China. NOT RUSSIA Reportedly Hacked ALL Clinton's State Dept. Emails —

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
  • — Did The FBI Cover That Up, Too?

  • Holy shit....sounds like THOUSANDS OF FELONIES she committed.....after midterms and Sessions gone, need a REAL HEAD OF THE DoJ for justice!

  • Accountability: More than three years after Hillary Clinton admitted that she'd used an unsecured private email server to handle classified emails while secretary of State, and two years after the FBI exonerated her, we finally learn what we should have known all along. That China apparently had unfettered access to all her emails, including many that were highly classified

  • SO MUCH MORE....Clinton Emails: China Reportedly Hacked Her State Dept. Emails — Did The FBI Cover That Up, Too?
Her weak unprotected server was hacked by many people...even the 6th grader down the street....

But she escapes prosecution???.....
Typical conservative misrepresentation. The link is to an "editorial" that cites from the Dailey Caller. Who the hell cares about Clinton. Anything to distract from the crook in the White House. That is all this junk is.
President Trump would like to offer a correction for something he previously said...

China, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press....”

It's true: China had complete access to everything coming into and going out of Hillary's server, the entire time she was Secretary of State.

Why would anyone want an incompetent moron like her running this country?
Typical conservative misrepresentation. The link is to an "editorial" that cites from the Dailey Caller. Who the hell cares about Clinton. Anything to distract from the crook in the White House. That is all this junk is.
Who gives a shit what you think, the only thing you're an authority on is lies and bullcrap!

Because endangering our countries security is SO LESS IMPORTANT THAN STORMY!
Typical conservative misrepresentation. The link is to an "editorial" that cites from the Dailey Caller. Who the hell cares about Clinton. Anything to distract from the crook in the White House. That is all this junk is.

Hey dude: Go outside and yell at some clouds while you still have some daylight.

Her weak unprotected server was hacked by many people...even the 6th grader down the street....

But she escapes prosecution???.....
Let's take her down. She's old news and no one cares anymore. While we're at it let's take down everyone else that used private emails and servers for classified government communications. Would you accept this deal? I dont think anyone is saying Clinton didn't mess up by using the private server. I dont think anyone is attached to defending the use of a private server.
President Trump would like to offer a correction for something he previously said...

China, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press....”

It's true: China had complete access to everything coming into and going out of Hillary's server, the entire time she was Secretary of State.

Why would anyone want an incompetent moron like her running this country?
Is she running again? Or why do we care? Have at her. Send in the GOP federal government already. I'm sick of hearing about Clinton from the right. Put up or shut up.
Let's take her down. She's old news and no one cares anymore. While we're at it let's take down everyone else that used private emails and servers for classified government communications. Would you accept this deal?
Hell yeah, I'd take it.

I have worked on DoD contracts for over a decade and what these people did was a violation of our national laws on document security.

Fry their asses just like they would fry mine if I did that crap and got caught!
  • — Did The FBI Cover That Up, Too?

  • Holy shit....sounds like THOUSANDS OF FELONIES she committed.....after midterms and Sessions gone, need a REAL HEAD OF THE DoJ for justice!

  • Accountability: More than three years after Hillary Clinton admitted that she'd used an unsecured private email server to handle classified emails while secretary of State, and two years after the FBI exonerated her, we finally learn what we should have known all along. That China apparently had unfettered access to all her emails, including many that were highly classified

  • SO MUCH MORE....Clinton Emails: China Reportedly Hacked Her State Dept. Emails — Did The FBI Cover That Up, Too?

most likely anything to get hillary elected
Let's take her down. She's old news and no one cares anymore. While we're at it let's take down everyone else that used private emails and servers for classified government communications. Would you accept this deal?
Hell yeah, I'd take it.

I have worked on DoD contracts for over a decade and what these people did was a violation of our national laws on document security.

Fry their asses just like they would fry mine if I did that crap and got caught!
And from a practical perspective, there are all sorts of industry critical software applications where this type of neglect or similar would not only get a person fired but could easily be the doorway to catastrophic damage if it is exploited. We have cyber security protocols for a reason.

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