Chief Justice Roberts Requests Tenth Circuit To Investigate Kavanaugh Ethics Questions

12 years on the bench is adequate proof of judicial temperament

Indeed. On a side note, the FBI actually received 1,400 calls with fake claims that Kavanaugh had raped the caller. The Left is engaged in a massive smear campaign BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. The logic being if they fling enough shit at him, some of it will stick.

In RealityLand, they are horrifying normal people who understand that everyone can be the target of such Maoist shame tactics.

Apparently 2400 law professors are enough of an authority on judicial temperament to move the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to act...
Interesting perspective you have: You label the Dems as "commies" but just remember; the GOP are the Russians.
If by "Russians" you mean a bunch of gutless, do-nothing, Jesus Nazis, then yes. The GOP are a bunch of Russians.

The Dems are commies. That is a FACT.

As we all know, Trump & the GOP have a 'Russia' problem which the severity of has yet to be determined
Russia: The 'cloud' over the White House

well there ya go .

Kavanagh was Trumps best Russia deflection to date -- stick around and watch how long he milks this one.
Interesting perspective you have: You label the Dems as "commies" but just remember; the GOP are the Russians.
If by "Russians" you mean a bunch of gutless, do-nothing, Jesus Nazis, then yes. The GOP are a bunch of Russians.

The Dems are commies. That is a FACT.

As we all know, Trump & the GOP have a 'Russia' problem which the severity of has yet to be determined
Russia: The 'cloud' over the White House

The White House chef is serving salad with Russian Dressing today!
Nice...but what does that have to do with Chief Justice Roberts' request?

He's doing it as a formality. Nobody with their sanity still intact are taking these infantile hissy fits seriously.

The request by Roberts is IMO a formality that won't result in any 'real' action against Kavanaugh.

With 'no content' & 'trolling' posts such as post #5 it is obvious that some do not take judicial formality as reality.
It's unethical to push back against a lying whore that tries to ruin you over something that never happened 36 years ago? What a joke.
Interesting perspective you have: You label the Dems as "commies" but just remember; the GOP are the Russians.
If by "Russians" you mean a bunch of gutless, do-nothing, Jesus Nazis, then yes. The GOP are a bunch of Russians.

The Dems are commies. That is a FACT.

As we all know, Trump & the GOP have a 'Russia' problem which the severity of has yet to be determined
Russia: The 'cloud' over the White House

Ah, so now that your Kavanaugh onslaught failed you're defaulting back to Russia! Russia! Russia! now?

Lots of ethical lapses for the right wing. They all need to be fully addressed. You don't get that? Just because one aspect is the subject of discussion today doesn't mean all the others just go away.
Maybe he should publically mock Democrats and say Democrats need to be controlled.

Like Ginsburg does to Republicans.
Apparently 2400 law professors are enough of an authority on judicial temperament to move the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to act...
With such a controversial situation manufactured by the Democrats, Roberts had no choice. The 10th Circuit will find it baseless.
Nice...but what does that have to do with Chief Justice Roberts' request?

He's doing it as a formality. Nobody with their sanity still intact are taking these infantile hissy fits seriously.

The request by Roberts is IMO a formality that won't result in any 'real' action against Kavanaugh.

With 'no content' & 'trolling' posts such as post #5 it is obvious that some do not take judicial formality as reality.
Post #5 was not made by a judge.
The complaints were not made without legal basis. More than 2,400 law professors have determined that Kavanaugh has “displayed a lack of judicial temperament that would be disqualifying for any court.”
What a bunch of bullshit.

Law professors are a bunch of useless hacks that can't cut it in private practice, and can hardly be considered experts on judicial temperament. I would like to hear from other judges, justices, or practicing lawyers.

This is 100% true, I’m an L2, most of my profs couldn’t handle being normal they opted to “teach”. The few profs I’ve had who had who are either still practicing or have a lot of experience often talk about how the other profs teach a bunch of BS, and do not know what they are talking about (in a nicer way than that obviously). They often have a lot of SMH moments when another student says “professor such and such said this though.” Not all are hacks, but most are and the popular talking point they have going around these days is how the founder were idiots or didn’t realize what a mistake they made when making the constitution so hard to change (which they did so on purpose for people just like them).

So, you're a law student slagging professors. Your opinion comes across as nothing more than sour grapes.
The request by Roberts is IMO a formality that won't result in any 'real' action against Kavanaugh.

With 'no content' & 'trolling' posts such as post #5 it is obvious that some do not take judicial formality as reality.

Lots of ethical lapses for the right wing. They all need to be fully addressed. You don't get that? Just because one aspect is the subject of discussion today doesn't mean all the others just go away.

Whatever helps you guys sleep at night
Interesting perspective you have: You label the Dems as "commies" but just remember; the GOP are the Russians.
If by "Russians" you mean a bunch of gutless, do-nothing, Jesus Nazis, then yes. The GOP are a bunch of Russians.

The Dems are commies. That is a FACT.

As we all know, Trump & the GOP have a 'Russia' problem which the severity of has yet to be determined
Russia: The 'cloud' over the White House

The White House chef is serving salad with Russian Dressing today!

Yes. It was sent directly from Putin along with a thank you note to Trump for all his help. It also had a list of Trump's assignments for the coming week.
Interesting perspective you have: You label the Dems as "commies" but just remember; the GOP are the Russians.
If by "Russians" you mean a bunch of gutless, do-nothing, Jesus Nazis, then yes. The GOP are a bunch of Russians.

The Dems are commies. That is a FACT.

As we all know, Trump & the GOP have a 'Russia' problem which the severity of has yet to be determined
Russia: The 'cloud' over the White House

The White House chef is serving salad with Russian Dressing today!

Yes. It was sent directly from Putin along with a thank you note to Trump for all his help. It also had a list of Trump's assignments for the coming week.

Keep up the lunacy!

Trump 2020 thanks you.
Interesting perspective you have: You label the Dems as "commies" but just remember; the GOP are the Russians.
If by "Russians" you mean a bunch of gutless, do-nothing, Jesus Nazis, then yes. The GOP are a bunch of Russians.

The Dems are commies. That is a FACT.

As we all know, Trump & the GOP have a 'Russia' problem which the severity of has yet to be determined
Russia: The 'cloud' over the White House

The White House chef is serving salad with Russian Dressing today!

Yes. It was sent directly from Putin along with a thank you note to Trump for all his help. It also had a list of Trump's assignments for the coming week.
Thank you for continuing to prove you are bat-shit crazy and that your TDS has become 'terminal'...
The SCOTUS is now blatantly partisan, as well as the process of getting them on the Court.

Glad that's out the way.

Thanks Trump!

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