Children are dying of COVID in California


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
But the leftists won't close schools so blood on their hands and stuff like that. Obviously they care more about stuff than children.

It was the second pediatric death in the county. California is letting kids die from Covid.

I realize the OP is some kind of reverse psychology angle to poke at leftists, but I'm not in favor of perpetuating Covid panic, and that's all that rhetoric like this accomplishes.
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But the leftists won't close schools so blood on their hands and stuff like that. Obviously they care more about stuff than children.

Dude you of all people should know not to believe what the cia controlled media says.children are immune of dying from covid,if there were children that died,it’s from the vaccine not covid you forget hospitals are calling gunshots to the head,fatal car accidents and falling off a roof covid deaths.
Especially since it's not true. This is why people don't believe the woke communists any more.

99% of it isn't true. That's the point. But it undermines that reality when people who know better turn around and push Covid panic porn just to take a shot at the left. Things like "Biden has killed over 200,000 Americans from Covid!" I get it, using the left's own ridiculous attacks on Trump to poke at their hypocrisy, but enough already. It's long past time for the Covid insanity to go away for good, not get constantly recycled as political currency.
Yet cdc report about 600 under 5 year old who have died since the onset. Yet California gets called out for 1 death and it their fault and it just happen. He also had other underlying issues. Can you say "political agenda" children.

Yet no one says if your under 5 that you won't die if COVID infects you. They are saying that it really is a low number. It still is sad when such young children life are cut short. But it not a political issue. It just motive to find a solution so that they will not die.
How many virus deaths of children are there? and have these deaths been all over the country? and if so where? picking out states you do not like to focus on is dishonest and propaganda/ disinformation.
Pharma and its shills trying to justify giving children their toxic jabs.

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