marxist version, but he did accept some aspects of Liberation Theology.

one would think it pretty natural for a Pope or anyone from either Europe or a South American country to have some tendencies toward socialism/LT.....however that does not mean the Pope is promoting those types of economic theories over capitalism....
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No, he is NOT anti LT. No way.

Calling him a marxist is inaccurate but he is a socialist. THAT is certain.

Read this -- CNS STORY: Under Pope Francis, liberation theology comes of age

No, he is not. never was, never will be.
An opinion piece in the CNS has the same validity as the other opinion piece:

Vatican analyst: Pope distanced himself from liberation theology :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)
Pope distanced himself from liberation theology
During a meeting on Monday with priests from the Diocese of Rome, Pope Francis reportedly suggested that he does not support the version of liberation theology represented by Peruvian priest Father Gustavo Gutierrez.

and this analysis is even better:

Pope Francis: Espousing A Peronist Rather Than A Marxist Liberation Theology? - Forbes

When I came back to the Roman Catholic Church, around 1975, so-called Liberation Theology was very popular in my native Argentina. Even the elite Catholic high schools were using the Latin American Bible for their classes. This Bible, produced by Liberation Theologians, had pictures of Cuba as the “promised land” and guerrillas as the new evangelists. I covered my ears during most of the sermons to avoid listening to the politicized comments. At the time, Pope Francis was a respected 40-year-old Jesuit known as Jorge Mario Bergoglio. He never embraced the Marxist version, but he did accept some aspects of Liberation Theology.

one would think it pretty natural for a Pope or anyone from either Europe or a South American country to have some tendencies toward socialism/LT.....however that does not mean the Pope is promoting those types of economic theories over capitalism....

well, actually European Popes were all anti socialist - all of them and the two last ones specifically.
The Pope who has been living in the third world country for his whole life will, obviously, refer to the realities of that world.

And it is absolutely different from the first one.
Their poor ARE actually POOR and often they ARE excluded from the possibilities to make their life better, unlike the "poor" in this country.
Latin America and third world has a big problem of government corruption, which we just start to have a taste of with obama administration and his defiance of the Constitution and the laws - but in those countries it has been that way for decades.

therefore immediate application of whatever this Pope says to the American leftard agenda is laughable and simply shows how those brainless idiots can be directed any way you want to - because they do not THINK, they just react by Pavlov's reflexes :D
The far right reactionaries hate the poor is the answer, unfortunately.
No, he is not. never was, never will be.
An opinion piece in the CNS has the same validity as the other opinion piece:

Vatican analyst: Pope distanced himself from liberation theology :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)
Pope distanced himself from liberation theology
During a meeting on Monday with priests from the Diocese of Rome, Pope Francis reportedly suggested that he does not support the version of liberation theology represented by Peruvian priest Father Gustavo Gutierrez.

and this analysis is even better:

Pope Francis: Espousing A Peronist Rather Than A Marxist Liberation Theology? - Forbes

When I came back to the Roman Catholic Church, around 1975, so-called Liberation Theology was very popular in my native Argentina. Even the elite Catholic high schools were using the Latin American Bible for their classes. This Bible, produced by Liberation Theologians, had pictures of Cuba as the “promised land” and guerrillas as the new evangelists. I covered my ears during most of the sermons to avoid listening to the politicized comments. At the time, Pope Francis was a respected 40-year-old Jesuit known as Jorge Mario Bergoglio. He never embraced the Marxist version, but he did accept some aspects of Liberation Theology.

one would think it pretty natural for a Pope or anyone from either Europe or a South American country to have some tendencies toward socialism/LT.....however that does not mean the Pope is promoting those types of economic theories over capitalism....

well, actually European Popes were all anti socialist - all of them and the two last ones specifically.
The Pope who has been living in the third world country for his whole life will, obviously, refer to the realities of that world.

And it is absolutely different from the first one.
Their poor ARE actually POOR and often they ARE excluded from the possibilities to make their life better, unlike the "poor" in this country.
Latin America and third world has a big problem of government corruption, which we just start to have a taste of with obama administration and his defiance of the Constitution and the laws - but in those countries it has been that way for decades.

therefore immediate application of whatever this Pope says to the American leftard agenda is laughable and simply shows how those brainless idiots can be directed any way you want to - because they do not THINK, they just react by Pavlov's reflexes :D

yes for most liberals but for the media liberals it is quite intentional...
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And far left moonbats like yourself won't be content until everyone is poor and on public assistance...

You are not mainstream GOP while I am.

You can't hide your reactionary grinchiness, soggy.

Gee, really? Do elaborate.... tell me what kind of a person I really am.

Look in the mirror and own your inner Grinch. And you whine about name-calling? Really?

Back to the OP: Catholics are not concerned about the Cardinal's politics.
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