(Chickenshit) TRUMP's motorcade, to PLAY GOLF, REROUTED to AVOID KIDS PROTEST!

Obama would have done the same thing. It's a matter of security for the President. No Secret Service supervisor in his right mind would have a presidential motorcade pass through or near an angry mob.

Christ, have some sense.
HORSE-SHIT! Unless there is a known threat, those motorcades are NOT rerouted--his is down to a science now. Distance, time, traffic, exits, AF1, and even the HOSPITALS on call!

Those kids were NO danger!

Quit blowing smoke up our keyboards!!

Motorcades are rerouted if they think there might be a threat. It doesn't matter if you think they were no danger, the Secret Service will not take that chance.
And if the protectee says get me the fuck out of the way of those "filthy liberals"--I'm sure they will!

What does it matter? Liberals don't want Trump anywhere near them anyway.
he usually takes the same route every time because it's lined with trumptards applauding his cheetoness.

Boy - the Bridge Brigade was no doubt bummed!

All 6 or is it 7 of them?

Let's don't sell them short - I count ten and believe that's the usual group.

Orange Foolius took them on a tour of Mar-a-Lago once and served up "a" meatball, fruit and cookie.

President Trump gives 'bridge people' a tour of Mar-a-Lago | Daily Mail Online
This man is a chickenshit WUSS! Every kid out there has more courage, particularly MORAL courage than this human excrement. Their town, their citizen, and he's too CHICKENSHIT to drive by??

Trump's motorcade changes routed amid Florida protests
BY MAX GREENWOOD - 03/24/18 02:56 PM EDT 325

© Getty Images
President Trump's motorcade was diverted in West Palm Beach, Fla., on Saturday, suggesting that the White House could be seeking to avoid protesters gathered along a route typically taken by the president.

The route change came as hundreds of thousands of protesters gathered in cities across the country on Saturday for the "March for Our Lives," a series of demonstrations held to demand an end to gun violence.

While some of the largest protests took place in Washington, Chicago, New York and other major cities, it was one in West Palm Beach that appeared best positioned to get Trump's attention.

According to the South Florida Sun Sentinel, protesters planned to march along a route usually taken by the president to his Trump International Golf Club. Trump is visiting his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach.

A White House press pool report detailed how the president's motorcade diverted from its normal route on Saturday, and instead took a longer path.

It wasn't immediately clear whether the route change was prompted by the protests.

The "March for Our Lives" was organized in response to a deadly shooting at a high school in Parkland, Fla., near Fort Lauderdale, that left 17 people dead and 14 others injured.

Since then, students from the school have led a nationwide call for stricter gun control laws.

Thats weird. Usually they prefer the president to take a route where he will be surrounded by mobs of people. :dunno:

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