Chicago Catholic Democrat Bubble Bursting

The Pope is anti-marxism.

The Church is critical of the Left's position on abortion.

The Church is critical of the Right's position on immigration reform.

I find it rather amusing that the left wing TIME magazine made the Pope Man of the Year. He is solidly anti-abortion and the day he will allow a gay marriage in the Catholic Church is never. Those are not left wing goals.

I think Rush and the gang are wrong to call him a Marxist. What I got from his message is he is against unregulated capitalism, and most right wingers I know agree with that position. He also criticized the centralization of power in the Catholic Church, which certainly means he should see the same problem with the centralization of power in the government.

I am not a Catholic, but that is my take on the Pope.
one would think it pretty natural for a Pope or anyone from either Europe or a South American country to have some tendencies toward socialism/LT.....however that does not mean the Pope is promoting those types of economic theories over capitalism....

well, actually European Popes were all anti socialist - all of them and the two last ones specifically.
The Pope who has been living in the third world country for his whole life will, obviously, refer to the realities of that world.

And it is absolutely different from the first one.
Their poor ARE actually POOR and often they ARE excluded from the possibilities to make their life better, unlike the "poor" in this country.
Latin America and third world has a big problem of government corruption, which we just start to have a taste of with obama administration and his defiance of the Constitution and the laws - but in those countries it has been that way for decades.

therefore immediate application of whatever this Pope says to the American leftard agenda is laughable and simply shows how those brainless idiots can be directed any way you want to - because they do not THINK, they just react by Pavlov's reflexes :D

yes for most liberals but for the media liberals it is quite intentional...

of course. that is how this all lie about "pope criticizing capitalism" started.

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