China threatens retaliation after US orders closure of Houston consulate

The sentences below are key to knowing what the communists are doing to U.S citizens, they are spying on you and collecting information.The same reaction came from the POS Stasi when the wall came down and they realized their racket was going to be exposed. How many names of sources and those they have bribed were burned? I'm sure the creepy, sick covert Canadian police would be doing the same under such circumstances:

Documents were burned inside the consulate’s courtyard Tuesday evening, KPRC-TV in Houston reported.

"You could just smell the paper burning,” a witness told the station. “But, all the firefighters were just surrounding the building. They couldn’t go inside.”
I know Russia has it's faults, and Putin is KGB, so they do their fair share of spying and meddling and whatnot, but nothing even close to the involvement the filthy chinese have in America. The chinese have not only been spying on America, they've been openly and covertly stealing our intellectual property, our secrets, and taken our manufacturing industry and bought up so much of America, and flooded America with so much of their cheap garbage that now we have no bigger threat to our national security on the planet. The worst part about china being able to cripple America is, Americans let them do it. Why? Why else... GREED. MONEY has been more important than our national security.
I know Russia has it's faults, and Putin is KGB, so they do their fair share of spying and meddling and whatnot, but nothing even close to the involvement the filthy chinese have in America. The chinese have not only been spying on America, they've been openly and covertly stealing our intellectual property, our secrets, and taken our manufacturing industry and bought up so much of America, and flooded America with so much of their cheap garbage that now we have no bigger threat to our national security on the planet. The worst part about china being able to cripple America is, Americans let them do it. Why? Why else... GREED. MONEY has been more important than our national security.

You Nailed it.
All true.

We have so many in this country now who would choose China over their own country.
If this division continues, the house will collapse. And this is exactly what they are wanting.
I think most young people who are in support of Communism in America really have no clue.
They are sold a bill of goods and lied to....glamorizing Communism. But then this has historically been the way Communists operate.

They are still a decided minority right now, but as they indoctrinate more young people, their ranks are growing.
This is not something that is going to fade away.
It is going to take decisive and long term efforts to correct.

Unless there is some concerted movement in America against it, it'll just keep growing like a malignant cancer until it kills us.
I know Russia has it's faults, and Putin is KGB, so they do their fair share of spying and meddling and whatnot, but nothing even close to the involvement the filthy chinese have in America. The chinese have not only been spying on America, they've been openly and covertly stealing our intellectual property, our secrets, and taken our manufacturing industry and bought up so much of America, and flooded America with so much of their cheap garbage that now we have no bigger threat to our national security on the planet. The worst part about china being able to cripple America is, Americans let them do it. Why? Why else... GREED. MONEY has been more important than our national security.

My guess is that many business leaders, CEO's and people in positions of power are willingly looking the other way, anticipating the big shift of wealth and influence to China. In many countries, as businesses decide "we are multi-national", with no loyalties to ANY countries security, prosperity or sovereignty, it's all about the bottom line.

Ideologically, "leaders" embrace the idea that China is a great business location and friend to the world. It's what they've been told in business school and when they get their MBA. They are rewarded for this thinking with plush jobs and wealth. So they think "to hell with my country, I get what I can". They believe if they don't, their competition will. It's the same mentality that drives bad cops to abuse their authority and they are well rewarded for it (at least in Canada). They care little for virtue, they view their subjects as cattle, a means to an end.

Greed is good in my opinion. It motivates capitalism. It has to be based on principle though. Don't destroy your nation and the principled, moral system of values that allowed you to prosper. Capitalism and civil liberty drives success. They go hand in hand, they are sustainable if defended.

The security apparatuses of the world are also to blame, stuck in another era. Focusing on petty crime and poor bandits, justifying their existence, looking for "home grown racists" and other easy to manipulate agendas, while right under their noses the communists are doing as they please.

The foreign agencies decimate economies, the middle class, shipping in heavy and addictive poisons to make their adversary weak, reliant and unable to ask questions such as "what happened to opportunity"? By the time intel agencies wake up, they have someone in office who orders them to "not focus on this threat".

Most citizens of the West have little clue. It doesn't bode well for our future.
I know Russia has it's faults, and Putin is KGB, so they do their fair share of spying and meddling and whatnot, but nothing even close to the involvement the filthy chinese have in America. The chinese have not only been spying on America, they've been openly and covertly stealing our intellectual property, our secrets, and taken our manufacturing industry and bought up so much of America, and flooded America with so much of their cheap garbage that now we have no bigger threat to our national security on the planet. The worst part about china being able to cripple America is, Americans let them do it. Why? Why else... GREED. MONEY has been more important than our national security.

Glad to see more people coming around. People were pointing this out re both the Japanese and the Red Chinese in the late 1970's, but nobody cared because we were all going to get rich on junk bonds, mergers, and real estate with no money down. Now they sell 401K scams, and real estate with no money down ... Before that, it was ... real estate with no money down ....
China threatens retaliation after US orders closure of Houston consulate
China threatens retaliation after US orders closure of Houston consulate

China furious that the US would obstruct it's right to direct US affairs.

Trump, only President in recent US history that puts America first.

Democrats and Marxist are furious that Trump would dare interefere.

Just posturing. They were caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

You might say they were caught red-handed. :auiqs.jpg:
You do know that any actions taken against foreign diplomats provokes a reaction and that some US diplomats will be kicked out of China ? That is the way it works.

Tammy the commie thinks we should give a shit about the feelings of murdering theiving sociopaths who never honor deals and arrest people whenever they need to farm more organs for sale to transplant patients. lol lol lol Tammy is retarded.
You do know that any actions taken against foreign diplomats provokes a reaction and that some US diplomats will be kicked out of China ? That is the way it works.

Tammy the commie thinks we should give a shit about the feelings of murdering theiving sociopaths who never honor deals and arrest people whenever they need to farm more organs for sale to transplant patients. lol lol lol Tammy is retarded.

It's the inbreeding. The UK has a long history of inbreeding. If you don't believe me, just look at their British royalty.

China threatens retaliation after US orders closure of Houston consulate
China threatens retaliation after US orders closure of Houston consulate

China furious that the US would obstruct it's right to direct US affairs.

Trump, only President in recent US history that puts America first.

Democrats and Marxist are furious that Trump would dare interefere.

Just posturing. They were caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

You might say they were caught red-handed. :auiqs.jpg:

Dad jokes not withstanding, I actually agree with Trump's willingness to call China on its bullshit. So maybe hell is freezing over.

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