China Bitch Slaps Desperate Dotard

For now, the subject is the Orange Creature abusing his powers and betraying his Oath of Office.
Really? did Trump do that?...
By withholding military aid to Ukraine, and/or an invitation to the white house, until Ukraine started an investigation of his political rival.
That's not what the transcripts say.

True, that was from the state department TEXTS, that congress just received.

Maybe you should take a day to read the dozens of texts spelling out a quid pro quo.
For now, the subject is the Orange Creature abusing his powers and betraying his Oath of Office.
Really? did Trump do that?...
By withholding military aid to Ukraine, and/or an invitation to the white house, until Ukraine started an investigation of his political rival.
That's not what the transcripts say.

True, that was from the state department TEXTS, that congress just received.

Maybe you should take a day to read the dozens of texts spelling out a quid pro quo.
I'll take your word for it.........:auiqs.jpg:
He got tired of trying to defend Trump asking china for help investigating his political rival.
There's nothing wrong with asking for a little help, especially when Trump is doing this in an attempt to end corruption.

Then let me ask the same question a reporter asked Trump.

Name any other request to foreign countries to investigate corruption you've made

Can you name even ONE?
I'll get back to you was the AH's answer
Sand in your Vagina!
Snowflakes in your eyes
All lefty turd can do is tell you shitty lies!

Unconfirmed reports are that Trump's quid pro quo was to stay quiet during the Hong Kong protests. If true, that's impeachable all by itself. Apparently the transcript is stored on the same secure server as the ukraine call.

Why do you think so many Trump conversations are being stored on the NSC codeword server, when they're clearly marked "secret" as their highest classification.

The NSC server is reserved for TOP SECRET and above only.
With all the friggin' leaks, he has to store it there.
Why do you think so many Trump conversations are being stored on the NSC codeword server, when they're clearly marked "secret" as their highest classification.

The NSC server is reserved for TOP SECRET and above only.
With all the friggin' leaks, he has to store it there.

That's like Trump storing his knick knacks in Fort Knox, a clear abuse of authority.

That codeword server is for the nations highest secrets, not a place to hide political embarrassments.
Why do you think so many Trump conversations are being stored on the NSC codeword server, when they're clearly marked "secret" as their highest classification.

The NSC server is reserved for TOP SECRET and above only.
With all the friggin' leaks, he has to store it there.

That's like Trump storing his knick knacks in Fort Knox, a clear abuse of authority.

That codeword server is for the nations highest secrets, not a place to hide political embarrassments.
You can call it whatever you want, but in the end, that's your opinion and I'll take
that for what little it's worth.
That's like Trump storing his knick knacks in Fort Knox, a clear abuse of authority.

That codeword server is for the nations highest secrets, not a place to hide political embarrassments.
You can call it whatever you want, but in the end, that's your opinion and I'll take
that for what little it's worth.

It's actually a violation of 50 U.S.C> to classify or overclassify documents, that do not meet the requirements.

It appears the white house lawyers were so alarmed by what Trump said to Putin, Velinsky, Mohammad Bin Salman, and others, that they took the transcripts which were classified as secret, and without reclassifying them, put them onto the NSC codeword server.
There are four main types of security clearances for national security positions. These are confidential, secret, top secret and sensitive compartmented information.

28 CFR § 17.22 - Classification of information; limitations
Information may be classified as Top Secret, Secret, or Confidential according to the standards established in section 1.3 of Executive Order 12958.
Information shall not be classified if there is significant doubt about the need to classify the information. If there is significant doubt about the appropriate level of classification with respect to information that is being classified, it shall be classified at the lower classification of the levels considered.

(d) Information shall not be classified in order to conceal inefficiency, violations of law, or administrative error; to prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency; to restrain competition; or to prevent or delay release of information that does not require protection in the interest of national security.
Information that has been declassified and released to the public under proper authority may not be reclassified.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Friday that China “will not interfere in the internal affairs of the U.S.,” after President Trump urged Beijing to probe his political rival Joe Biden amid an impeachment inquiry in Washington.

“We trust that the American people will be able to sort out their own problems,” the Global Times, a party-affiliated newspaper, reported Wang as saying.

Unstable Idiot was stupid enough to think a country he is engaged in a trade war with would help him defeat a political opponent! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Then again, Trump is a birther, too. We can't set the bar too high for him...
Holy shit! You mean the Chinese didn’t jump right in to expose the party they’ve had on their payroll for decades? It’s like you think their 1.5 billion dollar investment in the Biden kid was just a fluke.
The Chinese government has more scruples than Trump?

What a surprise
Trump and his rotten-to-the-core administration are the most corrupt in United States history.
Interesting how you Dems looked the other way when Obama illegally spied on Trump.
a. I'm not a Dem
b. You can indict and prosecute Obumble too for all I care
c. This is about Trump, and what HE did wrong
d. "The other guy did it too" excuse is best left on the grade-school recess yard, eh?
For now, the subject is the Orange Creature abusing his powers and betraying his Oath of Office.
Really? did Trump do that?...
By withholding military aid to Ukraine, and/or an invitation to the white house, until Ukraine started an investigation of his political rival.
That's not what the transcripts say.
That's what the texts say, do try to keep up.
For now, the subject is the Orange Creature abusing his powers and betraying his Oath of Office.
Really? did Trump do that?...
By withholding military aid to Ukraine, and/or an invitation to the white house, until Ukraine started an investigation of his political rival.
That's not what the transcripts say.

True, that was from the state department TEXTS, that congress just received.

Maybe you should take a day to read the dozens of texts spelling out a quid pro quo.
I'll take your word for it.........:auiqs.jpg:
No you won't. You only take the words of liars like Tramp and Russia Limbaugh.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Friday that China “will not interfere in the internal affairs of the U.S.,” after President Trump urged Beijing to probe his political rival Joe Biden amid an impeachment inquiry in Washington.

“We trust that the American people will be able to sort out their own problems,” the Global Times, a party-affiliated newspaper, reported Wang as saying.

Unstable Idiot was stupid enough to think a country he is engaged in a trade war with would help him defeat a political opponent! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Then again, Trump is a birther, too. We can't set the bar too high for him...

President Trump has leftwing maggots like the OP cheerleading for communist China, and for them to paying off our politicians in exchange for allowing them to continue to rape the USA on trade.

Of course China isn’t going to give that up, and President Trump never expected them to. You’re just too dumb to realize what is going on.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Friday that China “will not interfere in the internal affairs of the U.S.,” after President Trump urged Beijing to probe his political rival Joe Biden amid an impeachment inquiry in Washington.

“We trust that the American people will be able to sort out their own problems,” the Global Times, a party-affiliated newspaper, reported Wang as saying.

Unstable Idiot was stupid enough to think a country he is engaged in a trade war with would help him defeat a political opponent! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Then again, Trump is a birther, too. We can't set the bar too high for him...
China, a brutal, authoritarian single party dictatorship and enemy of human rights, holds the moral high ground over Trump.

This should come as a surprise to no one.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Friday that China “will not interfere in the internal affairs of the U.S.,” after President Trump urged Beijing to probe his political rival Joe Biden amid an impeachment inquiry in Washington.

“We trust that the American people will be able to sort out their own problems,” the Global Times, a party-affiliated newspaper, reported Wang as saying.

Unstable Idiot was stupid enough to think a country he is engaged in a trade war with would help him defeat a political opponent! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Then again, Trump is a birther, too. We can't set the bar too high for him...

You know, if Hollywood made a movie about some idiot President, ala Jim Carrey in "Dumb and Dumber", and cast that President as Trump, it would likely be seen as too far fetched.

But here we are, in the real world, with Jim Carrey as President, complete with bowl haircut and chipped front tooth. Idiocracy has now become a documentary.

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