Children who don't do forced multicultural to be labelled as racists

I have no problem with allowing all kinds onto our long as they understand being an American is leaving certain things behind. They can speak their native language when they please but they must understand we speak American, not English, American and they will if they plan on staying long. The "multiculturalism" being shoved down our throats by our leftist twits is something else entirely. It's based on caucasions being the bane of the world's existence...the evil that must be diluted, or murdered if necessary. I saw Oliver Stone on Tavis saying white people are this country's problem...even Tavis laughed at Stone's race-betrayal. But that's what "multicultural" means to white leftists...hate your whiteness and embrace those who murder women who show their face in public, worship a pedophile, and wipe your ass with a stone.

I'm glad you have no problem allowing all kinds since you can't do jack shit about it. How multiculturalism becomes genocide of white people is beyond me. Its some fantasy you sick perverted racists harbor. BTW the official language is English not American you dumbass moron.

Multiculturalism leads to the downfall of every civilized nation.
There are so many examples of this.
Let's see..Iraq. The former Yugoslavia. The former Czechoslovakia. The Former South Asian Republics of the Soviet Union....
In each example, these countries have either broken up into smaller more culturally defined nations or are in constant turmoil.
When a nation does not have a dominant culture, the people begin to fight among themselves for control of government and to acquire power from the weak.
The result is a nation unable to to govern itself and the inevitable tumble into chaos.
Whether flaming libs like it or not, there IS a distinct American culture. That culture is the only thing that holds us together.

Except USSR and Yugoslavia were empires with a dominant culture and they failed exactly because of them being empires, not multicultural.
There was nothing multicultural in across the board Russification and Serbialization respectfully.
Czechoslovakia "divorced" peacefully
We speak the American dialect of English...
Otherwise known as: English
Well, you are certainly being black-and-white about this one...

Do you have the same difficulty in acknowledging other dialects and subsets and supersets of the English language, or is it just as the concept pertains to America?

Something definitely has your knickers in a knot, on this subject.
I'm glad you have no problem allowing all kinds since you can't do jack shit about it. How multiculturalism becomes genocide of white people is beyond me. Its some fantasy you sick perverted racists harbor. BTW the official language is English not American you dumbass moron.

Multiculturalism leads to the downfall of every civilized nation.
There are so many examples of this.
Let's see..Iraq. The former Yugoslavia. The former Czechoslovakia. The Former South Asian Republics of the Soviet Union....
In each example, these countries have either broken up into smaller more culturally defined nations or are in constant turmoil.
When a nation does not have a dominant culture, the people begin to fight among themselves for control of government and to acquire power from the weak.
The result is a nation unable to to govern itself and the inevitable tumble into chaos.
Whether flaming libs like it or not, there IS a distinct American culture. That culture is the only thing that holds us together.

Except USSR and Yugoslavia were empires with a dominant culture and they failed exactly because of them being empires, not multicultural.
There was nothing multicultural in across the board Russification and Serbialization respectfully.
Czechoslovakia "divorced" peacefully
You say tomato. I say tomahto...
Yugoslavia was a concoction of two ethnic tribes who absolutely hated each other.
Those would be Serbs and Croats.
These people hated each other so much that when a Croat NBA player said he could not play on a team with a Serb, it's bad.
In any event the facts of this stand.
The UK willingly gave up its culture to the world's second rate and third rate peoples, but a critical mass has been reached. Nationalists are rising in greater numbers as more and more individuals refuse to cower to the PC Police. The same is happening on other western European nations, but the Scandinavians are done. They have no national pride left at all.

The lies of diversity being a strength is starting to show itself. Here in America it's too late. We have given over our country to South America, Africa, and the rest of the ME. Try finding a white cabbie in NYC, or at least one who doesn't stink of rotten goats and can speak English.

Not quite true. In Norway Fremskridspartiet (anti mass-imigration) is in government as part of a coalition.

In Denmark the Danish People's Party has 22 seats.

Here in Sweden SverigeDemokraterna - the party I vote for - have 16 seats. And will win seats in the European parliament in next year's election.

So we do have some national ride left, even if not enough.
Technically we speak American-English as opposed to English. I ran into the distinction in the British Court of England and Wales where they do not accept American-English in any court documents. It's not only certain words like lorry instead of truck, it goes right to spelling and syntax. An American testifying in an English court will have someone to correct the record, much like a translator.

The label 'American-English' or 'Americanized-English' comes to mind as an accurate descriptor.

Usually rendered simply as 'English' for the sake of brevity, if not modern-day accuracy.

There DO seem to exist, sufficient differences after 300-400 years, to note the Variation, when precision or accuracy are at stake.

It is the product of a Differentiation of Languages, akin to a Differentiation of Species.

A Differentiation that began the moment the first English colonists left English shores.

But the surprising thing is that Brit-Eng and Am-Eng (not to mention Can-Eng, Oz-Eng and NZ-Eng) are still very close. especially when written.

I was In Quebec last week and spoken Canadian French and French French are now barely mutually intelligible.
Technically we speak American-English as opposed to English. I ran into the distinction in the British Court of England and Wales where they do not accept American-English in any court documents. It's not only certain words like lorry instead of truck, it goes right to spelling and syntax. An American testifying in an English court will have someone to correct the record, much like a translator.

The label 'American-English' or 'Americanized-English' comes to mind as an accurate descriptor.

Usually rendered simply as 'English' for the sake of brevity, if not modern-day accuracy.

There DO seem to exist, sufficient differences after 300-400 years, to note the Variation, when precision or accuracy are at stake.

It is the product of a Differentiation of Languages, akin to a Differentiation of Species.

A Differentiation that began the moment the first English colonists left English shores.
England and America are two countries separated by a common language.

-- George Bernard Shaw
Just another witty and misleading saying by that USSR and Stalin loving Irishman.
I have no problem with allowing all kinds onto our long as they understand being an American is leaving certain things behind. They can speak their native language when they please but they must understand we speak American, not English, American and they will if they plan on staying long. The "multiculturalism" being shoved down our throats by our leftist twits is something else entirely. It's based on caucasions being the bane of the world's existence...the evil that must be diluted, or murdered if necessary. I saw Oliver Stone on Tavis saying white people are this country's problem...even Tavis laughed at Stone's race-betrayal. But that's what "multicultural" means to white leftists...hate your whiteness and embrace those who murder women who show their face in public, worship a pedophile, and wipe your ass with a stone.

I'm glad you have no problem allowing all kinds since you can't do jack shit about it. How multiculturalism becomes genocide of white people is beyond me. Its some fantasy you sick perverted racists harbor. BTW the official language is English not American you dumbass moron.

Multiculturalism leads to the downfall of every civilized nation.
There are so many examples of this.
Let's see..Iraq. The former Yugoslavia. The former Czechoslovakia. The Former South Asian Republics of the Soviet Union....
In each example, these countries have either broken up into smaller more culturally defined nations or are in constant turmoil.
When a nation does not have a dominant culture, the people begin to fight among themselves for control of government and to acquire power from the weak.
The result is a nation unable to to govern itself and the inevitable tumble into chaos.
Whether flaming libs like it or not, there IS a distinct American culture. That culture is the only thing that holds us together.

Those are examples of people being stupid. Anytime you treat a group as second hand citizens because you don't respect their culture then you are stupid and yes it will bring about the downfall of your country sooner or later. When you respect each others differences and work toward a common goal then you will always survive.
"...When you respect each others differences and work toward a common goal then you will always survive."
Trouble is, with Islam transplanted beyond its historical domain, the 'respect' is one-sided.

And that spells cultural suicide to the host-nation, if left un-checked, without reciprocity.

Rolling-over to take one up the tailpipe is not the way to survive a belligerent collection of newcomers.

And, frankly, if that is the cost of survival, then the price of survival is just too high.

For a Man, anyway.
"...When you respect each others differences and work toward a common goal then you will always survive."
Trouble is, with Islam transplanted beyond its historical domain, the 'respect' is one-sided.

And that spells cultural suicide to the host-nation, if left un-checked, without reciprocity.

Rolling-over to take one up the tailpipe is not the way to survive a belligerent collection of newcomers.

And, frankly, if that is the cost of survival, then the price of survival is just too high.

For a Man, anyway.

Why do you guys subscribe to such theories? Christianity and Islam can and has co-existed. BTW Islam is not a culture its a religion.
"...When you respect each others differences and work toward a common goal then you will always survive."
Trouble is, with Islam transplanted beyond its historical domain, the 'respect' is one-sided.

And that spells cultural suicide to the host-nation, if left un-checked, without reciprocity.

Rolling-over to take one up the tailpipe is not the way to survive a belligerent collection of newcomers.

And, frankly, if that is the cost of survival, then the price of survival is just too high.

For a Man, anyway.

Why do you guys subscribe to such theories? Christianity and Islam can and has co-existed. BTW Islam is not a culture its a religion.
Islam only rarely co-exists peacefully with Islam, and only when Islam is dominant.

It is not 'well-behaved' or passive when in a subservient or minority position in a given non-Muslim host country, once their population reaches sufficient levels for them to achieve safety-in-numbers, as can be seen throughout Eurabia.

Islam is part Belief System, part Legal System, part Cultural System, and part Political System, to varying degrees and extents, depending on which Muslim-dominated country or region you happen to be in at the moment.

It is incompatible with The West and a poison pill to Western culture and lifestyle and liberties.
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