Children who don't do forced multicultural to be labelled as racists

I think we should bring in 20 million east Asians from china, Japan and south Korea. If you disagree you're a racist!
Trouble is, with Islam transplanted beyond its historical domain, the 'respect' is one-sided.

And that spells cultural suicide to the host-nation, if left un-checked, without reciprocity.

Rolling-over to take one up the tailpipe is not the way to survive a belligerent collection of newcomers.

And, frankly, if that is the cost of survival, then the price of survival is just too high.

For a Man, anyway.

Why do you guys subscribe to such theories? Christianity and Islam can and has co-existed. BTW Islam is not a culture its a religion.
Islam only rarely co-exists peacefully with Islam, and only when Islam is dominant.

It is not 'well-behaved' or passive when in a subservient or minority position in a given non-Muslim host country, once their population reaches sufficient levels for them to achieve safety-in-numbers, as can be seen throughout Eurabia.

Islam is part Belief System, part Legal System, part Cultural System, and part Political System, to varying degrees and extents, depending on which Muslim-dominated country or region you happen to be in at the moment.

It is incompatible with The West and a poison pill to Western culture and lifestyle and liberties.

I am assuming you meant Christianity when speaking about coexisting. I disagree.

Islam is part of a belief system but it is not nor has it ever been a political system or one culture. You should know this first of all by the different factions in Islam. Basically the only reason people get it mixed up with culture is because most people in Islamic countries vote in Islamic leaders. It is just like say a Mormon president being voted in by a majority of Mormons here in the US.
"...I am assuming you meant Christianity when speaking about coexisting..."
Correct. A typo on my part, resulting from too much pre-post editing. My bad.

"...I disagree..."
That much is clear.

"...Islam is part of a belief system but it is not nor has it ever been a political system or one culture..."
It is a Political System insofar as its ultimate goal is the global dominance of Islam and an embedded mission to accomplish that goal; a thread common amongst virtually all of its various national and regional manifestations.

It is a Cultural System insofar as it applies a thick veneer of Arab-Muslim mores and proscriptions and cultural focii and limitations which have long superseded contrary local and national and regional cultural traditions, common amongst most of its manifestations.

It is a Legal System insofar as variations on Sharia Law are manifest and dominant throughout much of the Muslim world, superseding any secular statute to the contrary.

"...You should know this first of all by the different factions in Islam..."
Compared to fragmented Christendom, Islam looks like a Monolith by comparison, and this tiny number of differentiated camps within Islam argue more over the Caliphate Succession and the Injuries and Wrongs done in deciding that after the death of their Founder than they argue over anything else.
"...I am assuming you meant Christianity when speaking about coexisting..."
Correct. A typo on my part, resulting from too much pre-post editing. My bad.

"...I disagree..."
That much is clear.

"...Islam is part of a belief system but it is not nor has it ever been a political system or one culture..."
It is a Political System insofar as its ultimate goal is the global dominance of Islam and an embedded mission to accomplish that goal; a thread common amongst virtually all of its various national and regional manifestations.

It is a Cultural System insofar as it applies a thick veneer of Arab-Muslim mores and proscriptions and cultural focii and limitations which have long superseded contrary local and national and regional cultural traditions, common amongst most of its manifestations.

It is a Legal System insofar as variations on Sharia Law are manifest and dominant throughout much of the Muslim world, superseding any secular statute to the contrary.

"...You should know this first of all by the different factions in Islam..."
Compared to fragmented Christendom, Islam looks like a Monolith by comparison, and this tiny number of differentiated camps within Islam argue more over the Caliphate Succession and the Injuries and Wrongs done in deciding that after the death of their Founder than they argue over anything else.

Its not a cultural system. There are Christian Arabs that wear the Hijab for instance. Thats part of middle eastern cultural not necessarily religious in practice.


If I was say a 7th Day Adventist and had complete dominance then I could push for laws that required people to go to church on Saturday. Its a result of who has political power again its just a religion.
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Sidenote. Check out Corinthians 11 verse 5. Christians need to get with the program!
Where is "Staffordshire"? Doesn't sound very American.

Meanwhile, Republicans are setting up their children in this country to be anti science, uneducated and without the ability to compete. Red States are failed states that will only get worse. But they will be free. Can you be "free" and dependent on welfare? Let's ask the many Republicans on welfare.
I think we should have a open policy on immigration like the EU with the EU and east Asia. Simply the people within this zone can choose what country they want to live in. Fast, simple and to the point.

Do you?
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"...When you respect each others differences and work toward a common goal then you will always survive."
Trouble is, with Islam transplanted beyond its historical domain, the 'respect' is one-sided.

And that spells cultural suicide to the host-nation, if left un-checked, without reciprocity.

Rolling-over to take one up the tailpipe is not the way to survive a belligerent collection of newcomers.

And, frankly, if that is the cost of survival, then the price of survival is just too high.

For a Man, anyway.

Why do you guys subscribe to such theories? Christianity and Islam can and has co-existed. BTW Islam is not a culture its a religion.

One reason could be that right now Islam is destroying Christianity - and killing Christians - in Egypt, Syria and Iraq. You might like to go as a Christian to Pakistan and try a bit of 'co-existing'.

BTW Islam is an all-embracing totalitarian ideology as well as a religion.
I think we should have a open policy on immigration like the EU with the EU and east Asia. Simply the people within this zone can choose what country they want to live in. Fast, simple and to the point.

Do you?

Wonderful idea! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

We in N Europe will, from 1Jan 2014, be flooded with Rumanians and Bulgars. It would be marvellous if a few million went to the US instead. You could also take 20 or 30 or 60 million of the Somalis, Bengalis, Sudanese, Congolese and pretended Syrians we have already. Your culture would be enormously enriched. Promise.
"...Its not a cultural system..."
We continue to disagree. Your most recent is unconvincing.

"...There are Christian Arabs that wear the Hijab for instance. Thats part of middle eastern cultural not necessarily religious in practice..."
You help to make my case for me, I fear. The Hijab is an Islamic cultural construct which Islam imposed upon the various cultures and subcultures of the Middle East, to such a pervasive extent that even non-Muslims feel safer wearing one rather than standing out.

The answer to the question asked in your cartoon is:

1. because a handful of Catholic women voluntarily leave the modern world (and modern dress) behind, to don medieval garb and to live the life of female clerics or religious, and may choose to cease wearing it at any time without fear of significant backlash.

2. because the donning of such medieval garb is compulsory on the part of all females in many parts of the Islamic domain and in many of those regions they may not cease wearing it without fear of significant backlash.

"...If I was say a 7th Day Adventist and had complete dominance then I could push for laws that required people to go to church on Saturday. Its a result of who has political power again its just a religion."
And if you get your way, and those laws and their successors remain operative for centuries on-end until one can no longer distinguish between a religious basis and a cultural basis for a given practice, then, the practice does, indeed, become cultural.


I find your attempts to portray Islam as merely another religion to be naive, unconvincing, and having the effect of dulling the watchfulness which The West is now obliged to sustain in the face of a resurgent, militant, reawakening and aggressive Islam.

In light of the events of the past decade or more, in my limited experience, I have encountered four kinds of people who persist in maintaining that Islam is merely another religion:

1. people of goodwill who believe what they say to be true, or who are hoping that what they say will prove to be true.

2. people desperate to avoid conflict between Islam and The West, who delude themselves about the true nature of Islam, as it relates to the outside world.

3. blinkered Constitutionalists who will hold to such faux equivalency theories until the moment their heads are struck from their shoulders, rather than dealing with the threat in as close an alignment to the Constitution as may be practicable.

4. fifth columnists who take sides against their own people, or who are actually adherents of that alien and incompatible belief-system living amongst us.

I may have missed a 'category' or two, but those four seem to cover the spectrum within that sampling domain.

Labeling another belief-system as 'dangerously multi-faceted' (religious, political, cultural, legal) is not a pleasant nor popular nor easy exercise for any person of goodwill.

But many (myself included) perceive it to be a necessary exercise, and, of the two perspectives, the one most closely aligned with Reality.

It is the measure of the perceived extent of the danger posed by Islam, that so many people of goodwill are willing to take a firm stance, as outsiders, to label Islam thusly, in conversations amongst ourselves.

It is not xenophobia.

It is Reality.
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Where is "Staffordshire"? Doesn't sound very American.

Meanwhile, Republicans are setting up their children in this country to be anti science, uneducated and without the ability to compete. Red States are failed states that will only get worse. But they will be free. Can you be "free" and dependent on welfare? Let's ask the many Republicans on welfare.

Obama doesn't want our youth to grow up in a market of competition, for there would be winners and losers.

Instead, level the playing field and give everyone something free so they can feel like they are accomplished

"...I am assuming you meant Christianity when speaking about coexisting..."
Correct. A typo on my part, resulting from too much pre-post editing. My bad.

That much is clear.

It is a Political System insofar as its ultimate goal is the global dominance of Islam and an embedded mission to accomplish that goal; a thread common amongst virtually all of its various national and regional manifestations.

It is a Cultural System insofar as it applies a thick veneer of Arab-Muslim mores and proscriptions and cultural focii and limitations which have long superseded contrary local and national and regional cultural traditions, common amongst most of its manifestations.

It is a Legal System insofar as variations on Sharia Law are manifest and dominant throughout much of the Muslim world, superseding any secular statute to the contrary.

"...You should know this first of all by the different factions in Islam..."
Compared to fragmented Christendom, Islam looks like a Monolith by comparison, and this tiny number of differentiated camps within Islam argue more over the Caliphate Succession and the Injuries and Wrongs done in deciding that after the death of their Founder than they argue over anything else.

Its not a cultural system. There are Christian Arabs that wear the Hijab for instance. Thats part of middle eastern cultural not necessarily religious in practice.


If I was say a 7th Day Adventist and had complete dominance then I could push for laws that required people to go to church on Saturday. Its a result of who has political power again its just a religion.

Since you like posting pictures and preaching to people, perhaps this picture might suit you well (remember now, this applies to liberals of your specific mindset):


And frankly, this graphic goes for liberals who insist on labeling others who don't conform to their ideals as racist. I mean seriously, you've played the race card so many freaking times, you could stack them all on end and they would stretch from the Earth to the Moon and back a hundred thousand times over. Seriously, give this racist nonsense a rest.
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"...Its not a cultural system..."
We continue to disagree. Your most recent is unconvincing.

"...There are Christian Arabs that wear the Hijab for instance. Thats part of middle eastern cultural not necessarily religious in practice..."
You help to make my case for me, I fear. The Hijab is an Islamic cultural construct which Islam imposed upon the various cultures and subcultures of the Middle East, to such a pervasive extent that even non-Muslims feel safer wearing one rather than standing out.

The answer to the question asked in your cartoon is:

1. because a handful of Catholic women voluntarily leave the modern world (and modern dress) behind, to don medieval garb and to live the life of female clerics or religious, and may choose to cease wearing it at any time without fear of significant backlash.

2. because the donning of such medieval garb is compulsory on the part of all females in many parts of the Islamic domain and in many of those regions they may not cease wearing it without fear of significant backlash.

"...If I was say a 7th Day Adventist and had complete dominance then I could push for laws that required people to go to church on Saturday. Its a result of who has political power again its just a religion."
And if you get your way, and those laws and their successors remain operative for centuries on-end until one can no longer distinguish between a religious basis and a cultural basis for a given practice, then, the practice does, indeed, become cultural.


I find your attempts to portray Islam as merely another religion to be naive, unconvincing, and having the effect of dulling the watchfulness which The West is now obliged to sustain in the face of a resurgent, militant, reawakening and aggressive Islam.

In light of the events of the past decade or more, in my limited experience, I have encountered four kinds of people who persist in maintaining that Islam is merely another religion:

1. people of goodwill who believe what they say to be true, or who are hoping that what they say will prove to be true.

2. people desperate to avoid conflict between Islam and The West, who delude themselves about the true nature of Islam, as it relates to the outside world.

3. blinkered Constitutionalists who will hold to such faux equivalency theories until the moment their heads are struck from their shoulders, rather than dealing with the threat in as close an alignment to the Constitution as may be practicable.

4. fifth columnists who take sides against their own people, or who are actually adherents of that alien and incompatible belief-system living amongst us.

I may have missed a 'category' or two, but those four seem to cover the spectrum within that sampling domain.

Labeling another belief-system as 'dangerously multi-faceted' (religious, political, cultural, legal) is not a pleasant nor popular nor easy exercise for any person of goodwill.

But many (myself included) perceive it to be a necessary exercise, and, of the two perspectives, the one most closely aligned with Reality.

It is the measure of the perceived extent of the danger posed by Islam, that so many people of goodwill are willing to take a firm stance, as outsiders, to label Islam thusly, in conversations amongst ourselves.

It is not xenophobia.

It is Reality.

As I saw in someones signature on this board "I cannot convince you to be right". What seems to me to be elementary because of my experiences with Islam is that people are people the world over. We all believe in the same God. We all have different day to day customs. There is no religion that at its core teaches you to hate people. Its always the way another group of people may practice it. Just as there are people that practise it the wrong way there are those that practice it the right way and evolve with the times. You stay vigilant and lets keep up the tense stance in the Middle East. From what history has shown us war is such a beneficial thing right?
Correct. A typo on my part, resulting from too much pre-post editing. My bad.

That much is clear.

It is a Political System insofar as its ultimate goal is the global dominance of Islam and an embedded mission to accomplish that goal; a thread common amongst virtually all of its various national and regional manifestations.

It is a Cultural System insofar as it applies a thick veneer of Arab-Muslim mores and proscriptions and cultural focii and limitations which have long superseded contrary local and national and regional cultural traditions, common amongst most of its manifestations.

It is a Legal System insofar as variations on Sharia Law are manifest and dominant throughout much of the Muslim world, superseding any secular statute to the contrary.

Compared to fragmented Christendom, Islam looks like a Monolith by comparison, and this tiny number of differentiated camps within Islam argue more over the Caliphate Succession and the Injuries and Wrongs done in deciding that after the death of their Founder than they argue over anything else.

Its not a cultural system. There are Christian Arabs that wear the Hijab for instance. Thats part of middle eastern cultural not necessarily religious in practice.


If I was say a 7th Day Adventist and had complete dominance then I could push for laws that required people to go to church on Saturday. Its a result of who has political power again its just a religion.

Since you like posting pictures and preaching to people, perhaps this picture might suit you well (remember now, this applies to liberals of your specific mindset):


And frankly, this graphic goes for liberals who insist on labeling others who don't conform to their ideals as racist. I mean seriously, you've played the race card so many freaking times, you could stack them all on end and they would stretch from the Earth to the Moon and back a hundred thousand times over. Seriously, give this racist nonsense a rest.

No one said anything about Liberals or Conservatives. I honestly believe people that tie themselves to one ideology or the other are exhibiting behavior that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt their lack of being able to think for themselves. Don't let a little picture or my thoughts about racism hurt your feelings fat boy. I dont have to play a card. I never let racism stop me but to not call it out is criminal.
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The Hijab is an Islamic cultural construct

Actually, it is an Arabic tradition that predates Islam.
I stand corrected.

It is an Arabic tradition that predates Islam but which Islam spread far and wide during its Age of Conquest and beyond, and which has been imposed upon and sustained in so many non-Arabic cultural regions over the centuries that it came to be perceived as a Muslim construct, and, for all practical purposes, became one, de facto and, quite probably, in many jurisdictions, de jure.

The short version: It's an Islamic cultural construct.
Trouble is, with Islam transplanted beyond its historical domain, the 'respect' is one-sided.

And that spells cultural suicide to the host-nation, if left un-checked, without reciprocity.

Rolling-over to take one up the tailpipe is not the way to survive a belligerent collection of newcomers.

And, frankly, if that is the cost of survival, then the price of survival is just too high.

For a Man, anyway.

Why do you guys subscribe to such theories? Christianity and Islam can and has co-existed. BTW Islam is not a culture its a religion.

One reason could be that right now Islam is destroying Christianity - and killing Christians - in Egypt, Syria and Iraq. You might like to go as a Christian to Pakistan and try a bit of 'co-existing'.

BTW Islam is an all-embracing totalitarian ideology as well as a religion.

Islam is not destroying Christianity. Crazy people that happen to be Islamic are killing people that happen to be Christian. People that claimed to be Christian wiped out whole societies. Was it because Christianity taught them to do it or was it just because they were horrible people?
Our country is 1/3rd non-white of all races....

Native americans

As long as we don't beat or kill each other out of idiocy. We have to face the reality that we're a multicultural society. Will I report on inner-city crime? Of course I will as I want the slaughter to stop out of the reality that I want to live in a first world country....

BUT I realize we're a nation of many peoples.

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