Chief Justice Roberts Requests Tenth Circuit To Investigate Kavanaugh Ethics Questions

Too bad that:
  1. The Senate Judiciary hearings and all statements made therein were not a court of law and were not deciding any legal court case, therefore "judicial temperament" was both irrelevant and meaningless at that time.
The new communist court-hogging play is to make a bunch of baseless allegations against the nominee, get the nominee all pissed, then claim the nominee does not have the temperament.

I expect the useless GOP to return the favor the next time the commies are in control, which I hope is never.
I don't recall in my Legal Ethics classes over the years, the proper response to being called a child-molester and rapist. This silly inquiry is a sop to the radical left and will go exactly nowhere.

The response from Legal Academe should be a warning to the Country. Law schools have been taken over by anti-Constitutional Leftists. Which is why it is imperative that the appointment prerogatives be retained by people who respect the Constitution. 'Nuf said.
I don't recall in my Legal Ethics classes over the years, the proper response to being called a child-molester and rapist. This silly inquiry is a sop to the radical left and will go exactly nowhere.

The response from Legal Academe should be a warning to the Country. Law schools have been taken over by anti-Constitutional Leftists. Which is why it is imperative that the appointment prerogatives be retained by people who respect the Constitution. 'Nuf said.
Chicken DINNER!!!

If an angry response is disqualifying temperament, at least 80% of all judges and justices should be removed from the bench.

These law professors are commies, but giving them the benefit of the doubt, I can only conclude that they have never been in a courtroom or interacted with a judge.
Too bad that:
  1. The Senate Judiciary hearings and all statements made therein were not a court of law and were not deciding any legal court case, therefore "judicial temperament" was both irrelevant and meaningless at that time.
The new communist court-hogging play is to make a bunch of baseless allegations against the nominee, get the nominee all pissed, then claim the nominee does not have the temperament.

I expect the useless GOP to return the favor the next time the commies are in control, which I hope is never.

Interesting perspective you have: You label the Dems as "commies" but just remember; the GOP are the Russians.
The complaints were not made without legal basis. More than 2,400 law professors have determined that Kavanaugh has “displayed a lack of judicial temperament that would be disqualifying for any court.”
What a bunch of bullshit.

Law professors are a bunch of useless hacks that can't cut it in private practice, and can hardly be considered experts on judicial temperament. I would like to hear from other judges, justices, or practicing lawyers.
Like...say...the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court? How about a former Justice of the Supreme Court?
Like...say...the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?
Roberts acted appropriately in referring the matter to the 10th Circuit. I would consider them experts on temperament.

I was talking about the 2400 law professors complaining about temperament. Those ass clowns are not experts on judicial temperament.
Chief Justice Roberts Requests Tenth Circuit To Investigate Kavanaugh Ethics Questions

While the Republican leadership celebrates the seating of Brett Kavanaugh as a Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Chief Justice Roberts yesterday requested the Tenth Circuit to review more than twelve ethics complaints that have been made against Kavanaugh. The complaints concern Kavanaugh’s behavior at the Senate Judiciary Committee on September 27.

Judge Henderson dismissed some of the complaints made against Judge Kavanaugh as frivolous. But she concluded that more than a dozen complaints were substantive enough to warrant investigation by an impartial panel and that they should not be handled by Judge Kavanaugh’s fellow judges in the D.C. Circuit. She referred them to Chief Justice Roberts, who has now referred them to the 10th Circuit.

The complaints were not made without legal basis. More than 2,400 law professors have determined that Kavanaugh has “displayed a lack of judicial temperament that would be disqualifying for any court.”

Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens also stated that Judge Kavanaugh has demonstrated bias and is “not fit for the Supreme Court.” Former Justice Stevens, in remarks to retirees in Boca Raton, Fla, declared that Kavanaugh’s statements on September 27 revealed prejudices that would make it impossible for him to do the court’s work. “They suggest that he has demonstrated a potential bias involving enough potential litigants before the court that he would not be able to perform his full responsibilities.”
Great....Roberts is allowing the Democrats to continue to f* with Cavanaugh
More than 2,400 law professors have determined that Kavanaugh has “displayed a lack of judicial temperament that would be disqualifying for any court.” Former Justice Stevens, in remarks to retirees in Boca Raton, Fla, declared that Kavanaugh’s statements on September 27 revealed prejudices that would make it impossible for him to do the court’s work.

Too bad that:
  1. The Senate Judiciary hearings and all statements made therein were not a court of law and were not deciding any legal court case, therefore "judicial temperament" was both irrelevant and meaningless at that time.
  2. If Judge Stevens, a partisan, wants to declare Kavanaugh prejudiced and impossible for him to do his job, then let him first start with Ruth Ginsberg who has called the president a fake! Where is the outrage there?

You claim judicial temperament is irrelevant and meaningless in a Supreme Court confirmation hearing? I've seen lots of dumb right wing remarks, but that's about the dumbest I have ever seen.
The complaints were not made without legal basis. More than 2,400 law professors have determined that Kavanaugh has “displayed a lack of judicial temperament that would be disqualifying for any court.”
What a bunch of bullshit.

Law professors are a bunch of useless hacks that can't cut it in private practice, and can hardly be considered experts on judicial temperament. I would like to hear from other judges, justices, or practicing lawyers.
This is 100% true, I’m an L2, most of my profs couldn’t handle being normal they opted to “teach”. The few profs I’ve had who had who are either still practicing or have a lot of experience often talk about how the other profs teach a bunch of BS, and do not know what they are talking about (in a nicer way than that obviously). They often have a lot of SMH moments when another student says “professor such and such said this though.” Not all are hacks, but most are and the popular talking point they have going around these days is how the founder were idiots or didn’t realize what a mistake they made when making the constitution so hard to change (which they did so on purpose for people just like them).
Trump is famous for asking investigation to look the other way -

he did, they did and Kavanaugh pulled a chair out of his ass and took a seat.
Yet another feeble attempt by the Lefties to inflate a minor nothingburger into the Big Thing that will bring down the Trump Admin...proving once again that they fit the definition of insanity:

Doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result.
Like...say...the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?
Roberts acted appropriately in referring the matter to the 10th Circuit. I would consider them experts on temperament.

I was talking about the 2400 law professors complaining about temperament. Those ass clowns are not experts on judicial temperament.
A law professor is not an authority on judicial temperament. What a fascinatingly idiotic claim!
Interesting perspective you have: You label the Dems as "commies" but just remember; the GOP are the Russians.
If by "Russians" you mean a bunch of gutless, do-nothing, Jesus Nazis, then yes. The GOP are a bunch of Russians.

The Dems are commies. That is a FACT.

As we all know, Trump & the GOP have a 'Russia' problem which the severity of has yet to be determined
Russia: The 'cloud' over the White House

Ah, so now that your Kavanaugh onslaught failed you're defaulting back to Russia! Russia! Russia! now?


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