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chief of U.S. Border Patrol during Barack Obama's Presidency: Walls Absolutely Work!

So no ETA on the check from Mexico?
As I stated, Pelosi, Schumer, and the democrats had it two weeks ago in the form of $12+ Billion in Foreign aid they declared they were giving to the corrupt, crime-riddled, oppressive governments of Venezuela, Argentina, and Mexico, nations who facilitate the illegal invasions of our border, whose own people are fleeing because there nations are so oppressive / dangerous / corrupt.

I would ask why Democrats are giving $12 Billion to these nations that are so corrupt and do so much to harm the united States, but the old phrase 'Birds of a feather flock together' pretty much sums it up.

Only Democrats would give these criminal America-hating nations $12 Billion and spend an additional $100 Billion a year to give the illegals who have broken our laws by illegally forcing their way into the US tax-payer funded medical care, housing, food, clothes, food stamps, etc... but would reject paying $5 billion for something proven to reduce illegal immigration everywhere it is used by 95%.

Everyone knows why that is, why Democrats continue to stand with illegals instead of with Americans to keep the borders open. That reason was on full display last election in Broward county as Democrats encouraged illegals to vote, registered illegals to vote, allowed illegals to vote, and then even defended their allowing illegals to vote before a judge in court.
Only Dems would give foreign aid to Mexico and Central America countries? Really?!

Were any funds given to those countries over the past two years while Reps held the power?
Just answer the question...when is Mexico going to pay for the wall.
As I stated, just like GolfingGator, when you are asked a direct question you lie, deny, divert, distract, dodge, and refuse to engage in honest discussion, choosing to repeatedly engage in childish tactics. And just like GolfingGator, you have proven any attempt to talk to you is a complete useless waste of time.

Get back to me when you want to answer my questions and discuss issues like an adult.

Get back to us when your master tells you when Mexico is paying for the wall. Until then be a good little pooch and keep humping his leg. Or you can attempt to be a man and be truthful….I doubt you have it in you…and admit that your blob lied to America. Your choice.
So no ETA on the check from Mexico?
As I stated, Pelosi, Schumer, and the democrats had it two weeks ago in the form of $12+ Billion in Foreign aid they declared they were giving to the corrupt, crime-riddled, oppressive governments of Venezuela, Argentina, and Mexico, nations who facilitate the illegal invasions of our border, whose own people are fleeing because there nations are so oppressive / dangerous / corrupt.

I would ask why Democrats are giving $12 Billion to these nations that are so corrupt and do so much to harm the united States, but the old phrase 'Birds of a feather flock together' pretty much sums it up.

Only Democrats would give these criminal America-hating nations $12 Billion and spend an additional $100 Billion a year to give the illegals who have broken our laws by illegally forcing their way into the US tax-payer funded medical care, housing, food, clothes, food stamps, etc... but would reject paying $5 billion for something proven to reduce illegal immigration everywhere it is used by 95%.

Everyone knows why that is, why Democrats continue to stand with illegals instead of with Americans to keep the borders open. That reason was on full display last election in Broward county as Democrats encouraged illegals to vote, registered illegals to vote, allowed illegals to vote, and then even defended their allowing illegals to vote before a judge in court.
Only Dems would give foreign aid to Mexico and Central America countries? Really?!

Were any funds given to those countries over the past two years while Reps held the power?

Inquiring minds want to know easyt65

240 illegal aliens were imprisoned for homicide-related offenses against Americans.

illegal aliens incarcerated in California for homicide and related offenses against Americans.

480 illegal aliens were incarcerated for murder and manslaughter offenses against Americans in 2008–2009

900 illegals were incarcerated for murder / homicide against Americans

In 2010 1,350 illegal aliens were incarcerated for murder and manslaughter offenses against Americans

Taking the data only from these five states, and assuming that each person incarcerated for a homicide-related offense is responsible for only one death, yields 5,400 people killed by illegal aliens

Crime & Illegal Immigration | National Review

Despite these numbers of murders perpetrated by Illegals in the United States, despite the Democrats falsely claiming they are for enforcement of existing Laws and US Immigration Laws, Democrats continue to stand with these murderers, and other violent illegals, pedophiles, thieves, rapists, human traffickers, drug smugglers, etc... to keep the borders open and while violating federal laws by operating Federal Law-Violating, Cop Killer/Criminal Illegal Safe-Haven-Providing Sanctuary Cities.

Pelosi, Schumer, and Democrats have refused to listen to US Intel reports, Homeland Security, and Border patrol Agents who deal with this every day. Pelosi even declared publicly to Homeland Security, "I REJECT YOUR FACTS!"

They have called all of these experts 'LIARS' while, as pointed out, continuing to violate US law to aid and abet the illegals. Now Obama's own Chief of the Border Patrol has come out on his own to declare 'WALLS ABOLUTELY WORK', 'There is NO reason to oppose the wall / not build one', and that 'ALL THE EXPERTS AGREE ON THIS'.

So why do Democrats and snowflakes still continue to refuse to hear the truth, continue to refuse to listen to the experts, continue to lie, and continue to stand with criminal illegals and operate criminal federal law-violating Sanctuary Cities to protect them?

240 illegal aliens were imprisoned for homicide-related offenses against Americans.

illegal aliens incarcerated in California for homicide and related offenses against Americans.

480 illegal aliens were incarcerated for murder and manslaughter offenses against Americans in 2008–2009

900 illegals were incarcerated for murder / homicide against Americans

In 2010 1,350 illegal aliens were incarcerated for murder and manslaughter offenses against Americans

Taking the data only from these five states, and assuming that each person incarcerated for a homicide-related offense is responsible for only one death, yields 5,400 people killed by illegal aliens

Crime & Illegal Immigration | National Review

Despite these numbers of murders perpetrated by Illegals in the United States, despite the Democrats falsely claiming they are for enforcement of existing Laws and US Immigration Laws, Democrats continue to stand with these murderers, and other violent illegals, pedophiles, thieves, rapists, human traffickers, drug smugglers, etc... to keep the borders open and while violating federal laws by operating Federal Law-Violating, Cop Killer/Criminal Illegal Safe-Haven-Providing Sanctuary Cities.

Pelosi, Schumer, and Democrats have refused to listen to US Intel reports, Homeland Security, and Border patrol Agents who deal with this every day. Pelosi even declared publicly to Homeland Security, "I REJECT YOUR FACTS!"

They have called all of these experts 'LIARS' while, as pointed out, continuing to violate US law to aid and abet the illegals. Now Obama's own Chief of the Border Patrol has come out on his own to declare 'WALLS ABOLUTELY WORK', 'There is NO reason to oppose the wall / not build one', and that 'ALL THE EXPERTS AGREE ON THIS'.

So why do Democrats and snowflakes still continue to refuse to hear the truth, continue to refuse to listen to the experts, continue to lie, and continue to stand with criminal illegals and operate criminal federal law-violating Sanctuary Cities to protect them?
Why did you avoid answering my question and divert to this?
of course they work

why else would the democrats

put walls up around where they are speaking
Why did you avoid answering my question and divert to this?
I have not avoided your questions.

"Only Dems would give foreign aid to Mexico and Central America countries? Really?!"

Only Democrats would refuse to listen to the experts, openly declare they reject facts, continue to give billions in foreign aid to criminal / corrupt countries while & standing with illegals to keep the borders open ... while running cop killer/violent criminal safe haven-providing Federal Law-violating Sanctuary Cities and while lying about how they are for enforcing US laws / existing US Immigration laws.
Why did you avoid answering my question and divert to this?
I have not avoided your questions.

"Only Dems would give foreign aid to Mexico and Central America countries? Really?!"

Only Democrats would refuse to listen to the experts, openly declare they reject facts, continue to give billions in foreign aid to criminal / corrupt countries while & standing with illegals to keep the borders open ... while running cop killer/violent criminal safe haven-providing Federal Law-violating Sanctuary Cities and while lying about how they are for enforcing US laws / existing US Immigration laws.
My question was if we gave any money to Mexico and Central America over the past two year while Reps held the power? It’s an easy yes or no
My question was if we gave any money to Mexico and Central America over the past two year while Reps held the power? It’s an easy yes or no
My question was if we gave any money to Mexico and Central America over the past two year while Reps held the power? It’s an easy yes or no
I’m not avoiding a thing. My first comment in this thread was the question that I’ve asked twice and you’ve dodged twice. Answer my question and I’ll happily answer anything you’d like.

Did we give money to Mexico and CA over the past two years while Reps were in charge?
I’m not avoiding a thing. My first comment in this thread was the question that I’ve asked twice and you’ve dodged twice. Answer my question and I’ll happily answer anything you’d like. Did we give money to Mexico and CA over the past two years while Reps were in charge?

Nice....you CLAIM you will answer anything I ask...then quickly duck my questions to ask me the same thing I have already answered.

The US has been moronically doling out foreign aid to nations that continue to harm the US for decades, all of which I have opposed.

What you are AVOIDING is that Democrats - in the midst of the Border Wall fight - vowed a week or so ago, as soon as they won back the House, to give these nations hurting the US over $12 Billion WHILE STANDING WITH THE ILLEGALS TO KEEP THE BORDERS OPEN AND WHILE ILLEGALLY RUNNING FEDERAL LAW-VIOLATING SANCTUARY CITIES THAT HAVE PROVIDED AND CONTINUE TO PROVIDE SAHE HAVENS FOR COP KILLERS, HUMAN TRAFFICKERS, THIEVES, RAPISTS, MS13, ETC....something that can NOT be said about Republicans.

Their vow to give these nations $12+ billion as soon as they took back the House seemed almost as a finger poke in not only the President's eye but the eye of the American people as well.

KNOWING the US already spends over $100 Billion a year on disrespectful, law-breaking illegals who have come into our country, the democrats declared they want to give another $12+ Billion to the countries driving out their own people / facilitating these caravans....while fully understanding yet rejecting the fact that evidence shows everywhere a wall / barrier is erected illegal immigration / crossing is eliminated / lowered by 95%! Knowing all of this Pelosi, Schumer, and Democrats refuse to agree to fund the wall for no other reason than they don't want to give Trump another 'win' and instead want to deny him the wall to prevent him from kicking their asses in 2020 after delivering on his promises, that include the strongest economy / lowest unemployment in decades!

KNOWING all of that, Trump is asking for 4/100ths of 1 percent of our debt to secure our borders, and the Democrats are refusing to agree to the money.

The Democrats - not the GOP - crammed over 7,000 pieces of wasteful tax-payer-funded self/party-serving PORK into Obama's failed $1 Trillion dollar Stimulus bill that ended up costing tax payers (according to the CBO) approx. $774,000 PER JOB Obama claimed to have saved / created, and in the end he had to admit he was clueless to the fact there was no such thing as 'shovel-ready' jobs. Democrats spent WAY MORE than $5 Billion in that bill on crap to get themselves re-elected...Pelosi even got a tax-payer-funded 'loan' (she never paid back) to help save her husband's bankrupting business ...yet Democrats now will not agree to spend $5 billion to ensure our sovereignty, to secure our borders, to end the flow of unidentified illegals into the US, and to protect American citizens?

What you are continuing to avoid is acknowledging that while claiming to be FOR the American people they are standing with violent illegals, human traffickers (that research says rape 1 out of every 3 women they bring into the US from their home countries), thieves, MS13, cop killers, etc... in keeping the wall open.

What you are continuing to avoid is acknowledging that while claiming to be FOR enforcement of existing US Law / existing US Immigration law:
- Obama told his DOJ NOT to arrest, charge, convict, jail, and / or deport any illegal who committed a crime less than a felony, a 'right' American citizens are not afforded

- Democrats continue to get caught illegally registering illegals to vote, allowing illegals to vote, and even then defend before judges their doing so and why THEY believe illegals should be allowed to vote - as seen in this last election in Broward country.

Snowflakes are trying to claim Democrats are for enforcing US law....when Barak Obama publicly admitted he did not have the Constitutional authority / power to alter immigration law and then quickly violated the Constitution by by-passing Congress to declare through EO that his own personal 'Dream Act' EDICT was suddenly 'Law of the Land'.

What you are continuing to avoid is acknowledging that while claiming to be FOR enforcement of existing US Law / existing US Immigration law DEMOCRATS are OPENLY BREAKING LAWS that provide these drug smugglers, human traffickers, MS13 gang members, cop killers, thieves, rapists, etc... with a safe haven, providing them protection FROM enforcement of existing US immigration laws through their Sanctuary Cities and Sanctuary City policies.

Continuing to send foreign aid to countries that are corrupt, oppress their people, who do not protect their people, whose nations are so violent and dangerous or run into the ground by the same socialist policies Democrats want to adopt here IS ONE THING...

....but vowing to give these nations more than twice the amount of money in foreign aid that the President is asking for the defense of this nation and to protect Americans as a THUMB IN THE EYE / MIDDLE FINGER SALUTE to the President while you stand with violent illegals and break US law by providing these murderers/criminals safe haven ... and still try to claim you are for enforcing US law and for defending Americans IS BUILLSHIT! THIS IS WHAT PELOSI, SCHUMER, AND DEMOCTRATS ARE DOING.

So don't try to spin it and say, "...but, but, but, the GOP is doing the same thing." NO THEY ARE NOT!
I’m not avoiding a thing.

Then tell me how can Democrats claim they are for enforcing US law, more specifically existing US immigration law, WHILE operating Federal Law-violating, Violent Illegal / human trafficker / cop killer-protecting Sanctuary Cities, WHILE refusing to work with ICE and instead releasing violent illegals back into the US population - which has resulted in the murders / deaths of American citizens, WHILE calling for the elimination of ICE, the 2nd largest law enforcement agency in the US (partly because we have more than 20 Million illegals in this country)?
I’m not avoiding a thing.

Then tell me how can Democrats claim they are for enforcing US law, more specifically existing US immigration law, WHILE operating Federal Law-violating, Violent Illegal / human trafficker / cop killer-protecting Sanctuary Cities, WHILE refusing to work with ICE and instead releasing violent illegals back into the US population - which has resulted in the murders / deaths of American citizens, WHILE calling for the elimination of ICE, the 2nd largest law enforcement agency in the US (partly because we have more than 20 Million illegals in this country)?
Several Dems don’t want to follow the law, they want to change the laws. This is where the term progressive comes from. This is why you see sancuary city’s and states with immigration. It’s where DACA came from. They are trying to change what they see as a broken system. They did it with pot as well and it’s my estimation that pot will be legal on a federal level in the next 5-10 years.

Don’t accuse me of spin when you pull shit like you did in that long rant of yours. You said only Dems would send money to places like Mexico and Central America and after three attempts you finally admitted that we’ve always sent them aid money. Even when republicans were in power. So no, it’s not just Dems, there is a perspective that providing aid to impoverished countries strengthens relationships and helps decrease the flow of illegal immigration by helping to make home countries safer and more prosperous. This view is shared by people in both parties so let’s just cut the partisan BS.
Several Dems don’t want to follow the law, they want to change the laws. This is where the term progressive comes from. This is why you see sancuary city’s and states with immigration. It’s where DACA came from. They are trying to change what they see as a broken system. They did it with pot as well and it’s my estimation that pot will be legal on a federal level in the next 5-10 years.
What a crock of horseshit in an attempt to defend lying Democrats who claim to give a crap about American citizens and claiming to be FOR enforcing existing US laws / US immigration laws.

'Several Democrats' - as in key / critical Democrats in government positions - Governors et al... - who are NOT 'trying to change the law' - they are BREAKING FEDERAL LAW / US IMMIGRATION LAW!

They are violating US Law / US Immigration law by providing foreign criminals in this country illegally - drug smugglers, human traffickers, murderers, pedophiles, rapists, thieves, cop killers - with safe haven, protecting them from the judicial system put in place to protect American citizens, to protect them from enforcement of existing US law...and their actions have DIRECTLY facilitated / made possible / resulted in violent criminals who should have been deported killing and victimizing more American citizens, like the young police officer, Singh, reported just days ago!

Actively breaking US Law, actively working to prevent ICE from doing their job, actively working to keep violent illegals from being deported and in this country...after which they KILLL American Citizens...is NOT 'trying to change what they see as a broken system' - it is open defiance against the federal government, openly undermining the US government, our laws, our national security, and putting the lives / safety of American citizens in jeopardy!

Allowing some stoners to get away with sitting around their living room is in no way comparable to protecting cop killers and murders from being arrested / deported.

Thank you for proving there is no justifiable way to excuse lying sack-of-shit-Democrats who are currently standing with violent criminal illegals instead of US citizens to keep the borders open, illegal immigrants continuing to flow into this country, to ensure more Americans are victimized / murdered just so they can make sure Trump does not get another 'win' and improve his chances for re-election, and so they can continue to get votes from illegals each election as we saw in Broward county recently!

Thank you for proving Democrats who claim to be advocates for enforcing US law / US Immigration Laws are lying threats to our democracy who are simultaneously breaking federal laws, undermining the country while putting American lives at risk, and are providing safe haven and protection from enforcement of our laws to drug smugglers, human traffickers, MS13, rapists, thieves, and cop killers!

The Federal Govt should step in every state that has a sanctuary city - that brags about having one - and arrest the complicit Governors, Mayors, police chiefs etc... for facilitation / aiding and abetting these criminals and for violating Federal Law...they should do so especially after some criminal illegal POS with criminal records already and are being protected by these cities / states kills a US citizen! Don't just arrest the cop killer / murderer - arrest the Democrats who protected them and made it possible! The families should be allowed to sue the living sh!t out of those cities, the state, and the Mayors / Governors who stood with the criminals!
Several Dems don’t want to follow the law, they want to change the laws. This is where the term progressive comes from. This is why you see sancuary city’s and states with immigration. It’s where DACA came from. They are trying to change what they see as a broken system. They did it with pot as well and it’s my estimation that pot will be legal on a federal level in the next 5-10 years.
What a crock of horseshit in an attempt to defend lying Democrats who claim to give a crap about American citizens and claiming to be FOR enforcing existing US laws / US immigration laws.

'Several Democrats' - as in key / critical Democrats in government positions - Governors et al... - who are NOT 'trying to change the law' - they are BREAKING FEDERAL LAW / US IMMIGRATION LAW!

They are violating US Law / US Immigration law by providing foreign criminals in this country illegally - drug smugglers, human traffickers, murderers, pedophiles, rapists, thieves, cop killers - with safe haven, protecting them from the judicial system put in place to protect American citizens, to protect them from enforcement of existing US law...and their actions have DIRECTLY facilitated / made possible / resulted in violent criminals who should have been deported killing and victimizing more American citizens, like the young police officer, Singh, reported just days ago!

Actively breaking US Law, actively working to prevent ICE from doing their job, actively working to keep violent illegals from being deported and in this country...after which they KILLL American Citizens...is NOT 'trying to change what they see as a broken system' - it is open defiance against the federal government, openly undermining the US government, our laws, our national security, and putting the lives / safety of American citizens in jeopardy!

Allowing some stoners to get away with sitting around their living room is in no way comparable to protecting cop killers and murders from being arrested / deported.

Thank you for proving there is no justifiable way to excuse lying sack-of-shit-Democrats who are currently standing with violent criminal illegals instead of US citizens to keep the borders open, illegal immigrants continuing to flow into this country, to ensure more Americans are victimized / murdered just so they can make sure Trump does not get another 'win' and improve his chances for re-election, and so they can continue to get votes from illegals each election as we saw in Broward county recently!

Thank you for proving Democrats who claim to be advocates for enforcing US law / US Immigration Laws are lying threats to our democracy who are simultaneously breaking federal laws, undermining the country while putting American lives at risk, and are providing safe haven and protection from enforcement of our laws to drug smugglers, human traffickers, MS13, rapists, thieves, and cop killers!

The Federal Govt should step in every state that has a sanctuary city - that brags about having one - and arrest the complicit Governors, Mayors, police chiefs etc... for facilitation / aiding and abetting these criminals and for violating Federal Law...they should do so especially after some criminal illegal POS with criminal records already and are being protected by these cities / states kills a US citizen! Don't just arrest the cop killer / murderer - arrest the Democrats who protected them and made it possible! The families should be allowed to sue the living sh!t out of those cities, the state, and the Mayors / Governors who stood with the criminals!
It’s amusing to here so called conservatives who are supposed to be for a small federal government and supporters of states rights come out and advocate for the federal take over and arrest of state leaders who challenge federal laws.

I don’t know how you draw the conclusion that my opinions prove anything about Dems... especially when you think they prove your over hyperbolized spun up narrative that you somehow created from the reasoning I laid out. Funny how some people’s minds work.
Several Dems don’t want to follow the law, they want to change the laws. This is where the term progressive comes from. This is why you see sancuary city’s and states with immigration. It’s where DACA came from. They are trying to change what they see as a broken system. They did it with pot as well and it’s my estimation that pot will be legal on a federal level in the next 5-10 years.
What a crock of horseshit in an attempt to defend lying Democrats who claim to give a crap about American citizens and claiming to be FOR enforcing existing US laws / US immigration laws.

'Several Democrats' - as in key / critical Democrats in government positions - Governors et al... - who are NOT 'trying to change the law' - they are BREAKING FEDERAL LAW / US IMMIGRATION LAW!

They are violating US Law / US Immigration law by providing foreign criminals in this country illegally - drug smugglers, human traffickers, murderers, pedophiles, rapists, thieves, cop killers - with safe haven, protecting them from the judicial system put in place to protect American citizens, to protect them from enforcement of existing US law...and their actions have DIRECTLY facilitated / made possible / resulted in violent criminals who should have been deported killing and victimizing more American citizens, like the young police officer, Singh, reported just days ago!

Actively breaking US Law, actively working to prevent ICE from doing their job, actively working to keep violent illegals from being deported and in this country...after which they KILLL American Citizens...is NOT 'trying to change what they see as a broken system' - it is open defiance against the federal government, openly undermining the US government, our laws, our national security, and putting the lives / safety of American citizens in jeopardy!

Allowing some stoners to get away with sitting around their living room is in no way comparable to protecting cop killers and murders from being arrested / deported.

Thank you for proving there is no justifiable way to excuse lying sack-of-shit-Democrats who are currently standing with violent criminal illegals instead of US citizens to keep the borders open, illegal immigrants continuing to flow into this country, to ensure more Americans are victimized / murdered just so they can make sure Trump does not get another 'win' and improve his chances for re-election, and so they can continue to get votes from illegals each election as we saw in Broward county recently!

Thank you for proving Democrats who claim to be advocates for enforcing US law / US Immigration Laws are lying threats to our democracy who are simultaneously breaking federal laws, undermining the country while putting American lives at risk, and are providing safe haven and protection from enforcement of our laws to drug smugglers, human traffickers, MS13, rapists, thieves, and cop killers!

The Federal Govt should step in every state that has a sanctuary city - that brags about having one - and arrest the complicit Governors, Mayors, police chiefs etc... for facilitation / aiding and abetting these criminals and for violating Federal Law...they should do so especially after some criminal illegal POS with criminal records already and are being protected by these cities / states kills a US citizen! Don't just arrest the cop killer / murderer - arrest the Democrats who protected them and made it possible! The families should be allowed to sue the living sh!t out of those cities, the state, and the Mayors / Governors who stood with the criminals!
By the way, nothing I said was making excuses for Dems. You asked a question and I gave a direct answer. I think many Dems are acting just as dishonestly and dispicably as many Republicans. Both parties are at fault for chasing ratings over productive results.
Several Dems don’t want to follow the law, they want to change the laws. This is where the term progressive comes from. This is why you see sancuary city’s and states with immigration. It’s where DACA came from. They are trying to change what they see as a broken system. They did it with pot as well and it’s my estimation that pot will be legal on a federal level in the next 5-10 years.
What a crock of horseshit in an attempt to defend lying Democrats who claim to give a crap about American citizens and claiming to be FOR enforcing existing US laws / US immigration laws.

'Several Democrats' - as in key / critical Democrats in government positions - Governors et al... - who are NOT 'trying to change the law' - they are BREAKING FEDERAL LAW / US IMMIGRATION LAW!

They are violating US Law / US Immigration law by providing foreign criminals in this country illegally - drug smugglers, human traffickers, murderers, pedophiles, rapists, thieves, cop killers - with safe haven, protecting them from the judicial system put in place to protect American citizens, to protect them from enforcement of existing US law...and their actions have DIRECTLY facilitated / made possible / resulted in violent criminals who should have been deported killing and victimizing more American citizens, like the young police officer, Singh, reported just days ago!

Actively breaking US Law, actively working to prevent ICE from doing their job, actively working to keep violent illegals from being deported and in this country...after which they KILLL American Citizens...is NOT 'trying to change what they see as a broken system' - it is open defiance against the federal government, openly undermining the US government, our laws, our national security, and putting the lives / safety of American citizens in jeopardy!

Allowing some stoners to get away with sitting around their living room is in no way comparable to protecting cop killers and murders from being arrested / deported.

Thank you for proving there is no justifiable way to excuse lying sack-of-shit-Democrats who are currently standing with violent criminal illegals instead of US citizens to keep the borders open, illegal immigrants continuing to flow into this country, to ensure more Americans are victimized / murdered just so they can make sure Trump does not get another 'win' and improve his chances for re-election, and so they can continue to get votes from illegals each election as we saw in Broward county recently!

Thank you for proving Democrats who claim to be advocates for enforcing US law / US Immigration Laws are lying threats to our democracy who are simultaneously breaking federal laws, undermining the country while putting American lives at risk, and are providing safe haven and protection from enforcement of our laws to drug smugglers, human traffickers, MS13, rapists, thieves, and cop killers!

The Federal Govt should step in every state that has a sanctuary city - that brags about having one - and arrest the complicit Governors, Mayors, police chiefs etc... for facilitation / aiding and abetting these criminals and for violating Federal Law...they should do so especially after some criminal illegal POS with criminal records already and are being protected by these cities / states kills a US citizen! Don't just arrest the cop killer / murderer - arrest the Democrats who protected them and made it possible! The families should be allowed to sue the living sh!t out of those cities, the state, and the Mayors / Governors who stood with the criminals!
It’s amusing to here so called conservatives who are supposed to be for a small federal government and supporters of states rights come out and advocate for the federal take over and arrest of state leaders who challenge federal laws.

I don’t know how you draw the conclusion that my opinions prove anything about Dems... especially when you think they prove your over hyperbolized spun up narrative that you somehow created from the reasoning I laid out. Funny how some people’s minds work.
Your trying to defend Democrats standing with violent criminals, breaking laws, and protecting cop killers by claiming 'STATES' RIGHTS' to do so is beyond pathetic!
Several Dems don’t want to follow the law, they want to change the laws. This is where the term progressive comes from. This is why you see sancuary city’s and states with immigration. It’s where DACA came from. They are trying to change what they see as a broken system. They did it with pot as well and it’s my estimation that pot will be legal on a federal level in the next 5-10 years.
What a crock of horseshit in an attempt to defend lying Democrats who claim to give a crap about American citizens and claiming to be FOR enforcing existing US laws / US immigration laws.

'Several Democrats' - as in key / critical Democrats in government positions - Governors et al... - who are NOT 'trying to change the law' - they are BREAKING FEDERAL LAW / US IMMIGRATION LAW!

They are violating US Law / US Immigration law by providing foreign criminals in this country illegally - drug smugglers, human traffickers, murderers, pedophiles, rapists, thieves, cop killers - with safe haven, protecting them from the judicial system put in place to protect American citizens, to protect them from enforcement of existing US law...and their actions have DIRECTLY facilitated / made possible / resulted in violent criminals who should have been deported killing and victimizing more American citizens, like the young police officer, Singh, reported just days ago!

Actively breaking US Law, actively working to prevent ICE from doing their job, actively working to keep violent illegals from being deported and in this country...after which they KILLL American Citizens...is NOT 'trying to change what they see as a broken system' - it is open defiance against the federal government, openly undermining the US government, our laws, our national security, and putting the lives / safety of American citizens in jeopardy!

Allowing some stoners to get away with sitting around their living room is in no way comparable to protecting cop killers and murders from being arrested / deported.

Thank you for proving there is no justifiable way to excuse lying sack-of-shit-Democrats who are currently standing with violent criminal illegals instead of US citizens to keep the borders open, illegal immigrants continuing to flow into this country, to ensure more Americans are victimized / murdered just so they can make sure Trump does not get another 'win' and improve his chances for re-election, and so they can continue to get votes from illegals each election as we saw in Broward county recently!

Thank you for proving Democrats who claim to be advocates for enforcing US law / US Immigration Laws are lying threats to our democracy who are simultaneously breaking federal laws, undermining the country while putting American lives at risk, and are providing safe haven and protection from enforcement of our laws to drug smugglers, human traffickers, MS13, rapists, thieves, and cop killers!

The Federal Govt should step in every state that has a sanctuary city - that brags about having one - and arrest the complicit Governors, Mayors, police chiefs etc... for facilitation / aiding and abetting these criminals and for violating Federal Law...they should do so especially after some criminal illegal POS with criminal records already and are being protected by these cities / states kills a US citizen! Don't just arrest the cop killer / murderer - arrest the Democrats who protected them and made it possible! The families should be allowed to sue the living sh!t out of those cities, the state, and the Mayors / Governors who stood with the criminals!
It’s amusing to here so called conservatives who are supposed to be for a small federal government and supporters of states rights come out and advocate for the federal take over and arrest of state leaders who challenge federal laws.

I don’t know how you draw the conclusion that my opinions prove anything about Dems... especially when you think they prove your over hyperbolized spun up narrative that you somehow created from the reasoning I laid out. Funny how some people’s minds work.
Your trying to defend Democrats standing with violent criminals, breaking laws, and protecting cop killers by claiming 'STATES' RIGHTS' to do so is beyond pathetic!
I’ve already stated that I don’t agree with the politcal tactics of either side. But personal opinions aside, who gives a shit if I’m defending one side or the other, Let’s debate ideas and analyze positions. No need for the petty finger pointing and personal attacks. You sound like a child... “you defend murders and rapists!” Cry me a River. Grow up
Several Dems don’t want to follow the law, they want to change the laws. This is where the term progressive comes from. This is why you see sancuary city’s and states with immigration. It’s where DACA came from. They are trying to change what they see as a broken system. They did it with pot as well and it’s my estimation that pot will be legal on a federal level in the next 5-10 years.
What a crock of horseshit in an attempt to defend lying Democrats who claim to give a crap about American citizens and claiming to be FOR enforcing existing US laws / US immigration laws.

'Several Democrats' - as in key / critical Democrats in government positions - Governors et al... - who are NOT 'trying to change the law' - they are BREAKING FEDERAL LAW / US IMMIGRATION LAW!

They are violating US Law / US Immigration law by providing foreign criminals in this country illegally - drug smugglers, human traffickers, murderers, pedophiles, rapists, thieves, cop killers - with safe haven, protecting them from the judicial system put in place to protect American citizens, to protect them from enforcement of existing US law...and their actions have DIRECTLY facilitated / made possible / resulted in violent criminals who should have been deported killing and victimizing more American citizens, like the young police officer, Singh, reported just days ago!

Actively breaking US Law, actively working to prevent ICE from doing their job, actively working to keep violent illegals from being deported and in this country...after which they KILLL American Citizens...is NOT 'trying to change what they see as a broken system' - it is open defiance against the federal government, openly undermining the US government, our laws, our national security, and putting the lives / safety of American citizens in jeopardy!

Allowing some stoners to get away with sitting around their living room is in no way comparable to protecting cop killers and murders from being arrested / deported.

Thank you for proving there is no justifiable way to excuse lying sack-of-shit-Democrats who are currently standing with violent criminal illegals instead of US citizens to keep the borders open, illegal immigrants continuing to flow into this country, to ensure more Americans are victimized / murdered just so they can make sure Trump does not get another 'win' and improve his chances for re-election, and so they can continue to get votes from illegals each election as we saw in Broward county recently!

Thank you for proving Democrats who claim to be advocates for enforcing US law / US Immigration Laws are lying threats to our democracy who are simultaneously breaking federal laws, undermining the country while putting American lives at risk, and are providing safe haven and protection from enforcement of our laws to drug smugglers, human traffickers, MS13, rapists, thieves, and cop killers!

The Federal Govt should step in every state that has a sanctuary city - that brags about having one - and arrest the complicit Governors, Mayors, police chiefs etc... for facilitation / aiding and abetting these criminals and for violating Federal Law...they should do so especially after some criminal illegal POS with criminal records already and are being protected by these cities / states kills a US citizen! Don't just arrest the cop killer / murderer - arrest the Democrats who protected them and made it possible! The families should be allowed to sue the living sh!t out of those cities, the state, and the Mayors / Governors who stood with the criminals!
It’s amusing to here so called conservatives who are supposed to be for a small federal government and supporters of states rights come out and advocate for the federal take over and arrest of state leaders who challenge federal laws.

I don’t know how you draw the conclusion that my opinions prove anything about Dems... especially when you think they prove your over hyperbolized spun up narrative that you somehow created from the reasoning I laid out. Funny how some people’s minds work.
Your trying to defend Democrats standing with violent criminals, breaking laws, and protecting cop killers by claiming 'STATES' RIGHTS' to do so is beyond pathetic!
I’ve already stated that I don’t agree with the politcal tactics of either side. But personal opinions aside, who gives a shit if I’m defending one side or the other, Let’s debate ideas and analyze positions. No need for the petty finger pointing and personal attacks. You sound like a child... “you defend murders and rapists!” Cry me a River. Grow up
Your trying to defend Democrats standing with violent criminals, breaking laws, and protecting cop killers by claiming 'STATES' RIGHTS' to do so is beyond pathetic!

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