Chicago democrats…supporting gun crime again…they end police foot pursuits…what could go wrong?

Not familiar with tha case. On quickly skimming the Wikipedia article on him, it looks like a tragic failure of communication between him and the officer. He had informed the officer that he was legally carrying a weapon, and being instructed not to reach for it, he acted in a manner that let the officer to think he was reaching for it. A tragic case, to be sure, but whatever point you thought you were trying to make by citing, it, it does not seem to support.

Your point was that black people can legally own guns just like white people under the Militia Amendment...

But here was a black man, with a legal gun, cooperating with the police, being gunned down by a cop and the cop was not held responsible.

Silly Darkies. Rights are for White People.
Oh, bullshit, you are ignoring the obvious.

Europe doesn't have a high crime rate because they don't let average citizens own guns. Period, full stop.

They have nowhere near the problems we have. When they rebuilt their societies after WWII, they used liberal models, with New Deal Democrats showing them how... So while they've pulled ahead, we've fallen behind rehashing the same bad Republican ideas.

No, I got them from defending the country...

The Army pretty much discourages marriage... for good reason. Do you know what the divorce rate is for active duty people?

Can you name ONE COUNTRY any time in history that has executed a woman for having an abortion? Because if this was "proper justice", you would think somewhere in the world, that would have happened.

The only Country that executed people for PERFORMING Abortions was Nazi Germany and its puppet states like Vichy France.

Europe doesn't have a high crime rate because they don't let average citizens own guns. Period, full stop.

You are ignoring the actual evidence that before they banned and confiscated guns, they had low crime rates and low gun crime rates...after they banned guns it remained the same, but is now a growing the facts don't support what you say....

Then, throw in 27 years of American experience and your theory completely falls apart..

Over 27 years, from 1993 to the year 2015, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2019 (in 2020 that number is 21.52 million)...guess what happened...

New Concealed Carry Report For 2020: 19.48 Million Permit Holders, 820,000 More Than Last Year despite many states shutting down issuing permits because of the Coronavirus - Crime Prevention Research Center

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

This means that access to guns does not create gun crime........

Why do our democrat party controlled cities have gun crime problems?

What changed in 2015?

The democrat party did 3 things...

1) they began a war on the police that forced officers to stop pro active police work, allowing criminals to run wild.

2) they began to release the most violent and dangerous gun offenders over and over again, not matter how many times they had been arrested for gun crimes

3) they used their brown shirts, blm/antifa to burn, loot and murder for 7 months in primarily black neighborhoods while the democrat party mayors ordered the police to stand down and not stop order to hurt Trump during the election.
Oh, bullshit, you are ignoring the obvious.

Europe doesn't have a high crime rate because they don't let average citizens own guns. Period, full stop.

They have nowhere near the problems we have. When they rebuilt their societies after WWII, they used liberal models, with New Deal Democrats showing them how... So while they've pulled ahead, we've fallen behind rehashing the same bad Republican ideas.

No, I got them from defending the country...

The Army pretty much discourages marriage... for good reason. Do you know what the divorce rate is for active duty people?

Can you name ONE COUNTRY any time in history that has executed a woman for having an abortion? Because if this was "proper justice", you would think somewhere in the world, that would have happened.

The only Country that executed people for PERFORMING Abortions was Nazi Germany and its puppet states like Vichy France.

The reason they have been able to hobble along as long as they have is the United States pays for their military protection......if the U.S. and our guns were not on the Continent, they would have started killing each other again, and they would likely be speaking Russian....

We pay for their protection, so they have been able to spend all of their money on their welfare states...which are now no longer able to afford paying for their benefits anymore....without American medical technology and research, they wouldn't have modern medical procedures or techniques, and without the U.S. paying for everything over there, they wouldn't have the technological cell phones....

Europe is the millennials living in the basement of the U.S. playing video games all day long while we keep the world safe....
You are ignoring the actual evidence that before they banned and confiscated guns, they had low crime rates and low gun crime rates...after they banned guns it remained the same, but is now a growing the facts don't support what you say....

Nope. The fact is that they don't let average citizens own guns and have low crime rates despite lack of belief in sky pixies, high illegitimacy, etc.

The only different factor is... guns.

The reason they have been able to hobble along as long as they have is the United States pays for their military protection......if the U.S. and our guns were not on the Continent, they would have started killing each other again, and they would likely be speaking Russian....

Wow, what an inflated opinion of ourselves you have.

Turns out the Evil Empire was a collection of third world countries. They were smart not to bankrupt themselves buying $600.00 toilet seats.
But here was a black man, with a legal gun, cooperating with the police, being gunned down by a cop and the cop was not held responsible.

From what accounts I was able to find, he was doing a poor job of cooperating. It seems that he likely meant to cooperate, but failed to do so in a manner as to avoid giving the officer good reason to fear that he was reaching for his gun.

He didn't die because he was black. He died because he was a dumbass. A white man in exactly the same position, behaving in exactly the same manner, would surely have ended up just as dead.
Nope. The fact is that they don't let average citizens own guns and have low crime rates despite lack of belief in sky pixies, high illegitimacy, etc.

The only different factor is... guns.

Wow, what an inflated opinion of ourselves you have.

Turns out the Evil Empire was a collection of third world countries. They were smart not to bankrupt themselves buying $600.00 toilet seats.

Nope.....average citizens don't use their guns for crime, you moron, so taking guns away from them doesn't lower the crime rate, you idiot.........and yet the criminals on the Continent use fully automatic military rifles as their choice of crime do you explain that? And what about the grenades they like to throw at each other......
From what accounts I was able to find, he was doing a poor job of cooperating. It seems that he likely meant to cooperate, but failed to do so in a manner as to avoid giving the officer good reason to fear that he was reaching for his gun.

He didn't die because he was black. He died because he was a dumbass. A white man in exactly the same position, behaving in exactly the same manner, would surely have ended up just as dead.

Get real, Bob... the man was cooperating, informed the officer he had a gun, and the cop shot him.

A white man in the same position NEVER would have been shot.

Nope.....average citizens don't use their guns for crime, you moron, so taking guns away from them doesn't lower the crime rate, you idiot.........and yet the criminals on the Continent use fully automatic military rifles as their choice of crime do you explain that? And what about the grenades they like to throw at each other......

Most murders are domestic violence. You already know this.
Get real, Bob... the man was cooperating, informed the officer he had a gun, and the cop shot him.

A white man in the same position NEVER would have been shot.

More whites are killed by police than blacks, you doofus.
More whites are killed by police than blacks, you doofus.

we are 70% of the population... I would hope so. Not that the police should be killing ANYONE, but when you have a gun-happy country like we have, you are going to have cops kill someone because they whipped out a gun or they might whip out a gun.

For instance, US Cops shoot 1000 suspects a year. Compare that to the UK, (which despite your dystopian claims, have nowhere near our crime rates.) where the police kill less than 5 people a year. Of those, 300 or so are black, even though blacks are only 12% of the population. Blacks are also more likely to be shot if they are unarmed or if they are cooperating like Mr. Castille was.
we are 70% of the population... I would hope so. Not that the police should be killing ANYONE, but when you have a gun-happy country like we have, you are going to have cops kill someone because they whipped out a gun or they might whip out a gun.

For instance, US Cops shoot 1000 suspects a year. Compare that to the UK, (which despite your dystopian claims, have nowhere near our crime rates.) where the police kill less than 5 people a year. Of those, 300 or so are black, even though blacks are only 12% of the population. Blacks are also more likely to be shot if they are unarmed or if they are cooperating like Mr. Castille was.

Yeah.....the criminals in Britain used to respect the British police......that isn't the way it is now and it is getting worse.....assaults against British officers are increasing, and with that you will eventually see more and more violence going both ways...
Yeah.....the criminals in Britain used to respect the British police......that isn't the way it is now and it is getting worse.....assaults against British officers are increasing, and with that you will eventually see more and more violence going both ways...

You've been singing this song for a decade, DickTiny.

The Brits have nowhere near our level of crime because they don't let any idiot who wants a gun have one.
You've been singing this song for a decade, DickTiny.

The Brits have nowhere near our level of crime because they don't let any idiot who wants a gun have one.

Their criminals have all the guns they want and they are getting more...up to this point they have been shooting to wound, not kill...that is changing..
Their criminals have all the guns they want and they are getting more...up to this point they have been shooting to wound, not kill...that is changing..

Of course they are getting more... the gun industry is practically handing them out.
Hey, 2AGuy, another second amendment purist shot up six people in Highland Park today.

Keep up the good work.
Hey, 2AGuy, another second amendment purist shot up six people in Highland Park today.

Keep up the good work.

You are speaking too soon.........we'll get back to this when they Id the shooter.....
You are speaking too soon.........we'll get back to this when they Id the shooter.....

I can already tell you, we'll find out two things about this guy.

1) Everyone in his life knew he was nuts.

2) IT was still way too easy for him to get a gun.
I can already tell you, we'll find out two things about this guy.

1) Everyone in his life knew he was nuts.

2) IT was still way too easy for him to get a gun.

He will be known to the police, and they will have done nothing....

He will be known to his school....and they did nothing....

His friends and family knew he was nuts, and did nothing.....

Since you god, government, did arrests, no mental health stays......he won't have had a record that would have popped on the federally mandated background check.....

So no, it won't have been easy for him to get a god simply failed.....

That is how it might go down...

But again, we will see...the above types don't tend to run away.....they kill themselves....we will see if this was a politically motivated shooting.

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