Chief Justice Roberts Requests Tenth Circuit To Investigate Kavanaugh Ethics Questions

The White House chef is serving salad with Russian Dressing today!

Yes. It was sent directly from Putin along with a thank you note to Trump for all his help. It also had a list of Trump's assignments for the coming week.

Keep up the lunacy!

Trump 2020 thanks you.

Great bumper sticker. You should go with that.
View attachment 221956

Shut up and give us a better alternative! You can't! Trump may be a wild man but I love his antics for how they drive you nuts. But at least he is getting good stuff done left and right. That's all that matters.

Your hate for liberals is more important than the good of the country. That has always been obvious.

Yes, but it is a well-earned hate. It took a lot of years and a lot of getting screwed by the Left for them to CREATE my hate to build it to the level it is. Donald Trump is the EMBODIMENT of that hate of mine and a hundred million others that are going to now give the Left the ass-screwing of their lives in return. Just wait for it.

Just wait for it.

You've never seen anything like it.

It is coming.
Chief Justice Roberts Requests Tenth Circuit To Investigate Kavanaugh Ethics Questions

While the Republican leadership celebrates the seating of Brett Kavanaugh as a Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Chief Justice Roberts yesterday requested the Tenth Circuit to review more than twelve ethics complaints that have been made against Kavanaugh. The complaints concern Kavanaugh’s behavior at the Senate Judiciary Committee on September 27.

Judge Henderson dismissed some of the complaints made against Judge Kavanaugh as frivolous. But she concluded that more than a dozen complaints were substantive enough to warrant investigation by an impartial panel and that they should not be handled by Judge Kavanaugh’s fellow judges in the D.C. Circuit. She referred them to Chief Justice Roberts, who has now referred them to the 10th Circuit.

The complaints were not made without legal basis. More than 2,400 law professors have determined that Kavanaugh has “displayed a lack of judicial temperament that would be disqualifying for any court.”

Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens also stated that Judge Kavanaugh has demonstrated bias and is “not fit for the Supreme Court.” Former Justice Stevens, in remarks to retirees in Boca Raton, Fla, declared that Kavanaugh’s statements on September 27 revealed prejudices that would make it impossible for him to do the court’s work. “They suggest that he has demonstrated a potential bias involving enough potential litigants before the court that he would not be able to perform his full responsibilities.”

So why is this coming up now, and not in the months of hearings leading up to the confirmation? The democrats who are opposed to kavanaugh, and are supposed to be advising and consenting, really really really dropped the ball on that part...that is, if this was a big of a deal as the media and OP are making it out to be. If the former is true, the left should really look at voting out the idiots they apparently put into place, because that’s a huge oversight.

OK; let me get this correct: YOU claim to be a law student, you crap all over law professors, YET you are asking us WHY in Hell didn't this get aired by the Democrats, "in the months of hearings leading up to the confirmation?"

I will give YOU a hint: it is in the first paragraph of the link provided within the OP.
QUOTE: The complaints concern Kavanaugh’s behavior at the Senate Judiciary Committee on September 27.

Did you get that? The complaints are in reference to Kavanaugh's behavior on September 27, 2018, before the Senate committee.

So, YOU claim to be a 'law student' & YOU do NOT even bother to read the FIRST PARAGRAPH of the attached link within the OP, ALL while YOU sit here & bitch about law professors?

God forbid ANYONE EVER have you represent them for so much as farting.

Did you even graduate high school?

You sound like the typical Trump supporter.
Too bad that:
  1. The Senate Judiciary hearings and all statements made therein were not a court of law and were not deciding any legal court case, therefore "judicial temperament" was both irrelevant and meaningless at that time.
  2. If Judge Stevens, a partisan, wants to declare Kavanaugh prejudiced and impossible for him to do his job, then let him first start with Ruth Ginsberg who has called the president a fake! Where is the outrage there?

You claim judicial temperament is irrelevant and meaningless in a Supreme Court confirmation hearing? I've seen lots of dumb right wing remarks, but that's about the dumbest I have ever seen.

No yours. For one thing, Kavanaugh's already proven judicial temperament in his TWENTY-SIX fucking years as a US Circuit judge and elsewhere! Second of all, the hearings were NOT a judicial process, much less one where Brett was being charged with deciding a judicial case. THIRD: he was addressing UNFOUNDED CHARGES OF RAPE, DRUGGING WOMEN, LASCIVIOUS BEHAVIOR AND SEXUAL ASSAULT while his wife and family were being attacked and threatened. See post 22. How should he respond? I think he comported himself beautifully --- far better than I bet any liberal judge would handle it. Of course, the GOP would never treat any judge so.

He should have responded as a mature adult. Not a petulant spoiled child.

The Democrats should have acted like mature adults instead of vindictive, angry, hateful partisans who said they would stop at nothing to block his confirmation even before the hearings began. My hat goes off to Brett for putting up with the attempted character assassination.

I suppose it's not his fault he was given the seat stolen from Garland.

Merrick Garland is a pussy name. Kinda like Bulldog. I bet both of you got beat up a lot in school. I would have called Garland "Mary." Fucking sissy. Probably wore white tape to hold his glasses together. We don't need any more pussies on the Supreme Court. Only real men like Scalia and Kavanaugh, etc. People who hunt and fish and drink . . . . and like girls. People who can relate to the real world.
The White House chef is serving salad with Russian Dressing today!

Yes. It was sent directly from Putin along with a thank you note to Trump for all his help. It also had a list of Trump's assignments for the coming week.

Keep up the lunacy!

Trump 2020 thanks you.

Great bumper sticker. You should go with that.
View attachment 221956

It's so reassuring to know that the Moonbats don't realize that their lunacy drives people to support Trump. Keep up keeping on!

Trump's base will support him no matter what. Fortunately, that base hasn't grown since his election. Still about a third of the country.

Trump's base is <20% of the total US population.
Will the ethics of the senate judiciary committee also be investigated. I beleive Kavanaugh to be much more ethical than the senators.
Yes. It was sent directly from Putin along with a thank you note to Trump for all his help. It also had a list of Trump's assignments for the coming week.

Keep up the lunacy!

Trump 2020 thanks you.

Great bumper sticker. You should go with that.
View attachment 221956

It's so reassuring to know that the Moonbats don't realize that their lunacy drives people to support Trump. Keep up keeping on!

Trump's base will support him no matter what. Fortunately, that base hasn't grown since his election. Still about a third of the country.

Trump's base is <20% of the total US population.

Stay complacent, bub. It's a good look for you.

In RealityLand, Activist Progs are 8% of the population. Traditional conservatives are 25%. The rest are traditional liberals, independents and moderate Republicans who are largely APPALLED by the Activist Prog 8%. I'd say "do the math", but I doubt you have the SKIILZ, so just enjoy knitting a new pussy hat(e) instead.
Interesting perspective you have: You label the Dems as "commies" but just remember; the GOP are the Russians.
If by "Russians" you mean a bunch of gutless, do-nothing, Jesus Nazis, then yes. The GOP are a bunch of Russians.

The Dems are commies. That is a FACT.

As we all know, Trump & the GOP have a 'Russia' problem which the severity of has yet to be determined
Russia: The 'cloud' over the White House

well there ya go .

Kavanagh was Trumps best Russia deflection to date -- stick around and watch how long he milks this one.
Now it's the Fed....they are commies too.

Yep; that's it. Everyone that Trump's base do not agree with are commies. Even the FED.

Pretty amazing how Trump's base are kinda strange, like that.
More than 2,400 law professors have determined that Kavanaugh has “displayed a lack of judicial temperament that would be disqualifying for any court.” Former Justice Stevens, in remarks to retirees in Boca Raton, Fla, declared that Kavanaugh’s statements on September 27 revealed prejudices that would make it impossible for him to do the court’s work.

Too bad that:
  1. The Senate Judiciary hearings and all statements made therein were not a court of law and were not deciding any legal court case, therefore "judicial temperament" was both irrelevant and meaningless at that time.
  2. If Judge Stevens, a partisan, wants to declare Kavanaugh prejudiced and impossible for him to do his job, then let him first start with Ruth Ginsberg who has called the president a fake! Where is the outrage there?
EXACTLY...the Senate Judiciary Hearing WAS....NOT....A....COURT....OF....LAW. Now you get it.
Correct. It was a circus starring Democrat clowns as the main attraction.
Yes. It was sent directly from Putin along with a thank you note to Trump for all his help. It also had a list of Trump's assignments for the coming week.

Keep up the lunacy!

Trump 2020 thanks you.

Great bumper sticker. You should go with that.
View attachment 221956

Shut up and give us a better alternative! You can't! Trump may be a wild man but I love his antics for how they drive you nuts. But at least he is getting good stuff done left and right. That's all that matters.

Your hate for liberals is more important than the good of the country. That has always been obvious.

Yes, but it is a well-earned hate. It took a lot of years and a lot of getting screwed by the Left for them to CREATE my hate to build it to the level it is. Donald Trump is the EMBODIMENT of that hate of mine and a hundred million others that are going to now give the Left the ass-screwing of their lives in return. Just wait for it.

Just wait for it.

You've never seen anything like it.

It is coming.

We see hateful piss ants every day. Nothing unusual about that.
You claim judicial temperament is irrelevant and meaningless in a Supreme Court confirmation hearing? I've seen lots of dumb right wing remarks, but that's about the dumbest I have ever seen.

No yours. For one thing, Kavanaugh's already proven judicial temperament in his TWENTY-SIX fucking years as a US Circuit judge and elsewhere! Second of all, the hearings were NOT a judicial process, much less one where Brett was being charged with deciding a judicial case. THIRD: he was addressing UNFOUNDED CHARGES OF RAPE, DRUGGING WOMEN, LASCIVIOUS BEHAVIOR AND SEXUAL ASSAULT while his wife and family were being attacked and threatened. See post 22. How should he respond? I think he comported himself beautifully --- far better than I bet any liberal judge would handle it. Of course, the GOP would never treat any judge so.

He should have responded as a mature adult. Not a petulant spoiled child.

The Democrats should have acted like mature adults instead of vindictive, angry, hateful partisans who said they would stop at nothing to block his confirmation even before the hearings began. My hat goes off to Brett for putting up with the attempted character assassination.

I suppose it's not his fault he was given the seat stolen from Garland.

Merrick Garland is a pussy name. Kinda like Bulldog. I bet both of you got beat up a lot in school. I would have called Garland "Mary." Fucking sissy. Probably wore white tape to hold his glasses together. We don't need any more pussies on the Supreme Court. Only real men like Scalia and Kavanaugh, etc. People who hunt and fish and drink . . . . and like girls. People who can relate to the real world.

So you were a pathetic little bully as a kid. I'm not surprised.
Well if one shit show doesn't produce the desired results.

Have another shit show.

Let's keep it going....

It only pushes voter from left to right.

Free's great.
Sure, Comrade. That move to the Right from the Left is really happening........:71:

You talking to someone you consider a "comrade"...that ain't me.

You dicks keep saying you'll get this and you'll get that....

But somehow, you lost the WH, didn't get the senate, didn't get the house. You won't get the senate this time around and the house is looking less and less likely.

So, you decide.
Well if one shit show doesn't produce the desired results.

Have another shit show.

Let's keep it going....

It only pushes voter from left to right.

Free's great.
Sure, Comrade. That move to the Right from the Left is really happening........:71:

You talking to someone you consider a "comrade"...that ain't me.

You dicks keep saying you'll get this and you'll get that....

But somehow, you lost the WH, didn't get the senate, didn't get the house. You won't get the senate this time around and the house is looking less and less likely.

So, you decide.

How long do you expect your super majority to last?
Well if one shit show doesn't produce the desired results.

Have another shit show.

Let's keep it going....

It only pushes voter from left to right.

Free's great.
Sure, Comrade. That move to the Right from the Left is really happening........:71:

You talking to someone you consider a "comrade"...that ain't me.

You dicks keep saying you'll get this and you'll get that....

But somehow, you lost the WH, didn't get the senate, didn't get the house. You won't get the senate this time around and the house is looking less and less likely.

So, you decide.

How long do you expect your super majority to last?

Longer than yours did.
Well if one shit show doesn't produce the desired results.

Have another shit show.

Let's keep it going....

It only pushes voter from left to right.

Free's great.
Sure, Comrade. That move to the Right from the Left is really happening........:71:

You talking to someone you consider a "comrade"...that ain't me.

You dicks keep saying you'll get this and you'll get that....

But somehow, you lost the WH, didn't get the senate, didn't get the house. You won't get the senate this time around and the house is looking less and less likely.

So, you decide.

How long do you expect your super majority to last?

Longer than yours did.

So give me your best guess. You think you will keep it after November? What about 2020? How long do you think it will take for the country to get fed up with crazy Trumpian behavior, and correct the mistake that happened in 2016?
Let's keep it going....

It only pushes voter from left to right.

Free's great.
Sure, Comrade. That move to the Right from the Left is really happening........:71:

You talking to someone you consider a "comrade"...that ain't me.

You dicks keep saying you'll get this and you'll get that....

But somehow, you lost the WH, didn't get the senate, didn't get the house. You won't get the senate this time around and the house is looking less and less likely.

So, you decide.

How long do you expect your super majority to last?

Longer than yours did.

So give me your best guess. You think you will keep it after November? What about 2020? How long do you think it will take for the country to get fed up with crazy Trumpian behavior, and correct the mistake that happened in 2016?

Unlike you morons, I am unwilling to say we "deserve" something.

It all depends on how hard the GOP works to highlite things like your "witch hunt" and comes up with some ideas of their own (something they've been short on).

For sure, they can't depend on the left to keep shooting itself in the ass. Sooner or later they might actually get something right.
Sure, Comrade. That move to the Right from the Left is really happening........:71:

You talking to someone you consider a "comrade"...that ain't me.

You dicks keep saying you'll get this and you'll get that....

But somehow, you lost the WH, didn't get the senate, didn't get the house. You won't get the senate this time around and the house is looking less and less likely.

So, you decide.

How long do you expect your super majority to last?

Longer than yours did.

So give me your best guess. You think you will keep it after November? What about 2020? How long do you think it will take for the country to get fed up with crazy Trumpian behavior, and correct the mistake that happened in 2016?

Unlike you morons, I am unwilling to say we "deserve" something.

It all depends on how hard the GOP works to highlite things like your "witch hunt" and comes up with some ideas of their own (something they've been short on).

For sure, they can't depend on the left to keep shooting itself in the ass. Sooner or later they might actually get something right.

You think nothing more than the protection of Trump from investigation will maintain your super majority? Really? That's what you are gonna base your hopes on?
You talking to someone you consider a "comrade"...that ain't me.

You dicks keep saying you'll get this and you'll get that....

But somehow, you lost the WH, didn't get the senate, didn't get the house. You won't get the senate this time around and the house is looking less and less likely.

So, you decide.

How long do you expect your super majority to last?

Longer than yours did.

So give me your best guess. You think you will keep it after November? What about 2020? How long do you think it will take for the country to get fed up with crazy Trumpian behavior, and correct the mistake that happened in 2016?

Unlike you morons, I am unwilling to say we "deserve" something.

It all depends on how hard the GOP works to highlite things like your "witch hunt" and comes up with some ideas of their own (something they've been short on).

For sure, they can't depend on the left to keep shooting itself in the ass. Sooner or later they might actually get something right.

You think nothing more than the protection of Trump from investigation will maintain your super majority? Really? That's what you are gonna base your hopes on?

Are you drunk ?

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