China Bitch Slaps Desperate Dotard

I don't know, man. Trump seriously needs to shut his mouth and his Twitter account. He's sabotaging himself. The American people are starting to notice just how unhinged this birther whackjob is.

Don’t fool your foolish self bud...Nothing has changed since November 2016.
Wetbacks, pole puffers, rug munchers, men in dresses, white guilt whackos, feminazis, criminals and lowlife degenerates still hate him passionately while EVERYBODY truly legitimate continues to smile ear to ear and celebrate his presidency and daily verbal bitchslapping of the filthy Left.
Not kidding. If Trump keeps running his mouth and his Twittering fingers, he is going to spew himself into deep shit.
Obama was the first Birther, the Hillary campaign, the second.

Fucked up IGNORANCE and STUPIDITY follows the above poster into old age....LMAO
Do you know the genesis of the birthed story
Obama was the first birther: He lied. He claimed to be "Born In Kenya" as he was peddling a book on race relations. He's a liar though, he was born in Hawaii.

Obama was the first Birther, the Hillary campaign, the second.

Fucked up IGNORANCE and STUPIDITY follows the above poster into old age....LMAO
Do you know the genesis of the birthed story
Obama was the first birther: He lied. He claimed to be "Born In Kenya" as he was peddling a book on race relations. He's a liar though, he was born in Hawaii.

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You're peddling a meme which has long been debunked, fool. I feel sorry for you. I really do.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Friday that China “will not interfere in the internal affairs of the U.S.,” after President Trump urged Beijing to probe his political rival Joe Biden amid an impeachment inquiry in Washington.

“We trust that the American people will be able to sort out their own problems,” the Global Times, a party-affiliated newspaper, reported Wang as saying.

Unstable Idiot was stupid enough to think a country he is engaged in a trade war with would help him defeat a political opponent! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Then again, Trump is a birther, too. We can't set the bar too high for him...
No. Trump's completely right on this.


President Trump is openly calling on both Ukraine and China to investigate corruption involving the Biden family while Joe Biden was vice president. Trump’s call is entirely defensible. There is strong evidence that the Biden family accepted bribes from both Chinese and Ukrainian interests. Those who bribed the Bidens obviously thought they were buying influence with the Obama administration, or at least hoped they were doing do. This is old-fashioned, unvarnished corruption. It is certainly unethical, and likely illegal. It deserves to be investigated. Because the bribes involved Ukraine and China, and those who offered or paid the bribes are located there, it makes sense for those governments to participate in the investigation.

The issue is the corruption, and willingness to sell out American interests, of the Biden family in particular, and the Democrat Party in general. If Nancy Pelosi thinks the China/Ukraine/Biden story can be told without damage to her corrupt party, she is mistaken.

And now we learn that foreign governments are lining her son's pockets too/

Yes. We need to get to the bottom of all of this.

Our government is to work for ALL of us, not just so that folks in power can direct millions and billions to the pockets of their children.
Obama was the first birther: He lied. He claimed to be "Born In Kenya" as he was peddling a book on race relations. He's a liar though, he was born in Hawaii.

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Poor Zorro, he gets his ass kicked on the MAGA forum, and now you sprew long discredited talking points.

That flyer you posted not only got Obama's birthplace wrong, but it got the name of the book wrong.

That's because Obama had nothing to do with it. It was put out by his publicist, without fact checking
Obama was the first birther: He lied. He claimed to be "Born In Kenya" as he was peddling a book on race relations. He's a liar though, he was born in Hawaii.

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You're peddling a meme which has long been debunked, fool. I feel sorry for you. I really do.

He got tired of trying to defend Trump asking china for help investigating his political rival.
President Trump is openly calling on both Ukraine and China to investigate corruption involving the Biden family while Joe Biden was vice president. Trump’s call is entirely defensible. There is strong evidence that the Biden family accepted bribes from both Chinese and Ukrainian interests. Those who bribed the Bidens obviously thought they were buying influence with the Obama administration, or at least hoped they were doing do. .

You know foreign countries are booking rooms at Trump hotels, putting money directly into Trumps pockets, and not even using them.

They obviously thought they were buying influence with the Trump administration, or at least hoped they were doing so.
Sand in your Vagina!
Snowflakes in your eyes
All lefty turd can do is tell you shitty lies!

Unconfirmed reports are that Trump's quid pro quo was to stay quiet during the Hong Kong protests. If true, that's impeachable all by itself. Apparently the transcript is stored on the same secure server as the ukraine call.
Unstable Idiot was stupid enough to think a country he is engaged in a trade war with would help him defeat a political opponent! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Then again, Trump is a birther, too. We can't set the bar too high for him...

Since china has shot down Trumps invitation to investigate his political rival. What will Trump use to get a trade deal with China?

His quiver is out of arrows.
Sand in your Vagina!
Snowflakes in your eyes
All lefty turd can do is tell you shitty lies!

Unconfirmed reports are that Trump's quid pro quo was to stay quiet during the Hong Kong protests. If true, that's impeachable all by itself. Apparently the transcript is stored on the same secure server as the ukraine call.

Why do you think so many Trump conversations are being stored on the NSC codeword server, when they're clearly marked "secret" as their highest classification.

The NSC server is reserved for TOP SECRET and above only.
Ah, another Dem's side with China thread there's a shocker. Tune in next week when Dem's side with Iran and terrorists...oh wait they already have :eusa_think:
Ah, another Dem's side with China thread there's a shocker. Tune in next week when Dem's side with Iran and terrorists...oh wait they already have :eusa_think:
What in idiotic post. Nobody is siding with China, except for the mentally ill President. You people have worms in your brains.
Ah, another Dem's side with China thread there's a shocker. Tune in next week when Dem's side with Iran and terrorists...oh wait they already have :eusa_think:
What in idiotic post. Nobody is siding with China, except for the mentally ill President. You people have worms in your brains.

Lib please you people are traitors of the first order. Your just mad that you can't hide behind the fake news any longer. :eusa_hand:

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