Chicago Negroes Think Obama "WORST PRESIDENT EVER"

How do they not "seem Black"? How do you think "Blacks" are supposed to act , so they fit your criteria of "seeming Black"?

How is it weird to you?

What is "jump up Black"?

Are you the resident "black" expert, dingbat?

He is also a moron who has been brainwashed into thinking the French revolution and American revolution were similar.

The French revolution is to the Occupy Wall Street movement, and the American revolution is more related to the Tea Party.

There, I just gave a better perspective. I always find it funny how the scumbags on the left praise the French revolution, as though it was anything to celebrate.

Here's my challenge to you, moron:

Provide a post of mine where I stated what you just said that I stated? :popcorn:
Are you the resident "black" expert, dingbat?

He is also a moron who has been brainwashed into thinking the French revolution and American revolution were similar.

The French revolution is to the Occupy Wall Street movement, and the American revolution is more related to the Tea Party.

There, I just gave a better perspective. I always find it funny how the scumbags on the left praise the French revolution, as though it was anything to celebrate.

Here's my challenge to you, moron:

Provide a post of mine where I stated what you just said that I stated? :popcorn:

Your stupid signature.
Blacks should've gotten a clue when Obie did more for the gay agenda then their agenda.

How would you have felt is he did something solely for "The Blacks"??? I remember when some people were having a heart attack when President Obama supported:

Obama Adminstration to Launch 'My Brother's Keeper' to Help Minority Men | InTheCapital

Were you happy or sad about the above initiative?

I believe these particular blackS are pissed becuase Obama's has done everything solely for illegals. Do you understand now, stupid? Or, do you need it dumbed-down more?

LOL, you do a good job of that with your posts. Is the "My Brother's Keeper" initiative solely for "illegals"? What has President Obama allegedly done "solely for the illegals"?
Lol, liberals get the first black president elected, to bad he is an idiot. Just think if democrats lose one quarter of the black vote they are in trouble. The sweet part is they did it all on their own. so liberals you got two more years of Obama's screw ups to make excuses for. Keep it up, lets see how many more democrat voters you can lose! Lol I guess all those black people in the video are uncle Tom's all of a sudden?
He is also a moron who has been brainwashed into thinking the French revolution and American revolution were similar.

The French revolution is to the Occupy Wall Street movement, and the American revolution is more related to the Tea Party.

There, I just gave a better perspective. I always find it funny how the scumbags on the left praise the French revolution, as though it was anything to celebrate.

Here's my challenge to you, moron:

Provide a post of mine where I stated what you just said that I stated? :popcorn:

Your stupid signature.

My signature was a quote regarding the definition of Liberalism. Where did I post such a thing? Secondly:

" Many Frenchmen found models for French social reform in American institutions. Lafayette was a pivotal figure in this enchantment with liberal ideals. In his library on the Rue de Bourbon, he displayed a picture frame, half of which contained the Declaration of Independence, and the other half empty. When asked about the empty half, Lafayette replied that it would hold the "French declaration of rights."[2]

Jefferson saw the stirrings of discontent with the established church and state as natural consequences of the example America had set in its state and federal constitutions. Even if Jefferson did not at first see America as the torchbearer of liberty to the world, his experience in France gradually convinced him of the world-ranging implications of the political creed he penned in the Declaration of Independence in 1776.[3] When the Bastille fell in 1789, Lafayette-recognizing the indebtedness of the French Revolution to Americans-sent the key of that prison to Washington. Jefferson, who had recently returned from France to become Secretary of State (Lafayette was at this farewell dinner in Paris), was actually more enthusiastic about the revolution than was France's minister to America, Jean Baptiste de Ternant. Jefferson thought the French experiment would confirm the American one and possibly spread to other parts of the world. When the National Assembly in France, conscious of the model offered by the Declaration of Independence, issued Lafayette's Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, it was supposed to be adaptable to any country. Jefferson's political advice at this time was to persuade Louis XVI to issue a charter of rights-a modest proposal that would have left the monarchy intact."
French Revolution « Thomas Jefferson?s Monticello

"The revolution which has been effected in France is of so wonderful a nature that the mind can hardly recognize the fact. If it ends as our last accounts to August 1st predict, that nation will be the most powerful and happy in Europe.

But I fear, though it has gone triumphantly through the first paroxysm [seizure], it is not the last it has to encounter before matters are finally settled. In a word, the revolution is of too great a magnitude to be effected in so short a space, and with the loss of so little blood.

The mortification of the king, the intrigues of the queen and the discontent of the princes and nobles, will foment divisions in the National Assembly, and they will unquestionably avail themselves of every faux pas in the formation of the constitution, if they do not give a more open, active opposition.

Great temperance, firmness, and foresight are necessary. To forbear [prevent] running from one extreme to another is no easy matter, and should this be the case… rocks and shelves, not visible at present, may wreck the vessel and give a higher-toned despotism than the one which existed before.

George Washington.

New York, October 13th 1789"
- See more at: George Washington's views on the French Revolution (1789)
Lol, liberals get the first black president elected, to bad he is an idiot. Just think if democrats lose one quarter of the black vote they are in trouble. The sweet part is they did it all on their own. so liberals you got two more years of Obama's screw ups to make excuses for. Keep it up, lets see how many more democrat voters you can lose! Lol I guess all those black people in the video are uncle Tom's all of a sudden?
The far right has been obstructionist since January 2009 and it is all BHO's fault?

America is on to that, far righties and libertarians. They don't like BHO much anymore but the majority certainly despises you guys.

If you don't want HRC, you better get behind a Bush or a Paul, because nobody else will get 40% of the vote against her, except maybe MR, who might get 45% if he were the candidate.
The far right has been obstructionist since January 2009 and it is all BHO's fault?

America is on to that, far righties and libertarians. They don't like BHO much anymore but the majority certainly despises you guys.

If you don't want HRC, you better get behind a Bush or a Paul, because nobody else will get 40% of the vote against her, except maybe MR, who might get 45% if he were the candidate.

Since 2009? You stupid fuck. Obama had a democratic senate and house.

You stupid ignorant moron.

You stupid piece of shit.
The far right has been obstructionist since January 2009 and it is all BHO's fault?

America is on to that, far righties and libertarians. They don't like BHO much anymore but the majority certainly despises you guys.

If you don't want HRC, you better get behind a Bush or a Paul, because nobody else will get 40% of the vote against her, except maybe MR, who might get 45% if he were the candidate.

Since 2009? You stupid fuck. Obama had a democratic senate and house.

You stupid ignorant moron.

You stupid piece of shit.

Dude, don't hold back now.

Chelsea is very funny when teamed with Dunham tho...

The far right has been obstructionist since January 2009 and it is all BHO's fault?

America is on to that, far righties and libertarians. They don't like BHO much anymore but the majority certainly despises you guys.

If you don't want HRC, you better get behind a Bush or a Paul, because nobody else will get 40% of the vote against her, except maybe MR, who might get 45% if he were the candidate.

Since 2009? You stupid fuck. Obama had a democratic senate and house.

You stupid ignorant moron.

You stupid piece of shit.

He also forgets that Reid has to sign off on all bills. He hasn't been doing his job either. Jake seems to forget that.
The far right has been obstructionist since January 2009 and it is all BHO's fault?

America is on to that, far righties and libertarians. They don't like BHO much anymore but the majority certainly despises you guys.

If you don't want HRC, you better get behind a Bush or a Paul, because nobody else will get 40% of the vote against her, except maybe MR, who might get 45% if he were the candidate.

Since 2009? You stupid fuck. Obama had a democratic senate and house.

You stupid ignorant moron.

You stupid piece of shit.

Never heard the word filibuster, you brain dead loon?
So that leaves uneducated tree-hugging pansy-assed Liberals on USMB that support him. Get out there and work harder, asswipes -

Obama slammed by black Chicago residents: 'Worst president ever' - Washington Times

Would that be all of Chicago's black population? Half of the population? A third? A dozen?

It's whatever the o/p and the delusional freaks at the wash times say. Lol

It's all good. If you have a pimp you can keep your pimp sister. I'll even send you a half empty EBT card and a 40 because Barack takes care of his peeps.

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